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Are you vocal during sex?
I’m usually lead guitar
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"I am constantly evolving, shedding the old to embrace the new, Growing stronger, wiser, becoming the best version of me that's true. Through challenges and triumphs, I learn and I rise, Unfolding my potential, reaching for the skies. Every hurdle I conquer, every lesson I learn, Adds depth to my character, fuels the fire to burn. I am not defined by my past, but by the path I tread, Each step forward, a testament to the dreams I've spread. With every sunrise, I renew my resolve, To be kind, to be brave, and problems to solve. I embrace change as a friend, not a foe, For in growth and transformation, my true self does glow. I am a work in progress, a masterpiece in the making, With flaws and imperfections, yet unyielding and unshaking. Each day I evolve, each moment I thrive, Becoming the best version of myself, alive and alive."
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I got this idea on a walk. That if you are still struggling with this mean that is something worth fighting for
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The manner in which we confront struggle serves as the yardstick of our humanity, for that which does not annihilate us, fortifies us.
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Just reminder if you think about a time in the past when you felt confident, you might realize just how capable you are of feeling that way again.
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“To rest and trust; to give your soul in confidence: I need this, I need someone to pour myself into.”
— Sylvia Plath, from “The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath.”
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Nietzschean Meditation for Long-Term Vision
Begin by finding a comfortable seated position, either on a cushion or a chair, with your spine erect and your hands resting gently on your knees or in your lap. Close your eyes softly, allowing yourself to settle into the present moment.
Take a few deep breaths, inhaling slowly through your nose, feeling your chest and abdomen expand with each breath, and exhaling slowly through your mouth, releasing any tension or stress with each outward breath.
As you continue to breathe deeply, bring your awareness to the concept of nihilism – the acknowledgment of the absence of inherent meaning or purpose in the universe. Embrace the void, recognizing that in the absence of predefined meaning, you have the freedom to create your own purpose and forge your own path.
Visualize yourself standing at the edge of a vast, empty expanse – a metaphor for the existential void. Allow yourself to feel the weight of this realization, acknowledging any discomfort or uncertainty that arises.
Now, shift your focus to the idea of nirvana – a state of profound peace and enlightenment found within oneself. Recognize that true liberation comes from embracing the inherent uncertainty of existence and finding solace in the freedom it provides.
With each breath, imagine yourself stepping further into the void, surrendering to the vastness of the unknown. As you do so, release any attachment to external validation or societal expectations, allowing yourself to connect deeply with your innermost desires and aspirations.
In this space of radical freedom, envision your long-term goals and aspirations coming into focus – like distant stars illuminating the darkness. Embrace the clarity and foresight that arises from acknowledging the transient nature of existence, knowing that every moment is an opportunity to create meaning and purpose on your own terms.
Continue to breathe deeply, allowing the energy of the void to flow through you, infusing you with a sense of empowerment and resilience. With each inhale, draw in the boundless potential of the universe, and with each exhale, release any lingering doubts or fears that may hold you back.
Take a few moments to sit in stillness, basking in the awareness of your own agency and the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. When you feel ready, gently open your eyes, returning to the present moment with a renewed sense of clarity, purpose, and vision for the future.
Remember that this meditation is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, offering you the tools to navigate the complexities of existence with courage and conviction. Embrace it and find solace in the unknown, and let your long-term vision guide you towards a future of limitless potential.
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Less expectations = Peaceful life
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