breezybnb · 4 years
Making Over A Room For Airbnb – Dos And Don’ts
Are you planning to start making extra money by listing your home or part of it on Airbnb? The great thing is that there are several makeover hacks that can help make your listing stand out. In this handy guide, we look at major dos and don’ts when giving your room a new look for your Airbnb guests.
1. Repaint the Room
Repainting your room is one of the most effective Airbnb renovation hacks. You may have done everything right, but if the room’s walls and the ceiling still look old and dull, it won’t attract Airbnb guests. The best strategy is chipping off peeling old paint or using the correct type of sander for sanding it off and doing a full repainting of your room. Use a neutral colour palette because it’s more appealing. Definitely avoid bold hues unless it goes well with your interior decor. We think statement furniture pieces may be a safer bet than bold colours which can be overwhelming for some guests.
2. Decorate the Room
If you want to attract the attention of Airbnb guests, consider including suitable decorative pieces in order to target a certain audience of guests. If you are planning to host families with kids, your choice of interior decor should be different from the type that would appeal to youthful couples. Colours and statement pieces can make a previously-boring room look bright and cheerful, but be careful to strike a good balance so that your pieces are not too large or garish.
3. Keep the Room Spacious
Another effective makeover tip for an Airbnb room is making it look spacious and bright. This is a factor most Airbnb guests look for. If the room appears congested, small, and dark, very few will be interested and this will affect your Airbnb bookings. Some tips for a spacious room include adding mirrors and going with light colours when it comes to wall colours and furnishings. Don’t forget not to overdo it with furniture sizes! Smaller furniture will help your room look bigger.
4. Go Green
More and more people are appreciating the importance of going green and are willing to pay more for environmentally-friendly products. You can conserve the environment and still make money off your Airbnb hosting by going green. Consider installing a solar lighting and heating system. Choice of curtains to allow more natural light in the room can also help make your home more attractive.
5. Upgrade Plumbing and HVAC System
Airbnb guests are very concerned about the plumbing and HVAC system. No one wants to rent a room without hot water or air conditioning. Make sure your plumbing and A/C system is working fine by servicing them regularly and replacing old appliances and accessories with better quality options.
1. Don’t Make It Personal
Remember that your Airbnb room is not personal but a business. This is one big mistake homeowners make. Make sure the makeover does not reflect your taste but always renovate with guests’ needs and tastes in mind. You can never go wrong with abstract art and neutral colours, not to mention comfortable, modern furnishings.
2. Don’t Try DIY Projects
The biggest mistake you can make is trying a DIY Airbnb makeover project. Although you can do some renovations such as repainting on your own, you may not be able to complete more complicated renovation tasks without a professional plumber or contractor and may incur additional costs in repairs or property damage if you do it wrongly. Involve professional contractors in all aspects of the renovation work.
3. Don’t Go Cheap
For longevity purposes, use quality and durable materials and furnishings for the makeover. Don’t be tempted by cheap materials because they tend to be low quality and you will find yourself constantly having to maintain and repair those items when they peel off, with the number of guests that will be using your room regularly. This will cost you more money and inconvenience in the long run – so always make sure whatever furniture you buy is sturdy and easy to maintain.
There are so many factors to consider when remodeling your Airbnb room. With these dos and don’ts, you can make the most out of your Airbnb hosting experience. Make sure you involve professionals in the entire makeover project for desired results.
Room makeover all done? See what to do while preparing for your very first AirBnb guest.
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from Breezybnb https://breezybnb.com/airbnb-room-makeover-tips/
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breezybnb · 4 years
7 Important Points Concerning Airbnb and Taxes
Airbnb opened a vibrant short-term rental economy across the world. Today, almost every city, town and village will have Airbnb rentals. The cheaper alternative to hotels’ accommodation was the main reason why the app grew so popular.
