broannalmao Ā· 9 days
Being ugly is not an excuse. Most people are ugly. Iā€™ve fucked ugly people and they werenā€™t virgins. They were whores. All things considered there probably is someone 5 minutes away dying to fuck you.
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broannalmao Ā· 9 days
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broannalmao Ā· 9 days
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ofc the chinese app hates women
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broannalmao Ā· 24 days
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broannalmao Ā· 24 days
kinda feels like brainwashing when youā€™re depressed because retirement age keeps going up, superannuation companies want to invest in the housing market, boomers are selling their big family homes for millions and then downsizing and pricing out first home owners, Australian dentists charge an arm and a leg for a basic filling (donā€™t even think about maintenance pleb!), brown (specifically indian/arab) men keep immigrating into western/european countries and bringing their misogynistic culture with them, white people are so guilt ridden and fearful of being called a racist that they just allow it and get called racist over something else anyway, landlords literally think theyā€™re helping people into homes yet a 2 bedroom apartment in a minor city is approx $600 a week and increases every year (you can forget about a home with a backyard close to the city, even though you used to have one for $330 a week in 2019), old people are kept alive when theyā€™re ready to die, young people arenā€™t having children, foreign investors keep buying Australia and drilling into it then take the resources back to their own country, ā€œjust vote for the lesser of two evils uwuā€ ā€œyour vote counts šŸ‘ā€, ā€œtrans women are womenā€ while Afghanistani women canā€™t go to school and also canā€™t see a male doctor simply because they were born with a vagina instead of a penis, ā€œspend your kids inheritanceā€, microplastics in everything, pro-choice has turned into pro-abortion and economics has followed suit, politicians have the interests of other countries before their own, gotta understand a university lecturerā€™s heavy accent before you can understand the content, Australians know their rights and are punished for it because an Indian will take a job for cash in hand, federal politicians just got a payrise (Albanese is the first PM to hit 600k a year šŸ„³)ā€¦ and they prescribe you sertraline and tell you to go to therapy (which is like $100 per session btw)
while I believe thereā€™s a need for therapy for some people, I also believe that the absolute state of the world is the source of a lot of peopleā€™s mental health problems and therapy wonā€™t help with that
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broannalmao Ā· 24 days
while I believe thereā€™s a need for therapy for some people, I also believe that the absolute state of the world is the source of a lot of peopleā€™s mental health problems and therapy wonā€™t help with that
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broannalmao Ā· 1 month
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broannalmao Ā· 2 months
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broannalmao Ā· 2 months
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broannalmao Ā· 3 months
Literally importing rapists.
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If the first thing you do is violently rape and murder a girl after you've lost your family,you deserve to get eaten alive by sharks.
This is the reason why you rarely see women get off migrant boats,because of the high threat of rape.
How hard is it to understand that importing men who come from a deeply misogynistic culture is a BAD IDEA??
Only women and children should get the right to be welcomed by european countries.
Male economic migrants are a real potential threat to the host country,especially to women:
They are arrogant,misogynistic and entitled; they often come here to leech and continue their criminal businesses.
They are not fleeing from any war.
Very few of them actually work and integrate,the rest do nothing but sit on benches all day. I see it with my own eyes every single day.
Fucking hell I feel so bad for 3rd world women...
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broannalmao Ā· 3 months
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thought I was muted and just had this exchange with a coworker on a zoom call
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broannalmao Ā· 3 months
dmv: can i have you birth certificate
me: i dont have it but you can trust! šŸ˜āœŒļø
dmv: ok! šŸ˜āœŒļøhere is your license
me: its so small and cute! šŸ˜³
dmv: just like you! ā˜ŗļø
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broannalmao Ā· 3 months
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broannalmao Ā· 3 months
ā€œThereā€™s so much more to womanhood than body parts and chromosomes šŸ„ŗ itā€™s actually identifying as a stereotyped gender role that was created by men in order to oppress women, keep them out of the work place, infantilise and sexualise themā€¦šŸ„ŗā€
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broannalmao Ā· 3 months
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broannalmao Ā· 3 months
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Sorry I can't come out tonight. Super busy adding photos of Carrie and Samantha in happier times to my vision board.
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broannalmao Ā· 3 months
incels are just the first generation of men who have been brought up addicted to porn. every single incel talking point about women is from porn. incels think women are having sex from the time they hit puberty onward bc they watch porn with pedophilic undertones or actual cp/loli, incels think women can have sex at a moments notice w any man they want bc that's what happens to women in porn, incels think women regularly have extreme sex like anal or gangbangs bc that's what porn shows them, incels think women like men who are abusive or violent bc that's what women in porn like. u know that weird meme that's being going around abt white women fucking dogs? yeah that's been an incel thing for years. why is that when men are overwhelmingly the perpetrators of beastiality? bc most men will have come across animal abuse porn by the time they're graduated high school and incels, who watch porn even more than normal men, see women having sex with animals regularly. incels are just men who's only contact with women has been through porn, men who accept that porns depiction of women is accurate, and they hate women because they totally believe what they see in porn. when they try to roleplay what they see with real women, and the women have boundaries and personalities and lives outside of sex, it infuriates them not because they're mad women have been abused and misrepresented, but because they're upset they are not getting the ultimate male fantasy they were promised from childhood.
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