"Why not." James whispered against those honey like lips. He made her cry again, how many times would he bring her to tears - not enough times he ensured himself. One day he'd make her cry tears of joy.
He couldn't take the rejectment of her, had been spoiled with unreasonable thoughts, he felt like he should be selfish with her, but the more selfish he became the more he pushed her away. And now he had realized it was She he couldn't live without.
He needed her.
Those eyes found his, and he found himself drowning into them.
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"You can Tina." He urged her with his lips. Showing her his heart. "I could have married Wendy, but I won't because she isn't you. No matter whose path I cross it'll always be you Tina. I cannot love anyone but you."
He looked down again. "Which is why...I went to her royal Queen Charlotte. To grant you a title." He looked at her. "That is if you marry me, you would become the lady of the house. No more cleaning, just you and me spending time together forever." It was a promise.
"Please Tina, I beg of you." He wrapped her in his arms, unsure if he should let her go- he didn't want to.
“You can’t marry me at all!” Tina protested, sticking her nose in the air. The action was practised, but it had one more reason than it usually did; to catch tears from falling down her cheeks.
Once again, this felt like a cruel joke. First, he loves her, tells her from nowhere when she is working in the garden. That was a falsity, she had thought. But he grew on her, slowly, to her chagrin, in spite of his weird behaviour. They grew closer and it culminated in a night that should never have happened. Not with her status, not with his employment, certainly not out of wedlock. Then he doesn’t want her. He asks her to leave and all she can think is that she had ruined her life for his entertainment.
And now... this. Her new place of work, setting the whole thing up with the lady of the house. It couldn’t have felt any more like a joke if he had tried.
What’s more, after all this, her heart went back to the familiar in Peter tenfold to seek his comfort. It was mortifying.
This was mortif--
Tina stiffened, her cheek in his hand, turning her head. The first time she looked him in the eye, those charming, haunted blue eyes, for weeks.
Her knees went weak, a hand finding the sleeve of his perfectly pressed shirt instinctively for balance.
“I can’t...” Tina whispered against his lips, eyes fluttering her tears down her cheeks.
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"I do not." James said honest. "I cannot marry you if you are my maid." He pointed out. Normally he couldn't marry her because a non-member of the ton didn't blend well with members of the ton. But it wasn't unheard off. After all it's what Benedict Bridgerton had done. And that fact had given him courage.
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"Marry me Tina, I don't believe what happened between us was a mistake. I do believe somewhere a part of you does love me." He edged closer to her, gently tracing her cheek as he forced her to look at him.
She could be terribly stubborn he had learned. But he found that so endearing about her.
"Love me, Tina. And marry me." He whispered before placing a gentle kiss on her lips.
Marry me, Wendy, is what Tina’s mind heard before Mr. Hook had finally found his courage. She wasn’t really listening, as frustrated as she was that he was taking forever beating around the bush, and thus it did not process. Went in one ear, and out the other. A common occurrence for Miss Bell.
A dawning horror spread across her features as Wendy spoke - sadly, with it being her job to be in tune with her mistresses needs, she heard all of that and wished she hadn’t. That horror turned first to Wendy, who offered to leave them. Tina thought that was a terrible idea, given that her ‘reputation’ was already in tatters. If word got out that she had been left alone with him, she would be ruined thrice.
The door closed with a quiet click!
The horror once more turned to a stubborn glare. The first real time Miss Bell looked at Mr. Hook since they had entered the room. A few weeks prior she might have been ecstatic.
“Don’t pretend you feel guilty,” Tina snapped, ignoring the request. Her arms folded across her chest.
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James was insufferable, his new maid was perfect in every way. Tended to him, made sure he was okay, and certainly knew her way better than Tina could dream off. So sending her away had been the greater choice for the house - even so if the reason behind it was his own heartache.
why couldn't she love him?
Those words didn't go unheard, not to James, not when he looked at her and her alone. So be it. James thought. He looked at Wendy apologetically. a wry smile on his lips as he looked at Tina, his Tina. At least- it had been for one night. And that night he couldn't forget, so much that he too was startled by his next words.
"Marry me, Tina Bell." Wendy looked at James and it was strange that she looked almost relieved with his words. "I knew something was going on between you two-" Wendy said with a soft smile. Glancing at Tina, who hadn't been the best of friends with her since she joined. They were like two cats hissing to one another. But that alone gave Wendy comfort. It meant Tina was trusting enough to be herself around her.
"I'll leave you two be - I think you have a lot to discuss." Wendy said, as James nodded thankful for the privacy of all things.
"Tina..." He muttered the moment Wendy and the staff left.
"Marry me."
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Miss Bell hadn’t been particular thrilled about being asked to leave her job, but she wasn’t wholly surprised. In fact, she saw it coming from a mile away. She could see how it would all play out the moment things got dangerous. Mr. Hook’s reputation had never been on the line, but Miss Bell’s had. Tina was angry; angry at herself for being so stupid, angry at Mr. Hook for abusing his position and filling her head with words that didn’t mean anything. For making her trust him, be vulnerable with him. Tina was angry at herself for even entertaining the idea of being heartbroken. Was ruining her future with Peter not enough, that she had to go and ruin her future prospects too?
Miss Bell had lost her job and her reputation and broken her heart in one fell swoop. The scabs on her knuckles were still healing from the caning Ms. Fairchild gave her when she found out. No one will hire you! You’ve ruined the reputation of this whole establishment. What a little trollop!
Tina was never granted the chance to explain herself, but thanked her lucky stars that Ms. Fairchild noticed the heartbreak in her eyes and gave her a final warning. (They’ll welcome you gladly at the whore house.)
Somehow, a few months down the line, Peter of all people had managed to find her a job at the Darling household. Something about Peter knowing Mr. Darling from business to do with the ships or the trades, she wasn’t sure. It was not the most thrilling, and she had no choice but to be prim and proper in spite of her feelings. Miss Darling was insufferable. Tina was now her maid.
This afternoon, the house staff had been informed of a visitor -a wealthy, incredibly handsome man- who was here to request tidings with Miss Darling’s father, and then with Miss Darling herself. It was required that Miss Bell follow her around to attend to her every whim, and so she had been sent to fetch refreshments from the mysterious man’s arrival.
The tray almost fell from her hands at the sight of him. She set it on the side, out of the way, avoiding all looks save for a single searing glare that she shot at the back of his head when he wasn’t looking. Wendy’s glance hinted that she shouldn’t leave them alone. She needed this job, or she would have.
No, Tina stuck to the corner, gaze averted, waiting as the man who almost ruined her entire life stammered for words in front of another woman.
“Spit it out...” Tina grumbled over the clinking of teapots as she straightened them up. She was absolutely certain she had not said it loud enough to be heard. Wendy didn’t so much as glance her way as she said it, instead waiting patiently for Hook to finish.
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Will you- I mean - Will you M-
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Here he was standing in front of Wendy, while thinking of another woman. A woman that was no member of the ton like Wendy was. A woman with character, too much character for anyone's taste but James his. There was no denying that he loved Tina Bell. But she didn't want him, and the woman in front of him did. Tina wanted Peter, he knew this - heard of it by a boy named Tootles. And here he was thinking his mother was a monster.
Then again as an orphan maybe his parents didn't name him, tootles.
His eyes fell on Tina for the first time in weeks. He avoided her, and then eventually they came together one night, but she had called it a mistake.
He scratched his throat. The right thing to do was to propose to Wendy, get children for his linage, and - Again he looked at Tina. As if he expected her to save him, his eyes fell down.
Why would she?
"Will you - I mean - Will you M-"
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