hi is it healthy to collect mony as aman by sex syria prostitutes
hi is it healthy to collect mony as aman by sex syria prostitutes hi is it healthy to collect mony as aman by sex syria prostitutes October 18, 2017 all the people around me do prostitution all married couple , all muslim , all , to do that when i was searching for job its funny when u open the news paper its all around theres no places far and near the city doesnt offer job ; when the female are getting the job the go very far from there house to isolated place and do sex .
now i work for 7 to 8 hour aday and get 1000 syrian puond aday , in month 30000 , in year 360 000 .
female sex get paid an hour 1000 syrian pound its very cheap price (its like u cant buy asweater by this ) or almost can ) so they work 7 hour aday sex 7000 aday in amonth 210000 syrian p in ayear 2 500 000
theres big difference for me getting 1000 aday is fine but they really have fun , and get alot easy mony in a day
so please u see my situation please advice me what is right and wrong here
please thanks
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thanks everyone , my muscle will talk .
thanks everyone , my muscle will talk . October 18, 2017 hi iread what everyone say and thanks for the bottom of my heart . yes iam igonorant but i love your talk ur smart comment that now i have become afriend afollower of 8 9 people in one day ,what aprivilage , lets distroy my life and build new one .
as always i must open my path alone and no body can help me
i must discover it with my muscle and boiling blood .
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Raneah kalaf and other Hanadi , Razan . syria damascuse prostitutes
Raneah kalaf and other Hanadi , Razan . syria damascuse prostitutes Raneah kalaf and other Hanadi , Razan . syria damascuse prostitutes October 19, 2017 this story tell of afarm girl used to live nearby our farm met my family she do stuff with other and her family corrupt , her father kill the family by fabricated car accident then start a club with new wife in his farm then got killed by terrorist ???? farmer in syria 2012 ,
and story of other female who visit our house all together combined .
Raneah Kalaf she is my friend sister from i was 13 old we used to have afarm and they lived far away , some how in away they met my family and we become friend .
ofcourse gradually to this day i understand nothing how she became afriend with my family and with my father like she can come and sit like friend .
shes is weired like all the one female i hate the one that are not normal infront of me .
i always know she was amuslim so . but mysteriously some day there family make acar accident in afar road near abig hotel 4 season maybe and a village called darea its avery old and difficult to maneuver inside .
so they were riding acar and at the cross of the road they —– died ——- from car accident the kid died the mother and maybe father suffer injury superficial he was wearing seatbelt , idont know who was inside the car that day .
so this accident is not accident people know them and they get killed .
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( i had this friend there he was young like 20 when i was in 13 old and growing , he is a villager he tought me how to ride a horse i met him once aweek i loved himi and he was good nice to me guy with talking to him and iam friendly honest person idont know how to lie , we became friend he tought me how to through a knife i never know how and why but it was fun to learn like movie , i hear from him story about bad guys i understood nothing bec my world then was the farm and working with father hoping some day i become 18 and become auniveristy student with ahigh education adoctor .
so i bowed my head hoping some day i will become better and break this spell . iwill learn and raise my education like these american in the movie and i succeded ofcourse i went there to new country from 0 and tasted all the bad stuff alone and hit my head on the wall i tested all the shit in my brain that is stuffed in , i met afemale avery beautiful christian one who i still love , she is vegetarian well there ofcourse she is from british england , and theres abig gap but she found me honest but icoudnt keep up and keep her , but there i learnt how to speak to agirl and bigin to explore my new life , well i path there in univeristy was differnet bec i wanted to learn the truth i wanted to read american textbook to understand the truth , but wooo where was i back then my brain coudnt manage all the stress back then of life , so and i get isolated in my seperated world trying to break the code that no body talk about , about how to read abook , ofcourse there guy there far ahead of me , and enjoyed themself .
and for this beautiful friend i talked about she always come to visit me in my dream still shy from far away observing ,
any how in the end i make my dream reality and graduated and it cost me 6 years to break the spell to the last day in the exam day till i perfected my self and build aperfect foundation for the new me to stand on , i learnt journaling for awhile then ,so , and perfected last few days in university my speed reading to finish atextbook 1500 page in 1 month .
so i forgot this friend i tought u about back then he tought me also how he walk when he finish training us and there was bad guy ahead of him on the road always and he had to protect himself he used to carruy knife and he practice some martial art and belt in his jeans that is sharp , now i understand why he was feeling afraid , he choose his path i believe and idont remeber much ,
i never know that stuff like this existed in this village of him , of how those stupied villager with no muscle make kids , some has big one . even so they have amosque .
and alot of people gather there and go to buy stuff , stuff u dont understand . ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
anyway after that we moved from the farm and i wanted to be more social with female and be in the city not isolated each year in afarm . we moved and the war start i hear that she has this family who live in the city far from there house she love to visit them , . very often . u know farm girl they love to go to the city .
so the war in syria started and i hear that amissle from ——–terrorist—— group by mistake or against goverment shoot amissle to there house in the farm in Zakea so the missle drop there at the room her father was inside i hear he married another women after the accident without stopping to think . when the missle drop i hear he always used to meet with villager like him in there arabic house , iremember once i get there and saw shesha two or three on the floor and arabic sitting very weird , even so the inside of his house in another building is normal this one alittle seperated and far away like 300 meter away very close to the enternace of the house so people get in fast from entrance from there car , its a long rectangle building with carpet and pillow in the floor . if i describe like the bellydancer room and all the stupid people inside .
i hear when he married maybe he married the second before the one died and they live in this house and they get visitor here.
anyway he died in the village by terrorist by amissle drop on his house and kill him. This arabic house .
his young son was young when he died in the car he was someone and disappeard like that he was differnt i remeber him corouse small kids of his father . all died except him in the car ,the only one wearing a seat belt . what a coincidence .
so now in my family my sister married twice and get divorced because of her bad behavior , because father always hit her and she is bad . i may now understand why she has bad behavior , why she never try to learn , not just her uneducated brain but there seems to be more here i didnt understand before , why this behavior like all the shit girl disrespectful i am meeting these days when i go to job .
its beautiful and exciting and theres alot to be done .
so when she got divored as usual she right away make afight with dad and done all the bad stuff , so
right after her return shortly idont know why but suddenly she get arabic people want engage her . ? but the story progress like someone from outside watching and acting to help her become better buy her house and never get humiliated by father and start to get job and move ,,even for the job these same people also are the one how put the job offer in the newspaper and they hire her .
suddenly this Ranea kalaf my sister and family friend ? came to live with her friend my sister after there divorce both of them , there story , , she has astory of her husband divorce her and took all the kid away from her , but she took the gold and i hear he was abad aguy avery bad guy she seems to love him but something hidden here why she is visiting us at this time for my sister moving and acting like apro understanding everthing , and once i went down stairs to carry some stuff from father to house she was there down but instead of being normal i felt i am meeting a hoker asex worker she gazed at me with this look like shit and her eye fixed far far ahead on all the beutiful building she know around and like she can tell stroy of friend she know and are watching and a life i never met , that was not so good feeling like looking far ahead on these military guy s ahead in street like prostitutes . humiliating me and seducing me to the same act the same time , and like ashit iam if i annoy her million people all around will show up to kick me , like i was akids and she is the flesh in the street for all so she can get some mony .
