brianbotkiller · 1 month
If right-wingers and ultra-conservative Christians believe so much in the "Sanctity of life", and are so concerned with population numbers dropping, I have your solution, you utter bottom-feeding, garbage-human clowns: UNIVERSAL. BASIC. INCOME.
Literally EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM that people have goes back to Kaptialism in some way or another. Relationship issues? Money played a role, somehow. Don't wanna have children? Money is often a deciding factor. Generally unhappy or considering unaliving yourself? KAPITALISM.
Don't believe me? Think of the number of times in your life that you were unable to do the things that these people say are so important that they want to upend entire societal and governmental structures to "preserve" them, and trace back the why -- you'll usually land on, "I couldn't do that because of money".
Bootstrappers will tell you that you just need to "Work harder" or "Grind more", or that you're just not driven enough. The fact is, that simply isn't true. You've been told all your life that you don't get to where you deserve to be because you didn't want it enough. While intention, attraction, attitude and drive have an effect on these outcomes, they are NOT going to do enough for you when you live in a world that is governed by people who want to ensure that you stay just high enough, but close enough to the ground, that you remember your place.
If these people believe so whole-heartedly that human life is so sacred, GET BEHIND DOING THINGS THAT WOULD ACTUALLY HELP HUMANS. Insisting that people have babies whether by choice or by force because of your insane ideologies isn't gonna end well. Policing people for what they do with their bodies in order to survive the hellscape that you idiots want to so vehemently preserve isn't gonna end well.
We are unlikely, as a species, to ever reach the Star-Trek future that forgoes capital as the barometer of value. It's a great dream, it probably won't happen. But the fact is that there simply is enough of the things that one can actually put their hands on -- food, houses, resources -- for everyone on this planet. Money is a fake and false concept of value assigned to material things in order to push us outside of our own personal existence and realizing that the ONLY things that matter is literally everything BUT money.
So, that's it, you fucking morons. Shut the absolute fuck up about how "Important" human life is, when you obviously have NO interest in doing anything to help preserve it. If you did, you'd push for programs that ensure that every single human being on this planet has what they need in order to live and be a part of society. You'd shut the fuck up about things that aren't your business, and you'd realize that your so-called lord and savior, Jesus Christ, WAS A SOCIALIST. The man, if he existed, literally gave people what they needed to live, and if his ass were to come back today, he'd tell you dipshits that you're all doing it wrong.
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brianbotkiller · 7 months
Real talk
Real talk: If you cheat on your partner in a relationship that was, by all communication and agreements, monogamous, and then use excuses that your reasoning for doing so was because you don't wish to be monogamous AND then proceed to then stay with one person after having done so -- that's fine. It's hurtful, but every human is allowed to do what they wish on this planet.
But if you do so with the supposed intention of growing as a person without relying on other people, the simple fact is that you're not doing yourself any favors when it comes to growth. You don't have to be alone, forever. Being alone sucks shit. But doing so in this fashion simply isn't growth. There's no way it can be.
This isn't me being an armchair psychologist. It's literally what therapists will tell you.
Everyone's healing is different, everyone has trauma with which to deal, and nothing is a straight line. But an inability to consider the pain that you inflict upon others in your life is a condition. It's one that will continue its cycle until you put a stop to it, and if you don't, you're doomed to repeat that cycle.
People wonder why I moved from the city that I loved, leaving behind literally everything, my friends, my family, my home, and most of my possessions, in the past few months. I did that because I very literally had to put myself into a completely different environment in order to change my own cycles.
For all too long, I have accepted and allowed people who have and do hurt me, repeatedly, because I believe in autonomy. And I still do. I will not, however, pay the price of my own health because I believe that people are who they are. I have literally done that since I was 12 years old, and I refuse to continue down that path.
I have, in the past, ended up in relationships again very quickly after another one ended. And in each case, I have felt that I was growing and moving beyond trauma, because I was open about what that trauma was with a new partner, and they insisted that they heard and saw it, and wanted to give me the world.
And I, in turn, wanted to give the world to them, and then some, because that's literally what I do, and have done, for my whole life.
