brandilovevip · 4 months
AVN Awards Jan 2024
The following was written about the AVN's / Awards Season back in 2014. It Originally appeared on my blog BrandiChat.
The reality is nothing has changed lol!
So if you want to understand my response to rarely if ever winning at these awards shows read on!
P.S. I've added notes to the original that are pertinent to 2024.
A lot of fans have contacted me this “Award Season” to ask about the lack of nominations/wins this year.
I honestly have no idea what the nomination process is or who specifically is involved in either the AVN or XBiz nomination process. And THAT is precisely why I’m amazed that I get nominated for anything at all. The truth is that I’m an “Industry Outsider”. I don’t have an agent politicing on my behalf, I don’t have a PR agency keeping my name in front of those who make decisions regarding nominations , I don’t work directly for one of the big studios and I don’t spend a lot of money … or any money advertising with the organizations who run the awards. And lastly, I don’t live in Los Angeles which negates my ability to socialize with “the industry”.
UPDATE: Unlike in 2014, I am under contract with Vixen Media Group through 2024 and hopefully beyond that.
I’m just a woman from North Carolina ( Now Florida ) who truly enjoys what she does and counts herself fortunate to make a living doing something I have passion for. You have to remember that my husband & I have always had an adventurous sex life so this is simply an exciting extension of that. If you follow my musical tastes, you know that I love Sting. He had a great quote about his marriage that mirrors my own:
“Being apart juices the relationship,” says Sting, noting, “I don’t think pedestrian sex is very interesting. There’s a playfulness we have; I like the theater of sex. I like to look good. I like her to dress up. I like to dress her up.”
The singer adds that they’re not a flowers-and-candy kind of couple. “Romantic?” he asks. “We like tawdry.”
So … that’s why I can honestly say I’m amazed that I get nominated for anything at all.
Does it bother me?
Sure it does… to a point. In this profession there are really three groups of people who provide you with feedback and they are each important for different reasons:
1. The Fans 2. The Producers 3. The Industry
The Fans are the most important group because aside from satisfying my personal kinks, that’s who I do this for. When the fans like what I do, I hear about it. I can see the results on Twitter, Instagram / Social Media, Fan Award Shows, in my email and most importantly, I hear about it from the owners of the production companies. I hope that you, my fans never underestimate how good it makes me feel to hear the positive responses and even the constructive criticisms.
The Producers are the second most important group in this threesome! Those who produce adult entertainment have a fiduciary duty to make adult entertainment that sells. Fan favorites sell. And this is why I am always booked solid when I travel to LA. I’ve had numerous discussions with studio owners… their feedback always makes me blush. I hear about their top selling scenes, the reasons they use my footage in their ads and most importantly I’m proud to be known as someone who is always on time, professional as well as courteous to the cast(s) & crew(s). If bookings are a good barometer of where your at in the “the industry” … I’m doing just fine.
UPDATE: Unlike in 2014, I am under contract with Vixen Media Group through 2024 and hopefully beyond that. So my schedule is full & I was chosen by a company I admire immensely to go under contract with as I turned 50!
The Industry. I like to think of “The Industry” in the same light as “The Academy” on the mainstream side. It’s an established organization of your peers .. and it’s big business! For the reasons I’ve listed above and probably some others I’m blissfully unaware of I simply don’t “fit in”. And that’s what stings. It’s nice to be recognized by your peers and after the year(s) I’ve had .. it’s not arrogant to say that I know I deserve to be.
But where that might sting for a day or two, I am continually pulled back to the reality of my year overall …. it’s been a FANTASTIC 2013! Some of the highlights include:
a. I’ve shot over 65 scenes including my first featrures b. Have been in the Top 10 of all performers on Freeones all year c. Won the Editors Choice MILF award at NightMoves d. Nominated for Performer Site of the Year ( XBiz ) e. I was nominated for a Fan Award for MILF of the Year ( AVN ) f. Received multiple RISE award nominations g. The Sex Awards nominations including the MILF category h. Broke the 100k followers mark on Twitter i. Surpassed 4500 members on my website j. Sponsored by Reality Kings & Naughty America at the 2014 AVN / AEE convention in Vegas. k. Finalized a deal for a huge project in 2014 ( more to come in December / January! )
It’s hard to be bitter when you look at the year in context.
I’m a very happy woman!
UPDATE: Just as it was in 2014 , I have had a year for the record books!
a. I went under contract with the industry's premier brand: Vixen Media Group. b. I've been nominated for half a dozen awards. c. Broke the 1 million followers mark on X (Twitter) d. Had the best financial year of my life. e. Renewed my arrangement with CamSoda.
f. Have co-hosted syndicated talk radio shows. g. Built wildly successful profiles on OnlyFans & Fansoda h. Gearing up to launch on FanSoda and Feet Finder. i. Looks like it will once again be a record breaking year financially.
