boylovefanfics · 2 years
Empress Mei Changsu: Chapter 4 FINAL
Commander Meng Zhi disobeys his majesty’s order by immediately pulling the reins of the horses and gestures to the driver to wait. “Your Majesty! Please hear me out,” Meng Zhi says, “I have been convincing him to leave but he is so stubborn. He has specifically instructed me to tell you to follow all procedures.” 
On hearing this, Lulu is confused. Based on the way commander Meng had phrased it, it seemed like the Empress wanted to be in the dungeons, which was, well, just ridiculous.
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“Did he now?” The emperor says and takes in a deep breath before stepping down the carriage. He glares at Commander Meng for a moment. “Present the case to me. Get everyone involved here, including the empress. I need to speak to them,” The emperor tells Commander Meng and then walks towards his quarters. 
On his way, he notices the triumphant looks on the faces of his imperial harem and feels bad for what Mei Changsu has planned for them. Xiao Jingyan greets his consort and concubine in respect before walking past them to head inside his rooms.
Once Xiao Jingyan is settled in his throne room, waiting for all those involved to enter, he is not surprised to hear Meng Zhi announces consort Zhen, Concubine Zhu and Grand Consort Wang along with their servants.
Before he can say something, Ting Sheng arrives and bows to him. “Your majesty, I wanted to check on your journey and your health. It is good that you have come back in good health.” Jingyan smiles at the boy, “Yes Ting Sheng. I have other matters of importance to sort right now, let us speak in detail after that.”
“Your majesty, is it okay if I stay here and get a chance to learn by observing.” the young prince asks as he discretely tries to watch the people present in the room. Xiao Jingyan almost wants to roll his eyes. Did this boy also know about the plot his omega was planning? He nods his assent and then turns his attention to the problem at hand. Ting Sheng feels elated at having to observe such a spectacle and settles himself on the right hand side of the emperor.
“On what grounds was the empress imprisoned?” Xiao Jingyan asks as glares down at consort Zhen and Grand consort Wang from his throne. Behind her, concubine Zhu and Lulu are on their knees, quietly praying that they survive the aftermath.
Lulu secretly wishes for Meng Shu to appear here and help her out of this mess. However, the man had been gone for quite some days and Lulu did not know when he would return.
Consort Zhen. who has no reservations for her life, dares to answer his majesty’s question, “Your majesty. The empress has conducted acts of treachery and robbery. We had to take action. In your absense, we took it upon ourselves.”
Lulu glances up slyly to look at the emperor who hasa fierce look on his face, “What evidence do you have to make this accusation?” The emperor asks in a cold voice. 
“We found General Lin’s son’s tablet and a pearl hidden away in his study. The same pearl which you had placed at the Lin ancestral hall.” Grand consort Wang chirps in from next to consort Zhen.
Lulu watches as the emperor rolls his eyes and then turns to look at Commander Meng with an expression which reads, “are you serious?” 
“I have put those items in the Empress’s study. Would you have me arrested as well? This is clearly a ruse to dishonour the empress. There is nothing but the capital punishment for this!” Xiao Jingyan stands up in anger and throws down his teacup. 
As soon as the cup hits the ground, Consort Zhen also loses all her confidence and kneels on the floor, “Your majesty please forgive me! It was Concubine Zhu’s maid who set this up.”  
Before Lulu can even process what is happening and defend herself, someone announces that the empress has arrived. 
A man walks in then. Though his head bowed down and hands shackled together he gives off an aura of a higher being. As he walks the room, she notices how concubine Zhu and consort Zhen back away, automatically making way for the empress. There is a young man following the empress with arms crossed in anger. Lulu immediately recognises him as Fei Lu.
Xiao Jingyan immediately wants to run to his mate and wrap his arms around him. However, Mei Changsu’s wide eyes warn him not to do just that. He watches as his mate walks in with shackled hands and cannot help but feel angry. His alpha instincts make him want to kill anyone who did this, however logically he knows it was his husband’s plan all along.
He tries to feel his husband through their bond but finds it still blocked.
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LuLu looks up once the empress has walked past her. She watches the emperor’s eyes scan his mate’s body as if looking for injuries. She can tell that the emperor wants to rush to his mate’s side but is holding himself back. 
The empress holds himself with grace. Even in his simple robes, it seems like the empress is beyond their reach, untouchable by even the imperial harem.
“Your Majesty, hope you had a successful trip?” The empress says after bowing and Lulu immediately gets wary when she hears that voice. It was a very familiar voice, but it would be preposterous for the empress to sound like him.
She watches as his majesty nods at the empress and says, “It was a successful trip. There were a few injuries, but everyone else is unharmed.” On hearing this the empress’ body relaxes in relief. Was the empress truly not afraid of what was to come? Did he only care about his majesty’s trip? Lulu did not understand what the empress had so much trust in his majesty. Unless he knew that he was wrongfully accused, but in that case, he could have gotten out before, couldn’t he?
“Empress Mei Changsu, please tell me what exactly happened,” The emperor asks as he leans ahead on his chair to listen to his mate’s side of story.
“Your majesty, I was accused of treachery and robbery by grand consort Wang and the imperial harem. They somehow came across Lin Shu’s tablet and the pearl which you gifted me. It shames me to waste your time on such-” The Empress pauses as a shiver runs through his body before continuing, “Trivial matters.” 
Xiao Jingyan cannot hold himself back any longer, and ignoring the glare Mei Changsu throws at him, he walks around the table and kneels in front of his mate who is shivering in light robes. 
Lulu is surprised when the emperor gets up to kneel in front of the empress and puts his cloak around his mate. The red cloak of the emperor with a golden dragon embroidered on its back, envelopes the empress wholly.
“Why are you so cold? ” Xiao Jingyan’s voice is filled with concern as he ties the robe around his mate. “I cannot believe I let you fool around like this to harm your life,” Jingyan says angrily.
Mei Changsu’s mask slightly slips when he sees his alpha worry about him. On instinct he raises his hands to caress the mark on his alpha’s neck, hoping to soothe him. However, while doing so he realises that his hands are shackled. 
Xiao Jingyan notices the half raised hands of Mei Changsu and sees red. “Why is the empress shackled! Bring me the keys!” The emperor shouts as he holds Mei Chang Su’s hands in his.
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Mei Changsu relishes in their contact and caresses Xiao Jingyan’s hand to calm him down. As soon as the keys are given to him, Xiao Jingyan quickly starts removing the shackles.
LuLu watches in admiration as the shackles are removed by the emperor himself and he leans down to kiss Mei Chang Su’s wrist where slight marks remain. The emperor then stares at the empress for a while and then leans down to place a kiss on the other’s forehead. The empress, still wary of their surroundings, clears his throat. 
“Jingyan, behave please,” Mei Changsu whispers. He knew Jingyan might have found it difficult to control himself and had hence blocked their bond. However, even with the blocked bond, Jingyan was breaking etiquette which Mei Changsu couldn’t afford at the moment. He watches as Jingyan nods in understanding and inches away from Mei Changsu.
“Your majesty. I was wronged.” Mei Chang Su says louder this time as he tries to move a little away from the emperor using his knees.
Xiao Jingyan mentally prepares himself for the drama to unfold then.
“Your majesty! It was the maid’s fault. She made us believe that the empress had done something wrong!” Concubine Zhu says from next to Lulu. Lulu immediately looks towards the empress expecting him to help her out.
The emperor is also watching the empress as if having a quiet conversation with him. He then stands straight and pulls the empress up with him. With an arm around the empress’s waist, he guides Mei Changsu to sit on the throne and settles down next to him.
On seeing the empress’s face for the first time, Lulu’s eyes pop out having her suspicions confirmed. Meng Shu is actually Mei Chang Su. The empress. 
Mei Changsu, the Empress. 
Lulu’s mind fails to function for a moment as she thinks back over all the times she had mentioned the empress to Meng Shu. She then remembers the times she had suggested Meng Shu was married to Yan Yujin and other men. Lulu’s face turns red in embarrassment and she can hardly make herself look at the omega seated next to the emperor. 
Mei Changsu’s gaze lands on Lulu and she feels herself go even redder when he gives her a brief nod. 