Recently however, Airbnb rental taxes have increasingly become a challenge to investors. Many hosts have gotten into problems with the taxman. The problem is that most rental owners don’t bother to pay tax from their Airbnb incomes. Others don’t know how to file these taxes.
So how can you sort out your tax issues? Here are 7 things you need to know about Airbnb and taxes:
1. Airbnb Is Not Responsible
One mistake that homeowners make is thinking that Airbnb is responsible for reporting their taxes. The app does not handle the app users’ tax issues. What they get from you is just a commission of the charged amount, and that’s it. They also don’t offer any tax information because the app is used in hundreds of tax jurisdictions. You need to sort out tax issues on your own.
2. Accountancy Firms Can Help
The main reason why most people don’t pay tax is a lack of information. Many tax laws are too complex for common people to understand. If you have been having problems paying Airbnb tax, consider hiring an accountancy firm. We use Infinit Accounting’s insurance accounting outsourcing services for this kind of work. They are professionals who can help us manage all our tax issues. They know how the tax is deducted in each jurisdiction and how much is needed to pay. A good accountancy firm will find legal ways to reduce the amount of tax payable.
3. Get to Know Your Country’s Tax Laws
Every country has its own tax laws. The law governing New Zealand taxes is not the same as law in Australia or the USA. So, to be tax compliant, check the tax law regarding digital income tax. In some countries, this law is not clear, and this is what allowed many Airbnb owners make huge profits in the early days of the app. You might be able to take advantage of such loopholes to pay less tax or avoid paying at all, but you want to make sure you won’t get into trouble later for breaking the law.
4. Timing Is Everything
Apart from checking how much and how to pay tax on your Airbnb, payment time is also an important factor. Some jurisdictions require paying such taxes annually. But there are cases where these taxes are required to be paid quarterly. To avoid getting into trouble with the taxman, check the recommended payment period. Avoid late tax filings as these might attract heavy penalties.
5. Keep Rental Records
One of the biggest mistakes that homeowners make is failing to keep rental records. If you want to have an easy time with the taxman, make sure your Airbnb records are flawless. Have everything detail recorded from the rental time and the amount paid. Be able to proof of the income, including for bank and digital payments. Even if you only rented your place for two weeks one time or even shorter periods several times a year, have these records intact. This will make tax filing verification much easier.
6. Document All Business Expenses
One thing you must always do is documenting your business expenses. This is something most people forget and end up paying for by not claiming deductions. In most jurisdictions, the amount of payable tax is reduced by expenses. If you have done home improvement, renovations, or repairs, these expenses can often reduce your net payable tax. You must however, show proof of these expenses for them to be considered. Keep your expenses records clean.
7. Go for Tax Relief
In most jurisdictions, there are tax relief laws. Before you pay your tax, you need to know if you qualify for tax relief. Several factors can qualify you for tax relief. They including age, disability, and the kind of business. So, depending on your tax laws, you need to check if you qualify for tax relief. This is a clever way to become tax compliant and still make large profits.
Filing for Airbnb tax is crucial to avoid problems with taxman in most jurisdictions. Like most other revenue source, Airbnb rental returns are considered income. Getting to know what is possible in your location under the local laws is important to running a successful and legal operation.
Now that you’ve learned all about Airbnb and your taxes, definitely check out our article on Airbnb legalities in Queensland.
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from Breezybnb https://breezybnb.com/airbnb-taxes-tips/
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breezybnb · 4 years
Maintaining Your 5-Star Airbnb Rating
We all know getting your Airbnb to rate with 5 stars is a difficult task, but achievable with the right amount of effort. What many owners do however, is expand their portfolio too quickly and start slacking off with their customer service. Others will just get lazy after getting consistent 5-star reviews for a few months and not notice their ratings slowly dropping down into the mid-4s, then even lower.