It’s hard to be bitter when you look at the year in context.
Once again... I’m a very happy woman!
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brandilovevip · 1 year
Looking Forward: 2023
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Most of my fans are aware that as a result of the "Woke" turbulence & outright Marxist attacks on our Constitution & Unalienable rights, I took a hard stand over the past two plus years. I swore off my beloved College Football & Basketball. I refused to watch the NFL, Major League Baseball and NHL. I dropped the NBA long ago. I even stopped watching shows that I love because of the actors or actresses insane positions on vaccinations, lockdowns, masks and issues like gun control, Trump etc. Anyone who has followed me on social media or on my Onlyfans knows I was diligent and stuck to my "guns" so to speak. I cut it all out. As 2022 came to a close, Chris & I took some time between Christmas & New Years to reflect on everything from work, to politics to our personal lives. One thing became clear, the only people missing out on the things that once brought us so much joy was us! The woke mob is still the woke mob. The establishment is still intact. There have been small victories and defeats. But in general, the world around us has gotten "progressively" worse. The question we had to answer for ourselves is:  What can and should we do about it? The thing that will never change is my love for our Country as Founded. The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are a divine inheritance that I will gladly lay down my life for if need be. Let's hope it never comes to that! I will continue to write and speak as an Independent Constitutional Conservative. I'm not a Republican, I'm not a Libertarian and I'm absolutely not a Progressive or Democrat.  I'm a woman without a party to represent me. I call myself a Constitutional Conservative or Kid Rock Conservative all the time because I believe it’s an easily recognizable moniker. I like my drink and occasionally my smoke. I'm obviously pro sex and I could care less who marries who. But as everyone by now knows, I'm 100% America First. I'm the Anti-Globalist. The Anti-Communist. The Anti-Socialist.   And because I'm 100% America First, I hold these words in Our Declaration of Independence dear to my heart: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Truth is, I let them trick me into giving up my unalienable Rights. For almost three years now,  and honestly going back to the Global Elite's attacks on Trump beginning in 2016 I have been making decisions that lessen my happiness. I made decisions that cut out those things that bring me so much joy. And while THEY stole my Liberty, I willingly gave up the things that season my life and make it delicious. I reject the notion of a "new normal"  I'm taking my old normal back. And yes, along the way, I'll give the governing bodies of sports, media , news and politics an earful about their woke nonsense. But I'm going to re-engage in 2023 in the activities that have brought me so much joy over the years.   
Love you all, 
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brandilovevip · 2 years
My 2022 NCAA Bracket
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brandilovevip · 4 years
I Dissent
As a country paralyzed by fear and forced to their knees by Marxists and murderers fawns over Ruth Bader Ginsburg,  only two words can come to my mind:
I dissent.
As a pro life, pro family,  female anti-feminist;  I find it impossible to mourn the loss of Ginsburg.
Her legacy,  for me:
- Is one of 30 million dismembered & murder babies.
- A world where women only colleges & clubs are good but men only colleges and clubs are bad.
- A judge that tried to, through the court,  steal an American election from Bush.
- A woman who sowed gender strife into the fabric of a nation and spent a life trying to force “equal” pay at the expense of freedom as well smart & common sense business practices. She was a gender pimp woven from the same fabric as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. 
- A judge who used her position and political philosophy to force faith based organizations to offer birth control.
- A judge who was clearly against religious freedoms.
No, you won’t find me fawning over the death of Ginsburg. To me she wasn’t a shining example of what a woman should be. Rather, she was a shining example of someone opposed to God, femininity, masculinity, The Constitution and the family.
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brandilovevip · 4 years
Mr Love’s Ceviche
6 Roma Tomatoes 4 serrano pepers 2 small Vidalia Onions 1 Bunch of Fresh Cilantro 1 Red Bell Pepper 1lb filets trout ,  mahi mahi or favorite seafood.   3/4 cup lemon juice 3 limes  (juiced) 1/4 cup pineapple juice 1/2 grapefruit (juiced)  salt  pepper agave nectar ( to taste )
Combine the grapefruit juice, pineapple juice , lime juice, lemon juice & serrano  peppers in a glass / ceramic bowl.   Add the diced fish / seafood & cover with plastic wrap.  Place in refrigerator for 2 hours. 
Chop up all other ingredients and add to the bowl of seafood & juices after the 2 hours. 
Cover and put back in the refrigerator for another 2-4 hours. 
When ready,  add salt, pepper and agave to taste. 
I like to add fresh Avocado and serve with my favorite corn or yucca chips!