“I will leave it up to the empress to grant the punishment,” the emperor says as he looks between Lulu and his mate. Xiao Jingyan knew it was best to leave these things up to his omega as he had more things up his sleeve. Mei Changsu nods at Jingyan in thanks and Jingyan cannot help but grab his empress’s hand in his to give it a reassuring squeeze.
“Does the maid have anything to say in her defence?” Mei Changsu asks, as he subtly tries to pull away from his hand which is grasped tightly in his Alpha’s hold.
“Your majesty. I-I did it under the orders of Concubine Zhu.” Lulu says and touches her head to the floor. 
“Your majesty! She is lying!” Concubine Zhu cries looking at Jingyan, hoping to find some leniency there.
On hearing the maid blame concubine Zhu, Consort Zhen sees a path for her to escape. “Your Majesty, The grand consort and I were not aware of this. We are not at fault!” she says as she places her head on the floor to ask for justice.
“That is not true! It was you who made me do this. You said you would become the next empress and be more kind to me!” Concubine Zhu protests and tries to attack consort Zhen, only to be stopped in time by the guards.
Once the commotion has died down, Mei Changsu clears his throat to get everyone’s attention. “Consort Zhen, you have been laundering money for more than three months, using my name, from the ministry of revenue. If you confess your crimes, I will be more lenient towards you,” Mei Changsu says coldly
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“Your Majesty, your majesty please help me! He is attacking me!” Consort Zhen pleads to the emperor. 
“Attacking you? Were you the one locked up in prison for days? Stop speaking nonsense or I will throw you out,” Xiao Jingyan says in anger and accidentally squeezes the hand he is holding. 
“Ah! Jingyan, have mercy on me!” Mei Changsu quietly whispers in anger. Xiao Jingyan immediately calms down and looks guiltily at his husband. 
Mei Changsu pulls his hand away from the emperor’s grasp and turns to look at his audience. “Concubine Zhu and grand consort Wang are from the same birthplace, right? It has been a long time since the both of you have visited, it would be wise for you two to spend your remaining days there. As for consort Zhen, you will be stripped of your title and repay the debt three times over by working at Langya hall.” 
“I am wronged! I have never done anything!” Consort Zhen cries loudly, “The omega has bewitched you, your majesty! He is clearly lying!”
“How dare you speak to him like this!” Xiao Jingyan stands up in anger. However, a gentle hand pulls him back.
“Bring them in.” Mei Changsu tells Li Gang who is standing at the back of the room. With a nod, Li Gang does as told and two men are brought in. 
One of them, Xiao Jingyan recognises, is a eunuch who worked for Mei Changsu and the other one, based on his uniform, is an employee at the ministry of revenue. The eunuch confesses to having stolen the internal affairs records and given them to Consort Zhen, while the ministry employee confesses to sending the money to consort Zhen under the empress’s account.
“Li Gang, your report?” Xiao Jingyan asks, sitting upright.
“Your majesty, while the empress was under lock and key, I saw Eunuch Zhao sneak into his majesty’s study. He took the records with him and went to the ministry where the employee gave him a load of cash. As soon as the transaction was completed, we arrested both of them and from our investigation found out that it was happening because of orders from consort Zhen.” Li Gang says as he hands some documents to the eunuch who presents it to the majesty.
The documents are accounts of withdrawals for household repairs and other trivial items which no one would check twice for. However, it was under the Empress’s name and added to quite a lump sum.
“Let the punishments bestowed by the Empress be carried out.” Xiao Jingyan says and nods at Meng Zhi.
After hearing this, Meng Zhi gestures to the guards to come and take away everyone. However before Lulu can be dragged away, the empress asks her to stay back. He calls upon Zhen Ping and tells him to get Lulu’s contract from concubine Zhu.
“Your majesty, please forgive me! I couldn’t recognise you.” Lulu immediately bows when everyone else has been taken away. 
“Don’t worry Lulu, please look up, I just hope you can forgive me for not being truthful about my identity,” Mei Changsu says with a gentle smile. Lulu looks at him and gives a small nod. She still hasn’t fully registered what had happened and hence is thoroughly confused.
“I know you have a lot of questions, and I will answer them, however, the emperor has good news for you.” The empress says and nudges the emperor. 
Xiao Jingyan stares at his husband for a few seconds. “You enjoy this way too much,” the emperor mutters to Mei Chang Su as he pulls out a letter and hands it to his eunuch who hands it to Lulu. 
Lulu opens it and is surprised to find it in her mother’s handwriting. Her mother had written about how they are well and because of Lulu’s actions the entire Xilong district was safe from bandits. 
“Your majesty, is the district safe again?” She asks in surprise as she looks at the emperor. 
“Yes, thanks to this one here, we were able to devise a strategy that threw them off.” The emperor says and puts his hands on Mei Chang Su’s thigh. 
Instead of pushing him away, Lulu is surprised that Mei Chang Su grabs the emperor’s hand and raises it to his lips for a kiss before putting it back on his lap. 
Commander Meng returns with two documents. Mei Chang Su tears up the contract in his hand and gives Lulu’s birth certificate back to her. “A lot of supplies will be going to Xilong in a few days’ time. You should get a ride with them.” 
Lulu looks down in shock at her torn contact. “I am free?” She asks to which Mei Changsu nods with a sincere smile, “Yes you are, your parents would be eagerly waiting for your return.”
She bows three times before leaving the room with tears of gratitude in her eyes. Just as she is about to leave, she watches as the emperor slumps into the empress’s open arms and mumbles something while the empress rubs the emperor’s back. 
“Xiao Shu,” Jingyan whispers as he slumps into his husband’s arms. “Do you know what your games do to me?” 
“You did well. Don’t worry,” Mei Changsu says as he places a kiss on Jingyan’s head. 
Jingyan feels their bond thrum inside him as Mei Changsu drops his walls. He nuzzles his omega’s neck and feels the other man whimper. Mei Changsu dips his head and nuzzles his alpha’s nose before capturing his lips. 
As he tries to pull away, Jingyan keeps tugging him for more and more kisses. “Jingyan,” Mei Changsu reprimands as he kisses his husband once more, “Enough, we need to discuss your trip.”
Xiao Jingyan tightens his arms around the omega and buries his head on the other’s chest. Mei Changsu’s hands come to pat the man’s head in order to relax him. A few minutes later, Xiao Jingyan pulls away and briefs Mei Changsu about his trip. 
As soon as he is done, he tugs his omega inside his room and asks the servants to draw them a bath in their new tub. 
The servants are busy preparing the bath as Xiao Jingyan and Mei Changsu stand in a corner discussing the events which lead to, what Jingyan liked to call, the banishment of the imperial harem.
“So Consort Zhen was snooping into the imperial records because she wanted to make realistic requests when she withdrew funds in your name?” Xiao Jingyan asked.
“Yes, one of the reasons. She was also trying to get rid of me for a long time.
“Why did you break the bath tubs then?” Jingyan asks in confusion.
“Consort Zhen was not actually doing anything, I needed her to look closer, find more faults, breaking bathtubs made her do that. And then there was Lulu.”
“Lulu? How did she play into your plans?”
“You know I had suspected about the Xilong district but didn’t have any proof. When I found out Concubine Zhu’s maid was from there, I hoped to get closer to her using my alias. It was just my luck that she was selected to spy on me which made me get so much more intel on the concubine.”
“Luck?” Jingyan snorts, “As if you didn’t predict it.”
Mei Changsu looks at Jingyan with thin lips and says, “I thought there was a high probability but I wasn’t certain of it.”
“That’s more like you,” Jingyan says as he leans down and kisses Mei Changsu.
“Did you have to stay in the dungeons though?” Jingyan whispers against Mei Changsu’s lips.
“Yes, I didn’t want anyone to have grounds to reopen the case in the future,” Mei Changsu replies as his mouth pulls away from Jingyan’s mouth.
Jingyan clicks his tongue in annoyance and pushes Mei Changsu against a corner table before capturing his mouth. Seeing this, the servants immediately bow their heads and back away, leaving the two lovers alone.
Jingyan doesn’t even glance at the half-filled tub as he pulls the robes off his mate. “Didn’t you say about not laying with me?” Mei Changsu’s smug voice breaks Jingyan’s lust-filled haze.
In retaliation, Jingyan bites the omega’s nipple hard, making the man jump in his arms, “You stubborn water buffalo,” Mei Changsu says as he pulls Jingyan in another kiss.
