bravashop · 3 years
Best Drinks to Make in a Cocktail Shaker
Hey, did you recently invest in a home bar for your family home? If you did, chances are you’ve also invested in some quintessential bar tools like the cocktail shaker! But, if you’ve never made a cocktail before, you might want to stop and read this blog.
Making a cocktail for your guests is one of the most exciting activities. However, if you mess it up, it can be a tad embarrassing. Nevertheless, mixing a cocktail isn’t rocket science. With a few simple recipes, you can practice until you master the art of cocktail making.
Well, for your convenience, this blog has some interesting cocktail recipes you can make in your cocktail shaker.
342 custom printed stainless steel acrylic plastic 4oz to 28oz sizes martini gift sets logo branded LED beverage shakers many colors and styles from $0.94.
Let’s Get Started!
Martini has pretty much become a household name ever since James Bond made it famous. But it was around for a pretty long time. The name Martini was taken from an Italian vermouth brand in 1863.
Around the same time, in San Fransisco, a drink named Martinez rose to popularity. This drink contained vermouth, gin, Maraschino along with bitters. Later, the bitters and Maraschino were removed from the drink and thus, emerged the classic Martini.  
Now, the Martini is so loved across the globe due to its ‘he citrus essence of a lemon twist’ or brine-y olive tone that gives it such an edge.
To make a starter Martini, you’ll need:
1 oz dry vermouth
2 oz gin
A cocktail shaker
Take out your cocktail shaker and add some ice to it. After that, pour your dry vermouth and gin and give the mixture a light stir. Since you’re not exactly adding fruits, you do not need to shake the concoction.  
Once you stir the beverage for 10 seconds, pour it into a martini glass. Now, add a dice of lemon on the side and serve it cool.
Gin and Tonic
Gin and tonic do not go back for many decades. It was rather a clever invention by the British soldiers from the British East India Company. During the 1800s, there was a malaria outrage that often affected the soldiers. Therefore, to counter that, the soldiers had to take quinine. But the quinine was bitter, and thus, to counter its bitterness, the soldiers mixed it with gin, lime, sugar and water.
This soon became popular and gave rise to the modern gin and tonic.  
Now, the gin and tonic is a classic drink as it is ideal for warmer weather. The lovely combination of gin, with tonic and a citric lime wedge, cools the body and relaxes the mind.
To make a basic Gin and Tonic, you’ll need:
Tonic water, lime wedge, gin
Cocktail shaker
Pour ice over the cocktail shaker and chill the glass. After that add lime and gin to your preference before stirring it for 10 seconds. After that, take a strainer if your cocktail shaker doesn’t have one. Place the strainer at the mouth of the cocktail shaker and strain the liquid into a glass. Once done, attach a lime wedge at the side of the glass and serve it chilled.
You know the classic daiquiri wasn’t served in some Slurpee like contraption back in the days. Rather, the drink was invented in the quaint town of Santiago de Cuba during the Spanish-American war.  
The military veterans often enjoyed this drink at whim and by the early 1900s, the drink has become popular in America. Soon, it became a popular beverage enjoyed by many famous personals like JFK to Hemingway.
Later, Sasha Petraske, one of the most popular social influencers reviewed the drink and modified it. Today, we enjoy the modified version of the daiquiri, which is loved by all owing to its unique taste. The classic ones feature a sweet-sour taste with a strong undertone!
To make a Daiquiri, you’ll need:
¾ oz simple syrup
2 oz White rum
1 oz Lemon
Cocktail shaker
In your cocktail shaker, add ice and let it cool the metal. After that, add the syrup, white rum and lemon and secure the cocktail shaker by attaching the cap. Now, take hold the shaker securely over your shoulders and shake vigorously for 10 seconds. Once the cocktail shaker starts to frost up, use a strainer if you don’t have one, to strain the liquid into a glass.
Decorate it as you wish and serve it cold!
The sidecar was first introduced around World War I and was named after a motorcycle attachment. Now, we aren’t sure where it was exactly born, it could be a gentlemen’s club or a fancy hotel in France, but either way, the Sidecar was a big hit thanks to the inclusion of ingredients like Cointreau and Cognac.
This drink features an acidic taste with a dry finish, that one can feature as an acquired taste. This one is ideal for a little night-time drinking.
To make the Sidecar, You’ll Need:
A cocktail shaker
3/4 oz freshly squeezed lime juice
3/4 oz Cointreau
2 oz Cognac
Orange peel
Take a coupe glass and place it over a plate of sugar to attach the sugar to the rim of the glass. Next, take all the mixture and add it into a cocktail shaker with ice. Once you all the ingredients, take the cocktail shaker and shake the mixture for 10-15 seconds. Once, the cocktail shaker starts to frost up, it means your drink is prepared.