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brandilovevip · 4 years
Mr Love’s Black Bean Soup
Black Bean Soup
1.  Chop 2 sweet onions
2.  Chop 3 leeks
3.  Chop 1/2 bunch fresh cilantro
4.  Chop 1 garlic
5.  Chop 2-3 jalepeno peppers
Add all of the above to 4-6 tbs olive oil and sauté
Once tender,  add
*  9 cans of black beans
*  1 tub of salsa
*  1 can of chicken stock
simmer for 40 min +
after the 40 min simmer squeeze in 2 limes  and add the following spices:
*  1 tbs chili powder
*  1 tbs cumin
*   salt and pepper to taste
Simmer for an additional 20 min and then pure'
Add sour cream to taste
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brandilovevip · 4 years
Mr. Love’s Chicken Thai Basil
Step 1:
Chop 3 shallots finely
Chop 1 sweet onion finely
Chop 1 Garlic Finely
Chop 2 leeks finely
Add this to large pot and 2+ tablespoons olive oil. Saute for a long time… 20 min or so.
Step 2
While the veggies are sauteing ….
Chop 4 packages fresh basil
Chop 3 tomatoes
Chop 1 good sized piece of ginger… 2 inches or so
Grate 1 teaspoon lime peel.
Chop 3 large, red cerano peppers
Chop 1 bunch of Bok Choy
2 small pckg enoki mushrooms
Once the veggies from step one are sauteed add the items in step 2 to the pot along with:
-  49 oz chicken broth
-  3/4 cup tomato juice
-  1 4oz lemon grass
-  4 tbs fish sauce
- squeeze 2 limes and 2 lemons into the pot
Simmer all of this for a good 20 min + until everything is tender
Step 3
While everything in step 2 is simmering…
Thinly slice 4-5 boneless / skinless chicken breasts
Prepare 2 cups snow peas
Add this to the pot….
Step 4
Season the soup with :
2-3 tbs tobasco
1 tbs sugar
2 tablespoons thai basil ( from jar )
1 teaspoon black pepper
1  teaspoon lemon pepper
1 tablespoon sea salt
add additional tobacco & fish sauce to taste
Serve over thin noodles if desired
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brandilovevip · 4 years
What I Believe About Coronavirus
It’s been a HOT topic on Twitter...
So what do I think is really going on and what do I think about Coronavirus? 
Read on.
When health events like this happen ( and they happen often ) 
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there is always some fear and trepidation.  In recent times however it has become an obsession in the media to track and breathlessly report the number of deaths especially with the flu and/or any other viral outbreak.  They don’t do this with any of the actual leading causes of death in the USA which are:
1. Cardiovascular Disease  deaths each year 647,457 2. Cancer deaths each year 599,108 3. Accidents deaths each year 169,936 4. Respiratory Disease deaths each year 160,201 5. Stroke deaths each year 146,383
So every flu season, despite the flu not making the top 5, we are fed a steady diet of fear and mounting death.  When you add in a “rogue” virus like the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus, things get really out of hand. You would think that they believe The Walking Dead and Outbreak are documentaries.
This FEAR drives ratings and the progressive left’s globalist agenda. This agenda is the agenda of 90% (+) of the global media,  the EU , China etc.  There are few countries left in Europe and Asia that don’t want globalism. They have already been pacified.  The great spirit of America however has not. Donald Trump’s election was a shock to the globalist agenda which is clearly on display in the democratic party.  They are now out in the open as unabashed, socialist/communist “progressives”
meaning… globalists.
There are a number of “conservative” publications out there that believe that Covid-19 was created in a lab an purposefully unleashed. I do not believe that is the case,  although I do think it is possible.  I do however believe that they had foreknowledge of the virus and it’s potential spread & impact.
Why do you believe this Brandi?
Because of Event 201.  If you haven’t read about this, you need to educate yourself. This ACTUALLY took place. The “players” and sponsors should be looked at closely.
Only a few months ago, in OCTOBER 2019, Johns Hopkins, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum (a fraternity of self-professed globalists) ran a “pandemic simulation” called “Event 201” specifically focused on CORONAVIRUS.  Not Ebola, or Swine Flu or even Avian Flu – but CORONAVIRUS.  The simulation features the spread of coronavirus in South America, blamed on animal to human transmission (pigs). The conclusion of the exercise was that national governments were nowhere near ready. 
Event 201 played out almost exactly as you see it in the world today.  Even their propaganda pieces are eerily similar.  
Some very disingenuous or perhaps rather stupid people have been arguing that this kind of thing is “normal”, claiming that we are “lucky” that the elites have been running simulations in advance in order to “save us” from a viral outbreak.
I believe that Event 201 was not a simulation but a war-game, played out to study the possible outcomes of an event the globalists already knew was coming. They played it out to see how to use it to their advantage.
