Tony Moore
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Tony Moore
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This is Tony Moore’s depiction of “Robocop” which he makes personal to him by depicting the strong scenes of violence that he uses in his adult comic         “The Walking Dead”.  He depicts Robocop as a hard thug and undermines his sense of justice by having him fatally wound some of the bad guys, going as far as to have punched a guy’s head clean off as seen on the bottom right.
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Tony Moore
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This is a page from the popular comic series “The Walking Dead”.
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Jim Lee
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Jim Lee
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F Gordon Crosby
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F Gordon Crosby
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F Gordon Crosby
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F Gordon Crosby
Frederick Gordon Cosby was believed to have been born in Sunderland in 1845, he was a self taught illustrator that eventually grew famous for his work that he produced for "Autocar" magazine.
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I received the idea to research the works of Hokusai after watching "The Art of Japanese Life", a three part series exploring both the heritage and culture of Japan from it's ancient times to the present, and how their traditional customs affect their lifestyle.
In Part 1
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Hokusai: Wood Block Printing
All of the pieces I have analysed were made using wood block printing, which is an old method of printing that originates from china, as its earliest traces have been from 220 AD.
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This piece is titled "The Great Wave of Kanagawa"
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This piece is titled "Mishima Pass in Kai Province" which is obviously named for its location, a mountain pass that gives travellers a view of Mount Fuji as they pass by. This piece is also part of the Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji.
What I particularly like about this piece is the way Hokusai uses distance to make the tree seem bigger than Mount Fuji itself as the rest of its trunk is hidden from sight.  This effect is even more exaggerated as it stands to reason that Mount Fuji usually towers over most things. As a result of reducing it's size with the tree, at first glance the viewer is able to pick up on this disparity in size and is drawn in, intrigued as to why there is a size difference. It is then with a closer observation they are able to realise that Mount Fuji is set in the distance and people/travellers are crowded round the base of the tree trunk, presumably taking a break to enjoy the view presented to them.
Motion is created within this piece with the use of the clouds covering Mount Fuji, as they suggest wind direction and movement, and also help to create atmosphere.
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This piece is titled "Fine Wind, Clear Morning" is a woodblock print dated from 1830-1832. It depicts Mount Fuji in the early morning of Japan,as the sun rises to meet the sky. This effect is created by his use of the vibrant green, which suggests the arrival of the sun, whereas as the rocky brown slope of the mountain is used to suggest the dark fading away.
This piece is regarded by many to be his most outstanding out of the series.       I can understand just as well as any other that this piece is simple, compared to his others in his "Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji" series that are usually complex in composition and colour, as well as hidden pieces in his art that are not visible to the human eye, with a first glance.
However with this piece, it's simplicity is it's strength, as Hokusai intended, for this allows the viewer to simply marvel at the composition of scenery and bright fresh colours in front of them. They can observe the bright blues of the clear sky, the white fluffy clouds passing overhead and the fresh green trees lining the mountain.  
I was attracted to this piece as I thought it demonstrated the ability to not just create an image, but to bring it to life through the use of techniques, such as composition and colour.
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Katsushika Hokusai, born in Edo Japan on October 1760. He was a Japanese master artist and printmaker of the ukiyo-e school. Ukiyo-e meaning "pictures of the floating world".
He had a wide knowledge of the spectrum of ukiyo-e, he produced single-sheet prints of landscapes and actors, hand paintings and surimono (printed things) such as greetings and announcements.
He is best known for his later works that focus particularly on themes of the Chinese and samurai. His famous print series" Thirty six views of Mount Fuji" best demonstrates his use of these techniques and the way he liked to depict Japan's Heritage and Culture.
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Artist Research
I have conducted research into the following artists, so that I can get an idea of how the artist has used techniques and their own personal skill to express their feelings through their art, and  use this information to think about how I could potentially use this in my own work.
Ultimately I have conducted this research to understand and associate what I think personally of each of these artists, and to understand what they thought of as they produced each individual masterpiece.
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Teesside University has a distance of 200 miles from Norfolk, and should take approximately 3hrs and 50 minutes to travel by car.
For the BA (Hons) Comics, Graphic Novels, and Sequential Art  I am interested in I will need 96-112 UCAS points including 1 appropriate subject.
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