After that, strain the drink and pour it into the coupe glass. Lastly, add an orange peel at the side and serve it fancy.
You’ve all heard of the margarita! It’s a fancy summer drink, which is very popular with the ladies! However, the origins of the margarita are still quite murky. There are many stories attached to it, regardless, the most popular one is of the Tijuana nightclub owner. He apparently, crafted the drink to impress a performer by the name of Margarita Cansino. Later, this woman became the well-known Rita Hayworth.
The margarita is popular due to its sweetly acidic taste with a salted rim.
To make this margarita, you’ll need:
1 oz Cointreau
1 oz fresh-squeezed lime juice
2 oz silver tequila
Mix all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker and give it a little shake. After that, rub salt on the rim of a margarita glass and strain the contents of the cocktail shaker into it. Serve it chilled! You can also check out other margarita recipes online and try those out. However, for starters, this is the best option to make!
Well, there you go! These recipes are ideal to try with your cocktail shaker. So, hurry this summer, try out all these recipes and impress your guests with your unique mixing style. Cheers!
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bravashop · 4 years
Hand hygiene and the coronavirus: disinfect or wash?
With the advent of the coronavirus, hand hygiene is receiving extra attention. After all, hand hygiene is one of the most important ways to prevent the spread of diseases and infections. But when exactly do you need to clean your hands? When do you opt for soap and when for hand alcohol? And how do you then use these products correctly?
Hand alcohol or soap? It is important that you clean your hands after a toilet visit, after you have blown your nose and after you have put your hand over your mouth when coughing. Are your hands visibly dirty, wet or sticky? Or have you been to the toilet? Always wash your hands with soap and water. In all other situations, you can choose whether you wash your hands with soap or disinfect with buy hand sanitizer online. However, never use both methods one after the other. Washing hands with soap and cleaning immediately afterwards with hand alcohol (or vice versa) is bad for your hands.
Washing hands with soap and water Are you unsure whether to use soap or hand alcohol? Then choose soap. Washing hands with soap and water is a correct form of hand cleaning for every situation. Important: Wash your hands for about a minute and then dry them with a paper towel.
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Disinfecting hands with hand alcohol Disinfecting hands with hand alcohol is faster than washing hands with soap. You will be ready in 30 seconds. An additional benefit is that hand alcohol dries out your hands less quickly than soap - and that you don't need paper to dry your hands. As already said, it is not the right cleaning agent for your hands in all situations. 
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bravashop · 4 years
Best lip balms for dry lips in 2020 reviews
The lips can be damaged for a good number of reasons, from cold, heat, a cold or rhinitis, etc. Be one of these your case or you simply want to have healthy and well-groomed lips, without a doubt, you need a lip balm. It is a product that is halfway between cosmetics and skincare items, offering a high level of hydration and repair of the lips, depending on its formula. If you are looking to know about the best lip balms for dry lips, this article is for you. Read on!
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Keeping our lips in good condition is not always easy. The skin in this part of the face is very sensitive to changes in temperature, the effects of cold or heat, as well as irritations and other threats.
A variety of problems that we can solve using a suitable lip balm. Since today we find a wide variety of these products, the advice of our guide to buying the best lip balm will surely give you the necessary information to make the best decision depending on your specific needs.
Read more: Buy Lip Balm online
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bravashop · 4 years
4 Cooler Bag Ideas For Corporate Promotions
Step by steps organisations can get brand promotions with killer promotion ideas.  Reference  Rapid digitisation, heightened competition, lack of talent is forcing businesses to explore new ways for growth. They have all the resources, experience, and advertising. They invest them time and again to achieve the best results. But when it comes to ROI realisation, many companies are struggling to achieve bottom-line growth.
At this stage what is the right way to go, many CEOs will think. Businesses are like wars that require a strategy and tactics approach. The theory is right when veterans aver strategies win the war. But at the same time, those who are involved in the competition should understand the terrain, situations, climate, supplies, the perseverance of the warring factors that decide the outcome of the war.We may also find instances where one avoids war thinking about its outcome and tries to buy peace with the enemy with gifts in the manner corporates offering promotional products Australia-wide.
