I love all of you. If you get nothing else out of this post, if you don’t read anything else, please remember that. I love all of you more than I think I have ever loved a group of rp’ers ever, regardless of if we’ve talked once or a billion times or not at all.
So that’s why this really, really sucks.
Because as much as I love all of you, for the sake of my mental health, I don’t think I can continue being in this roleplay group anymore. It hurts me physically and I am shaking while I write this, but I’ve given it a lot of thought today, and with my personal emotions at an all-time high, I just can’t.
This isn’t anyone’s fault. This isn’t anything personal. Frankly if I could stay for the rest of my life, talking to all of you, writing with all of you, I would.
It has been an honor writing and roleplaying with all of you. I am hoping to return to the world of rp in the form of an indie blog soon but if you need me feel free to message/snapchat/kik me/text me or whatever. I am here for all of you, always, regardless of who you are or how often we’ve talked or how many replies we’ve done back and forth.
Bay and Colby are going to miss all of you, but not as much as me.
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Cohen knew this girl. She was the one that started crying last time they spoke. The one-legged girl, with blonde hair- as she thought she recalled. “Your hair? It’s ugly. You shouldn’t have changed it.” Cohen wondered why Bay thought other people’s opinions mattered so much. “Chill out. You made a mistake, get over it.” Something about her reaction bothered Cohen for some reason, and she couldn’t figure out why. “’Doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks anyways. It’s your hair.” She snapped, although her words were actually quite inspiring, in a way.
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It took her a few more seconds of processing before it all came back to her. Se blinked, scrunched her eyes, tilted her head, but there was no doubt. The conversation from that day in the hospital replayed in her head -- how awkward she’d been, how weak, how she’d basically broke down crying; the thoughts distracted her from the present, and it took another second for her to register what was being said.
“Honestly, I do like it. A lot. I think it’s different. I think it suits me. I think it’s conducive to change.”
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“So, no, not a mistake. Your mistake, pirate girl, may be the fact that you were staring at me, why were you staring at me?”
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So it’s been nice knowing all of you and a pleasure to write with you all but Bay is probably gonna die now consider she just sassed Dmitri Carmen AND Lexi and kinda sorta Steph too sO
Say goodbye to Bay she’s bay-sically dead meat..
Just kidding.. (kinda)
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“Oh that’s great,Wyatt’s not bad to get along with. My friend Sasha and him are super close so you should have a good roommate for this month.”Lila replied,nodding her head at Bay’s info.Wyatt seemed liked he was nice enough and she was willing to give anyone Sasha liked a chance.
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“I would assume so? They do share a last name so they’re bound to be related. Scout seems cool,I’ll give you that. I haven’t met him yet but he’s hopefully nicer enough. Have you talked to Scout lately,Bay?”
“Sasha?” Bay chuckled, softly, as the facts returned. “oh yeah. I heard about that -- they’re like, very fling-central right now, aren’t they?” she smiled. “I approve. They’d be good for one another.”
She listened, carefully, as Lila mused about the Pan siblings, before a frown made its way onto her face.
Had she talked to Scout lately?
“Uhm....uhm, not really, no. We went to this...she took me to my first prosthesis appointment, but we haven;t really talked much since then. I mean, I get it. I’m not exactly the most exciting person to hang out with, right now, considering.”
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“But enough about me. How have you been?”
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“I - no! I think it looks amazing! It kinda looks like mine, except- except nicer, i think.!”
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Bay smiled, bringing a hand out to Bailey’s and squeezing it softly. “Anyone ever tell you that you are actually, like, the sweetest human who’s ever existed?”
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“Yes, it looks terrible. Like somebody took a dump on your head, to be honest. Are you finished talking yet, or did you want to keep going? Because it’s rather annoying, honestly. I’m not in the mood to pretend to validate you.”
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Bay blinked, once, twice, inwardly baffled, brain searching for something, anything to say -- and when she finally came up with her response, her eyes scrunched. She smiled. “Anyone ever tell you that your voice is so mundane? Honestly, for the whole,” she paused to bring her gaze down toward her wrist, “however many-fucking-seconds you were just talking, I swear all I heard was white noise...”