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Mei Changsu sags against his alpha, feeling thoroughly debauched. Jingyan feels his knees go weak and leans against the table with Changsu in his arms.
“You are truly an animal,” Mei Changsu whispers in his ears, making Jingyan grin in pride. A hit on his back makes Jingyan pout at his mate who says, “that’s nothing to be proud of.”
“Okay, okay,” Jingyan says and presses a kiss on Mei Changsu’s cheek. Mei Changsu hums in satisfaction and closes his eyes, feeling a goodnight’s sleep coming over him.
Jingyan carries his mate to their new bathtub and holds him up as he cleans the both of them.
“He did what?” Empress Dowager asks in shock, not believing what she heard the first time.
“From what I have heard your majesty, the empress planned a scheme to eliminate the harem by breaking a bathtub.” her servant replies.
The empress dowager wasn’t sure to laugh or cry, when she had first heard her son-in-law was imprisoned, she had been very worried, however hearing the rumours, she realised her Xiao Shu was up to his old mischief again.
“Get him here! Also the emperor! I need to give a scolding to both of them!”
Jingyan is the first to arrive at his mother’s quarters and immediately regrets being early as his mother removes all her frustration on him.
“He is your mate! How could you let him be imprisoned! Is that how I have raised you?” Empress Dowager Jing shouts at her son.
“Mother, I had no clue it would go to this extent,” Jingyan says calmly.
“‘This extent’? Does that mean you knew Xiao Shu was up to something and you let him have his way?! You know he has just recovered from the poison of the bitter flame!” His mother shouts, standing up and towering over Jingyan.
“Ayi, I have troubled you, please forgive me,” Mei Changsu says as he enters the rooms and kneels next to Jingyan.
The grand Empress looks at Mei Changsu in anger and then turns away to take her seat at the table. “Xiao Shu, come here first, I need to check your health,” she says, gesturing to the seat next to hers.
Mei Changsu risks a glance at Jingyan, who merely shrugs at him, before settling next to his aunt.
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He presents her with his right hand but the Grand empress scoffs at that. “Give me your left hand!” She says and snatches Mei Changsu’s left hand. Pushing his sleeve back she notices a big bite mark on his wrist.
“This is how you treat your omega!?” The Grand empress chides Xiao Jingyan.
“Mother, please understand, this is a matter between mates and don’t get angry,” Xiao Jingyan says, still on his knees.
His mother sighs, “Ok, ok, comeon, you also have a seat,” she says gesturing to the seat next to Mei Changsu.
Jingyan immediately joins them at the table as his mother checks his mate’s pulse. After a while the Empress Dowager pulls away her hand suddenly and hits Mei Changsu with her fan. 
“Didn’t even think to tell me! Don’t you dare call me Ayi!” She says. Changsu immediately puts his hands out to protect himself from the hits and says, “Ayi, what is it?”
“Mother, what is the matter?” Jingyan says, surprised at his mother’s sudden outburst.
“You! Don’t call me mother, how long were you planning to hide it?” She says and pulls Jingyan’s ear, “you let him in the dungeons in this condition!”
“Oh, you don’t know,” she mutters and then her face breaks into a huge smile, “our Xiao Shu will become a mother soon!”
“We’re pregnant?” Xiao Jingyan asks in surprise and turns to look at Mei Changsu who is caressing his stomach and seems lost in thought. At his mother’s confirming nod, Jingyan cannot help but get a little teary eyed.
“Xiao shu,” he whispers as he takes his mate’s hand. Mei Changsu looks at his alpha with tears in his own eyes. “Jingyan,” he says and then his lips turn into a brilliant smile.
Jingyan gives out a hearty laugh as his mate jumps in his arms and holds him tightly.
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boylovefanfics · 2 years
Empress Mei Changsu: Chapter 3
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The omega looked tired than usual, so Lulu urges him to sit down in the grand empress dowager’s garden to watch the plum trees. “Meng Daren, are you ok?” She says as the man next to him shivers in the slight breeze. She always felt the man was a little gentler, even for an omega, but she had never seen him this frail. 
Meng Shu looks towards her with a small pale smile, “I am okay, my alpha is away and hence my heart becomes wary.”
“You never mention you were mated,“ Lulu blurts out in surprise. She then clears her throat to calm herself. “Where has your alpha gone?” Lulu asks with a raised brow. She never thought that a man like Meng Shu would have been a romantic at heart.
While she waits for Meng Shu to answer, her mind thinks of the potential alpha mates for Meng Shu. Could it be someone related to the imperial family? Meng Shu was always confident and held great power which was made known when he saved the servant boy from the eunuch. Lulu then remembers how her mistress had blamed the empress for imprisoning her eunuch, did that mean Meng Shu was distantly related to the empress? Or worse, married to the empress’s brother?
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Mei Changsu, unaware of the storm brewing in Lulu’s mind, answers her previous question after a moment of silence, “My alpha has gone to protect our lands.”
Lulu’s eyes widen as she imagines Meng Shu’s alpha being close friends with the emperor. “Did he leave with his majesty this morning? I am sure he will come back alright, do not worry.” Lulu says instead and squeezes Meng Shu’s shoulder in reassurance. 
Mei Changsu smiles at Lulu’s gesture while looking at his hands. He then looks up with grateful eyes and says, “Enough about me, what were you saying? You need to find something on the empress and report it to your mistress?” At Lulu’s nod, he continues, “Hmm, the empress is very particular about a lot of things, it might be a difficult task. How are you planning to get in his chambers though?”
“Concubine Zhu surmised that the empress will move back to her palace since the empress is not there. She will be visiting the empress and distracting everyone while I will wander off from the party and head to the private quarters.”
“Private quarters? Why would he hide anything there?” Changsu asks Lulu. 
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“Quite Frequently? I heard that before I moved in, his majesty didn’t even visit the eastern palace for months, only after a lot of rumours about it rose, did the empress move into the eastern palace at his majesty’s request. They have been married for more than one year but still his majesty has never laid his eyes on anyone else!” Lulu says enthusiastically but then suddenly a sad expression dawns over her face, “I feel bad to do this to the empress.” 
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Sighing, she turns to look at Meng Shu whose face has turned red. He just clears his throat and the both of them keep watching the trees in front of them.
A soft voice breaks their trance. “Jie?” a young servant boy peeks out from behind a bush and looks between Lulu and Mei Changsu.
Mei Changsu realises that this young boy is the very same one that he had saved from getting punished. Lulu gestures to him to come towards them. 
“Don’t be afraid, Meng Shu won’t hurt you. What are you doing here Xiao Cao?” She asks when the boy comes to stand in front of them.
He pulls out a packet from his robes and opens it to show hazelnut pastries. “The palace gave this out.”
Lulu is jumping with excitement in her seat as she grabs one in her hand, however, she immediately freezes before eating them. “Are we going to get into trouble for this?”
Mei Changsu, who had been watching the exchange with a small smile, interrupts them, “I heard these leftovers were given out by the empress’s palace. They were made for his majesty’s journey today.”
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“That’s funny, Even the empress is allergic to hazelnut pastries. Is that pretty common here?” Lulu watches Meng Shu as the man’s eyes go wide and he nods at her.
Lulu, as Meng Shu had suggested, heads over to the empress’ study and looks around for anything she can report to her mistress about. 
It had been a few days after her last conversation with Meng Shu, and Lulu still had no luck in figuring out whom the omega was mated to.
The empress, as concubine Zhu had predicted, had moved back to his own palace a couple of days after his Majesty’s departure. 
Lulu briefly wonders that if her mistress was so smart, then wouldn’t Mei Changsu have been smarter than concubine Zhu? He was the empire’s most renowned scholar after all. 
The empress’s study is neatly organised which makes it easier for Lulu to look around. After a while of searching, she almost gives up and is dreading what concubine Zhu would do to her if she is unsuccessful. She takes a deep breath and looks around the study once again. 
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Lulu didn’t know what it meant, but she knew that this was surely going to get the empress in trouble. 
Meng Shu and Lulu are on their evening stroll again. Meng Shu had stopped bringing the tanghulu for quite some time now, but Lulu did not mind that as she spent her time with the omega not because she liked eating the free tanghulu but because she enjoyed his company.