The Right Approach It is an accepted fact that people are not interested in too much noise around advertising. That does not mean that companies should stop approaching them with communications. The right approach is a wait and watch policy and find the right time to reach the customer. It is also imperative for the marketing team to develop creative ideas for the customers like FAQs, give an understanding on problems with the existing product/services and come up with tailored solutions or upgrades for every individual need.
Sounds good, but for that, the first thing is creating a rapport with the customer. Unless and until familiarity is built, the customer may not be interested to give time to the sales or marketing team for presentation.
Gifts for Rapport We are coming to that point. Gifts can build rapport. Who is not interested in a diary or a planner? Who will not love custom insulated cooler bags? While attending tradeshows we receive some gifts from interested parties. We still use them, isn’t it?
Yes, many love gifts and they use them for their personal use or they give it away to their known or dear ones. Gifting is communication to make one feel honoured. And it is the apt way to trigger a conversation and cultivate bonhomie. Do it.
Zero Cooler Tote If you are looking for a plus-sized cooler bag, consider Zero Cooler Tote. You can carry your lunch in that bag. The advantage of this bag lies in its outer construction made of robust 600D polyester with decorative ripstop nylon and smart white piping around the top. Organisations can consider promotions with custom cooler bags Australia. Zero Cooler Tote comes under this category.
Custom Printed Cooler Bags Neoprene Wine Cooler Bag is a premium product. As everyone loves wine and dine, use wine bag as a tool to promote the corporate brand. During expos or events, wine bags will stand out due to people’s love for wine. In marriage parties, wine bags have more utility as people like to treat special guests in distinct ways with handing over wine bottle in aesthetic wine bags.
Custom Insulated Cooler Bags
Frost Cooler Bag If corporates can come out with outdoor ideas as a promotional strategy people will be inclined towards it. Many looks for opportunities to roam in mountains, valleys, or forests. If someone is facing comfort induced boredom then there should be a way to get rid of it. Go as a team to forests, and engage with nature, observe the animal kingdom. You will derive immense happiness. At that time there should be time to relax and have hot drinks.
To reduce the harshness of the whiskey and to improve the taste we need to add a few cubes of ice in the alcohol. At this point, you need a frost cooler bag and you should not forget carrying one to spice up your outdoor activities.
How pleasant it is for habitual drinkers to explore natural scenery and indulge in with friends? You can take a break from all your busy schedules and relax, meditate, refresh and come back to execute the tasks with renewed vigour.
Stylish Cooler Bags One way to enhance the brand worth is by using promotional custom cooler bags Australia. For some companies what matters is the style value. If they feel style can create an impression then choose Antarctica Cooler Bag for your next promotion. It has a lovely look and you can win over the female audience. It is also interesting to note if women are won, then men are automatically gathered.
Online Cooler bags are available for sale. They have proven worth. You can choose the best ones to create an awesome brand image. As more trade shows are in the offing, choose crazy gift ideas to get amazing results in 2020.
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bravashop · 4 years
Customized Cocktail Shakers from Paykoc Imports
Vodka martini. Shaken, not stirred." Everyone's familiar with 007's favorite cocktail recipe. But do you have the bar equipment to make one? The most important aspect of the recipe, of course, is the shaker. Without it, both Bond and your guests are going to be disappointed with the results. Paykoc's 18 oz solid copper cocktail shaker is a peerless example of barcraft equipment at its finest. It will produce the perfect vodka martini, daiquiri, gin fizz, gimlet or whatever other shaken, (not stirred) cocktail you have in mind. Not only that, but you can turn your cocktail shaker into a treasured keepsake by having the pros and Paykoc customize it for you with whatever combination of text, imagery or graphic detailing you wish. Reference
A Brief History of the Cocktail Shaker While the cocktail shaker is now considered an indispensable piece of equipment for any serious mixologist, it begs the question - exactly where did this particular invention come from? Did the Romans have cocktail shakers? Did the emperor’s barkeep shake him up a frosty lime daiquiri to help him get through those steamy summer days on the Palatine Hill? And if so, was it custom engraved with his name and title and year of ascension? Probably not.
Likewise, while rumors have drifted about the internet for years that the shaker can be traced back to 7000 BC in what is now Mexico that too has to be taken with a grain of salt. Almost nothing is known of the Mesoamericans of that period. Other than they were just beginning the transition from being hunter/gatherers. So the idea that they hung around after a hunt shaking up some frosty drinks is far-fetched to say the least.
What we do know is that by the 16th century there are vague mentions of shaken beverages created by the Aztecs. While the first mentions of the word “cocktail” begin to appear in European and American literature in the late 18th century. Which implies they were already fairly well known among the common folk by the time of the American Revolution.
