bribridabest989 · 7 years
When I didn’t expand the pic, I thought it was this hairy creep grabbing his hairless dick XD. Good drawing btw!!
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Inktober +30 woy day Day 17 :sketchbook wander Hope you like :)
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bribridabest989 · 7 years
IDFK Post Rant Thingy Majig
You ever wonder why tons of people like who you are but you’re the only one in the group who’s single? Yep, that’s me
I feel like I'm the third wheel in anything, and I would like that to change but unfortunately I know it never will. Why you ask? Well...
Everyone at my school is an idiot (except for my smrat fraunds). They’re also short, ugly, and cruel to others. Why would I ever want to be with someone like that?
I feel the only relationship I can make is online because people find me beautiful and funny. Not ugly and annoying. It makes me feel like a completely different person when I’m talking to some people on the internet.
It just sucks I’ll never be able to see them...
I am depressed.
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bribridabest989 · 7 years
The Perfect Date
Future Partner: What do you wanna do on our date?
Me: Musicals. Books. Sex. Let's do them all.
Future Partner: No sleep tonight for you, better chug that mountain dew *raises eyebrows*
Me: *internally squealing*
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bribridabest989 · 7 years
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I could play with this all day lol
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bribridabest989 · 7 years
I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you... Then I saw that you were not really perfect, and so I loved you even more.
Angelita Lim
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bribridabest989 · 7 years
The First Post
Hey guys, my name’s Brielle and here is my first post!
There’s really no point to this post, I just want you guys to get to know me.
Like for example...
~My life is a complete train wreck.
My brother has no idea how to respect me, my mom lives in another town that’s an hour away, which means I never get to see her. My dad might move to Tenessee, which is ten hours away, and you can imagine how that goes, and lastly, I have depression issues. I’m not suicidal or anything, I just hate the way others treat me. I just wish I could move somewhere where everyone gets me. I feel as if no one on this miserable planet gets me, and I think that’s how it’s going to be. My friend Rose is an amazing friend who is so close to getting me, but I know no one will fully understand who or what I am. My other best friend Savhannah is an amazing person, but she fights with me about the stupidest subjects. At least that’s what she used to do. She used to ignore me for the rest of the day when I supposedly pissed her off. I hate how people get mad at the stupidest things. While I do the same exact thing, I have a reason to. It bothers me more than anyone could ever understand.
Getting off the depressing matters in my life, it’s a good one. I have great friends, a girl who hugs me everyday, and a girl who is willing to let me wear their lipstick (Rose). Even though I’m surrounded by idiots everyday, I get through the day. I look for things TO look forward to, like my band concert this Thursday. Also, no gym this week, except for Friday. And of course, I find the bad things. For example, my grandma is annoying when she yells at me when I get annoyed at my brother (which pisses ME off), I have a mile to run on Friday (yay, sarcasm), and other little things that are just adding to the bomb.
A few minutes ago, I let loose and started screaming at my brother. What happened was he came in my room and asked me if I wanted to work out. I declined, and he sat on me. I grabbed his back, and he grabbed my pillow. I screamed on the top of my lungs, and told him to give it back. He ran into his room, and I followed. I tried to get the pillow back, but he was laying on the bed so whenever I got close to him he could kick me. I tried to hold his legs down, but he’s stronger than me. He ran into the bathroom, and that’s when I sounded like satan.
I screamed like a banshee, demanding him to give me the pillow, and he just closed the door. I tried to push it open with all my might, and succeded.
These are just the little struggles in my life. Try doing this EVERYDAY.
I guess I got a little off topic. What I can say about myself is I’m very optimistic, stick up for others if they’re bullied, because I’ve been through that, and a sociopath. I still talk to people, I just have the worst trouble with adults. I get nervous and start to stutter when I talk to strangers, especially adults. Actually, only stranger adults.
I’m done pestering you all, or if you clicked off oh well. I’ll post sometime soon, maybe about my goals or my Wattpad account (sorry Rose!). I love you all if you don’t act like a butt. Bye!
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