bowweilding · 8 months
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When she came back with the bowl of popcorn in hand, Kate stared at America for a moment in thought. They had the soda. They had the chips for later. They had candy and now the popcorn. "Oh! A blanket!" She said as she set the bowl on the living room table to get ready to get up but Kate then paused, "You know I really don't appreciate that call out but I'll allow it." She laughed and then went to get them a blanket, she came back quickly and fell back against the couch as she put the other half of the blanket over her like usual. "Okay, I think.. we're good to go."
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Despite being super happy and excited that her and Kate were dating, America still got a little flustered around the other. It would take time to get used to the difference. She was sitting down on the couch while she waited for her to come back with the popcorn. Mondays were always movie nights and today was no different. She scooted over to make room for her now to take a seat. "Do you have everything before we start the movie? I will not be pausing it every couple minutes because you kept forgetting something." She teased her while reaching for the remote.
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bowweilding · 8 months
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Why was she nervous? She shouldn't be nervous. It wasn't like she didn't tell Clint everything but this was something big. Something major. Something that she herself didn't see coming but it was wonderful. Kate took a bite of her pizza as she glanced up at him. "Hm? Oh- I'm not nervous, not at all. I don't know why you're saying that." She said as she took another bite of her pizza before she leaned back against her chair. "Okay, yeah.. I have some big news to tell you so probably best you wait to take a drink until after I tell you."
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bowweilding · 8 months
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ELIO’S 2.5K PARTY ★ KATE BISHOP for @chikoriita ♡ happy birthday, nanda!
When I put that suit on, I thought, “This is it. This is the moment I become who I’m supposed to be.”
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bowweilding · 8 months
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Sometimes she missed her mom, of course but moments like this with Loki and Clint reminded her just how lucky she was to have found them when she did. Kate giggled when he kissed her head before she took his hand to stand. She dusted herself off and watched as he changed into his Asgardian armor. Kate's eyes widened in amazement. She had seen him do it before but it was never any less cool to watch again. She glanced up at the sky briefly, "No, no fear of heights or I wouldn't really be able to call myself Hawkeye. Oh- yeah we wouldn't want that. Don't need to give Clint another heart attack." She laughed as she then stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his torso. "Please do not let go of me." Though she knew he wouldn't.
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Loki looked over at Kate, smirking when he saw the look on her face. "Wouldn't have brought it up if I wasn't, darling." He brought her closer for a brief moment and kissed the side of her head, before getting up and holding his hand out to help her up. His Midgardian clothes shimmered into his Asgardian armor and he nodded up in the general direction of the sky. "Now would be a good time to tell me if you're scared of heights. And you need to hold on to me. Because if you let go, you're going to go poofing out somewhere in space and honestly, it's going to be bad for everyone."
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bowweilding · 8 months
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Sometimes Kate forgot how cool it was that Loki was an actual god. Kate leaned into his embrace when he put his arm around her. She stared up at the sky once more when he said that. That's usually why she came out here when she had periods that she missed her mother. She then slowly looked over at him with a mischievous look on her face, "You thinking what I'm thinking?" She asked even though she knew Clint might freak out but it was definitely something she couldn't pass up on. "I won't tell if you don't tell." She said with a laugh.
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He snorted. "I have actually been to space before, yes." Loki slid his arm around her as she spoke, eyes turning upwards to the sky. It really did look a lot different on earth than it did back on Asgard. "It's comforting. Somehow," he agreed. "Looking up at the stars is the one thing that connects all of us." Loki's attention turned from the sky and back to Kate at her next question. He raised a brow. "And by not totally human you mean not at all," he teased. "I could do better than a Stark telescope. Location would require some space travel," he smirked. "But I'd have you back before Barton's mother hen alarm bells went off."
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bowweilding · 9 months
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"That's right. You've actually been in space." She said when she heard his voice and barely turned to look over her shoulder at him with a smile. Kate stared up into the sky from the rooftop while she sat there with a blanket over her shoulders. She nodded, her smile softening. "Yes. For the most part." She admitted, "Sometimes when I miss my mom, I come out here and look at the stars. I don't know why it's comforting but it is. Plus-- they said there might be a meteor shower. I was debating asking Mr. Stark if he had a cool telescope to be able to watch it or something but I ended up forgetting. Do you have like... super accurate vision being like.. y'know, not totally human?" The question was totally out of the blue but it suddenly popped into her mind. "Just.. curious." She chuckled.
🌟 - for our muses to stargaze; @bowweilding
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"All of it looks so much smaller down here. It's weird," he mused as he walked up behind her -- quietly, so he didn't startle her. Loki tore his gaze away from the sky and met her gaze. "Hi," he smirked, softly. "You're up late." He came over and sat down beside her, nudging her shoulder, gently. "You okay?"