Into the Mainstream By the mid-19th century, a device roughly equivalent to the modern cocktail shaker was in fairly wide use in the taverns of the day. And by the 1870s, inventors were patenting their shakers. A decade later, the internal strainer first appeared. Cocktail shakers gained widespread popularity during prohibition in the 1920s. And once prohibition was lifted, they became staples of popular culture. Today there are three basic types of shakers:
The French Shaker - This is a two-piece shaker without a strainer. Probably the least popular form of cocktail shaker. The Boston Shaker - No one seems to know exactly why it’s called the Boston Shaker. That aside it's a 2 piece shaker that often has a glass top and stainless steel bottom. The pieces can be used together or separately. In some cases, the bottom portion contains a built-in strainer. The Cobbler Shaker - This is by far the most popular type of shaker and is the type sold by Paykoc. Our solid copper custom cocktail shaker consists of three pieces: the large bottom, the cover with built-in strainer and the removable cap that can be used to measure. The Cobbler style shaker is considered best for beginners, for gifting and for all around usefulness. Custom Cocktail Shakers from Paykoc The custom cocktail shaker from Paykoc makes the perfect promotional item or keepsake to mark a special occasion. Our state of the art laser engravers can turn our already evocative cocktail shakers into the kind of gift recipients will treasure for years. Or, if you're of a mind to create something that will give your tavern or home bar its own distinctive personality, they're great for that too.
In addition, you can use them for:
Product promotions - Give them away during trade shows to promote your product. They make great raffle prizes and also help reinforce the brand. Employee gifts - Offer customized or personalized cocktail shakers as gifts during the company Christmas party. Bar accessories - As we said, if you own a tavern or restaurant custom cocktail shakers can be used to reinforce the brand identity and provide more personality behind the bar. Birthday gifts - Have a cocktail lover on your gift list? A personalized solid copper cocktail shaker from Paykoc will bring a smile to their face every time. Add to their delight with a quality gift set, complete with customizable copper shot glasses - on sale now from Paykoc. Graduation gifts - Is someone you know graduating from college or graduate school? A personalized copper cocktail shaker makes a great commemorative item.
Read more: custom cocktail shakers
Give the Gift That Keeps on Giving A custom cocktail shaker from Paykoc Imports is the kind of gift that remains a subtle but useful part of the recipient's life for years to come. It's also an excellent way to reinforce the branding of your restaurant or bar, and it's the perfect accompaniment to your home bar.
Our master engravers can add any type of text, image or custom graphics you wish to your new solid copper cocktail shaker. Thereby turning it into a keepsake on par with engraved rings or engraved decorative plates.
To get started simply go to the “customs” link on our website, select copper cocktail shakers, and indicate how you'd like it to be customized. Or simply give us a call and discuss it with one of our friendly and helpful customer care representatives.
A custom or personalized cocktail shaker from Paykoc truly is the gift that keeps on giving. Whether you give it to yourself or someone else.
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bravashop · 4 years
Pros and Cons of the Different Types of Cocktail Shakers
Our basic essential kit blog post covered, in short, two types of cocktail shakers—the two most popular. The cocktail world knows 3 types of cocktail shakers though and each type, in turn, comes in different versions. Way to make it complicated right? Every version has its lovable side and things that are hard to love. Which one you choose depends on your own skills and cocktail endeavors. We broke down the science of the cocktail shakers for you. Reference
Cobbler shaker
The traditional Cobbler shaker is the household favorite. Its sleek design and the fact that its usage is no rocket science makes it the go-to shaker for novices. The Cobbler shaker is an all-in-one solution consisting of 3 parts: a metal tin, cap, and built-in strainer. You don’t even need a jigger to measure recipe volumes, as the cap is usually 1OZ
A variation of the Cobbler is glass tin with a metal cap instead of a metal tin with a metal cap. If you want to go real fancy you can also purchase the Cobbler in different colors or personalized versions. It will not make your cocktail taste better, but you sure will look good shaking.
To love:
Sold everywhere in different shapes and sizes
Simple to use
No need for additional tools
Looks nice on a bar cart or home bar
Not to love:
Takes longer to shake and strain
Freezes up quickly and becomes harder to clean
Hard to open
Strainer has larger holes that don’t hold back all ingredients
Boston shaker
The Boston shaker is the Major League. It’s the cocktail shaker of choice for most bartenders and true cocktail apprentices. The Boston shaker consists of a shaking metal tin and a mixing glass tin but has no built-in strainer. For the Boston shaker, a strainer must be purchased separately, which is a Hawthorne strainer. To seal the shaker, you must place the glass tin on top of the metal tin and with a firm grip tap on the back side of the glass tin. To unseal you have to tap the side of the metal tin. This water sealing must be done carefully and perfectly so you don’t either break your glass tin or be wearing a cocktail shirt the rest of the evening.
