bravoxsniper · 6 hours
Send "PINNED" for your muse to pin mine against a wall.
You [ the sender ] can include context as to whether or not it is done out of anger, as a threat, sexual tension, playfulness, etc.. or else let the receiver decide! Send "PINNED + reverse" for your muse to be pinned by mine instead!
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bravoxsniper · 6 hours
Send "PINNED" for your muse to pin mine against a wall.
You [ the sender ] can include context as to whether or not it is done out of anger, as a threat, sexual tension, playfulness, etc.. or else let the receiver decide! Send "PINNED + reverse" for your muse to be pinned by mine instead!
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bravoxsniper · 12 hours
sad quotes : from a mix of sources … sentence starters
“I was happy… once.”
“Do you think I could be saved?”
“There’s no reasoning with grief.”
“I am so tired of being so scared.”
“If this is reality, I’m not interested.”
“I put all my trust in an empty dream.”
“But what is grief if not love persevering?”
“I was too young to know how to love her.“
“I’m too young for eyes this sad, this tired.”
“You’re all duct tape and safety pins inside.”
“If you’re happy in a dream, does that count?”
“I can survive on my own. I have for this long.”
“I don’t want to give up hope… it’s all I have left.”
“I didn’t make the choice to give this up. You did.”
“How long have you carried this, all on your own?”
“I loved her… and, sometimes, she loved me, too.”
“Tears come from the heart and not from the brain.“
“Maybe some people are just made to be shattered.”
“There is no way to train your heart to be invulnerable.“
“You said you’d always be there for me, but you’re not.“
“I don’t trust anyone else. I can barely even trust myself.”
“Sometimes it’s better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you.“
“You don’t love me. You don’t. Love doesn’t hurt like this.”
“All that could be said has… and it hasn’t solved anything.”
“No one heard me screaming, then. How could they, now?”
“They’ve dulled your light. Even your smile is dimmer, now.”
“You were supposed to be my escape… not another prison.”
“How long am I supposed to wander before I can find home?”
“I hid my deepest feelings so well I forgot where I placed them.“
“Grief is not as heavy as guilt, but it takes more away from you.“
“I have to keep moving. Eventually, someday, I’ll be safe, again.”
“How can you move forward when you keep regretting the past?“
“Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody.“
“I should have been there. I should have done something, anything.”
“No matter how gifted you are… You, alone, cannot change the world.“
“Nothing… there is nothing I can do that will make my heart less heavy.”
“Loneliness is peaceful, but there’ll be no one to share happiness with.“
“Please don’t go away… No one’s ever stuck with me for so long before.“
“You know, a heart can be broken, but it keeps on beating, just the same.”
“I just want you to be happy. Even if that happiness no longer includes me.”
“People keep telling me that life goes on, but to me, that’s the saddest part.”
“I thought I could just apologize tomorrow. But that tomorrow… never came.“
“How has the weight of this not crushed you? How are you still able to smile?”
“The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person.”
“The scariest and the most painful thing is to be hated by someone you truly love.“
“Happiness is a fleeting notion. It fills you with false hope. Grief keeps you grounded.”
“Breathing is hard. When you cry so much, it makes you realize that breathing is hard.“
“Nothing has ever hurt more than realizing, in your darkest moment, you’re truly alone.”
“You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness.“
“Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I’m not living.”
“I know what it’s like to want to die. How it hurts to smile. How you try to fit in, but you can’t.”
“But, if you want to leave, you can. I’ll remember you, though. I remember everyone that leaves.”
“You can love someone so much… But you can never love people as much as you can miss them.“
“Why should I apologize for being a monster? Has anyone ever apologized for turning me into one?“
“I have to believe that there are still good people in the world. I have to believe that kindness persists.”
“You have been, in every way, all that anyone could be… If anybody could have saved me, it would have been you.”
“So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad, and I’m still trying to figure out how that could be.”
“Every human walks around with a certain kind of sadness. They may not wear it on their sleeves, but it’s there if you look deep.”
“But grief makes a monster out of us sometimes… and sometimes you say and do things to the people you love that you can’t forgive yourself for.“
“People think being alone makes you lonely, but I don’t think that’s true. Being surrounded by the wrong people is the loneliest thing in the world.”
