Will You?||Fabrevans f2f
Sam: "I'm so sorry..really," he whispered, his hand rising to trap hers against his cheek,. "You're amazing Quinn Fabray. You have so much heart, as trite as this may sound, one day you'll make some incredibly lucky guy the happiest man on earth. If we did this today, I'd be robbing you of that chance. Whatever you may think, I do love you but as a friend. There will always be this tiny corner of my heart that's yours, but the reality is, that the rest? Only beats for one person.." He leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "You really do make a beautiful bride," he complimented her softly. "I have to go..My mom will take care of things here..Maybe on day..after the dust has settled, we can be friends again."
Quinn: Her eyes began to mist knowing this could be the last time she ever casted her eyes on the blond. Despite all they had gone through he was still the best friend she could ever hope to have. "The same goes for you...she better be good to you or she will have to deal with me." Smiling against his lips she whispered "Bye Sam." with a small nod, waving him off one last time.
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Will You?||Fabrevans f2f
Sam: "Quinn..No. It can't wait..I'm so sorry.." his voice cracked as he looked at her, hating what he was doing to her but knowing there was no choice. "I can't marry you..Not today, not tomorrow..Not any day..I'm still in love with Mercedes..will always be in love with her..And even though a judge ruled we were no longer married, a few months ago..we still are here.." He touched his heart with his hand, his eyes pleading for understanding. "I can't marry you..or anyone..I belong entirely, to someone else.."
Quinn: Opening the door more she pulled him into the small room, closing the door behind him. "I..I really don't know what to say.." she admitted as she let his words sink in. He was telling her he couldn't marry her mere seconds before they were supposed to be man and wife and instead of feeling rage or devastation, she felt relief. Nodding at his words she gave him a small sad smile. "It's okay Sam.."she said quietly, lifting one hand caressing his cheek. "You can't force yourself to love someone you don't..deep down I've always kinda known this wasn't all it should be...does kinda suck being dumped on your wedding day though." she said with a small laugh in her voice.
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Will You?||Fabrevans f2f
Sam: Everyone was taking their places, and he could barely breathe. He could see his mom, in the front row, her face pinched with sadness, he could see his friends Artie and Rory giving him wide smiles and big thumbs up and it didn't help to calm the turmoil he was feeling inside any. Puck stood next to him a quizzical expression on his face as he glanced at Sam. "I can't man.." Sam murmured to his best friend plaintively. "I have to see her..It can't wait.." And with that, he walked quickly and decisively out of the main aisle of the church and towards the small vestibule off to one side, where he knew his bride to be was waiting to make her entrance. He knocked on the small,wooden door, closing his eyes. "Quinn..? It's me, Sam..We need to talk.."
Quinn: She stood frozen glancing back at her reflection in the large mirror in front of her. This was it, she was about to walk down the aisle and become Mrs.Evans. She should be ecstatic and counting down the seconds to the precise moment. So why did it feel like everything in her was screaming for her to run? Picking up her the small floral bouquet, that suddenly felt like cinder blocks, she took a few deep breaths. Soon the music would start and her father would be knocking to signal her that it was time. A sudden knock on the door caused every nerve in her body to jump. "Sam...what are you doing?" she asked in confused relief. Walking to the door she opened it slightly, peeking out from the small opening. "Can't this wait until after the ceremony? You're not supposed to see me yet."
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“Choice Sam..I thought I was carrying your baby and wanted to make sure they would have a real family..you really want to compare the two?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. “You know what forget it..you right we agreed to leave it in the past and I don’t want to fight.” she sighed. “That piece of paper is our future. I was devastated yes, but that doesn't mean I’m baby hungry Sam.” she huffed at him  making her sound like some baby crazy woman. She nodded silently at his reply, taking another drink. “But you are still with me..even after the baby thing..maybe we've just been trying to hard to force things..we need to just let things happen..I’m sorry..I know you've been trying. We can do this..I know we can if we both try..” she said giving him a small smile that didn't reach her eyes.
In Vino Veritas||Fabrevans f2f
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“Trust me you don't want to know what I think is going on because it runs along the lines of me getting another call saying have you have to have at least one more night of sex with someone else before we can get married.” she answered with a sarcastic tone. “Well maybe we would be done with all this wedding stuff if you would actually help..I mean this is supposed to bring us closer together but all we ever do is fight. Baby thing ...well with an attitude like that is it any wonder we haven't had any luck?” she said taking another drink. “I’m gonna ask you something and I want an honest answer Sam..are you still in love with her?”
