brklynson · 2 months
Love how tumblr has its own folk stories. Yeah the God of Arepo we’ve all heard the story and we all still cry about it. Yeah that one about the woman locked up for centuries finally getting free. That one about the witch who would marry anyone who could get her house key from her cat and it’s revealed she IS the cat after the narrator befriends the cat.
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brklynson · 4 months
A non-exhaustive list of things that happen in Warframe out of context:
(Spoilers, if you can even tell what I'm talking about)
An ultracapitalist warlord is harrasing cyborg kids for a comic book. You can help the kids by pulling sick skateboard tricks. The reward is a playable magical girl (who also pulls sick skateboard tricks).
A megacorporation has made the stock exchange into a bloodsport.
Your grandad tries to corrupt a computer. The only way to stop him is by jumping into cyberspace and blasting orchestral dubstep at him.
A room on your ship has been taken over by talking cancer cells. This is entirely beneficial to you.
An autistic child figured out who the main antagonist of the universe is. Some people did a cult about it.
The Pope of Capitalism is hiding in his own pocket dimension. You fight him by throwing a disc at ghosts.
Some of the characters you play have built-in weaponry. One of them has a built-in cat.
The alternate reality version of you has been trapped in a storybook fighting a one-person rebellion against a mad child king.
Sometimes you get attacked by the pinnacle of edgelords who is also your grandad's boytoy. He is a pushover, but somehow his disciples aren't.
You gain the ability to own and pilot a big ship. For unexplained reasons the ship is powered by a mummified finger in a jar.
One time you pilot a robot ghost to fight soldiers in space while a ship captain sings a shanty at you.
Turns out your adoptive mother is really your adoptive mother masquerading as your adoptive mother. Her ex blames you for this.
The final objective of a climactic story mission involves you helping your mother fight her abusive ex and preventing the corpse of your grandmother from eating the sun.
The leading scientist of a now long-dead empire has gone missing. You need to help his husband and their three talking pets fight living mannequin arms using a spellbook.
Time travel exists, and its main purpose is to stop Y2K, which actually happened.
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brklynson · 4 months
The production value here is off the charts but this is also literally just what it feels like to play Uno.
legendaryjay_ on TikTok
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brklynson · 7 months
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brklynson · 2 years
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brklynson · 3 years
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brklynson · 4 years
21 things black men don’t hear often enough
1. I love you bro. We don’t tell each other as men how much we mean to each other. There is no weakness in that. Only strength, solidarity, and power.
2. You don’t have to be perfect. You just have to commit to getting better.
3. Someone is depending on you, to be exactly who you are.
4. Read more. You have time to read 12 books a year (which is more than the average American). We also aren’t average.
5. Showing and sharing your emotions isn’t a sign of weakness. Paying attention to how we feel helps us become more in tune with what’s actually going on.
6. Your mental health matters. You can’t “work yourself” out of your mind. Emotional trauma is very real and worthy of our time. We’ve been through a lot recently.
7. Living is an act of resistance. You are going to live, get out all these dreams, and thrive – despite the odds.
8. You are a descendent of kings. Seriously, don’t bow your head to life. You were built for this.
9. Their opinion won’t pay your bills, or build your dreams. They won’t always see your vision. Not everyone is supposed to.
10. Failure isn’t a tattoo. Learn how to take the Ls and move on. Adapt and overcome.
11. Getting this money, and doing good, aren’t mutually exclusive. You just have to be clear on your non-negotiables and stand by them.
12. You don’t have to ask for permission to be excellent. Go for it.
13. “Everybody eat’s b” – Ace Boogie. Seriously, we can all get what we want to out here. Helping people doesn’t make you a sucker. Do have boundaries though.
14. There is absolutely nothing wrong with working for someone else (even if you’re from Harlem), but it pays to think like an owner. Signing the front of a check is very different than the back.
16. If someone knocks you for your 9-5, they (1) aren’t your friends and (2) they don’t know about your 6-10. Keep going.
17. Start owning when you can. Pay yourself first. These loans ain’t loyal.
18. We don’t need to prove anything to anyone. You’re excellent and it’s perfectly okay to still be warming up.
19. Try to take care of yourself. I love Popeyes, but what we put in ourselves can actually kill us. Exercise, eat well, and get active. Put some $$ on your jumper, and invite your team out!
20. Learning how to cook is a great look. Seriously. Watch a couple Youtube videos, hit Home Goods, and start cheffing.
21. “Someday” is never going to show up on the calendar. Write that book, send that tweet, record podcast. Don’t opt out, especially not right now.
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brklynson · 4 years
The only R.Kelly we playin
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brklynson · 4 years
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brklynson · 4 years
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brklynson · 4 years
You halfway through Dinner w/ parents when she says "Daddy can you pass the yams"...
Out of instinct you reach for it the same time her pops do…sooo now her dad looking at you like..
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brklynson · 4 years
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brklynson · 4 years
Unmute !
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brklynson · 4 years
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brklynson · 4 years
Good vibe
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brklynson · 4 years
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261K notes · View notes
brklynson · 4 years
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