“The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they don’t wish to see anyone else suffer the way they did.“
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bravoxsniper · 13 hours
i had it under control.
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"That a fact? It didn't look like it from where I was standing." Clay looked at her steadily, gaze unwavering.
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bravoxsniper · 14 hours
PROMPTS FOR PEOPLE WHO AREN'T USED TO KINDNESS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
what are you doing?
i can handle that myself, you know.
you didn't have to go out of your way to take care of me.
i'm not used to this. this caring thing.
thank you. don't ever do that again.
i thought you hated me, to be honest.
i didn't ask you to love me!
no one's ever actually just... sat down and listened to me.
i didn't think people like you existed.
is this normal for you? going out of your way like this?
i told you i had it handled. you didn't have to bother.
i... should probably thank you for that.
i don't know what to say. this has never happened before.
wait, that's mine. you fixed it?
you did all of this... for me?
that was the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me.
i'm kinda at a loss for words.
i wasn't expecting this from you.
you did all this for me?
i had it under control.
when did this happen?
how long were you planning this?
i'm not sure what to say. i'm not used to this.
i owe you one.
that was... very kind of you. thank you.
i'm just not used to people going out of their way to help me.
usually people just look the other way, but you actually care.
this is weird. is this what caring about someone feels like?
i could have handled it.
this must have taken you forever to arrange. and you did it all for me?
it would be easier in the long run if we went our separate ways.
i hate being in other peoples' debts.
i didn't want this to happen.
people around me don't last very long.
i feel like i'm screaming and screaming and no one hears me.
i'm in your debt.
how did you find that? i lost that ages ago.
you actually... listened to me?
no one's ever paid attention.
no one's ever put that much time in effort into something for me.
when did i say that?
i didn't ask you to care about me!
i'm easily missed. people don't pay attention to me.
i'm invisible most of the time.
it's easier for people to look the other way.
do you do this often? help people?
i'm surprised you're still here.
if you're expecting something in return, forget about it.
you came back?
why do you care about me so much?
i'm a lost cause. you should just forget about me.
what's the use? there's no point.
i don't even celebrate my birthday. no one cares.
you can't just make someone care about you.
i thought you left.
what is it about me that has you so worked up?
you're making a big deal out of nothing.
thanks for patching me up.
you... brought this here for me?
but i didn't ask for this! i didn't ask for any of this!
stop smiling at me like that.
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bravoxsniper · 14 hours
Quiet and Withdrawn
"You never talk to me any more."
"I haven't heard you speak in days."
"Why are you being so quiet?"
"I'm worried about you."
"Is there anything you need to tell me?"
"I just ... want to help you?"
"Is there something wrong?"
"You should tell someone, even if it's not me."
"We can just sit together if you want."
"Do you want me to come cook dinner and play video games?"
"I just don't want to talk about it."
"I want a few days away, that's all."
"What does it matter?"
"I just don't have anything to say."
"Nobody cared. So I stopped talking."
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bravoxsniper · 14 hours
❝ i can't even say he deceived me. i knew exactly what he was and i jumped in anyway. ❞
❝ i think eventually i got so used to the chaos and the pain and the toxicity i began to look for it. ❞
❝ i never got a chance to discover myself. i never had that privilege. ❞
❝ you can tell me anything. i mean i can't promise i'm good at keeping secrets, but i'm a hell of a listener. ❞
❝ no one wants to yearn anymore. ❞
❝ i'm doing some of my best work here and you don't even have the decency to roll your eyes at me. honestly it's hurtful. ❞
❝ i know what you're thinking. ❞
❝ if i ask for your help are you gonna make a big deal out of it? ❞
❝ can we just be normal for like two seconds for once. ❞
❝ i would say i don't know what's wrong with you but i actually do and that's the problem. ❞
❝ against my better judgement i trust you and i think that says a lot about the state of the world right now. ❞
❝ i don't actually care but i'm bored so i'm here. ❞
❝ last time i listened to you we almost died. ❞
❝ i would've come sooner. i would've been here if you'd only asked. ❞
❝ i don't want to hurt anymore. ❞
❝ you don't have to hurt anymore. you can let go of those burdens. ❞
❝ it'd be a lot easier if i actually cared as little as i pretend to. ❞
❝ i do need you. i wouldn't be here if i didn't. ❞
❝ sometimes you don't know it's wrong until it's too late. sometimes you don't know you're being hurt until you realize you're in pieces. ❞
❝ pretending you don't need people doesn't make you strong it just makes you a jackass. ❞
❝ you're gonna be okay. eventually. but first you gotta not be okay for a while. it's gotta suck so you can actually recognize when you're alright again. ❞
❝ you shouldn't have said that. ❞
❝ sometimes i wish they had done something worse. then it'd justify how hard it's been to get over it. ❞
❝ i wish you actually understood me. ❞
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bravoxsniper · 14 hours
Deeply Exhausted Starters
"You can barely stand, you need to lie down."