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bowweilding · 9 months
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"Only four?" She asked, pretending to be a little offended but she knew that he was right. They probably did need at least four. The last time they baked together, they couldn't figure out how to turn off the fire alarm and they both ended up with a massive headache until they took the batteries out. It was a funny memory thinking back to it now. She caught the box after walking into the kitchen to set it down next to the bowl she had taken out with the measuring cups. Kate was really excited. Christmas baking was one of her favorite things to do. Christmas was definitely her favorite holiday. She remembered their first Christmas spent together and she was glad that she could have another. "I can definitely make a bomb snowman. You want to make it a fun little contest? I say let Lucky be the judge." Kate was looking at their aprons with a big grin on her face, "We don't need 'em, these are perfect. No one will look cuter than us cooking."
🍪 - Kate ♥ for our muses to bake together @bowweilding
"Okay, I've got four fire extinguishers, replaced all the batteries in the alarms, and gave the rest of the building fair warning that we'll be using the stove," Clint said, tossing a box to Kate. It was a cookie decorating kit, complete with recipe on the side and everything. The other ingredients were waiting in the kitchen."You ready to bake, Hawkeye? Because we're making bullseyes and pizzas and Christmas ornaments and whatever other round things we can think of. But first we gotta make the futzing things." He'd even gotten them two new matching purple aprons, with little pockets and everything. "I couldn't find us chef hats, but I thought they might be like, itchy anyway. They don't look fun to wear, honestly."
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bowweilding · 10 months
"I... guess I just seemed suspicious to her after the incident when we went to get Thor's hammer and then.. the attack? When I was being interrogated, it was brought up that I was just too much of a high risk. Being at both events and then... the stuff that happened with my mom a few months back." She shook her head and shrugged as she recalled the hours that Valentina kept her in the room. Kate nodded in understanding, she knew she was safe but that lingering feeling lingered in the back of her mind. She leaned into his embrace and held on for a moment longer as she nodded. "I know.." She smiled softly up at him now. "Please be careful. She's... sneaky."
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Loki remained silent as she explained. The shift in his expression mirrored the concern etched on her face, the fear evident in her voice. His jaw clenched, he eventually asked, "Why would the director of the CIA be after you?" His gaze returned to hers, exhaling as he instinctively pulled her closer, his arm finding its place around her. "Darling, you're safe. Alright?" He pressed a reassuring kiss atop her head. "I know Clint's probably already working himself to death over it, so I'll help him. We'll figure it out." Pulling back slightly, he maintained the slightly overprotective stance, his gaze fixed on her. "You needn't worry. If she tries that again, she'll be the one that needs to be worried."
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bowweilding · 10 months
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"It's totally understandable and so I forgive you." She laughed at that as she looked herself over, "Definitely not purple but close enough, no?" She noticed the look that he gave America before looking back at her. Kate felt her cheeks get red now and she tried to clear her throat and brush off the way she suddenly got nervous. She chuckled nervously, "She has her ways. I guess I just can't say no."
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"Aww, that's one that passed me by. I gave my best old-man guess," he said, smiling wide at her. Things would get back to normal. He knew that. They might never be the same, but they would get through it. "Pink's a good look on you, Katie-Kate. It's no purple, but it's not bad," he joked. He glanced out over the crowd, saw America after a moment. He looked back to Kate. "So she convinced you, huh? Something tells me she does that a lot."
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bowweilding · 10 months
That was true. Kate chuckled because she did love hearing Thor talk sometimes but sometimes she was thankful Loki didn't speak the same. It was a weird thing to explain. Kate tried to keep herself in check despite the shiver that ran up her spine at the memory. She moved with him almost as if her feet just moved on her own. She was still in a bit of a daze before she took a deep breath and grounded herself once more. Kate's attention focused back on Loki. Loki was here and Clint was as well somewhere else in the room. She was safe with both of them around. Kate cleared her throat, "Valentina All-- Fontaine? I-- I'm not sure. I just know she's the director of the CIA and a very brutal woman." She made a face, "I was practicing my shot one moment and then the next I'm slammed down onto the ground and put in handcuffs and dragged away. I had called Clint before hand because they were lingering for a second almost like they were just waiting to be told to attack." She shook her head, "It wasn't a very pleasant experience then again why would prison be? I just don't want to piss off the wrong people again."
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"Because I'm not the Odinson that walks around talking like I walked out of a Shakespearean tragedy 24/7" he mused, tilting his head to the side with a smirk. But then it faded when he saw something shift in Kate's face. Truthfully, he was intent on giving Clint hell after he did the same when they'd been followed back from their trip to retrieve his brother's hammer. But the look on her face was enough to take all of that away. Loki sat his glass down on a nearby table and moved his arm around her, leading her away from the crowd. "Darling," he started, his voice softer and gentler but he paused for a moment. The name she mentioned sounded familiar, but he couldn't place it. "Who's Valentina and why did she single you out?"
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bowweilding · 11 months
That was true. Kate shrugged her shoulders while thinking it through, "I sometimes forget that. I feel like you've always been around and so.. it just slips my mind too." She leaned into his embrace and looked up at him, "Elsa! Well you look great." She said with a chuckle, "It is a cute movie. I'm not sure if I could watch it on repeat very long but we all have our favorite movies." The next words kinda took her by surprise because she hadn't really spoken about it with anyone but America and Clint. It was like she was a deer in headlights for a moment and she cleared her throat. Certain flashbacks hit her from the incident and she had to shake herself of those thoughts before they sent her into a dark place. "I.. got a time out." She tried to not make it seem as big of a deal. "Um." She didn't really want to remember the woman because if she were honest, she terrified her. "Valentina thought... I needed to be investigated after the hammer incident and the attack. She said it was too much of a coincidence that I was at both events." She said in a bit of a quiet tone. Almost as if she was afraid that she was going to pop up any moment and take her again.