Seeing that Lulu was upset, Mei Changsu is immediately worried. If she would have not found what he wanted her to find, not only his plans would fail, but Lulu’s life could be endangered by concubine Zhu and consort Zhen.
“So did you find anything in the study?” Mei Changsu asks, feigning nonchalance as they continue walking.
Lulu huffs, “Yes, a memorial tablet and a peart, the size of an egg. Why would the empress keep these things hidden? When I told my mistress she became so happy, I think they are going to make their move soon.”
Mei Changsu raises his eyebrows in confusion, not understanding why Lulu was upset, “Why are you upset then?”
“I-I don’t think this is right! I really liked the empress. He has done so much for the empire already. We should be grateful to him and not trap him in petty internal politics. I should have never come here. I just wish I could go back, be with my parents, rather than stay here and harm innocent people,” Lulu says. The thought of her parents brings tears to her eyes and she immediately looks away from Meng Shu. 
“It’s not your fault Lulu. If not you then someone else would have done it. And as you said, sadly we have no option but to listen to our masters or mistresses and do as we are told to or the punishment is death.” Meng Shu says as he pats her back in consolation.
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Mei Changsu’s mind runs through all their meetings trying to understand when he had accidentally revealed his own identity. 
“I mean, I have suspected it. Your alpha is someone close to the imperial family. It is Lie Zhanying, isn’t it?”
Mei Changsu’s eyes widen in shock at the suggestion. Before he can rebuke or scoff at the idea, Lulu interrupts him, “No? Then it is Marquis Yan’s son, Yan Yujin?”
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Mei Changsu opens and closes his mouth a couple of times before standing up in anger, “How dare you?”
Lulu immediately puts her head on her the ground and says, “Daren, please forgive me for my insolence!” 
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Taking pity on Lulu, Changsu says, “Never mind. I am sure you will get to meet him once he is back.”
Lulu looks up and nods at Meng Shu before saying, “I don’t know who your Alpha is, and I have offended you. But what I know is that Meng Shu has connections. Please do this humble servant a favour and inform the empress about this plot. He is a scholar, if he knows what is coming his way then he wouldn’t have to worry.”
“Lulu,” Mei Changsu whispers, suddenly touched by her words. “I-I will try my best, no promises though.” He stands up and lends a hand to Lulu to get up from the floor. “Anyway, I should get going, I am expecting a few guests. Also, I might be away for a while and would not be able to meet you.”
“Are you going somewhere?” Lulu asks. “Yes, you will know once I am back though, don’t worry,” he says with a smile.
The guests which Mei Changsu is expecting are grand consort Wang, consort Zhen and concubine Zhu. 
Mei Changsu is sitting with Ting Sheng and teaching him the art of strategising in his study. “Your Majesty, how can you be sure if the plan goes our way?” the young boy asks from his seat across from the empress.
“You can never know, which is why you need to have fail-safes in place.” Mei Changsu looks up as Li Gang comes running inside and bows to him. 
Mei Changsu nods at Li Gang before turning to Ting Sheng, “Ting Sheng, what is about to happen is part of a plan itself, so do not worry or panic. Li Gang and Commander Meng will be here if you need anything.” Ting Sheng nods in confusion and is surprised when the other consorts fill in the room without being announced. 
“Empress, we are arresting you for treachery and stealing.” Consort Zhen announces with a smug expression on her face. Behind her, grand consort wang and concubine Zhu are standing with a few guards.
“That is outrageous!” Ting Sheng immediately protests and stands up. Mei Changsu looks at him with gentle eyes, “Remember what I said, Ting Sheng.” It is the last thing he says before being escorted out of his palace and into the dungeons.
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Lulu watches the entire commotion with wide eyes from afar. She feels a little disappointed at Meng Shu for not being able to convey the threat to the empress.
Lulu then finds Xiao Cao and asks the boy for help as he is familiar with the dungeons. She tells Xiao Cao to find the empress’s cell, ensure he is in good health and help the empress in any manner possible.
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“Why do you want to spend the night here your majesty, we all know the accusations do not stand!” Minister Shen argues.
“Minister Shen, please do not bend any rules, it would only ruin the pristine reputation that you have made for yourself. As the law suggests, the next step should be an investigation by either the emperor or the empress dowager. We should wait until then.” Mei Changsu says with an eerie calmness in his tone.
“But what is this nonsense! They are putting you in here because they saw Lin Shu’s tablet? Are they such idiots! I can just testify on his majesty giving it to you to get you out of here!” Meng Zhi says, clearly annoyed at Changsu’s behaviour.
“Meng Da-ge, you will do no such thing, do we have an understanding?” Mei Changsu says firmly.
Meng Shu nods before his eyes widen, “Your husband will kill me! He will kill minister Shen! Are our lives worth this stupid conspiracy which you are planning?”
Minister Shen, seems to find some truth in Meng Zhi’s words as he immediately pipes in to support Meng Zhi’s argument, “Please your majesty, you must understand that there are other ways to do things. If the emperor finds out, he will be severely displeased with us.”
Mei Changsu sighs at those words. While there is some truth to Meng Zhi and Minister Shen’s words, he knows that Xiao Jingyan’s fury would instead be unleashed on his harem, and Mei Changsu is counting on it. He clears his throat and says, “There will be no killing, please, leave me be.”
“At least let me bring you a quilt? You will freeze overnight!” Meng Zhi protests. “I don’t know what plot this is but it better be worth your sufferings.”
Mei Changsu, for a brief second, wishes that Fei Liu was with him so he could help him shut Meng Da-ge’s mouth. However, before he can reply, he spots something behind the two men. “Xiao Cao, is that you?” Mei Changsu calls.
The servant nears them and bows to the empress with proper etiquette. Looking at the boy’s expression, Mei Changsu is shocked not to find any hint of surprise on his face. Did the boy always know that he was the empress?
“What are you doing here?” He asks the boy. Meng Zhi and Minister Shen watch in confusion as the servant boy speaks to their empress.
“Lulu asked me to check on the empress and if he needed any help.” Xiao Cao answers. 
Mei Changsu smiles at him. The servant boy’s phrasing confirms what he needed to know, Xiao Cao always knew his real identity. “How did you know who I was?”
“I have seen you with Sheng da-ge.” Xiao Cao answers.
“Ting Sheng? How do you know him?” Meng Zhi questions from next to the boy. Xiao Cao immediately steps back in defence as he speaks in a hushed tone, “Da-ge was there with me for a long time before he left. He is back now at a palace and plays with me when we get time.”
Mei Changsu raises his brow in surprise. Ting Sheng was lucky enough to be pulled out of the prison, but this young boy still had to continue his life as a palace servant. “Don’t worry Xiao Cao, no one will take you away from your Sheng Da-ge,” Mei Changsu tries to calm the boy down, “Don’t tell Lulu about my identity, ok? You can let her know I am fine.”
With his orders received, Xiao Cao nods, bows and walks away to complete his task.
The next day, the empress has a few more visits claiming how ridiculous it is for him to be locked up. After his argument with Meng Zhi and a few ministers, he just learns to ignore them as he reads through a book that Tingsheng had asked Xiao Cao to pass to the empress to pass his time productively. 
Li Gang and Zhen Ping also drop by with Mei Changsu’s medicine and keep him updated on all matters.
“Your Majesty, how much longer will you stay here?” Li Gang asks, afraid that it would be longer than what they had planned, “We still have no news from the north and cannot be sure when the emperor would return.”
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Grand Consort Wang, Consort Zhen and Concubine Zhu are enjoying a celebratory lunch at consort Zhen’s palace and discussing the success of their plan. 
“Concubine Zhu did amazing work!” Consort Zhen praises as she toasts her wine glass to her.
“It is all because of your guidance consort Zhen and grand consort Wang, else we would have never been able to get rid of that Mei Changsu.” She says and bows again to consort Zhen, “You would be the next empress, please take good care of me.”
Consort Zhen smiles smugly before exclaiming surprise at that, “Of course concubine Zhu. Tell me what plans we have for the maid though, we don’t want her to open her mouth and tell people that she was told to spy on the empress.”
The grand consort Wang scoffs at that, “You two are truly new to this.” She says, “Keep her around. We need a scapegoat if something goes wrong.” 