, now her behavior is very dangerous and risky as sex worker whohave had her sex with farmer in the village and tasted all the trick that i always get to taste anew one , from her and she acting disrespectful and respectful at the same time . when she is at our house , and also with my father , .
now because she doesnt know anybody around she came to live with us for awhile i heard she saved alittle backthen , also she has relative in damascus she came to live alittle with us , so she get hired and she go to the job and i can t know anything about that ofcourse she is big lier , like iam peeking on avery shy muslim and farm girl . so
she is planing to buy a house , ,, in just 4 month or a year .
now the house reach the price of imaginary millions after war .
let move to other visitor
and now also group of people weirdly come to visit our house ,
a relative called Hanadi amarried cousin 45 old beautiful and (loved to work in the goverment at whatever cost when she get married to her fat lovly husband and was having the kid and she took them to job ) , she has doughter beautiful like her , but they are bad imean they didnt study right , they avoided me acted always weird with me and now they are off in there life i call them hamburger girl call them what u like . what a disrespectful creature when they see me or think about me either sex or nothing . ?
now to the wired visit poeple vist our house occasionly idont know why even my family is the worst there is no good honest reason so they come frequently ,
except my father is felthy rich has awhole building for renting and farm , and he make imaginary prices , and people rent ididnt know how and why some people will do that but not seem s managable ahooker from one night sex she if she want get or 1 hour get the whole renting for the whole month , and the people living here alaways go and come hidden at night no body from outside know the real female living here and she also hide her self in ablack covering for muslim , i saw there car in alot places hidden in the places that are far away that offer sex .
there story is long but ididnt get to them and idont have them mony to move to more funny steps .
also the military guy ahead in the street , dont forget we are now in awar years in syria so they sit far away i know they are sex trader also and protector , its like away to calm people around and make them happy ididnt reach that level , even so the sex an hour is just a 1000 syrian pound price of tshirt acheap one almost with the most beautiful wife u could imagine .
so u are not allowed to have acamera in street but they are dump everyday the same and iam advancing so its not that difficult . also they work close to agirl school , and its funny how i hear these female trader under my room promoting sex from 6.45am to 6 pm , also when i went to get ajob in ahotel there was these female in walking in the darkest allay street . but ahead is far disgusting shit u never believe between building all these fatty people protect this so i saw all the 13 old female when i wanted to get hired in ahotel in asupermarket talking and when i return they where sitting alittle far away from alarge number of group of guys who seems to be negotiating for aprice , this happen near my old school al andaloos in syria damascus halboone baramkah near europ hotel anew one . it was areally aview to see how young guy sitting and waiting for there turn and looking at these female like apry they have there agent bec they were new to this stuff and the other group of guy s with there boss where there negotiating on price and i get to get the disrespectful look at me like iam shit soon will become .
when my sister get divorced they came and teach her to make bags for selling and they used to always buy her shit from her not just to her but to Hanadi friend and other , always new people want to buy her stuff , ofcourse she thought will be rich and went and spent all her mony to buy expensive leather to sell . and she store it in the house .
now bec of this she started to go to work beside this she get fired but she try more . her behaviour return when she was young and full of sex desire . she started to say things sing songs that they play in factory or shops , bad songs ,
now the people buying the stuff from her idont know why her stuff was advancing but her price was getting higher always , and this Hanadi is just agoverment beautiful wife with alow salary long hour of work , why she go spend her precious mony on this girl , when her book reading husband ? go to mosque on friday when we go to visit them , and there situation not good .
well she seems to have good stable satisfatory income .
and now istarted to see her doughter everywhere in acar with stranger or far away when igo to jobs or search for one far far away from my house , or close by with aguy drinking juice , and the guy far uglier than me and this and she accept him and never even said hi to me in a8 years now .
so these beautiful doughter come to our house my father lough with them all each time they visit , and everybody is living happily every after .
not this Handi only come to my house also my mother friend from her university always come . frequently as much as she addicted to .
she is now 50 years old only daughter to her mother never get married its Razan every single day the same whenever u see her nothing new in her , just this look the face and the eye of sex , the one who done that and love it , she is polite quite and whenever i see her when i was young i always talk to her respectfully then i crack go to toilet and jerk on her , i never know why what is this , and she is afrequent visitor of my mother .
one day I compaint to my sister about this and why I getting annoyed by her and feeling weired , and here how I don’t know how these two know each other but she seems to know her and with a superior authority and everything calm down , now I know both are sex worker .
so ( o started to say that people came to teach sister sex now its amiss)
to end this story i want to say all these visitor come to house alot and other house all time of the day so when they slip to nearby house never get noticed or anythings to be said about them , maybe this is an order to them so they hide there existance and entrance .
also alot poople bought and encourage sister to rise by giving her mony ,
now she go out and getting more free and acting like other disrespectful female
( ahouse seeking buying missle ))) . ( like amoisture seeking missle) .
i think this Raneah bought her house in 4month or 1 year . or she already apro and has one and she is the boss she is here just to check and help sister . and play around . she is famous well known .
thats it .
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time of prostitutes in syria damascuse enjoy
time of prostitutes in syria damascuse enjoy time of prostitutes time of prostitutes they gather not in empty time but they blend with gathering in busy houre . like in the morning time of school or job near my house they can stand far ahead in beggining of street as they are waiting someone , or at the school finish time they just stand in the street and afox man inside of acar come fast pick the girl in street and go . or they blend at bus station as waiting for there bus , or they are speacial group who go in puplic bus like 7 beautiful girl with old women for helo and at least one man bodyguard . and me how is silent afriad to speak . they stand at medical univirsity at the time when doctor finish so it get mix up , but it just dump its very easy to recognize the dump fake with white coat in there hand and abook from the real one doctor . theres also there extra beautiful women there with more tight clothes leather and tight on her whole body . searching microbus and car to jump in very fast like adump . theres also group of guys and what u think is normal guys walk ing around they are pickup guys offering sex and if they like u they make noises and sign to pick u up . they stand near private school at 4 pm time of exit and guess what and theres alot . i also saw alot of muslim female in 30 or 35 walking around like crazy when they found nothing they jump in tiny microbus to have fun and be touched . - there s also this new place what i thought before was agathering place turn the opposite , they prefer maybe place where people dont sit like normal people just pass by and it make it difficult to stand they even throw garbbage near it if there any tiny place for people to sit so they dont get observed , i saw 3 beaituful female jumping itno aman car with full disrespect offering sex and overwhelming him like they are going to rape him . very abvious . this has accoured in the end of alhamrah street with the road that the microbus follow straight ahead and when he want to turn right ( here at this point they gather ) towrd the christian female school alsallam to president bridge . they always gather here protected and anything happen u will be spotted by all female old and young and with full disrespect u w ill get full share of humilation full if they didnt likle ur behaviour .