"When's the last time you slept?"
"You're not fooling me, I can see the bags under your eyes."
"Rest is not optional!"
"You promised you wouldn't stay up all night reading."
"I'm just - exhausted - I'm sorry -"
"I can't remember the last time I slept."
"I just want to rest for a bit."
"I'm so tired, I can't think."
"I'm trying, I am, I just... I just wanna lay down..."
"No, I'm not tired. Leave me alone."
"It doesn't matter, I can't sleep anyway."
"Leave me alone, I'm an adult, I choose when I go to bed."
"Oh, like you're any better?"
"I'm not even that.. that tired, I'm... mm, I'm fine."
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bravoxsniper · 1 day
❝ i can't even say he deceived me. i knew exactly what he was and i jumped in anyway. ❞
❝ i think eventually i got so used to the chaos and the pain and the toxicity i began to look for it. ❞
❝ i never got a chance to discover myself. i never had that privilege. ❞
❝ you can tell me anything. i mean i can't promise i'm good at keeping secrets, but i'm a hell of a listener. ❞
❝ no one wants to yearn anymore. ❞
❝ i'm doing some of my best work here and you don't even have the decency to roll your eyes at me. honestly it's hurtful. ❞
❝ i know what you're thinking. ❞
❝ if i ask for your help are you gonna make a big deal out of it? ❞
❝ can we just be normal for like two seconds for once. ❞
❝ i would say i don't know what's wrong with you but i actually do and that's the problem. ❞
❝ against my better judgement i trust you and i think that says a lot about the state of the world right now. ❞
❝ i don't actually care but i'm bored so i'm here. ❞
❝ last time i listened to you we almost died. ❞
❝ i would've come sooner. i would've been here if you'd only asked. ❞
❝ i don't want to hurt anymore. ❞
❝ you don't have to hurt anymore. you can let go of those burdens. ❞
❝ it'd be a lot easier if i actually cared as little as i pretend to. ❞
❝ i do need you. i wouldn't be here if i didn't. ❞
❝ sometimes you don't know it's wrong until it's too late. sometimes you don't know you're being hurt until you realize you're in pieces. ❞
❝ pretending you don't need people doesn't make you strong it just makes you a jackass. ❞
❝ you're gonna be okay. eventually. but first you gotta not be okay for a while. it's gotta suck so you can actually recognize when you're alright again. ❞
❝ you shouldn't have said that. ❞
❝ sometimes i wish they had done something worse. then it'd justify how hard it's been to get over it. ❞
❝ i wish you actually understood me. ❞
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bravoxsniper · 1 day
SENTENCE STARTERS: LYRICS THAT HIT ME IN THE FEELS [PT. 2] change words as needed ! ctrl + shift + v to paste into the inbox on desktop.