Hearing this, both the concubine and the consort, bow gratefully to the grand consort and thank her for her support and guidance. 
Two days later, horns blare early in the morning, announcing the arrival of the emperor.
Concubine Zhu and consort Zhen immediately proceed to the eastern palace to welcome their Emperor. All their servants, including Lulu, are kneeling along the entrance outside, waiting for his Majesty to pass by. 
Xiao Jingyan wanted to find his bond mate as soon as he entered the capital. He had felt Mei Changsu block all feelings from his side as soon as Xiao Jingyan had left for the North. Remembering that his omega was up to something, and fearing that it would cause him harm, Xiao Jingyan started looking around for him as his carriage rode towards his palace.
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Lulu feels relieved immediately. Although the entire harem and ministry of justice were against Mei Changsu, at least his majesty would support him.
“Maybe we should sit down and have some tea first?” Commander Meng suggests, fearing for his own life.
“Commander Meng, you will tell me right this instance, where is the empress?!” Jingyan growls impatiently.
“Your Majesty! He is imprisoned and held in the dungeons, this commander failed to protect him!” Meng Zhi says as he holds his hands in front of his chest and kneels down in forgiveness.
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boylovefanfics · 2 years
Empress Mei Changsu: Chapter 2
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“Sir Meng,” She says and bows to him. “Don’t do that. We both are from the north. You don’t need to perform any pleasantries if no one is around.”
Meng Shu immediately proceeds and helps the beta up. Lulu nods at him, “I am headed back to finish stitching knee pads. The mistress wants to give them to someone.”
“Ah, here, I just came from the market and had some extra.” He says and hands her one stick of the sugar-coated fruits. “Thank you, Daren.” LuLu excitedly accepts them and starts to eat as she walks down the path with him. They talk about irrelevant like the weather, their favourite foods, the sky and more as they both finish the tanghulu.
Lulu is about to bid goodnight to Sir Meng when they hear someone whimpering. Both of them share a glance before following the sound.
Soon they find one of the eunuchs hitting a small servant boy with a whip. “Oh no, what is it this time?” Lulu mutters as she quietly makes her way around the pillars of the palace and listens to what was happening. Mei Changsu follows her but, unlike her, doesn’t hide himself as he approaches the scene before him with anger on his face.
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“I didn’t steal them.” the young boy says, almost on the verge of crying.
Mei Changsu quietly observes and notices the boy’s frail body. Definitely raised in prison, he surmises. He watches as Lulu runs towards the boy and pulls him in a hug in the next instant. The young boy almost slumps in relief at being embraced by the beta and being saved from another lash.
“Please do not hurt him. I had given him those hazelnut pastries as my mistress had asked us to throw them away.” Lulu speaks urgently and closes her eyes when she sees the eunuch raise his whip again. Hearing Lulu’s words, Mei Changsu immediately realised what was happening. The Eunuch served concubine Zhu and was punishing the servant boy because he had seen him eat hazelnut pastries. The same hazelnut pastries which Xiao Jingyan had refused and the very fact had made the concubine despise them so much that she had ordered to have them thrown away.
“How dare you trouble me! You have also been acting undisciplined for the past couple of days, plating with his highness! Do not think that I haven’t been observing!” The eunuch shouts.
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“Your Majesty, please forgive me!” The eunuch abruptly drops to his knees and touches his head on the ground. “Is this how you have been disciplining servants? Hasn’t his majesty already banned the whip from being used!” Mei Changsu says in anger.
Xiao Jingyan had always been bothered by the suffering Ting Sheng had gone through as a servant. When he had seen the whip marks on the young boy’s body, he had vowed to shield Ting Sheng from such treatment with everything he had. The inner palace’s methods of disciplining the young servants were inhuman and made Xiao Jingyan feel guilty for not being able to protect Ting Sheng from it. Hence he had banned the whip and other such tactics from being used as punishments.
“Guards!” Mei Changsu’s voice reverberates, and immediately, two imperial guards approach him, waiting for their command. “Take him to the dungeons! He has disregarded his Majesty, the emperor’s orders. Let the Minister of Justice deal with him. I think the punishment for that is a month in the dungeons. Make sure no one can get him out till then and no visitors.”
Mei Changsu had three reasons for doing this. The first was to right the injustice that was happening in front of his eyes, where a young boy of mere eleven or twelve years old was getting beaten with a whip for a crime that didn’t exist. The second was to get in the good graces of Lulu, and the third and the most important one was that now the eunuch had recognised him as the empress. He didn’t want the eunuch to ruin his plan and disclose his real identity.
One fine evening, Concubine Zhu sends Lulu to deliver some sweets for the emperor and inform them that the concubine will be visiting him the next day. Usually, such tasks of high importance are done by the eunuch, but after the encounter they had with him on the palace grounds, he is nowhere to be seen. Based on the rumours that Lulu had heard from her fellow maids, the eunuch was put into prison because of using a whip. She was amazed that Meng Shu had gone to this extent to help her and the young servant boy.
She is stopped at the entrance by a guard, who inspects the box and sighs in resignation as if anticipating something. Out of nowhere, Lulu feels a gust of wind behind her, and before she can check what had happened, someone suddenly lands in front of her. It was a young man with a brilliant smile. He glanced at Lulu before staring at the box in her hand in interest. “Sweets?” the boy asks. From his manner of asking, Lulu immediately takes a liking to the boy who behaved like a small child.
“Feilu!” A man’s voice comes from the front yard. The guard, Lulu, and the boy, whom she assumes is Feilu, turn towards the voice. Lulu is surprised at the intimate moment she sees before her eyes. Two men were under a tree; one was leaning against it while the other’s head rested on the other man’s lap. Occasionally, the other man caressed the head of the person in his lap.
“Su-gege.” Feilu says with a small smile, “Feilu wants sweets.”
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She tries to make out the face of the Empress but cannot see more than the outline of his body. “No sweets till you finish your medicine.” the empress scolds. “Have medicine first, then I’ll ask Auntie Ji to bring it.”
At that, Feliu huffs in anger and walks away. The guard then turns to her and says, “Thank you. Please be on your way back.”
Lulu is still looking at the scene in front of her in a trance. “Actually, the concubine also has told me to inform the Emperor’s palace that she would be visiting tomorrow to discuss an important matter. ”The guard nods and gestures for her to leave. Lulu slowly turns away and sees the empress leaning down and whispering something to the emperor. She immediately feels her ears redden as she walks away.
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She heads back to her mistress, Concubine Zhu, to report that her task was successfully done and conveys what she saw. Her mistress starts sobbing and tells her that Mei Changsu has ensnared his majesty’s heart and is now targeting her. Else why would her head eunuch be punished so severely for such a minor matter?
The next day she thinks of what her mistress had said. The empress targeted her by putting away the head eunuch? That seemed highly improbable as it was Meng Shu who had put away the eunuch and not Mei Changsu. Offhandedly, she comments about her mistress’s delusion to Mei Changsu and also mentions how the concubine believed Mei Changsu had ensnared his majesty.
Both of them were sitting in the garden of the grand empress dowager and eating the tanghulu that Sir Meng had bought. Sir Meng had told Lulu that no one would disturb them here as the garden was off-limits since the grand empress dowager’s death.
“That is ridiculous.” Changsu says in response to what Lulu had just told him, “according to what I have heard, his majesty was against building a harem and had clearly mentioned this to all the concubines and consorts who, despite knowing this, pledged their lives out of a misconceived notion that they would be able to seduce him later.” Meng Shu huffs as he stares at the plum blossom trees in front of them.
Lulu immediately feels like she should not have told these things to Meng Shu, who had some or the other connection with the imperial family. However, she feels the need to clarify that these were her mistress’ beliefs and not her’s, but as a servant, she couldn’t do anything but obey. “Sir Meng, as a maid, I cannot help but follow my mistress’s orders. However misconceived the idea of them being with the emperor may be, I have no option but to do as she demands or get beaten to death.” She defends herself, “Furthermore, I do not believe what she said. I saw the emperor with the empress. They couldn’t be any happier.”
Meng Shu’s face turns red, and he visibly relaxes. “I understand what you are trying to say. It’s just that I don’t like the politics of the harem. So petty and unnecessary.” He sighs, “Anyway, do you have any news from the north? I have written to my relatives there but haven’t heard from them yet. It is making me worried.”
