braverybuilt · 5 years
a lot has happened with me since i’ve last been on here,
but i’m thinking about writing again. not sure if this is the right place,
but if anyone is interested, feel free to send me a DM :)
I’m going to try and write some opens 
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braverybuilt · 6 years
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I hope we do better there. I hope Jasper was wrong, and we aren’t the problem. I hope your lives there will be as happy as mine has been. Be the good guys. May we meet again.
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braverybuilt · 6 years
@braverybuilt liked for a season finale starter
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they have waited a few days, before waking up the others, because a lot had to be figured out. raven had to run tests on the planet, they had to try and establish contact with the inhabitants of the planet - if there were any - and figure out the logistics of bringing everyone down. for those who have already been awake for a while, this has also been the time to grief together. they all feel the same loss and although it is hard to wrap their minds around the fact that jordan is really harper’s and monty’s son and that they all slept for over 100 years, it doesn’t change that two members of their family are missing. and no matter how wonderful their lives were before they found their end, they are still gone. walking through the rows of cryo chambers, clarke stops at the one she is supposed to open next. they haven’t ended the cryo sleep for everyone at the same time, but decided to do it step by step. that way it will be easier to manage the masses and keep it all in order. with a tablet in hand, she deactivates the chamber and initiates the waking up process for charlotte, watching as the systems shut down one by one and the chamber slides out, opening the glass in the process. charlotte’s eyes flutter as she wakes and clarke smiles down at her. it seems like yesterday that she, too, was just a child. now she is almost a woman. “good morning, sleeping beauty. did you have a good dream?”
It was the first time that sleep came easy for her.  Cryo was the first  time that Charlotte didn’t worry in her dreams. It almost felt like she has  just blinked, and then it was time to wake up again. However, she knew it has been longer then that. Now that she had grown up, she got to  be included in the conversations. Charlotte got to know what was in  store for everyone on board.
As her eyes fluttered open, she looked up and saw Clarke. She looked  older than before. Wiser, too. “I think that was the best sleep I’ve had in a long time,” she replied before giving Clarke a smile. Now that she  was up, Charlotte knew that there would be work to do.  So, she sat up before meeting the eyes of the older girl.  “You’re looking more and more  like Abby, Clarke,” she teased. “Old and wise, like those owls in the earth books.”
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braverybuilt · 6 years
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they  will  insult  you  ,  hurt  you  ,  defeat  you  ,  betray  you  ,  injure  you , set  you  aflame  and  watch  you  burn.   but  they  will  not  ,  shall  not  ,  cannot  destroy  you.   because  you  ,  like  rome  ,  were  built  on  ashes.   and  you  ,  like  a  phoenix  ,  know  how  to   RISE   AND   RESURRECT
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braverybuilt · 6 years
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Can you see it? Is it beautiful? It is in my dreams. I hope we do better there. I hope Jasper was wrong and we aren’t the problem. I hope your lives there will be as happy as mine has been. Be the good guys. May we meet again.
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braverybuilt · 6 years
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                                        MY  SISTER     /     MY  BROTHER
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braverybuilt · 6 years
If we are RPing together
you do not have to:
get to my thread just because you’re working on other replies
avoid posting often just because we’re both online and it’s your turn
push yourself to write something just because you see me on
I understand:
that sometimes you only get muse for certain threads
you may not know what to reply with at the moment
some threads you have are in an exciting moment and you’d rather put your focus into those
RPing is for fun. Don’t force yourself to get stuff done. Your replies are worth the wait.
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braverybuilt · 6 years
Do me a favor. Reblog this if you welcome the use of ask memes as icebreakers between characters that have never, or rarely, interacted before.
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braverybuilt · 6 years
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𝙎 𝙋 𝙔 𝙎 𝙒 𝙊 𝙍 𝙉    :      indie. mutually exclusive. echo kom spacekru. penned by soraya.
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braverybuilt · 6 years
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            “ this battleground is d e a d l y , but you wear blood well for one so gentle. ”                                  selective bellamy blake, reimagined by lexi. promo by soraya
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braverybuilt · 6 years
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FAMILY EDIT - Bellamy Blake, The 100 (for @isabellelighwood)    Who we are, and who we need to be to survive are very different things. 
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braverybuilt · 6 years
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“     ᴘ ʟ ᴀ ʏ   ɢ ᴏ ᴅ   ᴀ ɴ ᴅ   ᴅ ɪ ᴇ   ʟ ɪ ᴋᴇ    ᴏ ɴ ᴇ     !    a   myth   barely   remembered        ,        name   but   a   whisper       .        ”            mutually   exclusive   clarke   griffin    .    reimagined   by   soraya    .
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braverybuilt · 6 years
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‘ to  LIVE  is to   SUFFER,
               to   SURVIVE   is to find some
                              MEANING   in the   SUFFERING. ’
–Friedrich Nietzsche
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braverybuilt · 6 years
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                  you  endure  what  is  unendurable,  AND  YOU  BEAR  IT.
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braverybuilt · 6 years
She looked up when she heard a voice. Charlotte didn’t really expect  someone to come up and talk to her. “Is the grounds as great as you  pictured it?” she asked. To her, it seemed very green.
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@braverybuilt​// sc.
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she’s just a child.  they all are, but that’s the first thought he has once he actually sees the youngest member of the delinquents.  yet somehow charlotte looks even more miserable than the rest of them.  “hey, you all right?”
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braverybuilt · 6 years
Consider this a starter call for the group verse from me? I’ll get to them as soon as I can! 
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braverybuilt · 6 years
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WHAT WOULD’VE HAPPENED IF octavia never got the chance to burn the hydrofarm ? when the chaos of rebellion settles , a new era of … something begins. with so few still loyal to blodreina , the valley becomes a far away notion and hope once more rekindles in a place it had been dying in for years. looking to monty ( and madi ) for guidance , wonkru has made a choice for a different future , one sustainable on peace and growth.
but will it last ?
this is a canon divergent season five group verse and will be be based within canon events leading up through most of 5x10. my goal , like monty’s , is for this group verse to show another way. it’s main focus will be strengthening character bonds in times of peaceful revolution. that being said , there will still , of course , be tension and drama as not all wars this season have been external. 
Keep reading
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