❝ vengeance is the only drug, and I can't get enough. ❞
❝ I don't know euphoria; would like to meet her someday. ❞
❝ now I'm just covered in the dirty blood of man. ❞
❝ I'd talk myself down if I knew what to say. ❞
❝ nobody tells you 'til you go up in flames that you can't live like a devil and die like a saint. ❞
❝ well, the trick of the trouble is avoiding the blame. ❞
❝ I'm alive, I'm revived, I survived, you surprised ? ❞
❝ if this was meant for me, why does it hurt so much ? ❞
❝ let me tell you from a dead mans point of view: live your life, because when its done you don't get another one. when they sing for you don't let them sing the blues. ❞
❝ what they don't understand, they condemn. what they can't comprehend must meet its end. ❞
❝ sometimes I feel like I'm a mockingbird, mimicking the songs that I've already heard. ❞
❝ nurse, sinner, virgin, bitch... I am the vengeful child of the witch. ❞
❝ you played my game. hell, now you're a piece in it. ❞
❝ but then if you're so smart tell me, why are you still so afraid ? ❞
❝ slow down, you're doing fine. you can't be everything you want to be before your time. ❞
❝ though you can see when you're wrong, you know you can't always see when you're right. ❞
❝ you got your passion, you got your pride, but don't you know that only fools are satisfied ?❞
❝ crazy is, I believe, the medical term for when we want to recover but don't want to learn. ❞
❝ if we want to wake up, why are we still singing these lullabies ? ❞
❝ its so convenient to lose the truth when its laughing in your face ❞
❝ I'm still living in a knife fight, living like a bad guy ❞
❝ no point in stressing, we're not impressing them anymore ❞
❝ cardboard is boring, look how it burns ❞
❝ I keep lighting little fires to feel something, to get burned ❞
❝ life cuts deep; let me help pick up the pieces ❞
❝ you know I hate to say it, but, "I told you so" ❞
❝ if you were easy to kill, I would have done it already. ❞
❝ if I was easy to kill, you would have done it already. ❞
❝ I used to dread the thought of falling quickly. ❞
❝ there's this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow, and I play it on repeat. ❞
❝ nights were mainly made for sayin' things that you can't say tomorrow day. ❞
❝ I'm a scholar and gentleman, and I usually don't fall when I try to stand. ❞
❝ all the daises that you picked are dead; you're better off just picking fights instead. ❞
❝ turn the page, look back at what you wrote; do you still feel the same ? I bet your mind has changed. ❞
❝ we're all gonna die we just don't know when; lets make the most of the time that we got left. ❞
❝ worlds on fire, lets toast the end. ❞
❝ I wanna scream into the night: I'm alive, I'm alive ! ❞
❝ it shouldn't be surprising how we're living like we're dying. ❞
part two to this meme. also here is a playlist based on these prompts ♡
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bravoxsniper · 1 day
30 Scenario Starters: Our Muses Are In A Traveling Party Together
"We should find a place to rest. It's getting dark."
"I have a feeling we're being followed."
"How long do you think will it take us to get there?"
"Do we have any food or water left?"
"I feel so stupid for getting injured. I'll just slow us down."
"We have enough food and water for the journey, but we might want to scavenge for supplies."
"I'm not feeling well. Can we take a break?"
"I wish we had horses."
"I volunteer to take first watch tonight. I'm not tired anyway."
"Did you hear that? It came from the bushes over there."
"Once we reach the next town, we really should stock up on supplies. We're running out of pretty much everything."
"This seems like a good spot for a camp. I'll get a campfire going."
"We're making good time. Let's keep the pace and we'll reach our destination soon."
"Where the hell have you been? I told you that we need to stick together!"
"Keep your weapons ready. We don't know what dangers might lie ahead."
"Looks like we will spend another night under the stars."
"There's a stream near the camp. I'll go fishing. We need the food."
"Looks like rain. We should find shelter."
"I can't wait till we reach the next tavern. I'd kill for a cold brew."
"Did you hear the howling? I think there is a pack of wolves nearby."
"I found a cave. Let's explore it!"
"Do you even know where we are going? We don't have a map."
"I feel like we're being watched. Let's be extra cautious."
"I wish I'd be home sitting by the fire with a good book."
"Who's up for a friendly game of cards while we sit by the fire?"
"Why didn't you say you got injured earlier?! Let me take a look at that."
"It feels strange to be so far away from home."
"I'm feeling a bit uneasy. Does anyone else sense something off in the air?"
"We should be careful. The woods are rumored to be full of monsters and bandits."
"Can't we stay in town for a few days? We should be able to relax every once in a while."
