breautender-blog · 9 years
[oops! sorry for not using an OOC tag! ♥]
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breautender-blog · 9 years
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ♥  Moogle is sanctumcowboy -- Red XIII is skycaptainhighwind --  and Chocobo is breautender!!!
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WE’RE AT DISTANT WORLDS!!!!!!!!!!! #distantworlds
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breautender-blog · 9 years
I CAN’T GET OVER HOW AMAZING THIS WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY PLAYED BALAMB GARDEN AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CRIED THE WHOLE TIME AT EVERY SONG SOBBB ;;;;W;;;;;
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breautender-blog · 9 years
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“I work at the Roost Café! On my days off, you’ll find me on the beach with a perfect peach smoothie, no offence!”
Lebreau is ready to move in, are you? FFU members and indies alike, join the fun of Fantasy town at http://ffu-acau.tumblr.com/ 
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breautender-blog · 9 years
“A kiss, hmm? Well-- you just have to come closer.” she tenderly ran her index finger along his strong jaw and looked into his eyes. “Closer,” her whispers were warm on his neck. “Clo---ser...!!!” Her lips never quite met his cheek as she kneed him in the stomach. 
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Frightened he might retaliate, Lebreau jumped over the counter and jetted out toward the beach. Calling out, “SMELL YA LATER!” with a wave of her arm as she ran. 
hey girl ;)
“You finally show your face… and it’s covered in dirt and sweat! Get out of the kitchen until you’ve cleaned up!”
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breautender-blog · 9 years
“What was that?” Weighted words filled the empty room and as the dust settled after her fall, she looked for answers. Her sight was fixated on the candle as she pulled herself up from the floor and reached toward the source. As the brunette lifted the candle with trembling hands, the fire tempted to flicker off. Lebreau coerced the flame to stay on its wick and with all the determination she could muster, she pushed on to find a way out. Surely, she thought, there would be a door nearby. She did not bother to think if it was locked—or worst, if this was a dead end.
Spooks groaned in the wake of her step, but the pragmatic Lebreau wrote the off as the howling wind. The circular room wrapped around and soon she found her path was cyclical. She found herself right where she started. It was no use. She was stunned to find that every direction was blocked by velvet wallpaper and stacks of shelves lining every level. The room was spinning.
Finally, she shook her head out of a dizzying stupor and looked above. The jagged edges of the hole where she had fallen through were illuminated by an eerie green hue. Drops of water echoed as they fell through the crevice and landed in the level below. She was instantly reminded of the pipe that seemly opened into another passageway in the hall above. With candle in hand, Lebreau began to feel along the walls of the bookshelves. Gilded spines with unknown authors were rested on the dusty shelves; spell books and grimoires, with pages marble painted within their dust-jackets. 
One principle book stood out among the rest. Its secrets were closely guarded by a leather clasp, belt-buckle fastened across the cover. She dusted off the monograph and saw that the title was in a language she did not understand. As she opened the first page, however, the meaning became clear as it was translated into many different scripts. With baited breath, she used the candlelight to help illuminate the title in a language she was familiar with. “Wisdom of the Ancients:” she read aloud, guiding the flame to uncover the subtitle and running her finger along the letters, “Regarding Lifestream, Mako, and Materia.” She was unsure of its meaning, but the information as surely important. The images on the following pages were ornate, illustrating what appeared to be an ancient race creating the world and a force to protect it. For a moment, in the stillness of the hallowed library, Lebreau felt at ease. That comfort dissolved when she came upon an illustration of the end of the world. Flashbacks of the Purge began to blind her in the darkness and suddenly she was surrounded by mirages of fallen Bodhum townspeople. “Why couldn’t you protect us?” they called to her. “Why...why...”  She slammed the book shut and the mournful voices slowly began to fade into whimpers. “Damn it.” She spat. “There has got to be a way out of this place.”
Golden Saucer: Ghost Hotel or “Always read the reviews.”
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breautender-blog · 9 years
If we roleplay:
1. Don’t apologize for being late/slow with replies.
2. Take all of the time you need. Days, weeks, months, doesn’t matter. Don’t put yourself under stress because of such pointless things.
3. Your personal life out of character along with your health are the most important. If you drop a thread/conversation/whatever, it’s alright. Just stay safe and take care.