- i also saw aman selling candy with acut arm - atwo girl walking together one her leg was cut from the pelvis high and she was beautiful with yellow teeth she was makeing trouble now she is having sex unhappy .
- the motor of people in street not jsut trafficing sex people but they are hiding in engine agun or maybe aknife .
- i worked in a resturant for aweek with ahigh salary all costemer are weird . its afar away resturant in the highway where normal people dont go . well what happen is agirl go there sit with it friend agirl or aboy then after avery short time another group come and sit close infront of them and they giff them old arabic very very boring game atale with stone to move and the guy loook dump with mony the girl is beautiful . and they both eat slowly and spend some time analysing each other and also with the help of the owner which is afemale there and a comeeck female the deal get finish somehow and here u are not allowed to be there so u dont discover them . - i also get offer to go to the cinama . and i offer it to alot of people also . the cinema the old one that no one go to at all during the day with the front of shop full of naked female picture at the beach maybe i heared from asex guy that u can do there whatever u want to agirl no body will speak to u . but man i waent there to that cinma by mistake when i was searching for ajob and it was beautiful and tempting . - if u saw apolice man in damascus speacially with amotor it mean he is not watching the road even if he annoy people or make mony for people how drive bad but he is watching avery highly risk place for sex afriad of trouble to rise not just cop also a militry men inside a red car . - when u get in abus big one or microbus the driver job its job to drive very hectic tomove and stop suddenly so people pump against each other , over and over again . itd very funny . i learnt there to stand balanced in the kungfu style and i succeeded to look like atree .
- and when beautiful female inside the bus look at u ,be sure she is not looking at ur beauty but she is makin sign to the people around . but be carfull if u are chicken .
- and if u ignore afemale in abus standing close by when another male pass by and stand ifront of u she annoy u and start looking at u desirin ghim shamlessly and making sign that she can have sex casually . and this female was beautiful ..
- also dad and renting guys also always threaten me and always annoy me so they can come strongly and get prostitutes inside of buildin gwithout me saying aword and if i speak father wanna kick me . ?
- (((((((( so if u have muscle beautiful syria damascus is heaven for sex and seriously u will make alot of m ony and and they will fight over u . and all the guy in street who are trained and told will a nd must pick u so they high quality women find the hero in there fantasy and fuck ,so enjoy sex . )))))) and the good part all the people and family here teach there children from birth about sex about how imp to have abdominal muscle and be beautiful to be accepted in any job and succeed . ((((David Denagelo))) is afox he say that about himself . to understand his material u must read his book where he explain the best basics and tell how he misinterpret words because he speak so heavy material , then in other high risk program like power sexuality never listen to him get the knowledge but listen to it both way with and against both methods work , likes ( u never her in newspaper or female talk to each other how they enjoy to be raped , or stuff about rape in alot situation wich is fun , how wish to be raped , or agroup of guys rape her nad she really enjoy it .... , u never hear that ) . ..... so female stand everywhere these days in afar isolated area , area near car road , in prisedint bridge after it ahead theres sana for news building all this road where there is univirsity and the road ofcourse is dirty so u dont sit there and observe the people around , it not mistake , and all the way with microbus road where female jump on u full embracing u if u have big muscle u iwill be huged graped pulled touched all of fantasy of female where u want to get from the micro bus . if u are sexy with muscle its fun , so go get some decent muscle . and along this whole road where is the university is woo it is so crowded , . - i also was goi g o work in avrey secret (( highly protected )) ?????? area its called with old name for airport shop with u buy stuff after going down from airplane , shop with freedeom .... ? anyway there at entrance its protected and watched by alotof people , htere in side there so much bulding all with areflictive glass very few guys down in road and instead u see avery weired female weither muslim acting weired , or christian girl walking girl even muslim one can walk there naked almost and no body will know her , here all the building isolated and not anyone are allowed to enter inside but far far ahead the gold the building are aword icant discribe , offering sex very isolated the one i used to love when i was walking like adump in the old days . to come here and amaybe bec of low custemer they offer ajob in newspaper for nornal worker , and if u qualify u get invited . - i also got invited to near almowasat hospitall there was so much building hidden i felt that the same shit
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summary syria prostitutes damascus please read
summary syria prostitutes damascus please read summary syria prostitutes damascus please read October 19, 2017 i tried to re edit all the post but they need alot time and alot thinking to make them readable but . what if in a world theres everything possible full of all the feeling in the world all know
” lies , greeds , envey , jealousy and betrayal are everyday things they are nothing to be surprised about ”
idont know what to speak but if everybody cheat ,
like u are visiting people maybe in there house and they shake hand some go some come but infront of children and everybody , some act shy some seems they know each other really well . like afather and afemale doughter of whatever , and they all full of lie , u see them know each other friendly and talking but u sit like adum not understanding athing , not understanding that these animal broke the code and distroy the most sacred thing and distroy everything just to fit there animal desire , so they can cummunicate honestly without all lie from religion and society , so they make huge sum of mony , express there honest emotion toward each other .
( but in this new genaration they are telling there kids and teaching them , who they are what they do , for a 4 years or what ever kid no limitation for age , they are not lieing to them so the kids life get distroyed and the kids now grow and must succeed with help of family in there own path ) they give them job and push them .
they broke something that no body can even imagine it could be broken .
so they could have sex and make some connection because they are retarded in school never worked there body in gym .
what kind of future these will lead for all around them .
idont know but what if now the whole syria damascus is full of stupid female and male in school that want to make fast mony , and i dont mean full imean every shop every single building is for selling and trading sex ,
its just sex festival every day , some say its agroup u join with respect and close mouth , but its far much more shamless and i mean shameless , but man they are amazingly beautiful , these beautiful young ladies when they show there skirt .
to get started in sex female first find ajob offer in newspaper with avery high salary i get 30 or 40000 they get up to 100 000 amonth and the job say beauty shop need worker no experience required and there it start to get huge amount of mony .get this stupid female very happy and get advice to go to gym learn how perfect her beautiful design from best expert . and u know what these two do together .
1 – stimualtion in ur vagina by exercising like ur pussy will melt with ur brautifull ass with every beautiful strike on the floor and move .
