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I could use a good cuddle right now
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guess who’s back??
🍥 — “UZUMAKI NARUTO IS BACK!!!” He yelled as he stood atop a pole above everything. He was finally out and about once more, no more staying in his room.
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Genin team 7
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Tell us your favorite quotes from your character. Give us an idea of who they are by five things they’ve said. Then tag your friends.
( I put more than 5 b/c I can )
1. “Because they saved me from myself, they rescued me from my loneliness. They were the first to accept me for who I am. They’re my friends.”
2. “Don’t underestimate me! I don’t quit and I don’t run! You can act tough all you want! You’re not gonna scare me off! No way! I don’t care if I DO get stuck as a Genin for the rest of my life! I’ll still be Hokage someday!”
3. “When I’m with Iruka-sensei, I think if that’s what having a father is like… [to Sasuke] When I’m with you, I think if that’s what having a brother is like.”
4. “My power isn’t the Rasengan or Sage Jutsu or the Nine Tails chakra. My power is right here. (points to the center of his chest)”
5. “I won’t run away anymore… I won’t go back on my word… That is my ninja way!”
6. “ am strong because I have people to protect.”
7. “If you don’t like your destiny, don’t accept it. Instead, have the courage to change it the way you want it to be!”
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Sasuke left a Christmas present for Naruto outside of his door. It was a neatly wrapped box in cheesy Christmas paper. Inside the box Naruto would find a tacky orange tie-dye shirt and a note. The note read "I didn't forget you. Knucklehead."
( late reply is late icdlnkisblfdnlk )
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🍥 — Waking up, the blonde staggered to his door in order to make it to the bathroom and clean up for the day. Feeling his foot hit something he looked down to see it – a present.
🍥 — No one had ever….he felt so elated he forgot all about going to the bathroom that he snatched up the gift and headed back to his bed, sitting cross legged.
🍥 — Reaching to unwrap the gift, he wanted to do it slowly, and so he was biting his lip as he tore the paper and lifted up the lid. His blue eyes went wide and he smiled. “Sasuke!!!!!” Taking out the shirt, he immediately removed his PJs and tossed on the very loud shirt. “I LOVE IT!!”
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“You–” Sasuke closed his eyes and shook his head for a moment. Then he glanced at Naruto with a tired expression. “
Check your pockets. You probably have a note in your pants about the apartment.” He knew Naruto was a space-case, but did he really not pay attention to the entire entry video?
🍥 — Checking his pockets, he pulled a fist from his left one and it had something inside. Upon opening his hand, he found a piece of paper. Could this have been what Sasuke was talking about? It had to be.
🍥 — Unfolding it, the words ‘D-3′ were printed on it. Cocking his head, Naruto looked at it then up at Sasuke? “What the heck?”
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“Yep! I’m Luffy, and I’m gonna be the Pirate King! But this is more important!”
“Can you do any ninja things?! Right now?!”
🍥 — His chakra wasn’t at its peak but...he was sure he could pull something off. Grinning he put his hands together in the sign for the Clone seal, yelling.
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🍥 — “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!!” and smoke appeared, accompanied by a loud popping noise. As the smoke cleared, Naruto was left standing with his arms crossed and their were three close behind him. “How’s that?!” All four said at once.
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[ shout out to @tiredsasukeboy for helping inspire me to make this blog and actually assisting me making it xDD
and another shout out to @dontgiveitupluffy for causing me to love this pure boy even more than I already do ]
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🍥 — Someone was yelling and pointing at him. Turning around, Naruto went slack-jawed and gaped himself.
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🍥 — “I am a ninja ‘ttebayo!!!”
🍥 — Looking at the other, Naruto could only guess.... “Are you...a pirate or something?”
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“Th-that headband! Are you… Are you…”
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“… A NINJA?!”
It’d only been a chance encounter at a park, but Luffy was acting as though life itself had changed.
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Sasuke put his hands on his hips, staring at Naruto with a tired expression. Surprisingly he wasn’t even annoyed. He’d gone through too much up to this point to really get irritated at his friend.
“No.” He replied flatly. “I’d rather– … I mean, it would be better to get your situation sorted out first. Do you know where you are staying? Did you get a apartment from the scientists?”
🍥 --- “OKAYYYYYYYY” Naruto whined hands behind his head. He really wanted to meet Sasuke’s brother but it could wait. Housing really was a concern -- he didn’t want to end up on the street!!
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🍥 --- “Ya know ‘ttebayo...I don’t even know about any apartment...”
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      ❝ Ohhhhh!! ❞
      ❝ He lives! Everyone he lives! ❞ Being able to revive the fallen with dango? Best thing ever to have happened to her. This was something she was going to brag to a certain Archer later on. ❝ I’m glad that you enjoyed the meal! Now you look alive and well! Please don’t die again!❞ More importantly, don’t die on the streets. Never know what sort of person would walk by on such a scene. ❝ Are you still hungry? I got one more! ❞
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🍥 --- Waving his arms around, Naruto tries to talk, but she seems so excited that he can’t get a word in. Finally she calms down and she asked hi if he wanted the other dango. Eyes lighting up, he happily took it and consumed it piece by piece.
🍥 --- “Thanks Sis!! That’s so good!!”
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“I got salt in my eyes what is this ‘ttebayo!!?” He’s crying so happy about the new year. Naruto, so emotional.
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( repost, please don’t reblog )
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▐ NAME: – Lydia ▐ PRONOUNS: – She/Her/They ▐ SEXUALITY: – (I really don’t care about this…but if I had to say) Pansexual ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE: – Taken~ ▐ Five Facts:
I have roleplayed from over 50+ different fandoms and counting.
I suffer from cerebral palsy, have chronic depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and mild panic attacks.
I’m going to school for Photography.
I have 1 sister and 5 brothers.
My favorite foods are Shrimp, White Rice, &Mac N Cheese
▐ HOW LONG (YEARS/MONTHS): – I’ve been around roleplaying for around 12+ years. ▐ PLATFORMS USED: – Tumblr, sometimes Discord ▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: – I’ve had TONS of great experiences with roleplay partners, being in groups, and just a good time i general rping for my own benefit.
▐ MALE OR FEMALE: – I love either!! Though I prefer males. ▐ FAVORITE FACECLAIM: – Aoyagi Ritsuka has been my fc for years, though it can change with my mood a lot. ▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: – All of the above! ▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: – Both, though more memes. ▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: – I tend to do longer replies, but will and can match partner replies. ▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE: – during night hours ▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: – Yes! I’m like most of, if not all my muses - as I only tend to rp characters I embody.
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[ once again I have a bunch of drafts. but can’t work on them due to a muse slump. gonna maybe watch some Boruto and see if I can wake up my muse(s) I know I owe replies everywhere. ]
[  also, hello to new followers!!! thanks so much for showing interest in my Golden Boy. ]
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