To love:
Easy to reuse and clean
Not to love:
Requires more skills (which can also be positive)
The glass can break
Requires extra accessories (also positive)
French/Parisian shaker
An up-and-coming, but still hard to find, cocktail shaker is the Parisian/French-style shaker. This shaker has been around for centuries, but it wasn’t till recently that it started gaining momentum. Not weird since this shaker is a beauty to look at. The Parisian is in-between the Cobbler and Boston shaker. It has the shape of a cobbler, but like the Boston, it misses the built-in strainer. Though the Parisian is built as the Cobbler, it is a bit easier to open than the Cobbler.
get more:  custom cocktail shakers
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bravashop · 4 years
Reusable Gel Ice Packs – The perfect and hygienic solution to keep products cool during transit!
Are you looking for a way to transport fish, meat, dairy, produce, pharmaceuticals, food, flowers, and perishable products in a safe, hygienic and temperature-controlled condition? Reference
The Thermoshield gel ice pack is the ideal solution to keep chilled or frozen food products cool throughout every stage of transit, to guarantee they reach their destination in pristine condition.
The unique gel formula is food safe and USFDA approved and stays frozen a longer than standard ice. The segmented design of the pack means it’s still flexible when frozen, and the super-tough seals reduce any risk of contamination.
The innovative Thermoshield Gel Ice Pack products are hygienic, mess-free, well-presented ice replacement packs on the market.
How is the Thermoshield ice pack cost-efficient?
Thermoshield gel ice packs are reusable, they can be refrozen and reused multiple times without any impact on the performance of the ice pack. This means our clients can achieve additional savings if they can reclaim and clean the ice packs after each use. Thermoshield gel-based ice packs are versatile and flexible to use, even when frozen. These flexible ice packs work like an ice blanket and can be used to wrap around food, bottles and other perishable products to ensure products are totally insulated and covered to stay chilled for longer.
Whether you deal with seafood, meat, or produce products, the Thermoshield reusable ice packs are the perfect choice to keep the temperature at the optimum level during transport, right to their destination.
Thermoshield Gel Ice Packs have proven to be consistently reliable and cost-effective for many Australian clients:
Packed ready to use
Excellent value for money
Reusable can be refrozen multiple times
Flexible when frozen, segmented packs provide a blanket chill
Effective and hassle-free packaging, no dipping preparation required
Leak-proof - No risk of water/ice contamination
Protects chilled products against unexpected delays in transit times
Non-toxic gel and USFDA approved for food safety
Applications for Thermoshield reusable gel ice packs
Thermoshield custom ice packs can be used in various applications when transporting products using air freight, sea freight, or road freight services:
Ice packs for fresh produce
Ice packs for food products
Ice packs for dairy products
Ice packs for seafood, fish, and meat products
Ice packs for airfreight
These flexible freezer ice packs are manufactured and delivered Australia wide including Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Darwin, and Tasmania. Ice Packs are available in different sizes and weights. Thermoshield also has the capability to manufacture customized sized ice packs, or custom printed ice packs.
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bravashop · 5 years
Ice as a treatment for pain and swelling
Ice may be cheap, but it is still a surprisingly effective treatment for pain and swelling that is still used far too little today. A major reason for this is that many health care providers simply do not accept and acknowledge the benefits of ice cream and other cold treatments or that they do not know their health benefits or therapeutic effects. What is the advantage of ice as a treatment and how is it used? Effect of ice cream Ice will initially constrict local blood vessels and reduce tissue temperature. The effects of this are: Reduce inflammation Relieve pain Faster application of nutrients to the affected area Promote healing Reduce swelling Limiting tissue damage Prevent muscle spasms
Four stages When you treat an injury with ice you will be aware of the following four stages: Cold feeling Burning feeling Pain Anesthesia
The use of ice is not recommended because, first and foremost, it has a narcotic effect and therefore feels good on the injury, but because of its already proven positive effect on pain and inflammation.
Use of ice Ice and other cold treatments narrow the blood vessels which will help to reduce swelling. This in contrast to the heat, which may feel more pleasant, but will dilate the blood vessels and nourish the inflammation. Ice cream is beneficial for sprains, strains and other fractures.
