Franky kissed Bridgette harshly, his hands still cupping her face before they slowly dropped to her waist to pull her body closer to his. A smile peaked through his kiss as he ran one hand through her hair, the other holding her close to his body. His breathing getting heavier as he couldn’t seem to pull away from her for even a second.
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A soft sound fell from her lips as he pulled her in closer, her fingers gripping the front of his shirt to pull him close. She felt him smile into the kiss as his fingers ran through her hair, sending a shiver up her spine. Being this close to him made it hard to think straight. Shifting a little she draped her leg over his
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A small smile on Franky’s face as he felt her lips connect with the skin on his hand. “Yeah..” he trailed off as he thought things over in his mind. His attention turning to her as he turned to look at her face, his hand moving from hers to cup her face lightly. His thumb lightly stroking her soft cheek before placing a kiss against her lips.
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Bridgette’s brows furrowed a little as he pulled his hand from hers before her expression softened when he cupped her face. Leaning her cheek into his palm she smiled a little, her cheeks flushing a little as his thumb traced her skin. Turning her body a little more to face him better she leaned forward to meet the kiss, a soft sigh falling from her lips as she scooted forward, her hands resting on his thighs
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“Yeah, I suppose I am a little biased aren’t I?” He smirked before giving her hand a tight little squeeze. “Yeah, I missed it too.. I missed us just being us, really. Us without all the drama and shit, you know?” He placed a soft kiss on the top of her head. “This is nice though, I like it.”
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“I mean, you’ve got plenty enough reason to be biased” She smirked a little as she leaned her head on his shoulder, her eyes watching him closely before fluttering shut as he kissed the top of her head. “Yeah...that’s what I missed most I think”  she lifted their hands to press her lips to the back of his
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“No. I haven’t seen dad yet. I just wanted to get settled before i showed up at his place. Didn’t want him worrying about how I was, where I was staying and shit y’know?” he laughed before looking at her with a raised eyebrow. “What’s the new with the boyfriend? Or should I say ex? He’s still an ex right?”
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“Probably a good idea, you know how he gets” She laughed softly and shook her head. “But now that you’re sort of settled we should all grab dinner or something together” She squeezed his arm lightly. “Things are okay...we’re...taking things slow again”
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“You’re never grumpy. You’re either happy or sleepy and there’s never really an in between with you.” He let out a small laugh as he squeezed her lightly with his arm. “Well, I’d much rather see your friendly face than Karen at the front desk to be honest but I suppose all those kids deserve your help more than those coming through A&E.” His hand met hers on his knee giving it a light squeeze before he intertwined their fingers.
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“That’s a lie, I’ve definitely been....less than pleasant a few times” She rolled her eyes and leaned into him a little more. “I think you’d be a little biased though for wanting to see me rather than someone else at the front desk” She pointed out, smiling slightly as his hand covered hers before his fingers slipped between hers. “I missed this..” She murmured softly, her thumb tracing back and forth on his lightly. 
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Bridgette had just finished up a long shift at the hospital and had stopped to get a coffee so she could at least attempt to do something productive before she crashed for a few hours. She was halfway through the door with her coffee when she felt someone run right into her back, causing her to stumble a little. “You ran into me...unless I started walking backwards, which I’m positive I wasn’t” She sighed, shaking her head a little.
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Bella had stopped by the cafe close by for breakfast when she was just heading out. Her coffee cup in one hand, phone in the other and her hand bag hanging from her arm. She was completely oblivious to her surroundings as her attention was on her texts as she bumped into the person in front of her. “Shit.” she groaned as she flicked her hand around to get the coffee off of herself “Could you not see me or are you blind?” She snapped, of course taking no blame herself as that wouldn’t be the typical Bella. @bridgettehollingsworth​
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Franky watched as she shifted closer towards him, a small smile on his face as he lifted his arm up for her to come closer. “Come here” he said softly as he placed the arm around her softly. “At least you’re not one of those grumpy people. I mean, the last place you want to be is a hospital so Karen on the front desk doesn’t make the experience any better. I definitely don’t want to be spending my day with her.”
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Bridgette smiled a little as she scooted closer and leaned into him as his arm wrapped around her. “I try not to be one of those grumpy people. Especially because they’re in a hospital” She chewed her lip and nodded. “They need compassion and a friendly face...not someone who will cause them more stress and upset” She shrugged lightly, her hand resting gently on his knee now
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“Maybe I’m living in luxury then.” He laughed with a shrug of the shoulders. “I can go out and get food anytime or sometimes Sammy brings me some, Hazel or the girls. Sometimes I end up eating way too much that day because there’s just always food there.” Franky made himself comfortable as he slipped off his shoes and popped them to the side of the couch, reaching for his glass of wine again to take another sip. “That’s good though! At least you’re not stuck in a dead end job that you hate. Y’know like when you go to the doctors? There’s always that one grumpy receptionist who bites your head off.”
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“Yeah that’s not a luxury I really get when we stay as busy as we are around there...at least I have coffee to keep me awake and alert” She nodded as she swirled the last little bit of wine around in her glass before polishing it off and placing the empty glass on the table. “Yeah we do have a few of those that work there, but they’ve never been pleasant from the start, I think that’s just who they are as people” She rolled her eyes with a soft laugh, shifting a little so she was closer to him
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“Nah, you need to eat. Shall we get food? You can’t be forgetting to eat that’s not good.” He turned to shoot her a serious, stern look as he spoke. “At least you love your job. Some people get stuck working in jobs that they hate so I’m glad you actually enjoy what you do.”