In their simulation 65 million people died worldwide.  A number they knew was false but it would certainly scare the sheep into submission.
Does anyone really believe that Event 201 is pure coincidence? Does anyone really believe they left up their “findings” for any other reason than to frighten readers?
But what do globalists have to gain directly from a coronavirus pandemic beyond simple chaos that can be exploited?
Interestingly, a representative from Johnson and Johnson, one of the companies that may end up designing a “vaccine” for the Coronavirus, suggested during Event 201 that a “centralized” global economic authority in charge of funding and procuring vaccines for various nations in crisis was an option for solving the pandemic.
The reason why globalists want a collapse is simple – They need crisis in order to manipulate the masses into accepting total centralization, a global monetary system and global governance. They are also rabid believers in eugenics and population reduction.
Regarding a “centralized” global economic authority  and a global monetary system ...  did you notice the Democrats included language pertaining to a digital currency in their bloated, globalist agenda filled coronavirus bill after pulling the rug out from under America.
The US and China are still currently in the middle of a trade war. This trade war has been demonized by Democrats and RINO’s alike. And despite it being the right thing for America, the Phase 1 deal was always a joke because it demands that China quadruple its purchases from the US within the next 1-2 years. This was never going to happen. 
The Chinese cannot be trusted.  They are the most evil, unfeeling regime in the world. They are cold , calculated and intelligent. They have made, through money,  slaves of many of the worlds largest, most influential and wealthiest corporations and people.
Now, because of the impact of the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus,  there is no chance that China will meet the requirements of the Phase 1 deal as China’s economy will slow under the weight of the pandemic.
If Trump continues tariffs against a nation in the state of a viral emergency, he will look like a monster.  If he doesn’t continue the lockdown and one person dies thereafter, he will look like a monster. They have him in an almost impossible situation. He knows it, which is why he looks so somber & frustrated.
Another advantage of the viral crisis is that the globalist establishment will undoubtedly blame “climate change” for its impetus.  Even though there is absolutely no concrete evidence linking human carbon emissions to climate change or viral outbreaks, given enough public fear, globalists will attempt to link the things together as if it is a proven fact. 
 Not only will they have a rationale for an economic collapse THEY created, but they can also present a virus as an “act of nature”, and use it as a rationale for implementing carbon controls. (ALSO PRESENT IN PELOSI’s DESPICABLE BILL)
So what is really going on:
The globalists are using COVID-19 to their advantage to wrestle back control and complete their globalist mission. They know that if Donald Trump gets re-elected their horror of a dream is over.
It is a deadly virus. It is highly communicable. But is neither as deadly or communicable as the fear mongers want you to believe. I’m not going to go through all of the FACTS here. But I would encourage you to read this excellent article:
If the USA follows the pattern in SIMILAR countries with similar population demographics and geography then we should see maybe 250,000 total who have contracted this and a death rate of 1.5% for total deaths around 3,750
We have all been around death. Iv’e lost most of my family and it’s always gut wrenching. But if the numbers hold true, the 3750 deaths due to Coronavirus are about 5x less than the number of homicides we have every single year.
Where do I agree with the trolls that bombard my Twitter account?
I agree that we need to have a far better protocol in place for WHEN pandemics happen and I believe we need to make a HUGE investment into our healthcare system. Some things I would love to see them consider:
1.  Everyone wears masks during a “Pandemic Protocol”  I know , I know…  surgical masks don’t stop the virus from getting in.. but if EVERYONE is wearing them it does stop a lot of the virus from getting OUT.  Japan has an 80% adoption rate for masks.  They have major population centers and yet.. their numbers remained low.
2. Have tests ready.  Jesus. Everyone on the planet seemed to have more tests than us.  That’s embarrassing. Test everybody.
3. Isolate & quarantine the most vulnerable to death, first.
4. Immediately close borders and international travel
5. If needed, in extreme situations impose a reasonable self isolation and social distancing period not to last longer than 21 days.  
6. Have teams at CDC ready to collaborate with local and international physicians to discuss treatment modalities & vaccines.
7. Build regional medical facilities in conjunction with private, non profit health care systems to handle sudden increases in medical emergencies.
This closing down of the country however and spreading fear the way they have is grotesque and evil. Do you think it’s any less horrible to die from  Cardiovascular Disease , Cancer an Accident, stroke, suicide or murder?  No. Death is horrible and sad.  But it is in fact part of life.  I don’t want to die, I’m not looking forward to death but I do know that at some point, it will occur.
I’m ever thankful that in addition to my thirst for facts vs fear, I also have contacts across the medical landscape. In every single case, they tell me the same thing. If you don’t smoke, If you don’t have major underlying medical conditions and are in good health… then you have very little to fear even if you do contract the virus. Yes, it may have a 1.4% - 2.0% death rate but those numbers are skewed toward those 65+ and those with major medical issues.  Regardless of age if you are generally healthy, you are looking at a death rate equal to or less than the common flu.