Although an ice treatment against stiffness and gout seems to be quite unusual, there is sufficient evidence in the literature to confirm the treatment of ice against gout on the hips, knees, ankles, shoulders, neck, and back. It is a misconception that ice cream would only be beneficial for injuries within 48 hours.
Get more details:  custom ice packs
When there is doubt about the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain you will rarely do anything with the use of ice. In general, patients with chronic shoulder pain due to a variety of causes experience ice as the most reliable pain relief tool. Patients with inflammatory conditions such as tendonitis, pinched nerves, and nerve compression also benefit greatly from the use of ice.
Risk groups Generally speaking, we want to be sure that a certain pain is musculoskeletal because jaw pain or upper limb pain can be a sign of a heart attack, even if no chest pain is experienced. Pain on the lower and upper limbs in combination with other symptoms such as general weakness or numbness can, in turn, indicate a stroke. When you experience pain in the arms, legs, neck or back for the first time, it is advisable to first consult a doctor to ensure that it is musculoskeletal pain.
Since the use of ice as a treatment is very effective in reducing swelling, patients with heart disease should be monitored by a doctor. A reduction in swelling in the limbs can overload the heart.
Patients suffering from Raynaud's phenomenon are extremely sensitive to cold, so treatment with ice is strongly discouraged. Only under the supervision of a doctor can such treatment be used alternating with sufficient heat sources.
Methods of use Freeze water in a plastic cup and then tear off the edges so that the ice is exposed. Rub the ice with a regular movement over the area to be treated for five to ten minutes. Ten minutes is recommended for larger areas such as shoulders and knees. Five to eight minutes is usually sufficient for smaller superficial parts such as wrists and elbows. Repeat this four to five times a day. The desired effect of this is numbness which must be achieved for the treatment to be effective.
Ice bath An ice bath is ideal for injuries to the hands, forearms, feet, and ankles. Immerse the body part to be treated in a bucket of water and then add the ice. It is usually said to maintain this for five to ten minutes, although the maximum recommended time is twenty minutes. If the injury only concerns the wrist and no swelling is visible at the level of the fingers, it is of course not necessary to immerse it in it. Repeat this process preferably three to four times a day. Here it is essential that the body part in question is constantly moving during treatment to create a pumping action. In this way, the swelling will decrease much faster.
Ice Pack Use a reusable ice pack or fill a towel or plastic bag with crushed ice. Then place it on the area to be treated on the body. Make sure there is always a t-shirt or towel between the ice and body so that direct contact is avoided.
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bravashop · 5 years
Custom Can Be Capitalized As Wedding Proposal Gifts too
Custom imprinted items are principally designed to be used as marketing tools but did you know that they can also be availed of for more intimate moments? Do you believe that these promotional products can also be capitalized as wedding proposal awards? There are lots of numerous products like personalized scarves, imprinted wallets and even custom CD cases, which when decorated proportionately, can instantly turn into the best wedding proposal present yet! They can go from ordinary to fabulous contiguously.
This particularized idea can be quality news to all online custom ice packs suppliers because more people will consider shopping and using them for their impending wedding proposal to their special someone. Items like promotional shot glasses can positively be put to use as official props for the actual wedding proposal gimmick. There are so many terrific promotional products out there that are so functional they can even cater to this particular need. Did this revelation surprise you and changed your opinion about the nature of custom printed products?
Thus, it is really advantageous to get to know the diverse promotional items that are currently at hand. You might be even more surprised to find out that there are so many groups to choose from. Right now, there are so many custom imprinted items suppliers offering unfailing and high-class services which you can maximize for all your promotional items pleas, whether business-related or otherwise.
Of course, you need to be reminded that it takes an awful lot of applicable research to come up with the list of proper promotional items that can be used as marriage proposal gifts. Don’t hesitate to ask those who have already experienced applying them for their own exceptional personal gimmicks. You might just learn a thing or two from them and extract great turnouts. Just inject your own personal touch and make that topical gimmick suit your own special wants.
If you’re still reeling in from all these superb information about corporate logoed items, don’t take too long to recover. You might miss your long shot of paying for high class customized products and using them as wedding engagement props.