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“I do eat...just not always on a regular schedule like most people” She wrinkled her nose in response to his look. “I’m just busy and it slips my mind” She added before nodding. “I really do love it, especially working with the little ones” She reached for her wine again and sipped it. “I can’t really see myself doing anything else, you know?”  
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“To be honest I hadn’t really thought about how long I’d be staying. I guess long enough for me to get a job? I already got one at the Amazon warehouse not too far from here. So I guess I won’t be leaving any time soon. What’s new with you? You always had some sort of drama happenin’.”
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“Really?” Bridgette continued to bounce on her toes excitedly. “You’re staying?” She clapped her hands “Have you seen Dad yet, did he know you were coming?” She shook her head. “Sorry for the million and one questions I just cant believe you’re here” She wrapped him in a tight hug again before rolling her eyes. “I do not....”
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Bridgette’s Christmas Wish List 
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“Surprise.” Rowan smiled as he held his arms out to give his sister a hug. ”I’ve been staying in the Edwardian. I only got here maybe a week ago? Are you surprised to see me?” He laughed, he’d been waiting to surprise his sister since arriving 
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“Oh my god!” She laughed again before punching him lightly in the arm. “I knew you were up to something!” She shook her head. “You wouldn’t face time me the last couple times I tried to call and you were suddenly so busy” She rolled her eyes. “How long are you here for?” She bounced on her toes lightly
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“So I asked some dude at work to get me some chips from the cafeteria and he turned up at the table with a plate full of fries I’ve never been so disappointed and confused in my life.” Rowan threw up his hands in the air in frustration. “I don’t get the English lingo, man. Anyway, I had to eat them because I didn’t want to be rude.” @mancstart​
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Brigette’s head snapped up at the sound of the familiar voice, a loud gasp falling from her lips. “Rowan?” She squealed as she launched herself at her brother. “What the hell, when did you get here? How long have you been here? Are you staying here? I mean you can stay with me, I’ve got a guest room, the bathrooms sort of a mess right now but I’m working on it. Oh my god you’re here” She rattled off quickly as she stepped back to look at him
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Electricity surged through her being as she shifted under him a little, her knees parting to accommodate him as his hand made its way down between her thighs. A sound partway between a gasp and a moan slipped from her lips as he kissed her again. Her hands moved around to his back, her nails lightly digging into his skin. She couldn’t be bothered to think of anything else besides how he felt and wanting to get closer still as her hips lifted slightly against his hand in a needy fashion. “More” She breathed out as she leaned up to catch his lips again, easily deepening the kiss. “Please” She shifted again, her hand moving back around to the front of his body, slowly trailing down over his chest and stomach until she reached his length, fingers wrapping around him with a soft moan.
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Millie chuckled softly before shaking her head. “Don’t worry… it takes more than a fall to break Amelia Walker.” She remarked with a wink before taking another sip of her drink. “But thanks though. I guess I have to be grateful that I have the best nurse in Manchester as a friend.” She missed Bridgette, and she had heard about what had happened between her and Franky through the grape vine. Millie did not feel the need to bring up the drama and spoil the mood, but she was still going to make it known to Bridgette that she was there for her, if she needed her to. “By the way, I’ve started working at the hotel now. It feels weird to be working for my own little cousin but I do like it there. It feels like home, even though my parents haven’t really been answering my phone calls ever since I got back to Manchester.” 
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“Oh I know it, but being Amelia Walker doesn’t make your bones made of steel” She snorted softly and shook her head as she sipped her drink. “Oh shush you, I’m not the best, just the biggest workaholic of them all” She pointed out. “I like to keep myself busy.” She added as way of explanation. “Oh have you? Well that’s cool, it might be weird but it’s good to know people and all to start off.” She sipped her drink again. “Yeah well...parents are something else aren’t they” 
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Diya had been down at Manchester Royal Infirmary that morning for a follow-up appointment with her doctor, who was now referring her to a therapist as it had been clearly evident that she needed one. Grateful that she was finally getting the help that she finally needed, she had left her appointment and stopped by the canteen at the hospital to grab a bite to eat before heading back to campus. It was then did she notice the familiar brunette from the party, her lips curling into a small smile as she remembered Bridgette as the first person who had been nice to her at that party. “Bridgette?” She exclaimed, walking over to the woman in scrubs. “Hi! How are you? I hope you remember me. Diya… we met at the Halloween party a few weeks ago?” God, she hoped Bridgetter remembered her. If not, this would be quite embarrassing. // @bridgettehollingsworth​
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Bridgette wasn’t even a quarter of a way through her shift when she decided to slip away from the main floor to grab a coffee and something quick to eat at the canteen, knowing that it was likely going to be several hours before she got a chance to sit and really get something to eat. Hearing her name as she stirred her coffee she turned and smiled at the familiar face. “Of course I remember you! I don’t remember much else from the party but...” She shook her head with a soft chuckle. “How’d you enjoy the rest of the party then?”]
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“Same old usual is you either working and sleeping.” he laughed as he sipped at the wine glass before placing it down, he made himself comfortable on the couch before turning to her. “What does workaholic Bridge do when she’s not working to keep busy. i’m intrigued. It was either work, sleep or do me when I was around so who knows.” he smiled . “I’m joking. If you hate the jokes i’ll stop.”
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“Well....you’re not wrong about that” She shook her head with a soft laugh. “I just enjoy my job, as crazy and hectic and chaotic as it is sometimes, I like being there” She rested her head in her hand as she propped her elbow on the back of her couch. “Well now it’s just sleep, and I make time to eat too on occasion” She raised a brow before shaking her head. 
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