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She debated this, for a second, before continuing. “Hmm. White noise from...” she looked him up at down, “white...trash...? Guess you do belong in the garbage.”
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“No! No…it looks like really great…better than great! Amazing. I just didn’t recognize you. You know?? It’s very - different. But totally in a good way! I don’t know if my opinion matters, but I think you look really nice as a brunette.” Ferris paused for a second before what he said registered. “Not that you didn’t look nice as a blonde! You just always look great!”
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Bay let out a sigh of...well, relief, truthfully. Ferris had always been kind (albeit a little awkward), and had very little reason to lie to her. In a way, he was almost like a hype man -- a very awkward, dorky, lanky hype man.
Not really the kind of person Bay was typically drawn to, though, these days it seemed all bets were off.
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“Thank you. Seriously. Thanks, Ferris. That’s really sweet of you to say.”
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Ollie cheeks turned a gentle crimson showing her embarrassment. She began to nod, carefully in tune with the thumping of her heart. Why was she so awkward? Why was she so… Ollie? “Right. I- it’s okay. I just… didn’t want you to think I was creeping on you. Stalking. Whatever people use to describe another staring at a person for far longer than is socially acceptable.” She rambled. 
The blonde held her journal close and replied. “The landscape. I’m writing a story and I want to make sure I remember all the details of the room.”
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Bay shook her head, a soft smile appearing on her face when she noted the girl’s anxiety, as if the smile might qualm her fears. “”No, you’re good. I promise. I didn’t think that at all, though, with the way I’m looking these days...” her gaze moved down her body toward her leg and...
She blinked, forcing herself to look back toward the blonde, “Well, let’s just say I’ve seen my fair share of starers recently, uhm, what are you...what details?” she glanced around at their surroundings but nothing really stuck out to her.
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“What about the room is worth noting?”
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Scout liked the new hair. As in, she loved it. She hadn’t meant to stare, and getting caught doing so made her bristle. Hunter’s words ran through her mind on a loop, and she bit back her first instinct to compliment her. No one cared about her. She lifted her shoulder in a careless shrug. “You act as if I’m going to give a shit about your hair. For your sake, i suggest finding someone who cares enough to lie and say it looks good.
Bay looked over at Scout, studying her features, her body language, her words, before the corners of her mouth curled into a smile.
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“You almost had me going there for a moment, Pan. I could’ve sworn you were serious. I’m hurt, really, you might have actually hurt me -- my heart, is it bleeding? Will you check?” she chuckled, before continuing. “I would’ve thought, after all the shit you’d given me for sticking in my room for so long, you’d be proud of me for actually going out and doing something. Aren’t you proud, Pan? Don’t you care about me?”
She was teasing, of course, but that was what they did. That was what their friendship was. She was sure Scout was going to dish it back, or laugh it off, before they’d go back to normal again. They always went back to normal.
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Carmen was indeed staring, one of her many bad habits. Not like she could even consider it to be bad, because frankly she didn’t care. Unamusedly, the wonderlander rose her eyebrows, only slightly, and after a moment, she spoke up, “Do I even want to know what the fuck you’re going on about?”
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Bay’s head tilted, her eyes squinting. Was Carmen even looking at her, or was she simple looking through her? Bay was pretty positive it was the latter, and girl’s words only affirmed her suspicions. “Unimportant, but I do have a question for you.”
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“Why the fuck are you staring at me?”
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“Better to be honest than to lie, right? I think you looked better blonde. But it’s not my hair, so, not really my business.”
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“Yeah, I know they say honesty is the best policy, but I’m not sure if that applies in this case, Windsor.” she paused, for a second, tilting her head before continuing.
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“Still, though, I guess there’s something that can be said for sticking to what you think is right. I’ll give you that.”
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It wasn’t like she’d have told her if she hadn’t been called out for her staring, so instead of a you’re welcome, or even a shrug of her shoulders that’d give the same idea, Andrea simply averted her gaze, starting to wonder when she’d be able to peace out. Damn her and her need to establish what it was the other, unfamiliar girl, had changed so much that she felt she was unrecognizable. “You know– hair color doesn’t change anything on the inside. If you’ve got a dumb blonde rep, then it’s probably for a reason you can’t change,” honesty was a policy. Maybe not the best one, but Andrea was going to continue to operate under it. Her gaze snapped back at the question, eyes narrowing slightly in suspicion, “Only if you’re not a recent one night stand my brother promised to call, but never did.”