Maintaining that consistent 5 stars ongoing can be an arduous task. There are a few things you should do every month, or every two at the least, to ensure your Airbnb stays in top shape and your guests will be happy to leave your a 5-star review after they checkout. We’ve put together a bit of a shortlist to help keep you on top of things when you’re doing that monthly Airbnb deep clean. That’s right, we said deep clean.
The Monthly Deep Clean
Every month, you or your cleaning team should do an extremely thorough clean of your Airbnb. Not just a quick, 2 hour in-and-out bed sheet and towel change with a quick vacuum and/or mop. We’re talking about moving sofas to vacuum up the dust behind them, shaking out rugs, wiping down inside drawers (especially the cutlery drawer), wiping down all pots, pans, plates again etc or at least confirming they aren’t dirty or oily, defrosting the freezer (if necessary), cleaning in the little gaps in window sills, cleaning all windows and glass, dusting high up shelves, ceiling fans, air vents etc.
Doing these more difficult or time consuming cleaning tasks regularly will ensure your Airbnb is spotless for guests over the next month or at least if there is something small that is missed it won’t be compounded by the fact that the guest has spotted 26 other things that could be cleaner as well. It might cost you a bit of extra time and expense, but that is well worth it to keep that 5 star rating and the extra exposure your Airbnb will get because of it.
Towels, Sheets and Pillow Cases
We also recommend checking over these once a month to ensure they still look 5-Star (or at least usable) without getting too tatty, stained or worn. An Airbnb is more like a hotel than a typical home, so you’ll need to replace these items as they start to wear out, even if they’re still usable. Keep your linens in as new new condition as you can, and replace them as they start to look tattered or old. This is one of the most complained about things, so if you can stay on top of this then you’re off to a good start.
Stop the dust before it becomes an eyesore
Check Pipes and Drainage
When doing your monthly deep clean, check that all pipes are flowing as they should be and not pooling up. Often hair or whatever guests flush down toilets/drains builds up and causes blockages. If you can spot one of these early it can save you, and the guest a huge hassle during their stay.
Lighting and Air Conditioning
Check that all lights are working, and the air conditioning is cold and the filters are clean. Dust builds up on filters and this not only causes the A/C to work less effectively, it also costs you more on your power bills! Speaking of filters..
Water and Fridge Filters
If you provide your guest with a water filter for the tap water or a fridge filter for chilled water straight from the refrigerator, make sure you change your filters when recommended. If the filters are too old and get blocked up with gunk, the water can actually come out dirtier than usual – and this is not something the guests will be happy about! Leave a note on your calendar so you know when you need to switch them over.
Ask the Guests for Feedback
As soon as the guests leave, it’s a great idea to contact them personally and ask them for constructive criticism about your Airbnb. This way they can let you know if they weren’t happy about anything at all and they’re less likely to leave that information in a review. You can even tell them you’d rather they told you in person if there were any issues so you can fix them right away, rather than making it public, and that keeping your 5-star rating is very important to you. Most guests will be touched that you reached out to them personally to garner feedback, and even if they weren’t happy about everything will often leave you a 5-star review purely because you care and you spoke to them about it prior.
The post Maintaining Your 5-Star Airbnb Rating appeared first on Breezybnb.
from Breezybnb https://breezybnb.com/maintaining-your-5-star-airbnb-rating/
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breezybnb · 5 years
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breezybnb · 7 years
Airbnb Regulations in Queensland
Since 2008 Airbnb has been making its mark on the world. Based in San Francisco, California, “Airbnb connects people to unique travel experiences, at any price point, in more than 65,000 cities and 191 countries. And with world class customer service and a growing community of users, Airbnb is the easiest way for people to monetize their extra space and showcase it to an audience of millions”.
The website and app have become a wave of the future and are widely accepted by millennials and others with extra space to spare as a key feature of travel and an easy way to make a buck.
Challenges Facing Residents in Popular Airbnb Areas
With Airbnb’s far-spreading reach, it’s no surprise that they’ve stretched into Queensland. The “Sunshine State” with its warm tropical climate is a tourism mecca. Roughly 22% of revenue comes from tourist accommodations.
