brody-weston1 · 11 years
Text: Brody & Marley
Marley: I always kind of thought you two would be the couple that lasts.. Was the fight really that bad?
Brody: I guess so. I didn't think it was, but yeah. I'm just ready for you to be here, honestly.
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brody-weston1 · 11 years
Text: Brody & Marley
Marley: Are you getting full custody over Connor?
Brody: Yes. I don't know what happened to her, or what she was thinking, but she gave me full custody. If she wants to see him or anything, I have full rights to tell her when she can and can't and all that. I'm not going to keep her from seeing him if she wants to, but she I don't see that she wants to right now.
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brody-weston1 · 11 years
Text: Brody & Marley
Marley: Seriously? I'd never think of Rachel to just do that over a fight, she's always been determined to make things right..
Brody: Apparently she's not anymore. I don't.. I'm just done with everything. She's signing the divorce papers and sending them back to me to sign, and then she's moving back to Lima with her dads.
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brody-weston1 · 11 years
Text: Brody & Marley
Marley: Thanks again Brody, I think we both need a bit of a pick me up, and I think a little break is the right way to go.
Brody: I agree. No problem, really. Rachel and I called it off.. completely this morning. I've got Connor now.. she gave me custody. She just.. I don't know what's up, but we're over.
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brody-weston1 · 11 years
Text: Brody & Marley
Marley: I'll be there in a couple of days.. Friday night, I think. My flight's estimated to land at like, 11. Is that too late? I could take a cab there if you want.
Brody: No, of course not. I'll definitely pick you up!
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brody-weston1 · 11 years
Text: Brody & Marley
Marley: We can be two sort-of singles together then. Too much coupley stuff at the moment anyways.
Brody: I like that! When did you decide to come up, again? Just to make sure I have everything ready.
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brody-weston1 · 11 years
Text: Brody & Marley
Marley: I'm good enough. Jake and I have had a bit of a fallout.
Brody: I'm sorry to hear that. Seems like nobody's love life is really at the top of it's game right now. Or, at least ours isn't. I know Kurt and Blaine are doing well.
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brody-weston1 · 11 years
As much as I love her, this just..  I don't know. She just left us here. We could have worked things out, and she hasn't even tried.
I feel like I've totally abandoned this!
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brody-weston1 · 11 years
Text: Brody & Marley
Brody: Hey, Marley. How are you doing?
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brody-weston1 · 11 years
A bit, but him and I have gotten closer, so I'm not sure he really notices much. He didn't have a problem switching to bottles, and he's been doing pretty okay.
I feel like I've totally abandoned this!
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brody-weston1 · 11 years
Okay, sounds good. I'm excited to see you, Marley.
I feel like I've totally abandoned this!
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brody-weston1 · 11 years
Of course not! You can stay as long as you like, really. Anything is fine with me. It'd be nice to see you.
I feel like I've totally abandoned this!
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brody-weston1 · 11 years
I've been doing alright lately, but having you come up to help a bit might be nice. I'd like to see you anyways.
I feel like I've totally abandoned this!
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brody-weston1 · 11 years
Not really. She just.. I'm not even fully sure what happened. We were stressed and got into a fight and it developed into more and she just left me here with Connor and went to stay with her dads in Lima. 
I feel like I've totally abandoned this!
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brody-weston1 · 11 years
Marley, hey. It's nice to speak to you again. I've been taking care of Connor, mostly. Rachel and I had a bit of a .. fight which has developed into us really not speaking, so I have no idea what will happen, but she's staying in Lima with her dads right now. 
I feel like I've totally abandoned this!
Super sorry for the very long wait, but I’ve had a couple stuff to deal with. But now that I’m here, what have you all been up to?
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brody-weston1 · 11 years
Okay, sounds good. Maybe you should come over. Since it's just me and Connor. You and Kurt could come over for dinner or something?
Connor's taking a nap and I'm pretty exhausted.
Yeah she’s been avoiding my calls and texts too. Seriously though, I’m off for fall break this thurday and Friday so if you need a break just call me!
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brody-weston1 · 11 years
Naps are fantastic! I'd love for you and Blaine to come visit sometime. It's been a while, with everything going on.
Connor's taking a nap and I'm pretty exhausted.
Naps are always great!
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