2 very beautiful body and face .
she will melt with each step walking whatever direction she go . face vagine u can smell her pussy droping and i mean every single word she will melt from sex for sex in vagina and everywhere .
well life seems perfect i even doubt that my salary is agift from these sex worker to syrian man so they move on with there life and succeed , and have extra sex . ofcourse every job i go to iget offered sex . but the bad part didnt start because iwas just warming up and the real training for my muscle start soon .
i must soon make far big choice how am i going to fuck about mony limitaion and lie and betrayal
to summarize eveybody getting fucked by manipulation ,and whatever and nobody caring these days .
they can buy acar in 4 month or two of hard sex work . for me its 3 years of work in anormal job ? also these normal job i get the best time with them as abest family everywhere ? and they are like alion waiting for there pry .
very beautiful family i started to grow , and i hope i succeed and be respetful to everybody .
they can buy house in year , and fuck off from there family to build there own house and leave this stupied family or to to USA .
u will be tricked manipulated in street bec when u are alone everybody watching in street u will never believe till u see disaster of sex everybody giving gesture to other , u are watched from the window from the car , u cant go to police or military , they are the same tall thin man suddeny agirl jump infront of him seducing him , and he crack . they are all stupid looking for sex . for cheapist price in an ahour .
but in 6 hour or amonth it accumulate
u are the man with ur flesh and knowledge with ur muscle surrounded by along history of people , what will u do .
u cant trust muslim , awife .
thats all
when i was in the house my sister friend come to visit as always full of lie never she speak to me so she will not get busted . very careful she came with astory of divorce mony from her husband and in a4 month after she get ajob she was able to buy ahouse , can u believe it . when iam sitting at home.
she bust her ass 24 hours a day or 16 hour she idont know but she get filthy now she either with her other relative collecting rest of mony to the house or she already bought it .
this story not to show hatred but to say iam very close i can have avery huge muscle so all these creature can fuck me and i collect mony and in afour month i can also buy ahouse or a year instead of long time like 4 year to acar there s ahuge difference to manageing time and its very beautiful and very easy to use .
the female crash me , brain and heart , i can build relationship .
and when i was young i thought that belly dancer are dangerous society that i must stay away from there killing and drugs and all bad stuff , but the truth iwent there and they are like family they are not muslim or christian they are there own society .
theyare very beautiful respectful family when u get to know them . u go there after u perfected ur study after u became u r best in ur class and study the b est
there u meet the rest of the best respectful people like u . it s amazing feeling they dance they speak u get to meet the best . they even offered me mony when i dont nothing for them i even didnt pay there alot just to sit on the seat .
u will be amazed of what u will meet . its not alcohol its adifferent future .
and the female .
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prostitutes in syria damascus 9 1 2017 (((( grammar pronunciation fixed ))
prostitutes in syria damascus 9 1 2017 (((( grammar pronunciation fixed )) hi iam writing on all my observation in damascus its all lie what seem natural and normal its all fake when u walk in((( street))) on normal day when shop open its fake , all the people in the street the worker in the shop the puplic normal people , u think u are suddenly in adirty bad no one in god land saw and want to go to wheres theres alot of trash in street beside shop close to building .
so its not acoincidence its asign for entrance or so u dont go there often and choose different path or u can die .
so u need to ((((( qualify)))))) to be in same place as them and understand them .. so u will have fun tested kicked . to qualify theres grades if u are fat stupid u will hate that place for sure if u are beautiful 10 u will be gone graped by all female and loved by male so u will be happy sex man .. u will be kept touched in street by accident all the way along . be careful these female creature they are beautiful respectful i can never say stuff against that ? iam sure there touch is awosome , by there hair or anything . bec if u are bad impolite , everybody know and no body need shit .
( dont forget the (((((( crowded microbus suddenly or bus )))))))) ) also if uare not healthy or athletic forget about that . ) these are places for whore to stand alittle so she do something
when u walk in(((((((( street u may feel presence behind u )))) suddenly and it may feel annoying ,
or they may even these ((((( female make eye contact )))))))even if u are good if theres something u shouldnt see , stuff will happen to u in all kind wither bad or good u can imagine .
they will tell each other about u ,,
maybe somewhere u walk and people hit u touch u and these are those fat gross people who make u poke , be aware these are all hired people . male smoker old lkady or all kind , but they they are easy till now to pass them bec they are all stupied just think about mony asset sex fucking and cheating on other wife behind there back .
also(((((((worker the one inside the shop))))) they need to qualify and have experience to work in the shop before they start which mean they must understand these behavior because it exist , and nothing can be done ?
((((((( old lady getting hired ))))) or in street ( do u know these old lady that will never get achance to get hired u say how will she get mony and live with dignity , well she can weither this is legal or not in ur brain she is a person so >>>???? . ) these old lady that can never find ajob they all work with a girl seeking sex mony .
whatever the9(((((((( female sex seeker ))))))) its age from 8 old to very big also the old lady prefer small young boy in its 17 to enjoy as accompany , as there bodyguard . so all (((((((((((((((((((( seeker go far away from there home )))))))))))))) walk in the street far away from there home by miles they take microbus in early morning and come to our neighbourhood where there family never see them . use whatever toilet , and work where normal people of the street either in there house dead sleeping or stuff or old fat with no hope in life so they try cheating . and these girl if by 1 % chance someone saw her from her family which is rare bec people either work or smart and busy somewhere else how know she may fuck him in street .
(((((((faking clothes and guard :)))))))))
((((((((((guard)))))))))))) they can fake everything if she wants like she can walk with agroup as amother sister family father , who get angry on u if u annoy them . children everything is available on her choice in specific house .
even ((((((((( clothes )))))))))) to chooose from whatever shit to play with she can hide here whole body and only show her eyes even wear dark glasses everything is alie from all people .
(((((((((((((((((( camouflage buying or wasting time infront aguy in street or inside shop )))))))))))) the worker in the street or shop they dont sell leather bags or shoes .
after observation they sell bags to them ? after agroup of female every day go to buy from them in a very weird way . because its boring any piace of shit can make these bags instead of paying 15000 syrian pund u can make it in 500 syp . so he give her abag , she pay , she may here after along discussion go the prostitute house then after awhile he come back everyday carrying all the bags he sell to these shit in adark huge plastic bag s and return to anew day so nothing been sell sold . also alll the shop around all the same .
ofcourse they have all((((((((((( body language ))))))))) of manipulation from
……… shyness……… if u try to look at herso she hide her face or by some time so the responsible guy pick her fast , or she make u trouble so she pass hidden have sex and go undiscover with cash sex .
or ……. she smile …….. to old fat dad who go blank in his dream and who he usually walk only for once or twice the whole day in that street like dead .
they can also …… humilate u with there smile…….. alot now has low respect other learn and they really annoy u like when u walk close to asmoker she just piece of trouble want humilate u
what they offer what kind of female (((((((( (((((( they offer alot and high quality )))))) )))) whatever u want all these female that there husband doesnt satisfy them they go buy bags .
((((((((((price )))))))))) go up and down u must be respectful to them seriously if u have mony why not make someone life happy and beautiful and pay as much as ur pockert allow to make asmile to someone heart to his dream .
but they are very respectful and they can make u happy even for free to feel happy the price go from as low to as ur love and respect allow .
