breakteens · 2 years
i don't want to met the day like this again ty
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breakteens · 2 years
... i prefer older than me btw
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breakteens · 2 years
seeking for nerds smartie boy with woa n aos lovelang!! but he would giving me all lovelang?? hehe! xd
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breakteens · 2 years
thankie, i'm glad i know you!
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breakteens · 2 years
i just want to use it!! no purposes behind that i'm sure
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breakteens · 2 years
matching pfp with nobody but i use it for no reason, is another aneh <3
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breakteens · 2 years
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breakteens · 2 years
today's midnight talk is already end. gotta sleep asap and bye bye
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breakteens · 2 years
glad the lil me having fun, it's time to your new teenager to be super-best! good luck on my future, don't be a lazy kid dear me
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breakteens · 2 years
nah i mean i'll turning 14th this year!!!!!!!!!!! on oct 17th, i can wait because what the heck i won't be grew up as fast as my lil me think about. gotta shut my lil me to making fun of your childhood!!!!
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breakteens · 2 years
yep i decided to uncrush him! <3 and start liking and being comfortable as a friends. goodluck for you i guess, i keep my heart again. i'm still 14th and no need to worry about hopeless romantic like that. i'll be find my forever longest kind of love i hope!
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breakteens · 2 years
kinda better today hehe, i'm sleepy now but idk i don't want to go to sleep?
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breakteens · 2 years
pardon me, *yesterday
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breakteens · 2 years
hi i forgot to update my life on tumblr, so i'll update today (midnight) honestly yesterday i'm doing fine!!!! just... normal day! ♡ i feel like i'm kind of sick today, but i'm not sure.. speedy recovery for me hft
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breakteens · 2 years
lily of the valley! ♡
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breakteens · 2 years
i appreciate! thank you, but please don't make a space between us :(
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breakteens · 2 years
totally i love the way you try to apologize huhu that's cute. but surely i'm not really care, cuz fr we were playing a game right? so...
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