But I now realize that in my doing that, I was doing a disservice to myself, because I didn't clearly identify why I wanted so badly to be with another person -- and the simple fact was, I didn't want to face my trauma.
Well, guess what I've done over the past four months, through deep therapy? Looked at my trauma and abandonment issues, in a very deep way, that show me why I feel this way, and what has led me to allow people to so greatly take advantage of me, starting with my father, and moving on up through every single long-term romantic relationship in which I have been involved.
I have never, ever cheated on a partner, and never would, because I know the pain that it brings. I'm on my now third round of having been cheated on. One of those occasions was in my marriage, a union that I very literally went into with every intention of being in it for the rest of my life. The day I got married was, actually, the happiest day of my life. I actually couldn't stop crying at the "altar", because I was so happy. And I don't believe that my reasons behind that marriage were driven solely by the need to not be alone. In fact, I know they weren't.
I had told that person all of my pain of my previous relationships. They knew my traumas, and then they inflicted the same trauma on me, again, and completely broke me down.
I did that again, in my most recent long-term relationship, and the same thing happened to me, literally almost to the same timeline and timeframe. It led to me trying to kill myself.
I'm not trying to whine and complain, here. I'm stating that at some point, I have to realize that I have to change everything in my life, everything that I can, to shake off this rust that continues to try to eat me alive, because I really do truly want to be happy with myself, and be able to be happy with someone else. There isn't time for this insanity anymore.
I'm not saying that I'm better than anyone else, I'm really not. But, to see a person tell you that they are trying to change their behavior and then continue the exact same behavior, only now amplified because a new person also practices that behavior, is truly sad. It makes me sad for that person, but I can't be their keeper, anymore. I did that for a long, long time, and it led to me being completely used up.
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brianbotkiller · 9 months
BIG|BRAVE - "I felt a funeral"
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brianbotkiller · 9 months
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brianbotkiller · 9 months
Really, Tumblr? You're shutting down Tumblr Live?
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brianbotkiller · 9 months
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brianbotkiller · 1 year
C-level executives and politicians shouldn't make millions of dollars. They carry no risk. If something fails, they are fine. The workers and citizens pay the price. People who invest time and labor into a company deserve proper compensation. People who made it to the top never send the elevator back down for everyone else, and that's sad. Billionaires don't create jobs, they don't provide labor. They exploit labor. If you can't see that, and you can't see how no person is a billionaire without the exploitation of workers, you have a lot of learning to do. There is a distinct difference between investment of capital and labor vs. being handed a bag because your existence has been equivalated to the success of a company. Leadership matters, but saying that the leadership of people like Tim Cook, Elon Musk, and myriad other uber-rich execs means that they deserve more money than their workers will ever see in a hundred lifetimes is insane. These people could literally give their workers $500k/year salaries and still be fine -- why don't they? Because the fear of being poor is what keeps people in check. Why does homelessness exist in industrialized nations (the USA being the worst offender)? Same rule - the fear of homelessness is what keeps people marching in line and not questioning the compensation they're given for their labor. You need to realize once and for all that these people do not care about you. In all likelihood, they want you dead. The only way they start to realize the value of the workers is when, in solidarity, they all stand together and say, "No, you don't get to exploit us anymore". Anyone striking in any industry at this time should not settle for "fair wages". Take what is considered fair and multiply it by five. No more settling for "Getting by". These people can afford to pay you more. Remind them of that.
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brianbotkiller · 1 year
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no lies detected
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brianbotkiller · 1 year
my girlfriend was watching me sleep once and she told me that, between snores, i mumbled "that's good game design". i will never live it down
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brianbotkiller · 1 year
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貴船/夏の夕 Kibune/Summer Evening
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brianbotkiller · 1 year
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brianbotkiller · 1 year
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brianbotkiller · 1 year
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brianbotkiller · 1 year
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brianbotkiller · 1 year
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Only capitalism could turn unlimited free electricity into a problem.
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brianbotkiller · 1 year
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brianbotkiller · 1 year
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Makima cosplay
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