Brisbane is one of the key areas of concern for body corporates. In the suburban area Airbnb has not posed any problems but in three of the tallest downtown buildings, especially when there are major sporting events going on, residential areas become flooded with Airbnb short term stayers who often are a nuisance for permanent tenants.
Airbnb is just one of many apps that are paving the way for the future. The world is changing with new features like uber (people aren’t always hailing cabs), Airbnb (people aren’t always booking hotels), and tinder (people are no longer going on traditional dates). Things are changing so quickly that bylaws are often outdated by the time they are published. In the most recent BCCM review recommendations (released in December 2014) the topic of short-term letting restrictions was not even included because Airbnb in Brisbane and other parts of Australia was not on the radar as it is today. Technology is moving at a faster pace than lawmakers can keep up. And with all change comes challenges.
Some key challenges people are reporting due to Airbnb stayers is more noise complaints and common area vandalism. This has become a problem in the three tallest apartment complexes in the downtown area of Brisbane during music festivals, sporting events, and other major events in the area.
So what can a Queensland body corporate do about Airbnb?
The answer really is nothing. The limitations of the body corporate are that they have little power when it comes to overnight guests. The best they are able to do is create bylaws that apply to all residents of a building for example pool hours and rules about the use of common property. Laws that apply to regular tenants also apply to all guests… i.e. you can call the police for late night noise violations. What people often find surprising though is that a body corporate has no authority inside a housing unit.
Can My Body Corporate Stop Me From Listing My Property on Airbnb?
The BCCM Act, section 180, states that the bylaws cannot restrict the type of residential use of a property which includes overnight guests and owners renting out units. This includes rules that discriminate between long term and short term residents that would limit access to common areas. Just like a homeowner cannot stop their neighbors from having a house party or smoking on their property apartment residents cannot do anything more than call the police with noise complaints or vandalism reports.
Airbnb Bylaws & Body Corporate Regulations in Queensland
Queensland, specifically doesn’t allow these types of bylaws. Without unreasonably interfering in the lives of others, which has its own long process to address with law enforcement, there are little residents of Queensland can do about disliking Airbnb tenants. Just because you don’t like the overnight guests, however, doesn’t mean you have a case. Conduct needs to interfere unreasonably with others to become an actionable offense. In community living, some noise and interference are to be expected. In Brisbane, outside the larger towers in the downtown area, there hasn’t been complaints or problems but if you want to see if your property is being occupied by short-term visitors you can google your building name.
When dealing with conduct or noise complaints, like any other law, you are subjected to the burden of proof. Without evidence, he said she said will not get you very far. With new buildings going up the only other requirements can come from planning rules and permissions which are subject to local authorities based on the approval they have for specific lot use and these can vary from building to building. “A body corporate cannot enforce the council’s requirements, but it can complain to the council about the lack of compliance with the planning approval”. Again though, these dealings apply to all tenants and are not based on tenure unless specifically stated by building rules. The building classification argument has been run and done too. It has been confirmed that there is nothing in the residential classes which preclude the short-term use of lots.
Queensland’s body corp laws are 20 years old and while some amendments and tweaking have been done a full review is underway but is yet to be complete. There may be changes to come in the future but with as fast as technology is changing policy is often unable to keep up. What is important to protect oneself as a tenant who is participating in Airbnb is to know your building rules and policies and share these with incoming tenants. Additionally, check with your insurance company to make sure these types of visitors (commercial) are covered because this is not always the case and remember that income from space renting is subject to taxes.