In Vino Veritas||Fabrevans f2f
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“Big shocker there.” she scoft picking up her wine and drinking it down before filling it again. The closer the wedding got, the farther they seemed to be from each other. No doubt he was thinking of Mercedes, probably wishing he was with her. She couldn't fault him, not really.  Her own mind had been consumed with thoughts and memories of the brief time she had with Mike. They had spent so much time together, while putting together the perfect routine for the wedding. It was strange for her to get so  attached to someone she had just met, but their was something about him, a sort of connection they had. Not that any of that mattered now. He had probably met someone and moved on with his life. “This isn't just my wedding you know.” she said snapping back to the present. “Talk to me Sam...what’s going on with you?”
In Vino Veritas||Fabrevans f2f
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“No this can’t wait. We've put it off several times already and there is no more time.” she sighed sitting down beside him. “But I know how much you hate all this stuff so I brought a peace offering.” she smirked pulling out a bottle of wine and two glasses, pouring them both a cup. Though truth was she needed the drink just as much or even more then him. Six months ago she felt her world fall apart for a second time after going to the doctor and being told the test was wrong. There was no baby. She had been sure Sam was going to leave the second he got the chance, but he stayed. Helping her through her heartbreak, like a true and loyal friend. Trying to put everything in the past behind them, they kept the wedding on as scheduled, even trying again for a baby, but there had been no luck. With the days winding down to their big day she should be feeling something close to excitement or happiness right? Shaking her thoughts clear she turned back to Sam. “Okay so what do you think about sitting your mother here...”she started noticing he wasn't paying any attention. “Sam..could you please act like you care about this?”
In Vino Veritas||Fabrevans f2f
He sat on the couch, listlessly scrolling through his contacts, when her name appeared and it took every bit of his willpower not to hit select and connect. Six months on he was still second guessing his decision, still wondering if they had made the right choice or if they had sentenced themselves to a lifetime of hurt and grief..and six months on he was still miserable. He looked up as Quinn came in, carrying the seating plan. The wedding was in a few days time, and right now..right now he felt like he was walking the green mile to his doom. “Hey..you wanna take a raincheck on this? Maybe do this tomorrow?” he asked, hopefully.
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Phone Call || Fabang
Quinn: *sniffles*
Mike:Quinn?..are you crying? What's wrong?
Quinn:Everything..I-I don't know what I'm doing..I feel so lost. Everything I thought I knew and wanted...I feel like my whole freaking world is falling apart and there's nothing I can do but stand back and let it.
Mike: Wait..what Quinn, calm down..what are you talking about?
Quinn: Sam was everything I thought I could ever want in a guy but it turns out he was nothing but some make believe fantasy I let myself get lost in..and then you came along..you weren't supposed to happen. I'm not supposed to feel this way..
Mike: But you do Quinn..You do and deep down you know he isn't the man you are supposed to be with. If he was you wouldn't feel what you do for me. What happen between us wouldn't have happened.
Quinn: Nothing happened between us Mike..we kissed that was it. And it doesn't matter how I feel...not anymore. I can't..I have to do what's right..I'm going to marry Sam. But I just needed to talk to you one last time.
Mike: Quinn..nothing you're saying is making sense. You shouldn't have to force yourself into marrying someone. So this is it...your really just gonna walk away?
Quinn: Things aren't as simple as you make them sound Mike..If things were different then maybe..I don't know we could have been..something. But they aren't. I have to go now...I'm so sorry..goodbye Mike.
[Ends Call]
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She nodded slightly at his words, biting her bottom lip as he brought up him needing to talk to Mercedes. “One more thing Sam..after everything is cleared up between you two..I want you to promise me you won’t see her ever again. I’m gonna have to be able to trust you if we are gonna be a family and I need to know you’re in all the way..”
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Walking to pick up her bag on the floor she opened it pulling out a small box that contained the pregnancy test she had taken. “And if you happen to forget what you are talking to Mercedes about this should help remind you...I’ll be waiting for you downstairs.” she said walking to the door before giving him one last look and walking downstairs. 