And they also tell me that if you do get it,  demand that you be treated with the combination of Hydroxychloroquine and a Zpack unless there are contraindications.
Some things that have become perfectly clear:  
1.  Socialized Medicine would be a Disaster 2.  Open Borders = Complete Insanity
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brandilovevip · 5 years
College Athletes Should Not Be Paid to Play
The other day I made a simple but obviously provocative statement regarding college athletics. I like to stir things up from time to time but this one seemed to piss people off LOL!
So what was said?
“BTW… I am NOT one of those that believes college players should be paid for playing sports. Scholarships yes. Salaries NO”
After 300+ tweets both in support and opposition I thought it would be best to clarify my position on this issue. I respect that you may feel otherwise & I hope you will respect that I feel you are wrong LOL!
So lets get right into it…
a. NCAA Division II Financial Aid Presentation (NCAA / PDF) b. Myth of exploited, impoverished athletes (ESPN / PDF) c. Odds That Your Kid Becomes A Professional Athlete ( Business Insider / PDF) d. Athletic Scholarships and Financial Aid Issues ( Informed Athlete / PDF ) e. The Economic Case for College ( Washington Post / PDF )
1. College is for Education
Even if a young man is good at sports in high school, gets a scholarship, and excels in college, there’s almost no way they are going to go pro. That is a fact and it is not disputed. Scott Soshnick of Bloomberg tweeted a link today to the NCAA’s official estimated probabilities that athletes in six major sports become professionals.
Only one sport (baseball) had more than 2% of NCAA players go pro.
For college football, the sport I am so passionate about the numbers are:
1.7% of college players play professionally while only 0.08% of high school players do
High school players: 1,108,441
College players: 67,887
Draftees: 255
The point?
You go to college for the education and economic advantage it offers you over a lifetime. You do not go to college to go pro in sports. It really is that simple.
The economic case for college is simple: college graduates make more money. In fact, they make over $500,000 more over the course of their lifetimes, on average. That works out, as we’ve noted before, to among the best returns-on-investment around. It works out to an annual return of around 15 percent a year. The stock market, by contrast, averages 6.8 percent annual returns, and housing averages 0.4 percent a year.
But there’s a catch. This is the return to graduating from college and not everyone graduates.
2. College Kids Should Live Modestly
Frugality is all the rage. And a good thing too. With the economic situation as it is, we had better learn to take pleasure from the simple things if we want to keep our sense of balance and be able to sleep at night. This is especially true in college.
Everyone I know who is my age & went to college remembers existing on ramen noodles, mac & cheese & tuna. We remember sofa diving for spare change just so we could get that next case of beer. We remember being dirt poor in college and yet…
We remember this fondly.
As the matter of fact most of us would say that our college days , a time when were were at our poorest were some of the best times of our life.
You may disagree but I believe there are GREAT lessons in living like this through these years. I wouldn’t trade my experience for anything and trust me .. my kids will have to figure out their way as well. Could I make it easy and just pay for everything?
Will I?
Not a fucking chance.
3. Collegiate Athletes Should Have The Same Financial Aid Opportunities As Other But NOT More:
I am not going to get into a debate over semantics because no matter what you call it ( grants, scholarships, loans etc ) it’s all financial aid.
I paid for college through the following:
1. A small scholarship 2. Some grants 3. Student Loans (45k worth) 4. Worked in the student athletic center year 1 & 2 (10 hrs / wk @ $7.95 / hr) 5. Worked as a bartender in year 3 & 4. ( 3 nights a week averaged $175 / wk )
My parents came up with care packages from time to time but they did not pay for my education. They made me do it and I’m extremely thankful.
I think this should be the same for collegiate athletes.
While some people believe that college athletes who receive athletic scholarships receive “full-ride” scholarships, the truth is that no athletic scholarship covers ALL of the costs of attending college, and that athletes in the majority of sports programs receive “partial” athletic scholarships. A “full” athletic scholarship covers the following costs of college: tuition, certain course-related fees, room and board, and the value or provision of books. An athletic scholarship may not cover all student fees, and also may not cover things like parking fines, a single room in the dorm, library fines or late fees, etc.
In NCAA Division I, the following sports are “head-count” sports: men’s and women’s basketball, football, women’s gymnastics, women’s tennis, and women’s volleyball. All other Division I sports, as well as all Division II sports, are “equivalency” sports. In equivalency sports, coaches can divide their scholarships up as they desire, as they long as they do not exceed the total allowable scholarship value available in their sport. A few examples in Division I are baseball with 11.7, softball with 12, and wrestling with 9.9 scholarships. One athlete on the team may be provided with the cost of tuition, a second athlete on the team may be provided with room and board, and a third athlete on the team may only be provided the value or use of books.