“I thought they would just keep it to the district,” Lulu says with a frown. She then guiltily looks up at Meng Shu, “I am afraid that it’s the bandits.”
“Bandits? Does it mean that my family is in danger? Please tell me everything you know.” Meng Shu says with worry.
Lulu tells him how one day, a ship full of injured men had come to Xilong. They had stayed and healed there with the people. These people had claimed that they were from a neighbouring country and had gotten lost. They also had a lot of gold and riches, which made the Xilong leader, Prince Nie, greedy. He married his daughter to them. However, they started plundering the towns and used the prince’s daughter to blackmail him into silence. They prevented anyone from leaving or sending missives. They warned everyone that they would start killing family members if the news of them being there leaked and had killed many because of this. Lulu was one of the few people that had escaped, but her family was there, and hence she wouldn’t take the risk of telling anyone.
Meng Shu quietly hears her and encourages her to speak more until she gives him all the details he requires. “Thank you for telling me.” He tells her and bows to her before walking away.
Hearing Lulu’s words, Mei Changsu hurries back to the emperor’s palace to report to him what he had already suspected. When he doesn’t find the emperor in his study, he rushes to the front hall and finds him in conversation with Concubine Zhu.
“He is being punished by the law and nothing more; I, as an emperor, cannot help you out in this manner.” Xiao Jingyan says sternly to the concubine.
Mei Changsu rolls his eyes. He doesn’t even wait for the servant to announce him as he heads inside the hall and kneels in front of the emperor. The emperor is lightly dressed in his daily robes and sitting without his crown as if waiting to retire for the night. Mei Changsu, the lover, almost feels sad to send off Jingyan in such a tired state, but Mei Changsu, the subject, the empress, knows that it needs to be done.
“Your Majesty, I need to discuss an urgent matter. I am afraid it cannot wait at all.” Concubine Zhu is soon escorted out of the palace, and Mei Changsu immediately tells Lie Zhangyin to summon the military general and the minister of war. He then turns to the emperor and explains the entire situation. They soon head to the study and pull out the map of Xilong to plan their attack.
It is but a few hours from dawn when the ministers and generals leave them to prepare the troops. Mei Changsu immediately drags the emperor onto the bed and asks him to go to sleep.
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“There are a few things I need to figure out,” comes Mei Changsu’s reply as he smiles at his husband. “Changsu.” The emperor almost whines, “I need to leave in a few hours. Whatever is pending can wait. Please come here.” He taps the empty space beside him.
Mei Changsu’s eyes flicker between the bed and the direction of their study. After a moment’s hesitation, he pulls off his outer robe and snuggles against Xiao Jingyan on the bed.
Xiao Jingyan immediately pulls him closer and nuzzles his face. “It’s going to be alright, Xiao-shu. Don’t overthink.” He tilts the other man’s face and places a kiss on his mouth.
Mei Changsu cups Jingyan’s face and kisses him deeply while the other’s hand rides up from Mei Changsu’s hips to his waist, undoing his belt.
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Jingyan is soon to follow and slumps down against Changsu. “Move, you are heavy,” Changsu mutters, almost asleep. Jingyan lets out a small laugh as he leans up and kisses Changsu once more before lying down next to him.
“We should take a bath; if not that, then at least get cleaned up,” Jingyan mutters. After saying this, Jingyan goes utterly silent at the thought of a bath.
Changsu looks at the alpha at his sudden silence and then pokes his head, “You told me not to think, and now you are thinking,” he says, stifling a yawn. Jingyan stares at Changsu in suspicion, “I still cannot believe you got your intel by breaking a few tubs. I am almost certain that it is also stirring some trouble in the harem. I am just not sure how.” Jingyan says.
Mei Changsu snorts. “Took you longer than usual. Go to sleep, Jingyan. We still have a couple of hours,” he says, pillowing his head on the alpha’s chest and falling fast asleep.
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Once Jingyan is dressed, he makes his way to the chambers of the department of war, where everyone is awaiting the emperor. As soon as he enters, everyone bows down to him. He spots Changsu in the corner, next to a map with a stick in his hands.
“Rise,” Jingyan says as he walks towards the empress, “anything new?”
Mei Changsu shakes his head, “I was just going over the strategy once again,” he then glances at the sky before turning to Jingyan, who nods in understanding. It was time for him to leave.
“Please prepare for departure; I need to speak with the empress alone,” Jingyan says, addressing the room.
“Sire, you need to hurry up. We want the troops to cross the western pass by sundown. I have already discussed-” Mei Changsu starts speaking only to be stopped by a hand on his mouth.
“After such a passionate night, the first thing you tell me is this?” Jingyan asks with a sly smile on his face. Mei Changsu hits him hard on the chest, making the emperor step back, “Jingyan, now is not the time,” he admonishes.
Jingyan ignores the scolding and takes Mei Changsu’s hands in his. “Take care of yourself. Don’t forget to take medicine on time,” he says and pulls his mate closer to nuzzle at the bond mark. “Don’t worry about me. Also, Fei Lu is going with you.” Mei Changsu tries his best to sound nonchalant, hoping Jingyan wouldn’t make anything of what he had said. “What? No, you need him here to protect you. I only trust him-” Jingyan looks up and protests, only to be stopped by Changsu.
“Jingyan, this won’t change no matter how much you argue with me. We will just be wasting time.” Mei Changsu tries to explain. “Plus, I need him to be away from me.“ 
Xiao Jingyan is immediately alarmed when he understands what Mei Changsu is saying, “You want someone to hurt you? Who? Xiao Shu, don’t be daft! You have just recovered from the poison.”
“Xiao Jingyan, you need to trust me, okay?” Mei Changsu says firmly, and Jingyan nods in understanding, “Plus, the worst the harem will make me do is kneel in the ancestral hall.”
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“Harem?” Jingyan repeats and sighs, “Be safe, or I will-” Jingyan frowns, thinking of a good threat, “I will not lay with you for a month!”
Jingyan smiles at Changsu before stepping away and nodding at him. Their eyes lock on each other for a moment before the emperor walks away.
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boylovefanfics · 2 years
Empress Mei Changsu: Chapter 1
Concubine Zhu was the niece of a minister of the former court. With the help of her mother, she was able to become a concubine of the emperor. However, despite being well informed that the emperor had eyes for no one except the empress, his omega mate, Mei Changsu, Concubine Zhu couldn’t help but be unhappy. According to her, there was no skill that the she didn’t possess, making her one of the most refined ladies of the land. If she hadn’t married the emperor, she could have married a rich nobleman who would have at least appreciated her. Being in the state she was in today; she had decided to take matters into her own hands and help consort Zhen take down Mei Changsu.
For this, she hired a maid called Lulu, who was bold and righteous. Easy to convince and difficult to deviate from what she believed in. Lulu was assigned a simple task: spy on Mei Chang Su, the Empress.
The beta woman had heard many rumours about the Omega Empress. As per what she had heard, Mei Chang Su had gained his title by wrapping the emperor around his pinky finger and had bewitched the emperor. He was a sickly looking omega with the gaze of an eagle. Once his gaze lands on a person, it takes him only three seconds to find out the truth about them. Based on these rumours, Lulu thought it was an understatement to say she was afraid.
The entire “spying” business was set into motion actively when consort Zhen had gotten a hold of the internal expense records by ill means. The internal household records and expenses were the duty of the empress, and interfering in such a manner could be counted as an act of defiance against the emperor. However, seeing that Mei Changsu had requested for his third bathtub to be delivered to the emperor’s quarters as the previous two were damaged, that too within a week, looked very suspicious to Consort Zhen.
However, Consort Zhen was desperate to find a way to take her rightful place; after all, she was the daughter of a noble who had a much higher standing than any Mei Changsus. Hence she recruited concubine Zhu, someone who could never be a threat to her, in her mission to get rid of the Empress.
Concubine Zhu knew what consort Zhen thought of her and yet played along. It was never wise to show all your cards at once, she thought.
All these events led to Lulu going outside the emperor’s rooms, trying to find more about the bathtubs. She had managed to hide herself from view behind the cover of the tree as she stood just outside the eastern and watched on for any clues.