Ouch. “I was kidding, you know. Not that it really matters what anyone thinks, but it’d be nice to have the record set straight: I’m actually pretty smart, just...not the biggest people person. Not the best at keeping friends. People never stay for long enough to...” she trailed off, realizing the other wasn’t looking at her anymore. “Sorry. I’m not even sure why I said that. Just...haven’t had many people to talk to recently, I guess.”
And that was true, of course. Reese was visiting Castor, she and Piper hadn’t been on good terms since June, Scout hadn’t talked to her much since her first prosthesis appointment, Cat had been avoiding her since that night they’d fallen asleep in that same bed (though she wasn’t really sure why), and Mika? Well who knows what was going on with that one.
So, yeah, not many people to talk to.
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She smiled, again, at the girl’s question. “I have slept with many people at this school, but I am proud to say your brother is not one of them. Rest assured, in my opinion, he is not the cooler Kaligaris.”
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“Goodnight is a common salutation before one goes to sleep, no? So it’s goodnight because I’m going back to bed.” Steph paused, tempted to slam the door on the girl’s hand. “And that racket was my sister. It was the full moon last, so she was busy transforming into a werewolf.”
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Bay stopped, for a moment, returning her hand to the handle of her crutch. She looked down the hallway, almost as if she was attempting to find someone else to witness this tomfoolery, before turning her gaze back toward the Windsor in front of her. “Did you think...? I wasn’t trying to blame you, or anything, I was just curious to know if you heard it too.”
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“And I thought that werewolves, like, attempted to keep their identities a secret. Might wanna check in with your sister before telling other people next time.”
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While there may have been a smile on her lips, there was nothing friendly about it. A dark, humorless chuckle sounded from the petite brunette as she stood, silver hues flashing as the light reflected off of them. “Haven’t you heard of minding your own business?” She asked quietly, tilting her head to the side as she gave the girl a once over. Lexi let out a little tut of air, shaking her head mockingly. “Would you like me to show you how I did it?” Her smile widened, eyebrows quirking upwards at the idea of taking a swing or two. 
If the other was trying to scare her, it wasn’t really working. Bay had met her fair share of bullies in her day, of people who terrorized others in a futile attempt to make themselves feel better. “Perhaps you’re new here,” she mused, eyes scrunching, “so let me give you a fair warning: I don’t really think much of anything stays private here. And also, for the record, taking a swing at a girl with one leg probably isn’t going to get you very far.”
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Her grip tightened on her crutches, but she showed no sign of fear or of backing down. Not many things scared Bay these days...
Well, besides Christmas trees.
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AHHHH how come whenever I actually end up having muse I end up not having time to do things lol
Baby bro (okay well he’s not actually my bro but close enough) wants to teach me how to play Magic the Gathering and then I think we’re going to Disney tonight but I’ll definitely be back on later! And thanks to @walmartkaligaris @alexandrasrivers & @stephaniewindsor for a few rapids those were fun I highly enjoyed and will definitely be back later to reply some more!
Expect Colby replies either tonight or tomorrow too, and as always, if anyone wanted to chat/plot/hear some Frozen puns, feel free to hmu.
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“It’s not that bad. I just don’t like it.” 
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“...hmm. Somehow I feel like that’s not necessarily the right response in this situation, but I guess I’ll take it.”
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“Humor me. Why not?”
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She paused in her movements, gripping the wrap tightly in her fist as she glanced up at the owner of the rather annoying voice. Experience with bruised knuckles, hmm? Lexi would show her experience. She finished wrapping her hand, tying off a tight knot to keep it secure before tossing it to the side, a small smile playing at her lips. “What makes you think I’m in pain?”
The question hadn’t exactly been what she was expecting, and her eyebrows furrowed. “I mean, I guess there’s nothing that necessarily says you have to be in pain, I was just saying, if you are -- though, even if you’re not, the swelling might end up being a pain.”
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She shrugged again, “Just trying to do what I can. I can leave you alone, if you want, though I must say, I’m a little curious as to how you did that.”
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