Get more details:
. http://foxsheets.statfoxsports.com/UserProfile/tabid/57/userId/33977/Default.aspx http://www.sydneycityairportshuttle.com/UserProfile/tabid/695/userId/329178/Default.aspx https://www.zintro.com/profile/zi9face29e?ref=Zi9face29e http://airtronic.co.za/UserProfile/tabid/222/userId/2074364/Default.aspx https://extensions.sketchup.com/en/user/22861801/profile http://websitemarketingdesign.com/UserProfile/tabid/61/userId/91544/Default.aspx
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bravashop · 5 years
Cool down with Custom Ice Packs / Cold Packs
These ice packs are perfect for sprains and strains. Print your hospital or pharmaceutical logo on these gel-filled patches and your marketing budget will yield dividends.
Local pharmacies can imprint these with a phone number or website and give them to area school nurses and athletic trainers as a courtesy and an excellent tie into future customers.
Try a heart-shaped ice pack to promote your heart clinic or heart health programs in hospitals, gyms, or wellness centers.
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Kiss away any boo-boo with lip-shaped gel ice packs. These are perfect for school nurses, and physicians.
These Oval gel ice packs are perfect for any and every scratch, pain or itch. Imprint your name on these ice packs for any promotion.
Custom Imprinted Oval Ice Pack
Click on product photo for more information
This Cloud shaped custom ice pack is great for outdoor summer days, bring these to any picnic, softball game, or tennis match to have on hand for first-aid use.
Imprinted Cloud Gel Ice Pack
Click on product photo for more information
Consider a Star gel ice pack to promote your name. Give them to local pharmacies, doctors or school nurses to hand out and promote your name. These are also a great promotional item for allergist clinics to give to their patients after receiving injections.
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bravashop · 5 years
Choose your freezer and get your investment back immediately!
Buy an OLA freezer now and you will receive a free ice pack and free sales support materials upon delivery. In this way, you will soon be presenting your OLA assortment extra cheaply and attractively to your customers. Success guaranteed.
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Free ice pack included
A custom ice pack is included with the purchase of a freezer. The sales value of this ice pack is equal to the purchase value of the freezer. This way you will immediately earn back your investment! Each ice pack contains our best-selling ice creams: Rocket, Magnum Almond, Cornetto Classico, Ben & Jerry's Mini Cup Cookie Dough, OLA Lipton Green Ice Tea and of course the 2019 innovation: Magnum White Chocolate & Cookies.
Free sales support materials
If you order a freezer, you will immediately receive a package of sales-supporting materials upon delivery. This free package contains the OLA price card and facade flag. This way you are immediately ready for sale.
Get more details 
https://bravashop.wordpress.com/2019/04/17/how-to-make-flexible-ice-packs-for-compresses/ https://bravashop.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/04/17/093501 https://bravashop.weebly.com/blog/5-best-cocktails-that-are-easy-to-make-at-home
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bravashop · 5 years
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bravashop · 5 years
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bravashop · 5 years
7 tips to think better and more creatively
As an entrepreneur, you face major challenges. That requires good thinking. Thinking is a skill, just like blind typing with ten fingers. If you never learn the latter, type your entire life with two fingers. That's exactly how it is with thinking. Edward de Bono came up with a great thinking system that he called the "Six Thinking Hats." So the 6 thinking hats. Each hat has a different color so that you learn to think from six different angles.  
What are the 6 Thinking Hats The  'Six Thinking Hats' is a powerful technique that allows you to look at a problem from different angles in a structured way. This helps you to let go of the fixed, calibrated and often rusted thinking patterns and get a 360-degree look at the problem, which leads to better ideas. You do not have to worry about other perspectives. This often provides much more valuable information and is less stuck in reciprocal argumentation. By learning the technology you notice that it becomes easier to switch to a different way of thinking. You suddenly understand the arguments of your boss, customer or colleague much better. A big advantage when coming up with new plans is that you can always concentrate fully in one direction. I briefly present the 'Six Thinking Hats' and what they stand for. 'Six Thinking Hats' can be used in many situations. The 'Six Thinking Hats' can be used for decision-making, new ideas, evaluations, brainstorming meetings. Technology also has great strategic importance. Commitment for new plans is reached faster because participants are asked during a session to actively put on the green and yellow hats as well as the 'black hat'. You can also use the hats for yourself if you want to make a decision in your own mind.
The power of using in a group is that you are not busy burning off each other's ideas, proving the opposite or simply responding to the other. No, parallel thinking arises: You all think in the same direction. This saves a lot of time, annoyance or conflicts, and yields many more and better ideas. Get More information about  Pitchers Online and  Shop Western Hats
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bravashop · 5 years
10 tips to promote your webshop products
In the first part of this article, we gave you the tip to use modern news and to consider linking a blog to your webshop. The current shoppers are simply more and more online and it is, therefore, crucial that you go along with the promotion of your products. In this second part, we zoom in a bit further on the power of social media, but we also show you how a spontaneous offline action can turn out to be surprisingly positive.