(((((((((((((((((((if u have muscle and u are refined respectful to all in street its very easy to discover ))))))))))))))))
(((((((renting houses )))) the shop is dark which mean he offer sex baby .
any (((((((((((shop foreplay )))))))))) so the shop around all the same they go to avery expensive shop with no reason just so no one other stupied follow them and the price is written high on glass front door .
with english brand name or arabic name shop same as aguy name that famous locally for a period for sex offering in a specific place its like ajoke , u even see the same worker face from that place in these city shop . iknow one .
when female go there they act weird …….. —— if u look _——………… all the people know each other and u get started treated as someone who is sneaking pooking and following women and inside the female by there act even if u are far away and didnt enter just looking in there direction they will try humiliate u so they get there time of rest ofcourse the shop big and nobody know whats inside there is differnet floot , they take there time in a deal and go out and not one understand or see anything , they are dum .
all the shop like this with no exception ,
now its very natural in all street in damascuse
((((((((((((( female sneaking inside building )))))))))))))) the female go to shop or people close to shop or somehow they go to other shop , and are very close to each other and designed with worker working there to attack u if u annoy them or try discover something hidden there ofcourse theres differnt people to differnt act and theres emergency ,
sex seeking customer there go to entrance building , there the shops are old close to each other with have all these entrance and exit from everywhere so the girl go to ashop inside abuilding and no body understand did she enter or did she make ashortcut to go from one street to other by tiny road inside abuilding or maybe she was inside abuilding with adoctor how is there for only limited time aday or maybe she is first floot of building or 2 floor where theres other shop selling stuff maybe better or cheaper maybe she is a tailer and know everybody and used to work there with them . but no body see anything and ua re there for very short time and no body know wherethe entrance and exit even to other room inside building maybe they a re connnected in aweired way . iforget when she try to enter building guys there casn cover her and act crouded . cover her so she become hidden fast in second disappear she may go to 1 floor in building or by an address by these bags selling people there , .
now inside its avery dim with no light maybe dirty and ofcourse very scary so the female now disappeared inside for unlimited time in any house and in building .
u can expect anything people love fuck (((((((((( pregnant women ))))))))) and imean very beautiful one . and acat as if they are afriad to walk in acowded street of people but here they are hiding and entering empty street and sneaking into building .
u are ((((((((((not allowed to carry mobile in street )))))))))) this crowded street they will hit u and make it fall to the ground and break annoy u hit u expect anything and all the female in the street get afraid when u put the camera on them they manipulate ur thinking they must trust u .
(((((((((((((bodylanguage 2 ))))))))
u must be very outstanding so she risk everything so u know her also very muscular man they all know each other and cummunicate with other from kilometer away by hitting metal sound even by eyes . whsile …… (((((((((sex offering guy)))))))
if u see someone and he is ………… friendly………. something wierd , like he know u since birth and act as a friend , abrother how is far away , how love u since birth and watch u with every single person in street , and no body can help him and he always sitting in street , he is now 46 old and he speak to military guys to to police man and u feel weird inferior and like he is smart maybe he work secretive with goverment how is fighting terrorist well this is the sex offering guy
this guy put asmall ……… table……….. in street sell all the stuff u will never buy seriously like abrush or beauty stuff for female expensive and can be cheated ……..
and has alot of close ……… friends…….. around to help him from small kids to old regular guys .
and the best part he is …….always crowded by sexy female ……………. in aplace famous for sex
so these guys and old female or whatever trick sit everwhere close to building offer bread icecream sweet nothing just sit with red leg or disease walking in achair as someone with cut legs making fun of everyone or they are there moving maybe getting around inside shop to ahouse moving around maybe they sell juices sell mechanic devices phone ………… all these will be used eaten
in the street theres alot of people u may say what a poor people selling sweet candy icecream dosent they have better stuff they sell socks for foot any shit and these are also people guard the street the building getting mony …. also people know them so when they need sex they seek them . maybe they hide addreess in stuff .
if they are(((( young kids selling sex or female seeker brain )))) they are low experince they are afraid to keep there job so they prevent making eye contact look on the floor and just focous there on one spot the whole road they are walking in like dum or afriad to be discover and say loud in there brain —– u are piece of shit iwill be rich iget from porn 200$ dollar an hour maybe and u get 10 $ dollar aday u will be aporn guy soon sucking for female paying them wooooo iam sooo coooll i always see naked female legs ——- and they a are happy with asmile or very secretive and never glinch or make anybody language like a theif they even close eye if in trouble
((((((((friendly police man or military guy )))))))
if u never talk to them if u see some one close , be aware not a coincidence these stupied they are tall short thin fat like any piece in street and they are manipulative and sex seeker and the boss will not put them there for nothing even so they are very incredibly stupied they crack soon for sex and easy manipulated by trained female , so be aware from anyone how act like afriend or is by ur side and u are always alone never depend on these fat one.
((((((((((((((girls asking direction in street from police man |))))))))
u will see a young girl asking direction from them which mean appointment from them , she slep with them yesterday , .
(((((((((((female selling there body directly sex))))))))))))
for half a n hour a day suddenly one place will be crowded, by very beautiful weird female sitting in street sexy beautiful , each act different and are educated about how to act . it is a female invasion like a military one and iam not kidding u could crack .
be prepared either in bus stop not official one easy place for bus to stop or they can be close to guys selling clothes and building of brothel which is everywhere and very famous , some act friendly they know u … other close if one failed they make eye contact incredibly fast so other take u ,
today i saw avery (((((((((( suspisious guy with hand cut ))))))) by his wrist thin normal hight a little religious he was but quite along time stupied with afemle walking with him comforting him and makeing him feel nice .
this guy i can say got in trouble in the past with these stupied sex guy , and in normal sunny day followed like adum afemale got in abuilding then a beautiful sound start to cut metal in a building thats building and he lost his wrist arm . he get annoyed but now he is used to it , and started having sex with female angry but he now understand what life is , u can say he told me or whatever .
and there s alot of these guys tortured as a with broken legs beyond repair or cut shoulder or cut legs , u can imagine ……
the (((((((((( price)))))))) is hell cheap in the street they manipulate word , so they sell any socks by 100 sy pound which mean 1000 for sex for any girl . i hear this price alot from people . today was 500 syp
(((((((catching new prey female ))))))))) or (((((( —–metaphor—— masturbating female in street like jumping on her and keep playing with her pussy till she crack ))))))))))) theres avery beautiful female begging for mony who stand near female school and all the kind of people close to her , and they try each and every each day to get the girl over and over again by mony by harassing her .
and there could be a foreplay by ashit how run saying fast female dotn stand here ……
(((((((((((criminal know no fear )))))))))
in worst case scenario agorgeous female get naked and all crack maybe a ll get naked and its dum
dont forget the whole street for them and the normal people of syria they are all working and far away with only cops scattered fat stupid with belly to reach there mouth and happy by asmile of female in the street .
((((((((((((((how poilce get freaked out ))))))))))))))
police also they need evidence to catch criminal and when they get close weird stuff happen acar suddenlly speed up and almost make accident with very high sound ,,,,,, anything , he may get hit or scream whisle , u can say he get totally freaked out . .
ofcourse there (((((((((((free stuff )))))))))))
(((((((((((((military helping in brothel)))))))))))))
also near my house what u think of a place which belong to hizb allah or secret organization russia helping bashar with people with long beared and they talk to military is aporn house and miilitary know them but they say people need relieve . near my house the military guarding the street also help people in all street close by to have sex they know everything but they may say these people fat stupied need to have fun and actually they are getting mony , i even see other making deal with them no actually i always see that . and they may even own multiple house aorund and also they may have there place for collecting mony . theres always female there , and afcourse theres aschool good for nothing for girls open there good for nothing but it only make the place crowded for female so these female pregnant and all shape even female kids get here hidden have sex and go away have there free entrance and exit hidden .