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bravoxsniper · 1 day
THE DA VINCI CODE (2006) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
you say you hate history. nobody hates history. they hate their own histories.
we are who we protect, i think. what we stand up for.
that's why we study history... so we'll stop killing each other.
can you keep secrets? can you know a thing and never say it again?
how many have been murdered over this question?
if it's so important to you to stop us, then you're just going to have to shoot us.
understanding our past determines actively our ability to understand the present.
tonight, this will be our quest.
how would you know that?
you seem... uncomfortable.
you have me confused with someone else.
why would i try to run? i didn't do anything.
will you excuse me a moment?
i was supposed to have drinks with him earlier this evening.
i waited for over an hour.
i'm afraid the police arrived more quickly than i anticipated.
you must follow me, please. for your own safety.
you knew they were coming?
if you step inside, please. time is of the essence.
you have not been honest with me.
you will leave this house!
your ruse is pathetic.
will you just tell us what the hell it's for?
i've jammed my shoulder, i've been shot at... i'm bleeding.
if we are to get away from here, we must find another way.
you can start with him.
do not react to this message.
you must follow my directions very closely. you are in grave danger.
i could run them over.
i can pretty much remember what i see.
sorry for all the mystery, [name].
i'm into something here that i cannot understand.
you should be ashamed.
if you would close your eyes...
well, that's a bit strange, isn't it?
how many wine glasses are there on the table?
there's virtually no empirical proof.
that is what they want you to believe.
that's a common misunderstanding.
you are saying all this is real?
you are an angel.
i am a ghost.
have you ever heard those words before?
why are you asking these things?
i am the messenger of god.
every breath you take is a sin.
you will be hunted by angels.
you believe in god? your god doesn't forgive murderers. he burns them.
do you mock me?
we are betrayed.
did they find it? this buried treasure?
i've never heard about any of this.
this is an old wives' tale.
now you're a psychologist too?
what will you do?
it's a rudimentary phallus.
the only thing that matters is what you believe.
i thought i was going to die.
sometimes i wonder if i wasn't alone down there.
maybe human is divine.
thank you... for bringing me here.
the mind sees what it chooses to see.
do i owe you money?
care to open up for an old colleague?
first, a test of honor.
shall i serve coffee or tea?
what would you do?
maybe there is no proof.
surely such a travesty has never occurred.
your heart is true.
they are used to keep secrets.
you used me.
we've been dragged into a world of people who think this stuff is real.
do you trust this man? i hope you can.
i don't follow.
stop now. tell me where it is.
i don't know what you are talking about.
is it a secret you will die for?
well, i must say, you two are anything but dull.
forgive the intrusion.
i'm not sure how much help i'm gonna be here this evening.
funny, i don't even like history.
i've never seen much good come from looking to the past.
are you a god-fearing man?
you're acting like you lost your mind.
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bravoxsniper · 1 day
Random Angst Starters
"I want to bite through my own hand."
"Does love without fear even exist in this world?"
"I want to be better, but I don't know how."
"I think I made things worse, and I can't even apologize because it's too selfish to do even that."
"I want someone I can rely on for emotional reasons, to show them everything, the good, the bad, what I'm proud of, ashamed of, all without fear of mockery or laughter."
"God, I finally feel like I can love things without them hurting me, and I love it."
"I know you don't like me, but for fuck's sake, just TELL me instead of pretending to."
"I want to believe I deserve at least this much of a courtesy."
"I just...can't connect with anyone."
"Say yes, even if it doesn't feel good, I guess? That's what friendship is, yeah?"
"I'll deal with it like I always did."
"If you can't be loved, try not to be hated."
"Why bother reaching out when I know I'll be abandoned or betrayed later? Isn't it too cruel to chase after pain like that?"
"I think I need to be put down like a dog."
"I'm like...fully aware I'm just being irrational, but I can't make it stop."