Any student-athlete who receives any amount of athletic financial aid is considered a “counter” per NCAA rules. Once a student-athlete is considered a “counter” there are situations in which other types of financial aid may be required to be “counted” as athletic financial aid.
So what does all of the above mean in short?
Follow me on this because this is important …
There are two important financial aid limits for athletes. The first is the value of a full athletic scholarship – tuition, required fees, room, board, and books.
The second important limit is the institution’s Cost of Attendance. At many institutions across the country, the Cost of Attendance is roughly $2000 more than a full scholarship, but that can certainly vary widely between schools. Athletes that receive financial aid having no relationship to their athletic participation can keep financial aid above the cost of a full athletic scholarship, but most of the time cannot keep financial aid above the Cost of Attendance.
This $2000 represents the difference between a “full ride” and a “Full ride” + fun & beer money.
And THIS is why the NCAA rule reads:
A new NCAA rule permits a Division I student-athlete to earn legitimate on- and off-campus employment income during semester or term time, provided such income in combination with other financial aid included in the student-athleteís individual limit does not exceed the value of a full grant plus $2,000.
Bottom Line:
You want to go to college and play sports .. awesome! You have the same opportunity for financial aid ( actually more opportunity because of the sports scholarships ) as everyone else.
You need the extra $2000 per semester .. great. Either get it through other financial aid or work for it.
Can’t work because of the sports & scholastic schedule … I understand.
Get a student loan…
Actually here are the options for additional monies above the Cost of Attendance
a. Summer aid b. Employment c. Exempted government and state grants (e.g., Pell Grants). d. Exempted academic awards. e. Legitimate loans (repayment schedule, available to all students)
My Biggest Pet Peeve:
If I hear one more person say ” The schools / NCAA is making millions off of these kids, they should get paid” I think I’ll scream. These people should never be allowed to run businesses.
What would you do if you are offered a job that does not fairly compensate you for your work? ……..You don’t accept that job.
Yet, athletes do accept a scholarship in exchange for playing sports. This means they are fairly compensated.
You really need to ask yourself How much is a free education worth? Remember that’s really why they are in college. I’d encourage everyone to read; The Myth of exploited, impoverished athletes.
I’m not going to even get into the issue of what is invested / has been invested and risked by the Universities / NCAA to make collegiate sports what they are today.
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brandilovevip · 5 years
Mountaineer Pride!
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So lets get the obvious out of the way first....
Heck yeah I was at #WVU this week for Freshman Orientation! We are proud of our not so little ones who have worked so diligently to get accepted into division one #BIG & #BIG12 schools. Imagine what it took for ours to overcome the challenges of being young adults .. high schoolers of famous / infamous parents & grandparents. Ours had no choice in being the great grandchildren of Jesse L. Livermore I as well as the children of “Brandi Love”. They have handled it with grace. They overcame. They persevered.  They thrived!
They also rightly understand that they are fortunate. Being who they are with their family history is not a burden,  it’s a privilege... a source of pride  & a blessing.
Our youngest was accepted to Penn State, Michigan State , Wisconsin and a host of other schools.  She was offered academic scholarships and has excelled academically as well as socially. She chose #WVU and WVU embraced her as well as our family. We experienced first hand the culture of kindness that ran through the streets and hallowed halls of Morgantown WV as well as WVU. 
It reminded her of home.   After meeting the with the staff and administration at WVU .. I'll be a proud #Mountaineer for life! 
I hope President Gee was serious and takes Chris ( my husband ) to celebrate one of those 21st birthdays! lol
I was left remembering this:  Here, going first is in our blood. It’s in our sweat. And it’s in our nature. So we will go above. We will go beyond. And when everyone else goes back, Mountaineers #GOFIRST That is the nature of of our daughter. She's gone above.  She's gone beyond. She's had every reason to go back.. to retreat. She has stood her ground with grace & an unusual kindness. She's a Mountaineer in every sense and we can’t wait to see where she decides to take her life from here! #LetsGo !!!
Regarding the photo’s and social media posts... 
As I’ve stated before,  we aren’t naive.  Being us,  comes with a certain expectation that our privacy comes with limitations.  
There is however a way of handling these situations / events  with class. 
It would have been one thing to come up to us,  introduce oneself and even acknowledge that you knew who we are. Welcome us. Sit and have a normal conversation.  
We are just like every other parent at that orientation. Proud of our daughter and yet choking back tears for three days straight. Our youngest is leaving. It’s time to let her grow.
We are there as parents. 
Our daughter is exhilarated about beginning her college career and yet frightened ... scared and nervous. 
