brightisthedawn · 1 hour
"men don't need to be afraid walking around at night"
Unless they're black
"men make more than women in jobs"
Black men make less than white women on average
"men don't get followed around by people who mean them harm"
Black men are heavily policed and regularly jumped and killed for just walking down the street
"no one tells a man what he can and cannot do with his own body"
Black men are repeatedly assaulted and have their hair forcibly shaved or cut for wearing their hair natural and in culturally important styles. Black men who choose body modifications like tattoos or piercings are branded as thugs. Black men who have children and black men who don't have children are both regarded as players, hounddogs, absent fathers, and baby daddies, as if the logical answer is that no one's first choice of partner and father of their children would ever be a black man.
"no one judges a man's worth based on his clothes"/"a man isn't ever in danger no matter what he wears"
Black men are required to look presentable and professional according to eurocentric standards, push themselves into clothes not made for their bodies, and be highly uncomfortable in their daily lives or else risk 'fitting the profile' or 'matching the description' and getting detained by police AT BEST for the crime of existing in public. Black men wearing comfortable clothes are seen as sloppy, thugs, gangsters, street rats, hood and ghetto.
"no man fears rape"
The rape and sexual assault of black men ties directly to black buck stereotypes and black fetishization to the point where liking a black person or having your dating pool be open to black people is treated like a sexuality much like being gay. People are both threatened by and aroused by our bodies and that leads them to perform extreme acts of violence on us, including rape, SA, coercion, trafficking, and more. Much like how "tranny" and "lesbian" is a porn category, so is Big Black Cock. Sometimes with us featured as the rapist. Sometimes with us featured as the victim. Almost never with us featured as intimate, passionate, loving, tender. Black men are either to be feared and reviled, or to be broken and forced to submit. Direct ties to slavery with white people still getting off to our suffering.
Just say you don't care as much about black people's suffering and go, jesus.
I have privilege because I sometimes pass as a man? Try walking in my shoes for a while. Turns out being a black man vs being a black woman isn't always so different.
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brightisthedawn · 2 hours
Now a lot of people, a lot of well-meaning people, what they're gonna say to you is, Revenge feels empty. You do all that, you go all that way, you get the revenge, you feel nothing. So you just shouldn't bother. And what I'm gonna say is, it varies. Take me. First time I got revenge, yeah, pretty empty, and I was like, yeah, okay, I guess they were right. But then the second time I had to get revenge, woah nelly! Better than sex! So I was like, alright, first time was a fluke, it's like when you have to pump the pump on a soap dispenser a couple of times to get it going, but now we're in business. But the third time, that sort of just fell on a mid point between the first and the second. It was just okay. Fourth time was as good as the second, fifth time was as good as the third, but then the sixth time, you know, that was so awful I thought maybe the tank was empty, but then the seventh time was so good, you know, made me wonder why I even bothered the second and fourth times. Eighth time was just okay. I had a cold. Nothing's as good when you have a cold. And so on, and so forth. What I'm saying is that you gotta keep at it. Artists don't let a dry spell spoil their passion, and people are gonna say a lot of profound-sounding stuff when you've got their dad who killed your dad dangling off something
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brightisthedawn · 2 hours
that ‘pakige?’ post but me, a couple hours after posting a fic, like ‘comints?’
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brightisthedawn · 2 hours
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Art by Clément Blum
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brightisthedawn · 2 hours
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Scoliosis jalapeno, watercolor
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brightisthedawn · 4 hours
I've been on a bit ob a Russell Crowe movie binge in the past few weeks and since he is almost sixty now, many of the movies I've watched were consequently older movies. and when I watched them, it struck me again, how much hollywood has changed in the last few decades when it comes to depicting men.
take Gladiator for example from the year 2000. Russell Crowe plays basically an action hero in it. he is a big, muscly dude, who is very strong and uses that strength to defeat his enemies. and this is what he looks like:
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looks like a strong man, right?
in the same year, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine looked like this in the first X-men movie:
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in 2013 the same character played by the same actor looked like this:
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it's a bit much, isn't it? I mean, he looks so skinny.
and if we go even further back: look at what the womanizer character Face from the A-team looked like in the 80s show vs the 2010 movie reboot:
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maybe the difference isn't that big but it really startled me when I watched that movie for the first time. in my mind there was no reason why Face should be particularly muscular since he is the charming one not the one known for being particularly strong.
if we go even further back, look at the charmin womanizer character Hawkeye in M*A*S*H from the 70's.