If you’re interested in further information on this subject check out this FactSheet: Renting / Selling / Buying Strata Property OR FactSheet: Strata Legislation Queensland
Additionally, if you want to read the bylaws yourself you can find them here at http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/legis/qld/consol_act/bcacma1997388/s180.html
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from Breezybnb https://breezybnb.com/airbnb-affects-queensland-australia/
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breezybnb · 7 years
How Brisbane Homeowners Are Capitalizing on Airbnb Popularity
The growing Airbnb craze is taking Australia by storm. Who would let an opportunity to make extra money pass them by? With Airbnb arrangement, homeowners are simply making good money by leasing or renting their properties. What is even more appealing to homeowners is the huge amount of income that they are making from this arrangement (an Airbnb host in Australia makes $4920 annually).  Just imagine tripling rent per week. This is what majority of the property owners are making. To the visitors, the amount is quite friendly compared to the charges they would pay for hotels.
A majority of the homeowners are currently undertaking home renovations to take advantage of Airbnb. Paul Phillips, a Camp Hill resident has spent almost four years renovating his property to fit his expanding family. In this process, he has taken advantage of the Airbnb to build a standalone, single bedroom flat. He expects to start hosting guest from Airbnb arrangement. According to Mr. Phillip, the flat has every aspect of a one bedroom house and it has been designed with Airbnb in mind. He explains that the main reason why he decided to build this flat was to generate extra income to assist with the mortgage.
The program has been hailed by real estate in Brisbane as a niche to make extra money and a good one for that matter. According to Graya Construction proprietor Rob Gray, he advocates for an Airbnb flat’ in everyone’s renovation plans. According to him, this thing is only going to get bigger in the future. “Airbnb flat’ is the way every thing’s going”, he said. Mr. Gray notes that it is currently one of the best to make extra money for family or mortgage. According to him, everyone on Brisbane should adopt this program considering the potential that the arrangement has in this place.
Mr. Gray also confirms that he has been designing his new Brisbane homes with Airbnb in mind. This is a practice he is planning to use more and more in his own houses. It is fetching more money compared to the common houses. One thing that many homeowners are taking into consideration is how they can give the guest their space. According to Mr. Phillips, he decided to build a standalone home with a separate entrance. This trick works for both the guest and the host. He also proposed for a separate access if the guest space is connected to your house.
Airbnb has changed the real estate industry significantly. Phillips family is selling their property so they move back to New Zealand and according to home selling agent Darcy lord, the property is drawing unprecedented attention to the sale. For the record, he has received 97 groups in only 22 days for the property. Accord to the agent, Airbnb flat popularity is expected to grow particularly with the land becoming more expensive near the city.
According to Mr. Gray, this is something that is here to stay and he expects it to expand even more in future. For homeowners not really close to the city, this is a great opportunity to make extra money. With the number visitors flocking Brisbane this is indeed a great opportunity to improve your incomes.
The post How Brisbane Homeowners Are Capitalizing on Airbnb Popularity appeared first on Breezybnb.
from Breezybnb https://breezybnb.com/brisbane-homeowners-capitalizing-airbnb-popularity/
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breezybnb · 7 years
Airbnb and the Growth of the Share Economy
Do you remember when the only viable lodging options for traveling were expensive hotels? Airbnb has drastically improved where we stay when we travel, giving us comfortable options at a fraction of the cost of big, excessive hotels. Not only that, but Airbnb has also helped to make a great difference in the economy, growing what is called the “share economy”.
What Is the Share Economy?
The share economy is an economic model built around the prospect of sharing resources—be it human, physical, or intellectual. Sometimes called the peer economy, it allows peer-to-peer transactions and exchanges primarily through technology and online platforms. One such platform is eBay, where anyone is allowed to sell goods that anyone is allowed to buy. It opens up a new dimension for being able to share what’s already available, at a price. Airbnb is a lodging service that opens up existing homes to travelers and backpackers. In its operation, it has greatly helped to grow the share economy as well as the economy itself.