Most welcomed her with tender outstretched arms and made her feel like a Mountaineer.  
Some unfortunately chose to sneak around, snap photos & comment inappropriately on social media. 
Please remember..  she’s there as a student focussed on her future. She’s a proud Mountaineer & a kind hearted young lady. 
Want to impress?  Look after her as if she were your sister or best friend.  Support her as a fellow Mountaineer.   
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brandilovevip · 5 years
For When The Bell Tolls
Chose this fight on The Hill in the early day A sadness still deep inside Shouting run, got my gun, time to end the grey. Forced to fight, for the Right, It had to end this way For This Hill men would kill, yes we do know how. Inflicted wounds, Pelosi’s pride. AOC maybe five still alive through the raging glow, Gone insane from a pain that I hope they’ll know For when the bell tolls Time to march on For when the bell tolls Take a look to the sky just before you die It is the last time you will Obama’s roar Clinton’s roar fills the crumbling sky, Shattered goals fill their soul with a hateful cry. Opened now, are our eyes, to this misery We heard the fascists so loud Crack of dawn, Left is gone, Bill of Rights will be. Sea to sea, what will be, once blinded eyes now see. For when the bell tolls Time to march on For when the bell tolls
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brandilovevip · 5 years
Brandi - Why Are You a Conservative?  Issue 12
War on Terror/Terrorism
Global warming, not terrorism, poses the greatest threat to the U.S., according to Democrats in Congress. Terrorism is a result of arrogant U.S. foreign policy. Good diplomacy is the best way to deal with terrorism. Relying on military force to defeat terrorism creates hatred that leads to more terrorism. Captured terrorists should be handled by law enforcement and tried in civilian courts.
Terrorism poses one of the greatest threats to the U.S. The world toward which the militant Islamists strive cannot peacefully co-exist with the Western world. In the last decade, militant Islamists have repeatedly attacked Americans and American interests here and abroad. Terrorists must be stopped and destroyed. The use of intelligence-gathering and military force are the best ways to defeat terrorism around the world. Captured terrorists should be treated as enemy combatants and tried in military courts.
My Position:
Islam is a death cult. Convert or die. That is ultimately the option of this cult.
Terrorism poses one of the greatest threats to the U.S. Sharia Law cannot peacefully co-exist with the Western world. In the last decade, militant Islamists have repeatedly attacked Americans and American interests here and abroad. Terrorists must be stopped and destroyed. The use of intelligence-gathering and military force are the best ways to defeat terrorism around the world. Captured terrorists should be treated as enemy combatants and tried in military courts.
P.S.  I love bacon.
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brandilovevip · 5 years
Brandi - Why Are You a Conservative?  Issue 11
Higher taxes (primarily for the wealthy) and a larger government are necessary to address inequity/injustice in society (government should help the poor and needy using tax dollars from the rich). Support a large government to provide for the needs of the people and create equality. Taxes enable the government to create jobs and provide welfare programs for those in need. Government programs are a caring way to provide for the poor and needy in society.
Lower taxes and a smaller government with limited power will improve the standard of living for all. Support lower taxes and a smaller government. Lower taxes create more incentive for people to work, save, invest, and engage in entrepreneurial endeavors. Money is best spent by those who earn it, not the government. Government programs encourage people to become dependent and lazy, rather than encouraging work and independence.
My Position:
Strictly conservative.... Lower taxes and a smaller government with limited power will improve the standard of living for all. Support lower taxes and a smaller government. Lower taxes create more incentive for people to work, save, invest, and engage in entrepreneurial endeavors. Money is best spent by those who earn it, not the government. Government programs encourage people to become dependent and lazy, rather than encouraging work and independence.
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brandilovevip · 5 years
Brandi - Why Are You a Conservative?  Issue 10b
Same-sex Marriage
Marriage is the union of people who love each other. It should be legal for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals, to ensure equal rights for all. Support same- sex marriage. Opposed to the creation of a constitutional amendment establishing marriage as the union of one man and one woman. All individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, have the right to marry. Prohibiting same-sex citizens from marrying denies them their civil rights. [Opinions vary on whether this issue is equal to civil rights for African Americans.]
Marriage is the union of one man and one woman. Oppose same-sex marriage. Support Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), passed in 1996, which affirms the right of states not to recognize same-sex marriages licensed in other states. Requiring citizens to sanction same-sex relationships violates moral and religious beliefs of millions of Christians, Jews, Muslims and others, who believe marriage is the union of one man and one woman.
My Position:
I could care less if two males or two females get married.  This,  in my opinion is not a political issue. It is not an issue for the government to get involved in.
I do not oppose same sex marriage.
If two people of legal age love one another and want to spend their lives together .. that's a beautiful thing.