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"It wasn't obvious to me, darling, but I'm not exactly from here, so. That fact sneaks up on me from time to time," he smirked. "You do look cute, though. And to answer your question -- Elsa," he replied, keeping his arm around her. "Much to Clint's happiness, my kid is completely obsessed with Frozen. On that note." Loki looked down at her, brow raised. "What kind of trouble did he get you into? Because I heard someone got arrested and he mentioned you name. And I better have heard wrong because if he did something stupid, I'm gonna be real pissed he got pissed at me because of the hammer thing."
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bowweilding · 11 months
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That was true. Loki did have that cool ability to just be able to vanish things away. She was a bit envious of it but only because sometimes she was a bit messy and it would just be so much more simple if she could make it disappear with such ease. She leaned into his embrace and then chuckled, "I know it's not obvious but.. Princess Bubblegum. America and I decided to dress up together. I told her no one would recognize the costumes but.. we look cute so it's okay. Are you Elsa or Jack Frost though? Either way, it looks amazing."
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"Eh, it's fine, darling. I've had worse. I can magic it off." Loki slid his arm around her anyway, despite the warning, and kissed the side of your head. He smirked, "I have to ask, what even are you?"
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bowweilding · 11 months
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She finally pulled back to turn her attention back to Clint. "Mm.. close but no." She let out a slight huff as she pushed back the pink curls of the wig she was wearing. "I'm Princess Bubblegum. America convinced me. She's here as Marceline. Her costume looks a lot cooler than mine. She's a vampire." Kate chuckled, "Between us, I'm scared the pink paint isn't going to come off."
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He wasn't sure if the hug was for his benefit, or hers, or both of them together. Didn't matter. He had to keep reminding himself that she was safe, that she was free. Free of his latest mistakes, but probably not the ones he had yet to come. But she was resilient, always had been. Her spirit was still there, strong as ever, and he was so grateful for that. "No kidding," he said, grinning broadly at their shared dog. "So... uh, who are you? Princess Peach?" he teased.
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bowweilding · 11 months
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"Yeah? Well don't get too used to it. I'm more of a purple gal. It looks better on me anyways." She said in a playful matter of fact tone. Kate found herself being dragged forward all of a sudden. "Hey whoa-- careful with that super human strength for a sec. You might yank my arm off." She laughed but quickly fell into step with her. "Where are we going? The party just started." She asked while glancing behind her at everyone there.
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"You know.. Pink isn't a bad color on you." She said while looking over at her best friend. Lately America had found herself doing that a lot more often. She was so relieved to have her back and safe where she could reach for her. Lately touches had been more frequent. It was like a dance of what ifs most of the time with them. Truth be told, she was getting a little tired of hiding her own feelings. America looked around before reaching for her hand, "Let's go somewhere else for a second. There's something I need to tell you."
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bowweilding · 11 months
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"Morticia, right? It looks amazing honestly. Yeah, pink definitely doesn't go with that aesthetic." Kate nodded and looked around a moment before she turned her attention back at her, "Just waiting for my best friend to show up. We decided to come as Marceline and Princess Bubblegum. I got Princess Bubblegum... hence all the pink." She motioned to herself. "How about you? Enjoying yourself?"
"Oh that would absolutely ruin my aesthetic," Klara chuckled as she smoothed down her Morticia Addams dress. "This is too much colour for me, darling," she added with a wink and took a sip of her wine. "Are you having fun though? And who are you dressed as?"
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bowweilding · 11 months
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She noticed he was dressed up as Fred which meant that Diana was somewhere around here dressed as Daphne, she was sure. That was such a cute combo costume idea for them. She wrapped her arms around him and gave him an extra tight hug which she had been doing more often as of lately. Kate knew what he was referring to and she faltered for only a brief moment before she nodded. Being in prison wasn't fun-- at all. However, she was just thankful to be out and safe again. "I'm good." She reassured him before glancing down at Lucky and giggling, "He looks adorable!" Kate reached down to give Lucky a hug as well before kissing his head and petting him. "The most adorable Scooby Doo!"
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"Ehh, what's a little pink paint on a..." Clint looked down at his costume and shrugged. "White shirt? Gotta tell you, this isn't exactly my style, I think I'm okay with one-and-doneing this particular outfit." He pulled her into a tight hug and stepped back. "You good?" he asked, giving her that look that he only shared with her. The Elder Hawkeye Stare of Concern But Totally Masked With a Smirk. "What do you think of Lucky's costume? Cute, yeah?"
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bowweilding · 11 months
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"I'd hug you but I'm scared I'll get pink paint all over you. In hindsight, I really didn't think this through. America said the body paint dries eventually but.. I'm not sure if you want to risk it." She said while putting her hands slightly in the air for a brief moment.
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