Tip from Puckzilla’s Guide to Sittin’ Pretty: don’t get all shit-faced the night before inspection day. Hangovers are a real drag when you’re tryna show off the bar’s hygiene and shit, and the inspector will ask about your shades no matter how fly you look in ‘em.
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I think it’s common knowledge not to drink the night before you meet with someone important.
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I always forget how funny this movie is, takes me back to the days when I used to get Mason to watch all the chick flicks with me — back in the day when we did everything together. 
Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Rebel Wilson and Melissa McCarthy are hilarious together, and they make an excellent team together. They make the whole movie. 
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Watching Bridesmaids
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No matter how old she is, she will be our angel.
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She may be a little sassy baby, but she’s the sweetest and kindest baby ever.
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I can’t believe Lizzy is 4 months old.
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Good. We can’t let a day pass by or taken for granted. 
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Nope. Even at 18 she will still be our little angel. 
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I can’t believe Lizzy is 4 months old.
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I can’t believe that our baby is four months. Before we know it, It will be six then it will be a year.. Time is flying and now I know to take these moments and make them more precious.
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I know right? She is growing rapidly out of her clothes. I’m taking a picture of her everyday, just so we can preserve these memories of her. 
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I can’t believe Lizzy is 4 months old.
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Attempted a camping trip with some of the other new recruits, and we got rained out two hours in. 
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You didn’t read the weather before hand?
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Maybe people won’t even care anymore at that point. Anyone should be able to play no matter what, anyway. You don’t? But I thought you used to be a kicker…
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I hope son. I was, but all I did was kick a ball. I didn’t get anything else. Football talk mostly goes over my head.
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No way! I don’t believe that. Not at all.
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I know. Soon she’ll be able to talk and crawl. I’m not ready for that.
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I can’t believe Lizzy is 4 months old.
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Oh my goodness. Seriously Kurt, she sounds so precious. 
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She is getting cuter everyday, if that’s possible. 
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I can’t believe Lizzy is 4 months old.
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I can’t believe Lizzy is 4 months old.
It still feels like yesterday, that she was only one day old. She’s growing like a weed. 
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Definitely! Let me know when you have a date and I’ll get you tickets. Oh, I can only imagine! My dads already fight over who’s going to babysit my kids and they’re not even an idea yet.
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It will only get worse once the child was actually born. I’ve caught my parents fighting over who got to feed her. I almost had to make a chart of who got to spend time with her. 
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That’s a great idea! Although all the girls can really play, I think everyone will be impressed with our new kicker and running back. Those girls can really kick and run. They really deserved their new positions.
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Hopefully by the time Lizzy is older, everyone can play football, regardless of their gender. I don’t get football that much but, I’m sure Blaine can explain it to me. 
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Today we have our first practice with the girls on the team. I can’t wait until they can kick butt in an actual game, but I’m looking forward to seeing them out on that field. Even if it is just for practice. 
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That’s amazing, Sam! You should totally put it on YouTube. It might inspire other girls to join football teams.
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It’s only the beginning of November and I already can’t stop drinking the pumpkin spice latte’s at work. I’m seriously obsessed. My favorite time of year has officially started and I couldn’t be happier.
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Me either. There is a Starbucks right near my morning walk, and I always have to get one. I drink one everyday, it’s getting bad.
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WHAT: Klaine goes to a Halloween party, with Lizzie.
WHERE: Hummel-Anderson Apartment Complex
WHEN: October 31st, 2020.
WARNINGS: None yet
OOC Note: This is super late, sorry!
“She might be talking next year,” he said, sighing a little. He couldn’t believe how fast Lizzie was growing. It made him sad at how quick days were flying by. She was going to be four months old soon. Blaine looked up when Carole and Burt appeared on the screen. Lizzie was looking at the screen with wide eyes, confused. Blaine chuckled and waved at everyone.
“She will still be our baby.” Kurt said rubbing Blaine’s knee. Kurt smiled at his parents. “That’s Nana and Grandpa!” He said pointing to the screen, as Burt made silly faces to the camera. He picked Lizzy off of Blaine’s lap and moved her closer to the laptop. “She makes the cutest lion.” Carole said and Kurt grinned. “She really does.” 
A Very Klaine Halloween || Klaine
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WHAT: Klaine goes to a Halloween party, with Lizzie.
WHERE: Hummel-Anderson Apartment Complex
WHEN: October 31st, 2020.
WARNINGS: None yet
OOC Note: This is super late, sorry!
Blaine smiled as Lizzie made a cooing noise, sitting her in his lap. She chewed on her hands as she watched the laptop and all of the colors. “Oh, I wish she could roar,” Blaine said and kissed the top of her head.
Kurt smiled at Blaine. “Maybe next year.” He said with a smile. He then turned to the camera. “Hi!” He greeted with a wave, bringing Blaine and Lizzie closer to the shot. “Isn’t Lizzie adorable?” He grinned as he made her little hand wave to the camera. 
A Very Klaine Halloween || Klaine
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Awww, that’s so cool. I can imagine a first Christmas is just awesome to experience but I somehow don’t think you need an excuse to spoil her!
I’ll look out for any pictures you post of her and I’m sure she will be a star, she’ll at least have all the support to pursue her dreams coming from both you and Mr, Anderson. I don’t  mind the studying, it’s something I actually enjoy but I am looking forward to everything that will follow once I graduate. I just need to actually figure out what I want to do, I know that performing is definitely something I enjoy – mostly singing but I’ve taken on a few acting roles through school productions over the years. What have you been doing since graduating from NYADA?
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We spoil her so much, that I’m sure she has a bigger closet than me. 
Even if she doesn’t turn out to be a bug star, we’ll still love her no matter what. Being a dad is one of the most amazing thing in the world. You’ll figure that out soon, it just takes time. Well, I’ve been in some Broadway plays, and now I work from home as a costume designer for Broadway so I could watch Lizzie. 
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