breadcrxmbs · 1 month
You don’t have to be nice to my character. You don’t have to hold your character back. I am perfectly okay with consequences. I don’t consider powerful characters using those powers to be godmodding. Some things might require a little bit of a chat before hand, but go crazy, kids. Conflict is part of story telling. 
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breadcrxmbs · 2 months
Fireheart and Goldenpaw
((Continued from here))
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breadcrxmbs · 2 months
Sympathy dampened Anne’s features. “I’m sorry to hear it,” she said. How awful… she couldn’t imagine life without her mother. She took notice of Gretel’s apparently increasing anxiety, and the dark-haired girl tilted her head. “Are you alright?”
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"What, me? Oh, I'm fine!" Gretel smiled, however convincingly. "I just haven't had the chance to talk to anyone outside of my family for a real long time. The only time I've talked to anyone else is when father's trying to get me familiar with our patrons..."
Gretel paused to take a deep breath.
"So, it's just really nice to chat with anyone my own age.. especially to another girl. My father keeps coming back with strange stories from town, and I can't help but feel a little nervous out here. Sorry if I come off as a bit high-strung."
Gretel and Anne
((continued from here))
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breadcrxmbs · 2 months
"Oh, hum..." Gretel thought for a moment. "I live down a path, deep in the woods. It's a few miles down, actually... It's a long walk, we only come into town once or twice a week. Well, father does, but he wants me to come out more often. Oh-"
Gretel tripped over herself for a moment. Regaining her balance, she continued.
"I live with my father and stepmother. My father remarried when I was a baby because- well-" Gretel laughed nervously. "Well- my mother died in childbirth."
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Her hands grew clammy. Clammier.
"Now, we just cut and sell wood. It's hard, but it's honest. That's what he says anyways- my father, I mean. We never really had much money, but things have gotten better since-" She stopped herself, noticing the words tumbling out of her mouth, "-things have been better!"
Gretel and Anne
((continued from here))
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breadcrxmbs · 2 months
Gretel and Anne
((continued from here))
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breadcrxmbs · 2 months
"Oh! Yes, I would love that." Gretel looked over at her father, chatting away with the other men. They made brief eye contact, and he gave her a nod. She guessed that meant he was okay if she wandered off.
As she and Anne made their way away from the men, Gretel allowed the other girl to lead. She seemed more comfortable with the town, a free spirit. Gretel was far too shy and dependent to do much wandering, and often times, too awkward around strangers to ever want to. But being around a girl her own age made her feel much more open, somehow, in a way that didn't bother her nearly as much.
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"So, uhm... do you live around here?" Gretel asked, nervously fiddling with the tie around her waist.
It was a cloudy day, the ground muddy from a recent rain. The wagon creaked under the weight of logs and sticks as Father tugged it along the path.
Gretel was dragged into town to watch her father sell wood, in hopes that she would learn the trade and be able to make money in his absence one day. This wasn't her first time in town, but it had been a long while, and frankly she was nervous. Having to talk to strangers left her palms feeling clammy.
As they made their way to the butchery to sell wood for the smoker, it was clear that the butcher was already busy with a group made up of a man, two pigs, two boys, and- to Gretel's relief- a girl, just around her own age.
Gretel was rather bored and uninterested in what her father was doing, and when he stepped up to chat with the man (the childrens' father, Gretel presumed) and the butcher, she took the opportunity to approach the girl herself.
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"H-hi, I'm Gretel," She said, shaking more than she realized she was. Was it fear or excitement? She couldn't quite tell, it had been so long since she talked to another kid. "What's your name?"
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breadcrxmbs · 2 months
It was a cloudy day, the ground muddy from a recent rain. The wagon creaked under the weight of logs and sticks as Father tugged it along the path.
Gretel was dragged into town to watch her father sell wood, in hopes that she would learn the trade and be able to make money in his absence one day. This wasn't her first time in town, but it had been a long while, and frankly she was nervous. Having to talk to strangers left her palms feeling clammy.
As they made their way to the butchery to sell wood for the smoker, it was clear that the butcher was already busy with a group made up of a man, two pigs, two boys, and- to Gretel's relief- a girl, just around her own age.
Gretel was rather bored and uninterested in what her father was doing, and when he stepped up to chat with the man (the childrens' father, Gretel presumed) and the butcher, she took the opportunity to approach the girl herself.
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"H-hi, I'm Gretel," She said, shaking more than she realized she was. Was it fear or excitement? She couldn't quite tell, it had been so long since she talked to another kid. "What's your name?"
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breadcrxmbs · 2 months
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just for chuckles, reblog this post and put in the tags what three ( 3 )  traits your muse would have if they were a sim!!
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breadcrxmbs · 2 months
Goldenpaw stepped to the edge of the running water, and it seemed to stretch out forever between them and the far shore, and even farther to his left and his right. He's never seen so much water in one place before!
At Fireheart's comment, he laughed. Though, he was embarrassed to admit...
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"What's 'fish'?" He asked, flicking a bit of mud from his paw. "You know, I haven't really been out of Twolegplace much... this forest stuff is pretty new to me."
Sunlight trickled through the trees, leaving shadows dappling down onto the earth below. It was a warm, greenleaf day, with a light breeze brushing against Goldenpaw's pelt. He lay on a sun-warmed stone in the ThunderClan camp, enjoying his time outside of the medicine den. Last night was his first night sleeping in the apprentices' den after what felt like moons being fussed over by the medicine cat.
The scar on his throat itched, and he sat up to give it a good scratch, putting his newly appointed mentor- Fireheart- square into view as he stepped up to him. He gave a loud chirrup in greeting, identifying Fireheart as one of the few cats who didn't seem to be bothered by his being an outsider.
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"'G'morning, Fireheart! What are we doing today?"
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breadcrxmbs · 2 months
((Yeah sorry for 2 sexy posts in a row, I'm re-uploading from my old blog and since it's under a readmore, it'll be deleted when I delete that blog.
Darius and Hansel again. Naked, full-bodied. Nothing crazy going on but they ARE naked so... view at your own discretion.))
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breadcrxmbs · 2 months
((Hansel and Darius in bed together, shoulders-up, both are shirtless. They're just cuddling, but view at your own discretion.))
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breadcrxmbs · 2 months
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this image but it’s me shielding hansel from bad hansel and gretel adaptations while screaming “WHERE IS YOUR ANGER? WHERE IS YOUR RAGE?” and he’s crying because i’m scaring him
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breadcrxmbs · 2 months
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((Preserving these tags!))
thinking about gretel growing up without her birth mother and living with her stepmother berating her a lot and calling her stupid and useless and being all ‘don’t you know how to do anything’ being juxtaposed with meeting the stranger for the first time and being gently taught how to do stuff and being praised when she does something the stranger likes. and then she has to kill her when she tries to eat her fucking brother.
and then years later, meeting a slightly older woman who is actually kind to her and let’s her know when she’s doing a good job with something, and gretel constantly feeling like, needles in her back because she can’t know if she actually deserves it or if the praise is real or if she wants something out of gretel or or or-
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breadcrxmbs · 2 months
“She wanted to desert him, to leave him a prey to the open, with the unclean dogs of the darkness setting on to devour him.”
— D.H. Lawrence, from The Rainbow.
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breadcrxmbs · 2 months
its 3 am time to give myself brain damage
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breadcrxmbs · 2 months
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breadcrxmbs · 2 months
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