Facing The Music||Fabrevans F2F
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“I think maybe for now..the best thing to do would be to push the wedding back a bit. Just until we have some time to work on this.” she said gesturing between them. “We are both gonna need some time to get it back together...I want us to start off on a good note..seems kinda dumb to say that now but..I really do want this, us, to work Sam. For our sake and the sake of our future baby. When we get back I'll send out an email that will let people know about the date changing..everything else we will just keep between us.”
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Facing The Music||Fabrevans F2F
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“I...I’m hurt but I’m willing to work to get past this...We were happy before you came here Sam..with time I think we can be happy again. Anything is possible as long as you are willing to try. I helped you get to where you are now in your career because I believed in you all I'm asking from you is for you to do the same. To try and to believe in us enough to try and make this work. You always said you were a man of your word, now I'm asking you to prove it.”
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Facing The Music||Fabrevans F2F
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Taking a few deep breath she regain her composure before speaking again. “I think we are a little past being able to think about what either of us wants. We have to do what’s best for this child's future..I’m not gonna end up like as just some baby momma to you because you decided to think with your dick instead of your brain.” she huffed. “My child..our child deserves better than having to see you on weekends and holidays. I-I can look past this..for the sake of our child and I know you care about me and maybe with time, like you said, you could learn to love me...you owe me this much Sam.”
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Facing The Music||Fabrevans F2F
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“At first no. I thought the nausea, and the crying and everything else I was feeling...I thought it was just stress from the wedding planning, but then I missed my last period. So I went out and picked up a test. There was faint line that appeared where it said positive...I made an appointment with my doctor for next week. You never answer you’re phone, I was going to try and convince you to come home early because I wanted you to be there with me..”
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“What I decide Sam! You think I'm supposed to know what to do now. I had planned to come and convince my fiance to come home early not find out that you have been lying to me this whole time and are already married!” she said angrily, wiping the tears from her eyes. “What?! Of  course I'm gonna have it, how can you even suggest..Coparent, really that’s your answer?!” she scoft staring at him in disbelief. 
Facing The Music||Fabrevans F2F
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“Ha yeah and that will just fix everything won't it. Now you can just toss me aside and forget all the promises you made and all the words you said..Do you even know why I bothered coming out here in the first place Sam..?” her eyes locking with his as she moved to face him. “I wanted to be able to see your face when I told you...I’m pregnant..”
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Facing The Music||Fabrevans F2F
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“Oh and what decided to have one last go with your ex to make sure you weren't making a mistake?!” she yelled getting angry again. “Then why ask me to marry you?! Why wait until after the invitations have gone out and planning has been going on to suddenly realize that you don't love me?” she asked standing wrapping her arms around herself. “You could have at least have been kind enough to leave me with some dignity instead of turning me into the biggest joke of New York.”
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“I came here because I wanted to surprise you...guess the surprise is on me...”
Facing The Music||Fabrevans F2F
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“Shut up Sam...Okay just shut up. Because there aren't enough sorrys in this world that can make up for what you've done.” Her eyes meeting his as she stared at him coldly. She didn't want apologies or excuses, she wanted answers.
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“Three years Sam..I've given your three years of my life! Trusting you, caring about you, being everything you could ever want and never once did it cross your mind to tell me you were married?!” This was how things were supposed to happen. Not for her. “Unfair..?” she laughed humorlessly. “Is that really the best you can come up with? After everything...everything I've done for you. YOU would have nothing if it wasn't for me.”
Facing The Music||Fabrevans F2F
“Quinn..This is my fault..I should have told you…And I’m so sorry..I shouldn’t have cheated on you..” he started as soon as Mercedes had closed the door. “I can’t marry you..not that you’d want to now anyway…But..I can’t. I came here to get Mercedes to sign divorce papers..and I realized instead that I’m being unfair to you…I can’t give you all of me, hell even half of me..and you deserve more..” He hated having to do this, to hurt her, she was so sweet, so loving..she didn’t deserve it..but he had no other choice. “I’m so..so..sorry.”
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“Sorry?! You’re sorry?! This whole time I’ve been planning and working on our wedding and you’ve been here saying you were working when you’ve really been screwing some whore! Who is she?! Why are you with her?!” She yelled, shaking as anger coursed through her body. Hearing someone say her name, she head snapped quickly in the direction of the woman who somehow thought she had the right to put her hands on what was hers. “Who the fuck are you?! Don’t say my name like you know who the hell I am! What gives you the right?! Who the hell do you think you are sleeping with my fiance?!”
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Cheating Heart || Quamcedes
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