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bravoxsniper · 1 day
𝑶𝑩𝑿 𝑺𝑬𝑨𝑺𝑶𝑵 4 𝑻𝑹𝑨𝑰𝑳𝑬𝑹 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺 . starters taken from the trailer for season four of netflix's 'outer banks' . adjust pronouns as necessary !
let me catch you up .
we were gonna live the good life . the simple life .
we're in business , baby !
how's pogue life treatin' ya ?
that was the last of our savings !
we are so screwed .
here we are , back in the g game .
c'mon , how long were we really gonna stay out of trouble ?
we are prepared to pay a premium for your services .
we would like your immediate answer .
we need the money .
what ever happened to pogues for life ?
you're those treasure hunting kids .
y'all aren't getting a weird ass vibe ?
there's a lot more going on that we don't know about .
you're disaster magnets !
when it comes to trouble , we are a few standard iterations off the mean , if you were to put it on a graph . . .
stop trying to confuse me .
we just wanna keep our home !
y'all don't get to win !
i thought things were different now , but it really is just us against the world .
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bravoxsniper · 1 day
"I'M GOING TO SAVE YOUR LIFE" PROMPTS * assorted dialogue for near-death scenarios and the dramatic conversations that follow, adjust as necessary
just stay with me, hold on!
we're gonna get you out of here!
stay awake for me, [name]!
look at me! keep your eyes fixed on me!
you're not gonna die here. not on my watch.
it's not over! not yet!
what if i take your place?
let me get you out of here.
squeeze my hand if it hurts.
i'll patch this up for you and we'll be on our way.
i'm not leaving you to die.
if you risk your life for me, i'm coming to get you.
i'll get you out of there one way or another.
don't say that. there's still hope.
this is not your time to die.
you promised me forever.
i came to save your life.
i just risked everything to find you.
you still owe me a drink, remember?
they've got you all wrong.
i'll find a way to free you.
anything you can tell me to help get you out of here?
don't start speaking like that. you're not going to die.
it's gonna be close, but we'll make it.
i thought i lost you.
wait until they see you're alive.
told you i'd come looking for you.
when you didn't show up, i started to worry.
they can't hold you in here without a reason.
they want to execute you?!
i'll get you out of here before the sun rises.
they can't take you away from me.
please don't cry. this isn't the end.
don't give up on me just yet.
i have a plan to get you out of here.
sit tight and wait for my signal.
stay right there! i'll get help!
you've lost a lot of blood, but i'm gonna fix you right up.
this is not how you're meant to die.
you have so much life left to live.
you promised me you'd stay alive.
i thought i told you to be careful!
this is what happens when you don't listen to me.
whatever happens, just know that i love you.
maybe i can take your place.
wrap your arms around me just like that.
i'll carry you out of this mess.
just a few more steps.
take some deep breaths for me.
the doctors are coming. just hang on.
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bravoxsniper · 5 days
CONFLICT || short askbox prompts to initiate conflict
you're fucking kidding me, right?
stop. just -- stop.
you don't care about anyone but yourself.
you were a mistake.
hit me, then.
fuck you.
get fucked.
screw you, dude.
i swear to God if you don't shut up . . .
don't fucking touch me.
do us both a favor and just die.
you're a joke.
you really think you have the upper hand?
you'll have to kill me, then.
i wasted so much time on you.
i saw what you did.
i'm going to turn you in.
you can't hide from the truth.
the law will catch up to you, just wait and see.
you must think you're untouchable.
your secret is out.
are you threatening me?
am i supposed to be afraid of you?
you don't scare me.
was that your plan?
you're pathetic.
how do you live with yourself?
how do you sleep at night?
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bravoxsniper · 5 days
send me   ‘ kisses ‘   and i’ll generate a number for how / where my muse kisses yours
add   ‘reverse’  to the ask for the positions to be reversed
1. a kiss to the palm
2. a peck on the lips
3. a sad kiss goodbye
4. a peck on the cheek
5. a kiss on an old scar
6. a kiss to the knuckles
7. a kiss to the forehead
8. a kiss on a healing bruise
9. an excited kiss as a reunion 
10. a kiss to the top of the head
11. a kiss on a bandaged wound
12. a stolen kiss somewhere public
13. a sleepy kiss in the early morning 
14. a deep, passionate kiss on the lips
15. a kiss goodnight after a date gone well
16. a desperate kiss to your wounded muse
17. and awkward kiss after a date gone wrong
18. a lot of laughing, little kisses across the face
19. a kiss on the shoulder while hugging from behind 
20. a gentle kiss while slow-dancing together in the dark
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