“Do you need something?” A man’s voice asked from behind her. Lulu was startled, however, she was quick to turn around and bow to the man standing there. She realised that the man was accompanied by a minister from the court based on his attire. The man dismisses the minister and turns his attention fully on Lulu, waiting for an answer.
“Sir, I am just looking for the head eunuch. The office wanted to inquire about the quality of baths since three have already been destroyed in the last month.” Lulu says as she looks at the omega in front of her. He was dressed in all red, just like the ministers but had no crown on his head. She deliberates whether this could be the empress but dismisses the thought immediately.
“Ah. I heard about those. Why don’t you tell concubine Zhu not to worry? You are her servant, right? I have already told the department to get the next ones lined with metal. This way it will not break.”
Lulu nods and walks away when dismissed. When she reports the incident to her mistress, she throws a teacup at her head, saying that it was probably the empress Mei Changsu. Lulu then makes the mistake of telling her mistress that if the omega she met was Mei Changsu, then he was not at all pale or unkind as concubine Zhu had described him. Concubine Zhu then threatens Lulu to be sold to the brothel if she keeps defying her and dismisses her.
When concubine Zhu complains to consort Zhen about her maid’s behaviour and briefs her on the incident with the empress, she is not aware of another set of ears listening in. The concubine and the consort are soon interrupted by another voice in the empty courtyard.  “You two seem to be new at this.” The grand consort Wang says as she walks in. The two immediately bow to her and look afraid that she had heard them conspiring. “Don’t change the maid as you need someone to take the blame if it ends badly.” She says as she sits next to them. “Now, tell me what else you both have planned.”
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Xiao Jingyan is relaxing in his bath when he hears the loud sounds of a hammer hitting the tub. He opens his eyes and glares at his husband. “Do you have to do that? This is the tenth tub you are destroying with that hammer.”
“Jingyan, it is just the fourth, so don’t complain. Plus, this is the last one we need to break.” Mei Changsu says as he grins up at the emperor and continues hammering the tub’s edge. “Also, sire, I will have you know that the tubs are not completely destroyed. They are either given in military camps or reused in construction.”
“Thank God that only the empress and no one else handles the internal affairs, else the harem would have thought I am going all wild on you.” Jingyan remarks as he washes his hair. When no reply comes from Mei Changsu, Xiao Jingyan looks up to see the man holding back a laugh. “Xiao Shu! What are you up to?!”
“Nothing much! Don’t worry your majesty,” Mei Changsu says as he puts away the hammer. The emperor then gestures for him to come near. “What?” Mei Changsu asks. “Come here.” Jingyan gestures again with his hand and an innocent smile on his face. Mei Changsu warily walks towards his husband, knowing that he has something up his sleeve.
As soon as he nears the tub, Jingyan all but drowns him in it. “What the hell, you stupid water buffalo!” Mei Changsu says in anger and hits Jingyan’s bare chest as water cascades down from his hair and mouth into the tub.
“You were too far. I missed you,” Xiao Jingyan says with a mischievous smile as he kisses Mei Changsu’s neck, over his bite mark. Mei Changsu feels their bond thrum inside him in happiness as he pulls back his robes. “Jingyan! Help me out first.”
“Should I tear it off? Would that help you set my image as a wild lion in bed?” Jingyan says as glances up at Changsu with a sly smile. When no reply comes, the alpha bites his husband’s shoulder in retaliation.
Mei Changsu cups Jingyan’s face and gazes into his eyes as he says with faux innocence. “You already are, a wild water buffalo,” and before Jingyan can retort to that, Mei Changsu kisses him.
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The next day, Lulu finds the same man who his mistress insisted was the empress, on his way somewhere without his entourage. She watches as he walks down the narrow paths of the palace and is stopped by someone wearing the imperial uniform and shouting, “Xiao Shu!”
“Meng da-ge! What brings you here?” The omega asks as the Imperial Captain makes his way next to him and claps his back. As the two chatter on, Lulu is confused. She thought that the empress’s name was Mei Chang Su. Then who was Xiao Shu? Does it mean that her mistress was wrong?
She tries to keep up with the omega after that. If the omega was not the empress, he still had good connections and probably knew more about the empress than she did.
However, she doesn’t spot him the entire day and finally spots him the next day afternoon. Lulu was on her way to visit the empress dowager’s quarters and deliver the sweets that her mistress had prepared for her birthday when she runs into the man called Xiao Shu. She immediately bows when she sees him.
“Never mind that. Are those for the empress dowager?” The omega asks with a small smile as he gestures towards the boxes in her hand. Before Lulu can reply, a guard comes running in to inform them that the empress has arrived to visit the empress dowager, and both of them need to clear off the path.
In her haste to move off the path and find a vantage point so she can finally see the Empress’s face, some of the food falls on the ground. “Aiya!” Lulu mutters, and as soon as the empress’s carriage passes from there, she starts cleaning the path. She is surprised to see that the omega, Xiao Shu, also starts helping her clean up. “Thank you,” she says sincerely. Surely the empress wouldn’t have dirtied his hands like this? She thinks
“I had initially thought that the box you are carrying was empty, and you were just trying to spy on me like yesterday morning.” Mei Changsu says as he dumps all the items he collected in the tray. Lulu looks at him with alarm at being caught. She observes that the omega had an amused expression on his face and immediately feels a little embarrassed. “To be honest, I first thought that you were the empress. My mistress has asked me to keep an eye on him. Please don’t tell anyone about this. I can truly get in trouble.”
“Ah, Concubine Zhu, right?” Mei Changsu says and presses his lips together in a thin line as if thinking. Lulu thinks she saw a glint of mischief in the other’s eyes but dismisses it as she continues. “Yes. She is concerned about the emperor. Have you seen the empress before?”
“Concerned?” The omega scoffs at that. He then returns his sharp gaze at the beta and says, “Yes, I have seen the empress, here and there. What does concubine Zhu want from him, though?”
“I am not sure. I have been ordered just to inform her about the empress’s activities. Please do not tell anyone about it.” She says again as she looks around to check their surroundings. She would never have thought that her life would have become this.
Mei Changsu watches as the maid looks around for any eavesdroppers, not knowing that she was spilling everything to the empress himself. To get her attention, he clears his throat and says, “It is not a problem, miss-” Lulu looks at Mei Changsu with a small smile when he refers to her, a mere servant with so much respect. “My name is Lulu, and you are Xiao Shu, right?”
The other man almost cringes at that. “Ah, please call me Meng Shu. I am a distant relative of Commander Meng, and hence he refers to me as Xiao Shu. I recently moved here from a small village up north, and everyone has been very kind to me.”
“Up North? Where?” Lulu asks with curiosity as she also hails from the North. There was some tension going on in her hometown and if she could get any news from this omega about it, then it would relieve her mind of all the fears she had. In her enthusiasm to know more, she completely misses the spark in the omega’s eyes at her question.
“A small village near Xilong District. I was sheltered most of my life and did not get any chance to explore my life there.” Lulu ignores his last statement and excitedly claims, “I am from Xilong district! I came here just a year ago when the bandit activities became really bad.”
“Bandits?” Mei Changsu asks her which makes her quiet all of a sudden. Lulu curses internally. She should have never opened her mouth. “Forget I said anything. I need to get these remade and sent to the empress dowager, please excuse me.” She says before hastily walking away.
“Your Majesty.” Mei Changsu says, on his knees, as he visits Jingyan’s rooms later that day.
Xiao Jingyan, who was busy studying some scripts at his desk, looks up in alarm as Mei Changsu rarely greeted him with propriety. It was only done when there were people with him or there was a very grave matter demanding the emperor’s attention.
“What’s the matter?” The emperor asks as he immediately turns towards Mei Changsu and sits up straight.
“Please grant me permission to visit the north in a few days’ time.” Mei Changsu says, still on his knees.
“We spoke about this, there is no need to concern yourself about it. Our patrols have found nothing out of the blue. Prince Nie has been replying to my letters as well. He assured me everything is okay.” Xiao Jingyan tries to reason again. They have had this conversation multiple times before.
“I have a witness who has observed bandit activity. I will get more details in the coming days, but I need to be there.” Mei Changsu argues. Seeing the undying determination shining in Mei Changsu’s eyes, Xiao Jingyan sighs, “If you get proof in the next few days and it stands, then I will head out myself. I will need you to stay in the capital with the imperial army,” the emperor says.