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I know he's a doctor and there is no reason for him to be ripped but I got the feeling if they did the show now, he would be.
I don't know what my point really is I'm just saying I got a bit nostalgic when watching these men. I cannot be the only one who'd rather see more of this:
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than this:
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also, as a sidenote: Russell Crowe gained a lot of weight for the nice guys and he is a fucking powerhouse in that film, like, when he punches someone, you really feel it because of the weight that is behind it and the shere mass of his body.
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(even if this may look different, he's about to break Ryan Gosling's character's arm. I couldn't find a gif of him punching someone but I swear it looks painfull as hell.)
so, in short: can we get big, heavy action guys back? cause I'm tired of seeing these skinny, despite being muscular dudes who look dehydrated as hell and on steroids.
and can we stop making characters ripped just for the sake of it? cause I'd rather cuddle with a guy looking like Hawkeye than one looking like Face from the new A-team movie.
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brightisthedawn · 4 hours
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If the Christian god were real, I would worship the FUCK out of them, if that's what it took for them to smite these White Jesus Fan Fiction dirtbags.
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brightisthedawn · 4 hours
You ever think about how weird hippos are ecologically speaking?
There's literally no other megafauna on earth that spends the entire day lounging around in water, mostly just socializing, only to come onto land to feed at night.
I remember when I used to do education programs on hippos, most people assumed they ate aquatic plants, and that that's the whole reason they were in water. Meanwhile, hippos are basically just giant nocturnal cows that eat only grass.
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brightisthedawn · 6 hours
I recently watched a video of a pair of Sandhill Cranes raising a Canada Gosling, and it seems that it isn't the first example of it in the last few years. Are cranes like penguins where they will steal eggs/hatchlings if they had an unsuccessful breeding season, or is there some other reason that they 'adopt' baby geese?
If you follow enough birding groups in Sandhill crane territory, you’ll eventually see someone post a baby duckling or goose that is following around a pair of cranes. It’s not common, but it happens enough to be a thing!
Sandhill cranes don’t seem to steal babies, but they have an extremely strong parenting instinct. If they find a baby that needs taking care of, you can bet they’re going to take damn good care of it. There are documented cases of Sandhill cranes adopting unrelated crane chicks as well as geese and domestic ducks. They just love babies. There has even been some research into using Sandhill cranes as foster parents for endangered whooping cranes in order to re-establish a non migrating population of the latter. Sandhill cranes are super parents!
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brightisthedawn · 6 hours
Plenty of highly intelligent people end up getting sucked in to cults because they just wanted people to hang out with. There are antivaxxer nurses. Your ability to act on empirical reason breaks down fast if your social and emotional needs aren't being met.
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brightisthedawn · 6 hours
Alarm cock is this anything
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brightisthedawn · 6 hours
I'd honestly thought it'd been long enough by now for people to realize why bullying JoCat off social media was awful, but I have apparently overestimated the Internet's collective capacity for self-reflection yet again
it makes sense when you consider that, if someone bases their entire worldview on the idea that if they think someone has done something wrong - even if that's just the crime of "giving them the ick" - they have the right to make that person's life an absolute unending hell of omnidirectional misery with no statute of limitations or relief, they can never, ever admit to making a mistake or doing something wrong themselves, because that means it'll be their turn to have their life made an unending hell.
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brightisthedawn · 6 hours
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brightisthedawn · 6 hours
The old school lack of transparency on tumblr is amazing because you assume the people you follow must all be equivalent to you and then you see someone write “I brought my youngest to college today” and someone else write “my mom wouldn’t let me listen to Ariana Grande when I was a kid” and then your head explodes
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brightisthedawn · 6 hours
go to this random coordinates generator and say in the tags how you would fare if you were dropped where it generates without warning. i’ll go first i’d be dropped in the middle of the fucking south atlantic ocean and perish
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brightisthedawn · 6 hours
This may be shocking to hear but I'm actually not particularly interested in dinosaurs.
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brightisthedawn · 6 hours
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#there are two types of actors 😂💖
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