More on Airbnb
Airbnb management describes its service as making its customer able to “book unique homes and experience a city like a local.” This enables people to rent short-term lodging, usually in the form of apartment rentals, hostel beds, or homestays, sometimes vacation homes and hotel rooms. It is a peer-to-peer platform in that the company does not own any of the property or lodging, it merely serves as a broker, receiving a commission from the guest and host with every booking. At present, there are over 3,000,000 listings for lodging available in 65,000 cities, in 191 countries, with the cost of the lodging set by the host.
In its operation, it has created a positive impact on the economy in cities all around the world. Here’s how.
On a Personal Level
Of all the hosts on Airbnb, it was revealed in a study that 81% share the very homes they live in. These homes sometimes belong to people who make low to moderate income—the number is 52%–, so the business they receive from travelers helps to make ends meet. An astonishing 53% of all hosts said that Airbnb had helped them keep living in their homes, while 48% explained that they use the income to pay for necessities and regular expenses such as rent, utilities, and groceries.
The people who own these homes range anywhere from elderly couples to young graduate school students; a guest can share in all walks of life when they stay at an Airbnb venue. It provides countless opportunities for income for people who otherwise don’t have them
Guests also benefit greatly from using Airbnb, as they are able to enjoy local accommodations without having to spend so much for more expensive lodging.
On a Local Level
What makes the Airbnb experience unique and good for the local economy is that 91% of travelers who use the service use it in order to experience life as a local, while 79% of users want to be able to explore specific neighborhoods. This means that it generates income for local establishments, leading more tourism and visitor spending to them that they would not otherwise get. This creates a major impact on neighborhoods that are separate from the main hotel districts, also allowing for a unique way to experience a city beyond the over-advertised methods prescribed by major tour companies. Airbnb allows the traveler to experience the city in an entirely new way, which leads us to our next points.
It has been found that Airbnb guests stay 2.1 times longer than regular visitors to a city, and are likely to spend 2.1 times as much due to the savings in lodging. In addition to this, the extra spending also comes from being able to experience their neighborhoods in a way that hasn’t been done before, as the study has shown that 42% of guest spending comes from when they are in the neighborhoods they stay in.
Airbnb has stated the example of San Francisco on their blog. Here is an excerpt:
On average, a guest to San Francisco will visit the city for 3.5 days, spending $840 in the process. This is compared to the average Airbnb guest who stays in the city for 5.5 days and spends $1,045.
The extra income generated that goes towards local businesses helps them to thrive in a way that wasn’t possible before. This helps to bolster the local economy, as well as create more jobs for more people.
On an International Level
Airbnb has hosts that operate in 191 different countries, including Airbnb Hong Kong, thus bringing the same effect it has on the personal and local levels of economy all around the world. Aside from this, it enables the user to make more planet-friendly choices as it emphasizes being able to use what is readily available, promoting sustainable communities. In lesser-developed countries, Airbnb creates job opportunities for skilled workers to bring their trade to cities that need them the most.
One of the greatest things is that it allows the traveler to experience the world at a local level. This creates a sense of culture sharing, which is important in the share economy. It helps to make the world feel smaller and more welcoming, and gives a genuine feeling of community no matter where you are in the world.
Ultimately, Airbnb has helped the economy both within and without its economic model. Much of the spending that goes into Airbnb travelers is new spending. As the hotel industry’s reservations and rates for occupancy climb up, so do reservations for Airbnb venues, indicating that there is nothing being taken from the hotel industry, as the “live like a local” aspect of the travel often attracts a different sector of society—those who are more price sensitive and are keen to experience something different than what is normally advertised.
For something that is able to help people live in a world that is less-selfish and more giving, Airbnb does an excellent job. As a leader in the share economy, it does its job well, and helps to sustain the lives of millions of people the world over, as well as help to feed the wanderlust found in so many travelers. That in itself is sharing something special.
Originally posted 2017-04-28 05:39:34.
The post Airbnb and the Growth of the Share Economy appeared first on Breezybnb.
from Breezybnb https://breezybnb.com/airbnb-growth-share-economy/
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