When the omega tries to protest, the alpha walks up to him and pulls him up in a hug.  Mei Changsu immediately tries to pull away, aware of the servants watching them, but gives up when Jingyan doesn’t budge. “If you tell me one logical reason for me to not go, I will listen to you, but I have ten reasons why it would be a bad idea for me to not go and I know that you know it too,” he whispers in the man’s ears.
Xiao Jingyan feels as the man nods against his chest and puts his arms around Jingyan. “Did you eat?” Mei Changsu whispers and the emperor feels victorious at having won the argument.
“Not yet, I was waiting for you. Did you visit the empress dowager today? She told me you went to her in a disguise,” the emperor says as he pulls his empress down to sit next to him.
Mei Changsu immediately puts his head against Jingyan’s shoulder and closes his eyes. There was a lot he would have to explain to Jingyan, however he decides to disclose a small bit of information so the alpha would stop questioning him further, “Yes, I did, Needed to confirm a few things. How was your meeting with Concubine Zhu before I showed up?”
“Don’t even bring that up or I will get upset. Why did you come so late? It was so awkward for me to wait alone in her quarters. I think if I was not the emperor she would have killed me with her glare.” Xiao Jingyan complains, pulling his hand away from Mei Changsu to show him how angry he was.
When Changsu let’s the emperor pull away his hand without protest, Jingyan turns to glare at him and intertwines their hands once again.
Mei Changsu ignores the emperor’s antics and asks, “What did you do?”
Just then their dinner is brought in and placed in front of them. Mei Changsu pours some wine for him and his husband before he starts eating the food.
“Tell me exactly what happened, don’t forget a thing.” Mei Changsu says after downing a glass of wine.
On seeing Mei Changsu gulp down the entire glass, Jingyan takes the wine jar and places it on the furthest corner from the omega. Before the empress can protest, he starts telling him about the events that unfolded before his arrival.
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Earlier that day
Mei Changsu had informed the emperor that it was Concubine Zhu’s birthday and that they should visit her with some gifts as per the custom. Mei Changsu had already prepared the gifts and informed the emperor that he would meet him directly at Concubine Zhu’s quarters on her birthday. However, when the day of Concubine Zhu’s birthday arrived, the empress was nowhere to be spotted.
Along with him, other members of the imperial family, including consort Zhen were present to wish the concubine.
The emperor was sitting alone on the throne in the front hall when consort Zhen offered to massage his back. The emperor outrightly refuses and gives her a small smile in thanks.
After a while of waiting for the empress in silence, Xiao Jingyan is about to leave with a polite excuse but Concubine Zhu beats him. “Your Majesty, thank you for the gifts. They are truly thoughtful and just what I wanted. I’d have never guessed that his majesty even noticed these things. It was very sweet of you.” She slides in next to the emperor on the throne and touches his shoulder.
Xiao Jingyan immediately pulls away and nods absentmindedly. “I wish I could take the credit for that, it was the empress who had prepared all these gifts. In fact, he was supposed to visit you, but seems like something else is taking his time.” As he says this, he almost misses the scowl on consort Zhen’s face who is sitting on his left side.
“That is very thoughtful of him, this humble concubine will surely thank him,” she says and then turns towards her maids asking to bring the pastries she made. When the maid is back, Xiao Jingyan is already cringing at the plateful of hazelnut pastries. “Your majesty, I made these myself by handpicking each and every hazelnut, please have some, I was informed these are your favourite.”
“I would rather not, the empress has a severe allergy towards it,” the emperor says as he wishfully looks at the pastries for a few seconds before pushing the offered plate away. Concubine Zhu loses her cool then and there and demands, “But how does this affect the empress! You will be eating it!” At her outburst, the emperor glares at her and she immediately gets off the throne and kneels down. “Please forgive me, your majesty.”
Xiao Jingyan sighs. He doesn’t think it would be appropriate to tell concubine Zhu that he had discovered the empress having an allergic reaction one afternoon after having a very amorous embrace. He almost flinches at the memory and instead opts to say, “Never mind that, the empress has had a bad experience in the past because of the pastry taste in my mouth, I would rather that not happen again.”
On hearing these words, both concubine Zhu and consort Zhen turn red in anger. The emperor, unaware of the anger boiling in the people present, continues, “However, when I travel, I will ask Concubine Zhu to make me these.” Xiao Jingyan says with a small smile which the concubine begrudgingly returns.
Other imperial members slowly start to leave, and soon Xiao Jingyan finds himself alone with Concubine Zhu and consort Zhen who are seated on his right and left seats, respectively.
A maid then comes in to announce the arrival of the empress, and all those present in the room, including the emperor, cannot help but sit straighter at that.
As the empress enters, Concubine Zhu and consort Zhen bow down to him. Mei Changsu bows first to the emperor and then to the others as per customs. Xiao Jingyan gives him a small nod, which the omega returns before settling on a side seat next to consort Zhen.
“Your Majesty it seems like something kept you busy to come earlier. Please come and sit next to me. I am sure we have much to discuss.” the emperor says, sarcasm dripping from his tone. Mei Changsu huffs from his seat before going and settling next to the emperor.
“Where were you?!” Jingyan whispers to him in anger. Mei Changsu ignores the whisper as he watches the Concubine kneel down before them. “Your Majesty, I had made hazelnut pastries for the both of you. However, the emperor just informed me that you are allergic to them.”
“It is of no problem. I am sure the emperor would have enjoyed them, though.” Mei Changsu says with a small smile, “I hope you liked the gifts we prepared for you.”
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He watches as the concubine hesitates for a second, and her eyes flicker to consort Zhen before answering that she had loved the gifts. She then asks them to stay back for lunch as she had prepared the emperor’s favourites. Xiao Jingyan looks excited at that but deflates when Mei Changsu says, “I would love to stay, but I have an appointment I must go to.”
Consort Zhen also stands up at that and excuses herself. Concubine Zhu thanks her profusely before the consort walks away.
“No, you arrived late Changsu, stay for a bit.” Jingyan whispers to the empress and grabs onto Mei Changsu’s hands as he tries following consort Zhen. Mei Changsu looks at his husband and widens his eyes as if to convey something. “What?” Xiao Jingyan asks feigning stupidity though fully understanding that he wanted to leave him alone with concubine Zhu. “Nothing, never mind,” The omega says and the three of them make their way to the table where the food is arranged for them.
“This is delicious. Please have some yourself.” Mei Changsu tells the Concubine as he digs into his meal. The concubine seems surprised by the compliment and nods. She serves tea to the emperor and puts a few pieces of fish on his plate before she eats herself.
“Thank you.” the emperor says and puts some of those fishes in Mei Changsu’s bowl. “Eat this. You like it, right?”
Mei Changsu nods, “It has been a while since I have had food with so much spice.” As soon as he says that, his tongue starts burning. He quickly grabs onto his Alpha’s hand and shouts, “Jingyan! Quickly pass me the tea. This is very hot.” Xiao Jingyan passes his cup for Mei Changsu to drink and even pours him another round when he downs it in a gulp.
“Are you okay?” Xiao Jingyan starts patting his husband’s back as he starts coughing. “Yes, I guess I should have eased into the spices. Anyway I should leave, or else I will be late for my next appointment.” Mei Changsu says as he pats Jingyan’s arm and stands up.
A cough from the other side of the table reminds the two men about the presence of a third. “Um, Concubine Zhu, the food was delicious. I am getting delayed and must leave. Happy Birthday once again.” He says before leaving the room. After that, Xiao Jingyan also makes an excuse and leaves.
Xiao Jingyan finishes the retelling of his meeting and is surprised to see Mei Changsu look like a cat who got the cream. “What?”
“Nothing, dear husband. You are perfect.” Mei Changsu says with a grin, happy to have predicted the alpha’s behaviour and moves accurately, and continues eating his meal.
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boylovefanfics · 2 years
Empress Mei Changsu
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Lulu was a maid assigned to a task to spy on the empress Mei Changsu. However, at first, she is wrong to assume that the minister Meng Shu is actually Mei Changsu. Or is she?
How Mei Changsu brings down the entire harem by breaking a bathtub.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 FINAL
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