boyish-mango · 1 year
I think a lot of people spent their childhoods being very deliberately forced out of their comfort zones by parents / teachers / whomever in a way that was just deeply unpleasant and degrading and so, when they reach young adulthood and are finally allowed real control over their lives, become set on only doing things they know they're comfortable with forever. that's a really important thing to be able to do, especially if you're so used to having your boundaries routinely ignored that you aren't even certain what you like vs what you can bear, so I absolutely see why a person would have a negative reaction to being told that discomfort is good: it can very easily sound like being told that all that work they've been doing to prioritze their needs for the first time ever is Bad and Selfish, actually. and to that I will say two things:
one: as long as you aren't hurting or, like, being a dick to anyone, just staying in your comfort zone isn't an immoral action. if you just want to read one type of book (or just fanfiction), or just eat one type of food, or just watch one type of movie, or not go to new types of social events, you aren't being a bad person for that, and if people say that, they are soundly wrong and just trying to get a self-righteousness kick.
two: trying new things because you want to expand yourself feels a hell of a lot different than trying new things because you're being forced to. you'll feel better about trying new foods if you know you have a back up familiar one in case you can't stomach the new one, it's easier to read new books if you can experiment with audio versions or reading it in little five-page chunks by yourself, you can breathe a lot easier going somewhere new if you aren't chained there for three hours because your parent is your ride home, etc.
tl;dr: new things are good. I get why you might not want to try new things, and that's fine, but it's also more comfortable to try new things as an adult with your own agency so, yeah, what have you got to lose by trying a weird old art film?
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boyish-mango · 2 years
What did They do? /s
So Jaspurrlock is still drawing disgusting artwork lmao, cant wait until they get exposed for the freak they are
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boyish-mango · 2 years
system of a clown haha
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boyish-mango · 2 years
actually the fact that john cena is part of the reason that peacemaker is bi makes it so much better bc I’ve seen so many posts about how john cena would deny chris being bi if someone asked him. how’s it feel that it was actually his idea @ the bros?
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boyish-mango · 2 years
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got a new one for y’all
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boyish-mango · 2 years
when i was in 5th grade all of the girls in my class had webkinz and i thought they were really cool too so i asked my parents for one but they said no because it was a girls toy so i got a piece of paper and had a bunch of kids from different classes at lunch sign a petition demanding that i get a webkinz stuffed animal and my dad actually caved because he said he was super embarrassed and i was the proud owner of a husky
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boyish-mango · 3 years
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year of the ox
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boyish-mango · 3 years
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boyish-mango · 4 years
oh no im late for zoom class (◯Δ◯∥) *trips and falls and mmy fat fucking tits break my laptop in half* kyaaaaa!!!! (*≧∀≦*)
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boyish-mango · 4 years
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What’s heavier? A kilogram of steel, or a killogram of feathers?
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boyish-mango · 4 years
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You could say Pyramid Head’s always been a… huge metalhead.
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boyish-mango · 4 years
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some more art for this blog; submitted this for the dbd halloween art contest. love killers’ backstories :)
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boyish-mango · 4 years
Michael when he gives you hatch:
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boyish-mango · 4 years
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nice legs, daisy dukes, makes a man go [loud demonic roaring]
(you can blame people on the dbd subreddit whining about the existence of sexy fanart for this idea)
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boyish-mango · 4 years
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teenagers are the worst people in the world
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boyish-mango · 4 years
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Ah the free market at work. (Similar to when I went to CVS to pickup a 90$ prescription and they had their own generic version for 7.99).
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boyish-mango · 4 years
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Walt Disney Animation Studios ➞ The Silver Age (1950 - 1967)
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