(((((((((((((how male hide themself ))))))))))))) and alot people benifit by hiding his face inside this weird beard u may say they a re helping helping bashar , they wear glasses so u can say , alot of people adult in the street the same and they look the same on purpose .
glasses bear normal casual clothes also wear military jeans so other get afraid and we are in war years so u have to respect and help military which is afake sex selling guy.
((((((((( building of sex discription)))))))))))) wooo they are unlimited ucant count they are everywhere when i used to train how to do one leg squat in street i started to notice these houses even more deep down in basement , when and where these stupid fatty people normal people walk on street notice nothing , and these shit they have fun in basement ,
i even get kids with abig guy came to me when doing squat and told me never do it there bec his grand mother there get annoyed . and it was very weired and icouldnt do athing bec he was very protected i felt and so much eye where hidden on me …………
the window has aglass that reflect light and is silver white and see nothing alot of houses like these
weired ???? why it is obvious . but also these glasses are alot , some real some fake they can change palces periodically , also they have other room in building ….. and
( so u dont get lost) , u see there clerk selling stuff like something more expensive than peanut or all . or exhausted old man sitting close to building will help u .
((((((girl get taken by a car )))))))) (((((((((( girl sitting standing making gesture to be taken )|||))))))))))))) in steet u see beautiful girl siting in anyplace or standing for bus stop or anything .
now the car come , it come park close and both must response fast now, or maybe not necessary . so she get in now .
or after awhile of her sitting the car can be just moving around in the same street everyday , so the car can come with the sound of her father touching beep sound of car as he know her and he came she get in say hello or hi or good morning and go out and speak very casually in day or night .
she can make afew gesture with her legs like she put on legs infront of other and move it — to tell u come iam siting allone — .
or with with her hand like nervous movement and waiting for ur hero to shine , or bored waiting there for long time ,
or she can be sitting and to not attract attention if other know her with afew gesture . and after car stop for few second it goes away girl go in opposite direction of car and they go both in circle around u and the building and she get with him .
(((((((((((((ending)))))))))))))) so at the end i love them all female i think . or most
and ido not carry any grudge bec i dont care ashit about these people manipulating kid and deciving other ,
bec any person is just shit and i can make million kid s in short time and all these people are there fault for being fat , not observing , never talked to me , its just a sperm that u can make .
((((( factory job )))))
when i search for ajob in past i went to work in factory close by and people offer me free sex or whatsoever . and if u refuse to get sex with them they will kick u outside factory . with other than the people that offered u sex , with acrazy working guy inside call him bobs . iwent to factory very large truck to transport stuff between city and country , and these factory go very deep and scary inside its ahiden place for sex for people no body will think about and not anyone will be allowed work there ……. and alot like them . if u went there will understand what i mean when u see afemale wearing aclothe thin onbody sticking to her transparent red with flower and white very beautiful and body and the body large she work on it alot . big beautiful and drawn in a good way .
(((((((((( approaching to get new prey ))))))) so the people in street old or kids acting shy and poor , come to u to ask for mony big or small and sell u handkershif or stuff , and here they harrasse u even if u dont want sex , they start touching u when u are bored and annoyed and stimulating u and they are good .
or very (((((((((( beautiful 7 years girl ()))))) but she is are fucked or see mom have sex everyday
also the (((((((((((( resturant )))))))))))) how ofcourse sells no food these days just shesha , smoke ,
all the people go there bec its fake place for seeking sex .
there they lie to u when u walk close by and u see them inhale alittle smoke also all u will get annoyed its an advance place and who doesnt want cheap sex .
((((((((((( girl with cigarete in street ))))))))) very beautiful with cigarete in her hand in street or smoke distract attention of good people .
(((((((((((( building infront of church |))))))))))) also there people and goverment use it for sex not sure how but i dont care ashit .
infront church all building weird one —— sell carpet —– with hidden sex , close to him ,
other—— transport medical —– stuff in medical metal box rapped with green clothe of surgery . in and out of that building and u will see avery beautiful girl get in that building . also this sex . close by they ——–sell drugs ——- with 6 girl as secretary very secretive and with bashar alassad photo very big on th e wall , and the women differnet and sometime they make gesture to me . and rarly u see beautiful women sit there not coincidence but to make sure other understand that and come here ,
even for for muslim religious people how work in ((((((((((mosque for muslim )))))))))))))) they also secretly love this help other by marrying for few days and if u report these stuff to them u went the wrong place …..as afirst start
for (((((((((penalty )))))))) its just afew bucks or ajail 1 month maybe nothing more
no killing nothing as people hear in religous books
and ofcourse theres (((((((( newspaper with fake story ))))))))) all these fake story teller all fabricated to scare other fatty husband or people that nothing is happening
in the street theres ((((((((((( specifc places to find whore )())))))))))))) standing in street waiting with specific chinese fan big bag that all people with specific sign know . This journal was written on August 30, 2017
kljnlknl View all posts by kljnlknl
3 thoughts on “prostitutes in syria damascus (((( grammar pronunciation fixed ))” teholmes says: August 11, 2017 at 6:23 pm Edit Kljnlknl – Sounds like a very interesting day in the life of Kljnlknl – sound like a strong person – most people don’t realize how good they have it – complain how bad they have it – if they only had to walk in the other’s shoes for 1 day – it would open their eyes. I could never imagine or begin to say – “I know what you mean – or how you feel – God I’m sure there are days even you don’t know what you feel. The picture you attempt to show in your writings makes sure to help a reader like myself to have a very open mind and helps us not to be mislead by all the fake and glorified war stories , hoping whatever helps you through your day and smile occasionally continues to make you a little stronger each day – and remember – a moment alone may only seem that way -if you believe minds and hearts always seem to find each other , even in our darkest moments – Keep Strong – smile at the sun and listen to the songs you may at times hear in the breeze !
EditMore Options kljnlknl says: August 14, 2017 at 12:23 pm Edit theres also u find (((((((((car park side of street beeing fixed ))))) near ahotel and school mix sexes and avery busy street and also ahead avery famous 4 or 5 star hotel , either just the fron motor cover open and two people circling around car , or see them hitting car to fix adent or ahit to acar , ……….
(((((((afriend tell me ))))))) a girl telling hm i let me lick ur abs muscle or challenged him to jerk in 1 minutes idont know what they were doing ..
((((((( agirl avery friendly with ashop ))))))))))selling newspaper and candy awhore alot go there buy gum ? there building above him very beautiful the glass are covered with this reflective transparent paper and its always clean and very obvious
also ((((((((( aguy with broken hand))))))))) put a this cement on part of it . ofcourse its alie and its alsign for ahigh previlige person with sex offering position .
EditMore Options kljnlknl says: August 14, 2017 at 6:45 pm Edit dont forget (((((((((((( the newspaper guy )))))))))) he sit with his table inside abuilding and sell paper magazine and stuff , and of course who get in , forget it , no body will notice afew minute when people walking . and theres always customers theres and military guys how love gum and they cant find news paper around . and theres always by accident weird girls theres very beuatiful . there are always beautiful female go there up stairs and inside building and its acrowded place to buy newspaper . its like aporn house .
