brianmcbrideauthor · 5 years
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Enjoy this little excerpt from SOS! https://www.instagram.com/p/B3-hbsaA5ae/?igshid=1swhnu88dpyxs
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brianmcbrideauthor · 5 years
A short virtual room tour! I was wracking my brain to figure out what to post today, and this is the best I could come up with. 😂 Gonna brainstorm how to construct an herb garden in here. 🤔 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3mvi33An1c/?igshid=krw2ykt8jv6m
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brianmcbrideauthor · 5 years
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Loving my space! Especially happy that I was able to bring out my movie/tv show collection. It used to be on a bookshelf at the end of my bed that was hard to get to. So, I’m happy to have it within view because I am a huge movie buff. 😍 Also, look, it’s my growing Funko collection. Next ones I want to get are Aragorn and Iron Man. • • • QOTD: Do you like physical copies of your favorite movies/shows, or do you prefer to binge via streaming services like a Netflix and Hulu? https://www.instagram.com/p/B3KP8ABgMla/?igshid=1xpug7zerke8t
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brianmcbrideauthor · 5 years
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Blown away by the reactions and responses of my early readers to SONS OF SLAUGHTER. 😭 • • • SOS releases 11.05.19 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3HvZFAgzx8/?igshid=17n0o4cdumlor
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brianmcbrideauthor · 5 years
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NOW RECRUITING • • • SONS OF SLAUGHTER releases in just barely over a month! November 5th! So, as I edit the final chapters, it’s time to start recruiting for my official Street Team! If you were a part of my street team for EVERY BRIGHT, then you’re probably familiar with the process. If not, let me explain! • • • In the weeks leading up to SOS’ release, I will be issuing daily goals to my official Street Team members via our super top secret group chat. Street Team members who participate in these daily goals are entered to win a signed paperback copy of SOS when it releases! As a bonus anniversary gift, the winner will also receive a signed paperback copy of LATSAEIB! (SOS releases just a couple days after LATS’ first birthday!) • • • SO. If you’re excited about my upcoming novel and what to be a part of making it successful AND have the opportunity to win a cool prize... DM me! https://www.instagram.com/p/B3FFrPxABXO/?igshid=1sd5yoc40x4ds
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brianmcbrideauthor · 5 years
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So excited to be visiting my half-blood friends again with the #HeroesofOlympua series! I love these books so much, and #TheLostHero is amazing so far! • • • QOTD: What are you reading right now? https://www.instagram.com/p/B3CfL8EAiLu/?igshid=6xavh055g8gq
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brianmcbrideauthor · 5 years
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Been working hard on this. I don’t know if this will make it to the final cover (that will depend upon whether or not it’s traditionally published), but I love having something visual that I can cling to that represents this new undertaking. I think that THE WATCHERS - much like other iconic fictional worlds of my generation - will give people a place they feel they can belong, a place for them to see themselves as monster-slaying warriors, and an identity they can carry like a banner. That’s my hope, anyway. • • • #THEWATCHERS is basically #StrangerThings meets #PercyJackson. It’s a wild ride through a world all it’s own. Secret societies, magical creatures, gifts and abilities, paranormal monsters, lots of action, and an expansive mythos - TW is basically where I get to write a story that has anything and everything I’ve ever wanted in a modern fantastical adventure. 😍 • • • I can’t wait to share this one with all you other monster slayers! https://www.instagram.com/p/B29ugyIAu88/?igshid=1mo87b19pylgn
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brianmcbrideauthor · 5 years
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Sitting outside before work to enjoy the beautiful Fall weather that finally decided to show up. The last few days have been sweltering, so the clouds are a welcome change. 😂 • • • I don’t work tomorrow, so I’m looking forward to a very productive day! Have some formatting corrections to finish up for @angelarwattsauthor, I want to work on #SOS edits, need to do some house work, and a bunch of other stuff. Hopefully weekend rest will be in the mix somewhere. Haha. https://www.instagram.com/p/B2653KHAODr/?igshid=717s1z0ny3nf
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brianmcbrideauthor · 5 years
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Another beautiful review from a friend and reader! I love writing books that can be enjoyed by people from all walks of life. My primary desire for my stories is that they would minister to the hearts of people and to the heart of the Lord. Also, that they would just be super fun and emotionally devastating. 😊 Is that an oxymoron? 🤔 • • • As a writer, another thing I love is discovering and incorporating diversity! If you didn’t know, #SOS has two main characters. One is Navajo and the other is Mexican. A lot of heart and study went into those characters, and I hope you’ll love them when you meet them! 😊 • • • EVERY BRIGHT AND BROKEN THING now available on Amazon! SONS OF SLAUGHTER releasing 11/05/19! https://www.instagram.com/p/B24NU3wgnLn/?igshid=ryqlb5lkb6k5
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brianmcbrideauthor · 5 years
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It’s not even @nanowrimo yet, but I’ve already reached 10,000 words in THE WATCHERS book one. 😱 Starting a new book is always so interesting, because you can really see very clearly how much you’ve grown. My character building style has developed so much since #PARADOX (if you know, you know), my worldbuilding is so much more in-depth, my dialogue more natural, and my plots more complex and three-dimensional. It’s very exciting and encouraging to be able to pinpoint the areas where you’ve grown! • • • Enjoy this #WIP collage. WATCHERS is taking over my life, so why shouldn’t it take over yours as well? 😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/B217tVNgLEC/?igshid=11qyshdiq0o1y
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brianmcbrideauthor · 5 years
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I may be working on an insane new series that has literally taken over my life, but let’s not forget about this bad boy! I’m only a few chapters away from the end of the line edits; after that, I’ll do one last check for typos and such. Can’t believe this book comes out in barely over a month! 😱 Who’s excited?? I know I am! Get your wallets ready! 😁 Oh, and the tissues. 😭 https://www.instagram.com/p/B21n8JqAj3r/?igshid=a2oswvnycuiv
