bricritique-blog · 13 years
DLV BBDO Milano, Italy created this commercial for Yamaha TMAX , a motorcycle. I think this is the WORST commercial ever. First, I did like the storyline they had to build up to what they are trying to sell to us but the "Nothing guy" looked very content with his life without the "All". Second, we only got to see the motorcycle for like 2 seconds and if you didn't know what a Yamaha TMAX is (like me until I had to look it up) you will be totally confused what this commercial is trying to sell you. Third, maybe this commercial is trying to be a pull advertisement and make you want to look up what it is, but the pull strategy doesn't work with commercial of car, motorcycle, and etc. If they put like 10 more seconds showing the guy riding the motorcycle, maybe this commercial will work better. 
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bricritique-blog · 13 years
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There is nothing worst than having breath that smells like dirty socks and the only way to solve this problem is by chewing on Cloret gum. I like how they made the tongue look like a sock. This ad is very simple and its get its point across simply. I like this ad for its creativeness. 
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bricritique-blog · 13 years
This is a very creative way to advertise your product. This ad gives you a picture of the smell provides by the air freshener, Ambi Pur. I think this is brilliant technique to use for the product. I also like the fact they didn't make this a print ad but an actual outdoor ad in a bathroom, one of the smelliest place ever. It would also be another plus is if the bathroom smelled like the product that they are trying to sell. 
Ambi Pur Ambient Ad: Flower Power
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bricritique-blog · 13 years
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 Euro RSCG Mumbai, India created this shock print ad for JUST soap. At the bottom it say "If you aren't totally clean, you are filthy," and I picture with worms covering her hands while she is baking, helps the company sell there product. This ad is gross and make you want to wash your when you are doing anything but it it successful to me. 
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bricritique-blog · 13 years
Ageisobar, Sao Paulo, Brazil created this commercial for Mattel: Parks. Since they did not tell the audience what the commercial was for at the beginning, I thought commercial was for a brand of clothes or perfume. But once the girl yelled I figured that this commercial was for a toy. This agency beautifully illustrated the imagination of the kids into to a form that adults can see. There are a lot of comments that say that this commercial is dull and that its doesn't do it for them but I think that the audience is for kids or parents that are looking for a gift/s for there children and for this audience I think this commercial is very successful. 
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bricritique-blog · 13 years
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DDB Tribal Group, Berlin, Germany created this print ad for Volkswagen Side Assist. This figure recognizes potential dangers at an early stage and helps the driver to prevent the dangers from happening. Like being able to warn you of dangers in your blind spot while changing lanes or warn you of dangers of Bonnie and Clyde meeting each other. I do not like or hate this print ad. This illustration is good but I wonder why this german agency use Bonnie and Clyde. It would have been funny to use a Hitler reference. 
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bricritique-blog · 13 years
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 Lemz, Amsterdam, Netherlands created an outdoor ad for Stichting Consument Veiligheid & VWA. This awareness ad fades into each other and was created to show parents/guardians that "children see things differently."  I love ad and it was a brilliant ideas they made this a outdoor ad because the number of people seeing this ad has increase, giving it a high frequency. 
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bricritique-blog · 13 years
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Jung von Matt / Limmat, Zurich, Switzerland did this outdoor ad for Vogele Shoes. The campaign shows models, whose legs protrude from holes in closed shoe boxes. Around the real legs, there is the person of an artist printed on the box. This is unique campaign because the legs are real. I love this Outdoor ad. I also like the illustration and that the ad also has the price of the shoe that they are advertising. 
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bricritique-blog · 13 years
A one great idea to advertise yourself, is to get a business card. this business card is for Dr. Hajnal Kiprov Cosmetic Surgery. By putting your fingers where the plastic inserts are is suppose to show you the quality of the cosmetic surgery that you will get with this doctor. This business card is very unique and to me it has a good strategy. 
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bricritique-blog · 13 years
I love this commercial. This is a great way to show off the new app to help you manage your E*Trade account. The baby hasn't got old to me but to others that commented this commercial fell that the talking baby is starting to get very old and that they need to come up with a new campaign. 
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bricritique-blog · 13 years
This print ad is very creepy to me. I don't think this was a good strategy for this barber shop to have. Yes, it is a unique strategy but for me it doesn't work. The only good thing I see about this ad is that the guys do have a good haircut, showing the quality of the the service that this barber shop have.
Image Hair Group: Beard- and Haircuts
Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG Duesseldorf, Germany
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bricritique-blog · 13 years
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" You're not you when your hungry" BBDO, Moscow, Russia created this billboard for Snickers. At first I didn't see how the parachute and the campaign fit with one another, but I figure that maybe they was trying to say that when you are hungry, your are not you and that you will make mistake. I still don't like this billboard; the words would have been fine but the parachute guy would have caught my attention while driving. Maybe that is the purpose for the guy.
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bricritique-blog · 13 years
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Grey Worldwide, Germany created this ad for Deichmann Graceland: High heel. I love this ad. We all know that high heels are uncomfortable and inconvenient. So how does Deichmann convince women to wear them? Prove to women that men over 180 cm are more successful and that they should wear high heels to keep up with the guys. This is a great strategy.
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bricritique-blog · 13 years
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Euro RSCG 360, France created this ad from Athena Underwear. I do not like this ad. I obviously know what the product that they are advertising but I don't think this is the strategy for the product. The only thing I get from this ad is that the underwear are bad quality because the agency used the underwear as the tape, the tape that is suppose to break once you run through it. This ad would have been better if agency had the guys wear the underwear.
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bricritique-blog · 13 years
This ad just touched mine and my roommate, Sarah, hearts. This outdoor advertisement does it job. It pulls you to find more info about this. I love it :) 
Zoo Zurich Billboard: More Space for the Big Ones. Donate For The Elephants
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bricritique-blog · 13 years
When I saw this ad on Tumblr, I was totally shock and I totally love it from a Pilates ad. I t would have been cool to have different races but i still think this ad is clever. 
Pilates With Gerda: Carrying too much weight?
Advertising Agency: Concept Istanbul, Turkey
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bricritique-blog · 13 years
Once Again WWF did a great job but I feel it would be a lot more powerful if there was more than one. Maybe if there was a baby elephant with this one 
WWF: Desertification Elephant
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