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prostitutes in syria damascus
prostitutes in syria damascus
teholmes says:
August 11, 2017 at 6:23 pm Edit
Kljnlknl – Sounds like a very interesting day in the life of Kljnlknl – sound like a strong person – most people don’t realize how good they have it – complain how bad they have it – if they only had to walk in the other’s shoes for 1 day – it would open their eyes. I could never imagine or begin to say – “I know what you mean – or how you feel – God I’m sure there are days even you don’t know what you feel. The picture you attempt to show in your writings makes sure to help a reader like myself to have a very open mind and helps us not to be mislead by all the fake and glorified war stories , hoping whatever helps you through your day and smile occasionally continues to make you a little stronger each day – and remember – a moment alone may only seem that way -if you believe minds and hearts always seem to find each other , even in our darkest moments – Keep Strong – smile at the sun and listen to the songs you may at times hear in the breeze !
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kljnlknl says:
August 14, 2017 at 12:23 pm Edit
theres also u find car park side of street near ahotel and school mix sexes and avery busy streey and also ahead avery famous 4 or 5 star hotel for dum \
man syria is full of sex they can even do sex in street
i even heard aperson say agirl telling hi let me lick ur abs muscle or challenged him to jerk in 1 minutes idont know what they were doing
so the car being fix either u see adum look inside amotor like idiot circling around acar aperson carring paper from truck and going downstair to basement
or agirl avery friendly with ashop selling newspaper and candy awhore alot go there buy gum ? there building above him very beautiful the glass are covered with this reflective transparent paper and its always clean and very obvious so u really get pissed off and annoyed and be aware the people u see in photo or what ever these idiot theres far far high generation .
so they fix car or get hammer small and hit the metal like the are trying to restabalize a hit to acar then paint it and put agum on car or these stupid stuff …. over and over day after day and be sure thisis not normal in avery annoying way fuuny? ]
theres also these weird sign circling around recently aguy with broken hand put a this cement on part of it . ofcourse its alie and its alsign for ahigh previlige person with sex offering position .
theres also these very weird gilrs who love to sit under avery clean weird bus stop and avery beautiful bus stop . man i love there smell and they wear skirt .
and ahea there also this weird park which surprizingly clean and being taken care of and its loved ? man this is fun
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kljnlknl says:
August 14, 2017 at 6:45 pm Edit
dont forget the gift of newspaper guy he sit lovley with his table inside abuilding and sell paper magazine and sstuff and of course how get in forget it and theres always customers theres and military guys how love gum and they cant find news paper around . and theres always by accident weird girls theres very beuatiful . dont forget the military guys has tast and experince so they pick the best . always beautiful female go there up stairs and inside building and its acrouded place to buy newspaper
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prostitutes in syria damascus
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prostitutes in syria damascus 8 11 2017 re editied
prostitutes in syria damascus 8 11 2017 re editied
hi iam writing on all my observation   in damascus
its all lie what seem natural and normal its all fake when   u walk in street on normal day when shop open its fake all the people in the street  the worker in the shop the puplic normal people           u think u are suddenly in adirty bad no one  in god land saw and want to go to           wheres theres alot of trash in street beside shop close to building  
also  u need  to qualify to be  in same  place as them ..    so   u will  have fun  tested kicked
to qulify  theres  grades  if  u are fat  stupid  u will hate that place  for sure  if u  are  beautiful  10     u  will  be  gone   ..
where u walk and people hit u touch u and these are those fat gross people who make u poke          be aware these are all hired people               also the one inside  the shop   they need  to qualify  and have experince               or in street these old lady that can never find ajob  they all work with  a  girl seeking sex mony whatever the age from 8 old to very big also the old lady prefer small young boy  to enjoy    as there bodyguard
so all young female walk in the street far away from there home by miles  they take microbus in early morning   use whatever toilet  and work where normal people of the street either in there house dead sleeping or stuff and these girl if by 1 % chance someone saw  it from her family which is rare bec people either work or smart and busy somewhere .                                        
faking  clothes  and  guard  :     they can fake everything if she wants   like she can walk  with agroup as amother   sister  family father  who get   angry on   u   if u  annoy them     children   everything is available on her choice  in specific house  even  clothes  to chooose from whatever shit to play with    she can hide here whole  body and only show her eyes even wear dark glasses everything is alie  from all people   .     even  the  worker  in   the street or  shop  they  dont  sell  leather  bags  or  shoes    after  observation  they   sell   bags  to  them   after  agroup  of  female  every  day  go  to buy  from  them  in  avery  weird  way    because  its  boring     so  he  give  her   abag  she  pay  she   may   here   after  along  discusion    go  the  prostitue  house    then after  awhile  he  come  back  everyday   carrying  all the  bags  he  sell  to  these  shit   in adark   huge  plastic  bag  s  and  return  to  anew  day       so  nothing been  sell   sold .    also  alll  the  shop  around  all  the  same
ofcourse  they  have  all body language  of  manipulation from  shyness   to  asmile  to old fat  dad  who go blank  in his dream   and  walk  only  1  or  2  in that  street  like  dead .  
they  can also  humilate  u  with  smile  alot  now  has  low  respect  other learn  
and  they  really  annoy  u  like  when  u walk  close  to  asmoker  he  just  piece  of  trouble     want  humilate  u  to have  sex  with but   they  offer  alot         whatever  u  want   all  these  female  that there husband  doesnt  satisfy  them    they  go  buy bags    
they all stupid  just  bec  u have muscle  its  all easy to  discover  
so the shop around all the same  they go to avery expensive beautiful shop  with english brand name  as they make a releation  with outside  english  country name  and  when female go there they act  weird  if u look all the  people  know each other   and u get started  treated as someone who is sneeking  pooking  and following women and inside  they  want humilate  u  so  they get  there time of  rest  ofcoruse        the shop big  and nobody know whats inside  they take there time  in adeal and go out  and not  one    all the shop  and not one  place  now its  very  natural  in all  street  in damascus  they  thought  iam also  like this  and tried  alot  offer  me  
the female  go  to  shop and  people  or somehow  they go to other shop , but  shop very close  to each other  and  designed  with  worker  working  there to attack  u  if  u  annoy them  or  try  discover  something hide  there       ,  sex  seeking  customer  there  go to entrance  to  building  ,   there the    shops are  old   close  to each  other   with  all theses  entrance  and  exit   from  everywhere so    the  girl  go to ashop  inside  abuilding   maybe  1  floor  she  may even  go   by   an address  by these   bags  selling  people  there and  inside  its  avery  dim  with no  light  maybe  dirty    and  ofcourse  very  scary so  they are  off   for  unlimited  time  in  any  house  inn building
 in the street  theres alot of people  u may say  what  a poor people  selling  sweet candy  icecream  dosent they  have  better  stuff    they  sell  socket  for  foot    any shit   and  these  are  also people  guardaing   the street  the building  getting mony ....   also people  know them  so  when they  need  sex  they seek them  .