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brianmcbrideauthor · 5 years
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Welcome to the #Riververse. I’ve always wanted to write books that had their own “universe.” 😂 Now I finally am! Although, the name of that universe won’t make sense to you until you read it. 😉 • • • I reached 7200 words in book one last night! I know @nanowrimo hasn’t started yet. I also know I should be finishing up edits on #SOS. But... this story is burning in my head and heart. Besides, when it comes to writing, I’ve got a pretty good track record for multi-tasking. Haha. Tbh I’m probably the definition of “biting off more than I can chew,” but 🤷🏻‍♂️ • • • Oh, and don’t forget to add me as a buddy on NaNoWriMo! Username: BrianMcBride https://www.instagram.com/p/B2zE6j-gg3A/?igshid=313hzz1jfum
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brianmcbrideauthor · 5 years
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Introducing... THE WATCHERS. This year’s NaNoWriMo project which pretty much just through me for a curve last minute. 😂 I was originally gonna write WE THE WILD THINGS, but have decided to set that aside in exchange for what I hope will be a four book YA series. Envisioned as #StrangerThings meets #PercyJackson, THE WATCHERS is set in the fictional small town of Kingdom Falls, WA and follows high school seniors as their final year is upended by monsters who threaten to destroy everything they know and love. • • • I’ve had lots and lots of ideas for science fiction. / fantasy books and series, but for some reason I’ve had a huge mental block about them. I’ve never been able to finish a fantasy / sci-fi series, and for a long time have felt like it’s impossible. Even though I have soooo many ideas. So, while I’m super excited about WE THE WILD THINGS, I want to use this @nanowrimo as an opportunity to push past this mental roadblock. • • • WOTD: Tell me about your NaNo project! https://www.instagram.com/p/B2vBNHGAwFk/?igshid=1midtdqcq7qv9
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brianmcbrideauthor · 5 years
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Mornings are my favorite. Sunday mornings especially. I get up early, enjoy a cup of coffee before getting ready for the day, then go to church with my family where the presence of God never feels to show up. • • • I remember when I struggled with depression, I slept in. Like, waaay in. Sleeping until 11 or even noon. I slept the day away. When I was at school, I’d skip classes to sleep. I’d take naps in the day and I’d go to bed super early. Because the longer I was awake, the longer I had to face the things I didn’t want to face. As I began to step into healing (a process which began with a shift in my heart and mind at a church conference, and which took months and months of deliberate discipline and prayer), it was like my heart was waking up. It was like I’d been asleep for a very, very long time. My spirit had been in hibernation, but now it was being awakened. Ever since then (this was a few years ago now), I’ve loved mornings. I love getting up at 7/7:30 and listening to the bird through my open window as I drink a cup of coffee, bundled up in my bed. Everything is still and quiet and my heart has room to ponder and pray. Because I can look back on the history of my life and see where He has been. Even when my heart was in hibernation, He was there. Even when I felt hopeless and worthless, He was there. In the end, medications didn’t set me free; Jesus did. That’s how I woke up and began to fall in love with mornings all over again. • • • (Note: There’s no shame in finding tools/meds to help you cope, but I personally came to a point where I wasn’t satisfied with making peace with it. This is simply my story.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2t-imIAXHQ/?igshid=ku6557n0mddq
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brianmcbrideauthor · 5 years
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So, my fern fell. Haha. Somehow, it landed right-side up. Turns out when it’s watered it becomes heavy enough to tear the bracket right out of my wall. 😣 so, I anchored the bracket AND strung a piece of twine from the hook to my ceiling to alleviate some of the weight. Now, I have this weird contraption going on. But at least my fern is safe. 😂 • • • QOTD: What went wrong for YOU this week? https://www.instagram.com/p/B2o5HkpgESa/?igshid=18ysc8lcecsf
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brianmcbrideauthor · 5 years
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So, my fern fell. Haha. Somehow, it landed right-side up. Turns out when it’s watered it becomes heavy enough to tear the bracket right out of my wall. 😣 so, I anchored the bracket AND strung a piece of twine from the hook to my ceiling to alleviate some of the weight. Now, I have this weird contraption going on. But at least my fern is safe. 😂 • • • QOTD: What went wrong for YOU this week? https://www.instagram.com/p/B2o4fGmgwDz/?igshid=zhtxbceei14r
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brianmcbrideauthor · 5 years
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For as long as I can remember, I struggled with low self esteem, unhealthy body image, and an unhealthy relationship with food. I think there’s probably very few people in the world who can say they’ve never felt insecure about the way they look. Most of us probably have struggled with an unhealthy body image at some point or another. Well, in the last 9 months I took my health and life under control and lost 55 pounds. I blew through my original goal to lose 25 pounds. These last few months, I’ve mostly just been maintaining my lowest weight. BUT. The insecurities don’t go away just because you lose weight. I’m happier, healthier, and have a lot more energy now. But I still have to combat the insecurities. I still have to work hard to remind myself that I’ve accomplished what I set out to do, that food is good and important, that just because I have pizza for lunch that doesn’t mean I’ve lost value. It also doesn’t mean I’ve magically gained all 55 pounds back after one junk meal. Lol. • • • The point is that even when we do what we can and should do to better our physical lives, it never ends there. We have to simultaneously work to better our spiritual, emotional, and mental health too. It’s important. And it’s vital to a healthy life. • • • When you know that you’re doing what you can to love a healthy life, then find your confidence in that. Let bad days be bad days. But keep living for the good days. https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mp_Y0g_T-/?igshid=12e7biulr66dn
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