bridginghumanity · 3 years
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bridginghumanity · 3 years
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bridginghumanity · 3 years
Action Fuelled by Passion
Anne Herbert once wrote a profound statement on a restaurant placemat which states: “Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty,” an ideology that is presently being attributed to the infamous random acts of kindness. Random acts of kindness, as several scholars identify, are selfless acts, both large and small, that are unexpectedly executed, without prompting and bearing no ulterior motive. Simple contents such as babysitting a neighbor’s child, offering tutoring services to a friend in need of academic assistance, and even helping another person cross the street are only some of the numerous examples of the given initiative. Through these deeds, people are given the chance to reflect on the importance of helping one another and spreading positive vibes.
The year 2020 has been challenging, to say the least, as the global pandemic coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues to plague the world at large. People are experiencing high levels of anxiety and emotional distress, as they are uncertain on when this adversity is going to end. Because of this recollection, the initiative Bridging Humanity: A One of a KIND campaign was created in the hopes of sparking the innate ability of people to foster compassion and empathy during these challenging times. The main goal of this platform is to make the world a better place by providing people with ideas on how they can be kind to one another through small gestures of love and understanding. A simple act of kindness goes a long way, which launches a plethora of affirmative outcomes. Kindness serves as a reflection of our action towards another person, expresses their reaction towards the good deeds bestowed upon them, and encourages a chain effect of unity. Still unsure on what these actions might be? Lucky for you, Bridging Humanity: A One of a KIND campaign has just the key!
·         Smile at someone, may it be a relative, a friend, or a stranger. Happiness is contagious, so spread continue to positive vibes!
·         Tell someone the things you admire most about him/her. You’ll be surprised at how easily this will per his/her day up.
·         Give another person a compliment. Tell people that their hair looks nice or they have impeccable style. Boosting someone’s self-esteem is as important as boosting yours!
·         Do not hesitate to express gratitude towards others. Thank the barista at the local coffee shop who prepared your drink or the security guard who opens the door for you. Service is an act of love, so be sure to return the favor by acknowledging their acts.
·         Encourage someone. Whether it be a family friend, a colleague, or a neighbor, make them feel that they are being supported in all of their endeavors and pursuits. Chasing one’s dream is challenging, but it will be easier if the person is surrounded by people who constantly motivate him to harness his strengths and turn his vision into reality.
·         Lastly, be kind to yourself. Self-care improves a person’s well-being, which equips him to be a better version of himself. If a person is well taken care of, then he is able to take care of the people around him as well.
There are numerous random acts of kindness that a person can do in this lifetime, and while some of them might be odd and kooky for some, bear in mind that kindness is of utmost essence. People may forget the obstacles that they have encountered, but they will always remember the people who managed to help them in a crisis. Kindness is not a magic solution to every problem at present, but it is a reminder that everything will fall in its rightful place at the end. As Aesop one succinctly expresses: “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
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