u can expect  anything  people  love  fuck   pregnant  women     and  imean  very beautiful one   .
u are  not  allowed   to carry  mobile  in   this  crowded  street  they   will  hit  u  and  make  it  fall  to the  ground   and  break    annoy  u  hit  u  expect  anything  and  all  the   female  in the  street  get  afraid  when u  put  the  camera  on them     they  manipuate   ur  thinking    they  must  trust  u  second   u   must  be  very  outstanding  so  she  risk  everything  so  u know her      also  very  muscular  man        they  all  know each  other   and   cummunicate  with  other   from  kilometer  away   .   whsile    ......
the  price   is  hell  cheap    in the   street   they  manipulate  word  ,  so they  sell  any  socks by  100sy pound   which mean  1000  for  sex  for  any  girl   .  
 i hear  this  price  alot  from  people .  
  theres avery  beautiful   female  begging  for mony  who  stand   and  all  the  kind  of  people  infront ��of  female  school    ,  and  they  try   each  and  every  each  day  to  get  the  girl  over  and   over  again   by   mony   by  harassing  her  dont  froget  the  whole  street  for  them   and    the   normal  people   of  syria  they  are  all   working  and  far  away  with  only    cops  scatered  fat  stupid    with  belly   to reach there  mouth  and  happy  by  asmile  of  female  in   the  streeet     also  they  need  evidence  to  catch  criminal   and  when they  get  close   weird  stuff  happen  acar   suddenlly speed  up  and  almost  make  accident    with  very  high   sound   anything  he  may  get  hit   or  scream     whisle        u  can   say   he  get   totally  freaked  out   ofcourse   there  free   stuff  also  near  my  house  what  u  think  of  very religious   place  which  belong  to  hizb allah  or   secret  organization  russia    helping  bashar  is  aporn  house
near  my house  the military   gurding the street  also  help  people  in  all street  close  by to  have  sex   they  know  everything  but  they  may  say  these  need  to have  fun   .   and  also  they   may have  there  place     for  collecting  mony  .
   and  alot  people benifit  by  hiding  his  face  inside  this  weird   beard  helping  bashar   wear  glasses  so  u  can  say ,   alot  of   people  adult  in the street  the  same    glasses  bear   normal  casual  clothes   also  wear   military   jeans   so other  get afraid  and  we  are  in war  years  so  u  have  to  respect  and  help  military         which is  afake   sex  selling  guid      
and   for the building  working  on  sex wooo  they  are   unlimited  ucant  count   they are  everywhere      when  i  used   to  train   how  to  do  one  leg  squat in   street  i  started  to  notice  these  houses  even   more  deep  down  basment when  these  stupid  fatty  people  walk  on street  notice  nothing    they  have  fun    in basement      ,  the  building    and  alot  has  window  with  aglass  that  reflect  light  and  see  nothing      alot  of  houses  like  these     .    weired   why its  obvious  but  also  they can  make  alot  some  real  some  fake  they can  change  palces     periodically  also  they  have  other  room  in  building  .....   and    
so  u  dont  get  lost ,      u  see  down there  clerk   selling  stuff   like  something   more  expensive  than  peanut    or    exhausted   old  man   sitting  close  to  building  will  help  u .
in steet  u see  beautiful  girl  siting  and  after  awhile  acar  came  with  the  sound  of  her  father  touching  beep sound  of  car  as  he know  her  and  he came     she  get  in say  hello  and  go  out  and   speak  very  casually   in  night  she  can  make  afew  gisture   and  then   after  car  stop  for  few  second    it  goes  away     girl     go  in opposite  direction    and  they  go  both  in   circle  around  u and  the  building  and  she  get  with  him     .  
 i  dont  know  why     but  all  the porn  star    near  my  neighbour  love  me    , i  love  them and   iam  not  carry  any  grudge    bec  i  dont  care  ashit  about  these  people  manipulating  kid    and  deciving  other    bec   any  person  is  just   shit  and   i  can   make   million   kid s  in  short  time   and   all  these   people  are  there  fault  for  being  fat  not  observing  never  talked  to me   ,  its     just  a sperm  that u  can  make  .  simply  in the  face  of  anyone  ,       and  we  are  the  people  we  love  fun  and  we  want  make  success  future  success  and  all  these  manipulating  behavior  is  and  should  never   affect  us     in syria   i  can  make  as  much sex  as  i want   study  like the  best     and   have  fun     iam  close  to  becoming  miillonair   $$$$     so  after  all     this  shit   its  all  normal  allowed  fun  and   extra   lovly  stuff  offered  to  us  and   we  should  not  be  dirty   to  hide  places   and  iam  working  on my  abs   muscle  for  fun    and  my  future    assets    .
not  just  here  but  everywhere  when  people  treat  u  with   disrespect  they  are  being  hiding  something    ,  after  few  moment  i  go  work in factory  close  by   and  the   same  people   offer   me  free sex or  whatsoever   . and if u refuse  to get sex  with them  they will kick u outside  factory    .
inside  the  factory   in  very  large  transporting   truck      there  that  factory  go  very  deep  and  scary  inside   .......  and  alot  like  him  
but  its  alot  of   fun and  u learn a lot  if  u  are  good  person  
so  the  people  in  street  come  to  u  to  ask  for  mony  big  or  small  and  here  they  harrasse  u   even  if  u  dont  want  sex  they  start  touching  u when  u are  bored  and  annoyed     and  stimulating  u  and they are good or very beautiful 7  years  girl   but they  are  fucked  or  see  mom  have  sex  everyday  
also  the  resturant  how  ofcourse  sells  no  food  these  days  just  shesha    smoke    all  the  people  go  there  bec  its  fake  place  for  seeking  sex    but  they may  have  to  lie  to  u  when  u  walk   close   by  and   inhale  alittle       also  all    u  will get   annoyed     its    an  advance  place  and  how  doesnt  want  cheap sex   .
  so  .....stupid   building  infront  of  church  also  there  s  people  and  goverment   use  it  for  sex  not  sure  how  but  i dont  care  ashit  infront  it  all  building  weird      the  sell  carpet       sex  
and  other  transport  medical    stuff  in medical   metal box  rapped  with  green  clothe  of  surgery  .  also  this sex    
close by   they  sell  drugs  with  6  girl  as  secretary  very  secretive  and   with  bashar  alassad  photo  very big  on  th e wall        ,  and  the  women   differnt    and  sometime  they  make  gesture  to  me   .  
even  for  for  muslim   religious   people  they  also  secretly  love  this  help  other     by   marrying  for  few  days   and  if  u  report  these  stuff  to  them  u   went  the  wrong  place   .....as  afirst  start  
 for penalty    its  just  afew  bucks  or  ajail  1  month  maybe   nothing  more  no  killing  nothing   as   people  hear    
and  ofcourse  theres   newspaper  with  all  these  fake  story teller   all  fabricated  to  scare      other  fatty  husband  or  people  that  nothing  is  happening
in  the street  theres  specifc places  to find  whore  standing  in street  waiting with  specific  chinese fan   big  bag      that  all  people  with   specific   sign  know  .  
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