brandors · 14 days
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brandors · 4 months
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brandors · 9 months
Scp idea
Code Name: The door in the woods
Class: Euclid
A medium sized ornate door surrounded in stone in the middle of the woods, that looks similar to those described in old fairy tales, and covered in ancient runes of space and warding. When the door is entered, the person seems to teleport into a medium sized, rounded house, with a mini library and dining room, lit by torches.
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First encounter: while our team was searching for SCP-682 after his moat recent escape, we came across the door and sent someone to check it, before seeing an old man, looking to be around mid seventy's walking into the door and promptly disappearing. After catching and re-containing 682, we asked to get access to a group of D-class to bring to the door. After getting D-class personel mark reshwinski a body camera, we sent him through the door, and the feed cut-out after seeing the previously mentioned old man at the dinner table, but the audio stayed in place as we recorded the conversation.
Audio recording:
D-class: hello sir ,how are you?
Old_Man: very good young man, now what brings you to my lonely abode today?
D-class: I was sent in to figure out who or what you and this house are. What is your name?
Old_Man: last question first, my name is brastod, and this house is in a pocket dimensions of my own creation and design, with my life force tied to that door.
D_class: next question, how did you get the power to make these pocket dimensions?
Old_Man: I don't know. All I know is that I've had them all my life, as well as this house I was born in. All I know is that I snap and I make a portal.
D-class: last question, how do you feel about being relocated?
Old_Man: Relocated? How so, and why?
D-class: the place that told me to come in here wants to relocate you to their facility, because you pose a slight threat to normality.
Old_Man: is that so. Very well, I didn't want to do this but fine. Goo**ye...
Audio recording cut off
As the recording cut off, a bright light flashed around the door, and the D-class came flying out mangled and with a snapped neck. When we sent another D-class in, he immediately flew out with his memory erased. After that we left, and came back the next day with 096, to see what effects he would have on the Old Man. After sending 096 inside we didn't hear any screaming. We then showed a picture of 096 to a D-class, but 096 didn't seem to have any reaction to it. We then sent in that D-class to look at 096, expecting to hear screaming, but nothing happened. We all went inside, and found 096 walking around having conversation with the D-class about why he didn't seem to be upset about some one looking at him. This led to us bringing 096 outside and having the D-class look at him again, but this time 096 immediately screamed and killed the D-class. Later that week we brought shovels to dig up the door but saw SCP-343 outside talking to the Old Man which eventually led to the Old Man touching his door, shrinking it, and coming to the foundation with 343, and putting the door on an empty containment cell, and walking inside like nothing had changed.
End of case file.
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