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breautender-blog · 9 years
hey girl ;)
“You finally show your face... and it’s covered in dirt and sweat! Get out of the kitchen until you’ve cleaned up!”
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breautender-blog · 9 years
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This is a super friendly reminder from the staff at the Gold Saucer that if you have one of these:
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You can stay for FREE, that’s right, FREE at the Haunted Hotel!! Complimentary breakfast included, with friendly waitstaff and timely maid services! Join us, don’t pay for an inn down in a dirty desert town!
Don’t be afraid… It’s only haunted at night.
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breautender-blog · 9 years
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Lebreau - Final Fantasy XIII
Por Mariana Dal Carobo
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breautender-blog · 9 years
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Gadot came over the other day and I showed him a picture of your new hair and he was like: "wow hot a what baabhabhiat"
who do i call to delete this blog
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breautender-blog · 9 years
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“Hey girl, hey”
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screaming, crying, etc
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breautender-blog · 9 years
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breautender-blog · 9 years
Her instincts were heightened in the dark passage, which is to say she was not about to admit the fear starting to erupt just beneath her nerves.  As for sight, her senses were inhibited in the slant of purple light at the far end of the tunnel. The hotel plumbing groaned encased in the walls and leaked droplets that nearly missed her butterfly-branded shoulders. A centipede crawled through a cavern in the wall; when it disappeared, the burrowing mite left a small keyhole-sized view into another room. Lebreau peered inside. Her soft eyelashes flicked against the uneven crevice as she scanned the room on the other side. It was far less adorned than the room she had been lead to by the bellhop earlier. The room’s red wallpaper was peeling, bearing a decaying wood interior. A knot in her stomach caused her to pull away from the orifice. She suspected it was too late to return to her room as either direction was cloaked in a layer of darkness too thick to navigate. She inched forward cautiously.
The dark passageway curved around a steaming drain. A corroded metal pipe pumped into the corridor a putrid sulfuric incense.  Around the corner, she found another length of the tunnel extending just above a kitchen. There was no movement near the stoves, yet the heat coming from them was overwhelming. She tip-toed around a vent only to find herself barricaded into a nook.
In the dark and now stuck, Lebreau wrestled herself free as best as she could. Every limb was liberated aside from her left ankle. She looked around, finding nothing, and muttered curses to herself. She searched the darkness for answers and finally her fingers touched a narrow pipe covered in vines. Lebreau pulled with all her might to free her foot but only managed to rip the pipe from its attachment. Mealworms trickled out from the newly open gutter. The swarm began to cover her escape route—so she had to think fast. Her slender arms searched to the back of the nook. Air wafted on the other side. Another opening, another way out, she didn’t think before she leaped away from the passage. Her safety was short-lived as she noticed the floor falling out beneath her.  Her thighs met the floor in a deafening thud. Rafters landed beside her, the shards and splinters missing her nearly by inches. She had crashed through the roof of another room; a library lined with shelves of scrolls and monographs, dimly lit by the light of an ornate candle.
Golden Saucer: Ghost Hotel or “Always read the reviews.”
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breautender-blog · 9 years
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Kennie’s an incredible writer who brings Cloud to life. You can feel the love that she radiates through her writing– for both the art and the character. There’s something special about how beautiful her interactions are with characters outside the Final Fantasy realm as well. Thank you for the many years of friendship, and to many more years of adventures!
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breautender-blog · 9 years
*places flower from Aeriths church here for you*
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“A flower?” She reclaimed an empty beer bottle from the recycling bin and filled it with water from the sink, placing the flower therein.  She pet the Chocobo, ruffled its downy feathers, and added, “Thanks little guy!” 
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breautender-blog · 9 years
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“Impressive!” She nodded, cleaning her hands on a rag and then reaching to Bartz.  She pat his shoulder and watched as lively conversations washed over the tables outside. Lebreau was very pleased with his work--and in record time. Her eyes met the clock again, he did it in just under 4 minutes and 15 seconds.   “Well, kid-- Looks like you’ve still got it! When can you start?”
# (here's 100 gil)
He puts a rose in his mouth.
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“Miff Lebrew,” he spits the rose out, “Miss Lebreau, why don’t you serve me something spicy.” He frowns.
“B-But not really…”
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