What we should do is make it harder and more punitive to get divorced!!!
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brandilovevip · 5 years
Brandi - Why Are You a Conservative?  Issue 10
Religion & Government
Support the separation of church and state. The Bill of Rights implies a separation of church and state. Religious expression has no place in government. The two should be completely separate. Government should not support religious expression in any way. All reference to God in public and government spaces should be removed (eg., the Ten Commandments should not be displayed in Federal buildings). Religious expression has no place in government.
The phrase “separation of church and state” is not in the Constitution. The First Amendment to the Constitution states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...” This prevents the government from establishing a national church/denomination. However, it does not prohibit God from being acknowledged in schools and government buildings. Symbols of Christian heritage should not be removed from public and government spaces (eg., the Ten Commandments should continue to be displayed in Federal buildings). Government should not interfere with religion and religious freedom.
My Position:
Like it or not ( I happen to love it ), despite the ridiculous attempts of the left,  The United States of America was founded on Judeo-Christian traditions.
Government should stay out of religion. ( the so called separation )
It's impossible & offensive to the founders & foundations of the country to remove God from our government. The founders were essentially saying " We are a Judeo-Christian Nation, founded on Judeo-Christian values AND we know what it's like to be persecuted for that. Therefore, if you want to participate in another religion ( NOT CULT) that doesn't violate The Constitution .. then feel free. The government won't get involved.
“What students would learn in American schools above all is the religion of Jesus Christ.”
~ George Washington [May 12, 1779, Speech to the Delaware Indian Chiefs]
“The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.”
~ Adams [June 28, 1813, in a letter to Thomas Jefferson]
“God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift from God?”
~ Thomas Jefferson [1781, Jefferson’s Notes on the State of Virginia, Query XVIII]
“It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
~ Henry [May 1765, Speech to the House of Burgesses]
“For my own part, I sincerely esteem it [the Constitution] a system which without the finger of God, never could have been suggested and agreed upon by such a diversity of interests.”
~ Hamilton [1787, after the Constitutional Convention]
“I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States…to set apart and observe ... a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.
~ Lincoln [October 3, 1863, official Proclamation of Thanksgiving]
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brandilovevip · 5 years
Brandi - Why Are You a Conservative?  Issue 9
Support free or low-cost government controlled health care. There are millions of Americans who can’t afford health care and are deprived of this basic right. Every American has a right to affordable health care. The government should provide equal health care benefits for all, regardless of their ability to pay.
Support competitive, free market health care system. All Americans have access to health care. The debate is about who should pay for it. Free and low-cost government-run programs (socialized medicine) result in higher costs and everyone receiving the same poor- quality health care. Health care should remain privatized. The problem of uninsured individuals should be addressed and solved within the free market healthcare system – the government should not control healthcare.
My Position:
1.  We have the best providers of care in the world. Out facilities are state of the art. We have extremely high quality physicians , nurses. PA's, PT's etc etc.
2.  The healthcare system / health insurance system is totally fucked up. Prior to Obamacare, we did not have a free market health care system.  We have to completely re-think how we deliver care and what it costs. I believe we need to have the private sector, government and the general public provide input.
Healthcare needs a disruption.
Keep the attorney's out of it. Real Tort reform , maybe smaller,  less expensive facilities providing localized care.  This is such a complex animal that it's impossible to cover everything & I'm not qualified to speak own every facet of heatlthcare.  What I do know is... The private sector failed AND Obamacare is worse.
Both failed.
I do believe that healthcare should remain privatized. Government.... outside of its core responsibilities,  is NEVER the solution.
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brandilovevip · 6 years
Brandi - Why Are You a Conservative?  Issue 8
Global Warming/Climate Change
Global warming is caused by an increased production of carbon dioxide through the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). The U.S. is a major contributor to global warming because it produces 25% of the world’s carbon dioxide. Proposed laws to reduce carbon emissions in the U.S. are urgently needed and should be enacted immediately to save the planet. Many reputable scientists support this theory.
Change in global temperature is natural over long periods of time. Science has not shown that humans can affect permanent change to the earth’s temperature. Proposed laws to reduce carbon emissions will do nothing to help the environment and will cause significant price increases for all. Many reputable scientists support this theory.
My Position:
Man made climate change is a scam.
I am an avid outdoorsman ... I have invested 100% of my real estate holdings in areas that are dedicated to "unplugging". I personally live in the woods. I hike, fish, farm, and sit on two separate lake association councils.
I am not in the business of supporting positions that would harm my own businesses and personal quality of life.
If I thought for a second that human beings were negatively effecting earth in a manner that would lead to a lower quality of nature, poorer quality of air or the destruction of the planet... I would be leading the charge!
The planet breathes. It warms up & cools down.... naturally.
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