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6. Increase your visibility on social media
Instagram is one of the most prominent social media at the moment. Some 200 million users view it every day and it has a perfect layout to show products clearly and attractively. You can promote a (giveaway) action, but certainly also share beautiful photos and short films of your products. Make sure you always link to your webshop or product page in the description and ask other users to share your posts. This is an excellent way to promote your webshop products
Many potential customers are now browsing Pinterest to get ideas for new purchases. Users can create a wish list that can also be seen by other users. If you make beautiful images available on this medium, the chances are that it will be seen by a lot of potential customers. By adding the so-called 'rich pins' you can easily add extra information and refer customers to your blog posts or product pages.
As mentioned earlier, you obviously want to ensure that your product ads and photos end up with the right users. Facebook and Instagram make it very easy to create custom promotional products and audiences for your statements. Only by entering a list of e-mail addresses you can already ensure that previous visitors to your webshop are also informed about your products via Facebook. By entering only certain website visitors or customers, you can very specifically share certain advertisements with a selective audience.
7. Sales via Facebook  
Besides the fact that you can advertise and share photos of your products on Facebook, you can go one step further. We definitely recommend this and have made it very easy for you. You can link your KMO Shops webshop to your Facebook page. No hassle with the re-adding of all products, but just a direct integration.
By adding a store to your Facebook page, you offer visitors the opportunity to purchase the products that they find attractive. For many users, a pop up to a page outside of Facebook often deters. However, through this direct link, you make your products available directly within the same medium. Less trouble for visitors equals more potential sales in your webshop!
8. Optimize your findability via search engines (SEO)
Good SEO is crucial to ensure that your products can be found on the first pages of Google. If a customer searches for a certain product, of course, you want your webshop to be at the top. Fortunately, our SME Shops module already has several features that improve the findability of your website. In addition, there are some actions that you can do yourself to contribute to this. What are the most important issues for an SEO worthy webshop?
Keywords must match the product and describe it as well as possible. So do not choose ' nice summer pants', but rather for' red, short ladies' pants in size 36 '. Do you have trouble finding the right keywords? Then use Google Keyword Planner, for example.
Keywords must appear in as much text as possible on your website. Think not only of the blog post and product descriptions but also of page titles and the meta description. Get enough text content and consider adding blog post to your shop like we are in the first part of this article describes . You ensure that the search engine has enough to rely on and the keywords often enough to come to your page higher in the results list.  
The URLs and file names must be the same as the content of the page.
The sitemap.xml must be added to the Google Search Console. In this way the search engine can easily go through and index your webshop.
It may take some time, but it is certainly worth it. Potential customers do their first preliminary research often through search engines and you want to be sure that you come up as quickly as possible.
9. Create strong word of mouth
Word of mouth is perhaps the oldest form of advertising, but therefore no less effective. People remain social beings and customers still base their decision on the opinions of others. You have to ensure that people talk about your product so that the attention of other potential customers is drawn.
The internet offers many possibilities for this and you can also follow exactly how and where exactly your products are spoken. To get the most out of this modern word of mouth, a number of things are important:
Provide great customer service. Be available and make sure that customers always receive their orders well.
Keep an eye on the Analytics section in your module.
Ensure that customers can share your products via social media. Create regular posts yourself and link your social media to your webshop.
Motivate customers to refer to your webshop by sending good newsletters that are easy to send and share via social media.
Make a connection with bloggers and influencers ( see part 1 of this article).
Make sure you add different reviews from previous customers to your webshop. This 'word of mouth' can also draw visitors over.
10. Open a pop-up store
Now that you are experiencing the success of selling online, you may not be waiting for the running of a physical store. You may even only sell online and that is your focal point. Surprise your customers and network with the opportunity to see some of your new products once in real life. By tackling this creatively and emphasizing exclusivity, you ensure that visitors become curious and even stand a chance of free publicity in the local media. Moreover, this is the perfect opportunity to get to know your online customers in real life and learn more about them.
https://scandasia.com/members/bravashop/profile/ http://www.plerb.com/BRAVAMarketing https://itsmyurls.com/bravashop https://www.artfire.com/ext/people/Bravashop https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/Bravashop http://www.writeupcafe.com/profile/18412-brava https://www.f6s.com/brava https://trello.com/brava_marketing https://slides.com/brava-marketing https://www.theverge.com/users/Brava%20Marketing
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