Can you recommend a detailed tutorial on how to use textures , I'm having a bit of trouble on how to resize them and use it on another image and gifs. Thank you in advance.
Here I gather a list of tutorials:
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Henry Cavill for Upstreet Magazine by Simon Harris, 8th April 2009.
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Helpful things for action writers to remember
Sticking a landing will royally fuck up your joints and possibly shatter your ankles, depending on how high you’re jumping/falling from. There’s a very good reason free-runners dive and roll. 
Hand-to-hand fights usually only last a matter of seconds, sometimes a few minutes. It’s exhausting work and unless you have a lot of training and history with hand-to-hand combat, you’re going to tire out really fast. 
Arrows are very effective and you can’t just yank them out without doing a lot of damage. Most of the time the head of the arrow will break off inside the body if you try pulling it out, and arrows are built to pierce deep. An arrow wound demands medical attention. 
Throwing your opponent across the room is really not all that smart. You’re giving them the chance to get up and run away. Unless you’re trying to put distance between you so you can shoot them or something, don’t throw them. 
Everyone has something called a “flinch response” when they fight. This is pretty much the brain’s way of telling you “get the fuck out of here or we’re gonna die.” Experienced fighters have trained to suppress this. Think about how long your character has been fighting. A character in a fist fight for the first time is going to take a few hits before their survival instinct kicks in and they start hitting back. A character in a fist fight for the eighth time that week is going to respond a little differently. 
ADRENALINE WORKS AGAINST YOU WHEN YOU FIGHT. THIS IS IMPORTANT. A lot of times people think that adrenaline will kick in and give you some badass fighting skills, but it’s actually the opposite. Adrenaline is what tires you out in a battle and it also affects the fighter’s efficacy - meaning it makes them shaky and inaccurate, and overall they lose about 60% of their fighting skill because their brain is focusing on not dying. Adrenaline keeps you alive, it doesn’t give you the skill to pull off a perfect roundhouse kick to the opponent’s face. 
Swords WILL bend or break if you hit something hard enough. They also dull easily and take a lot of maintenance. In reality, someone who fights with a sword would have to have to repair or replace it constantly.
Fights get messy. There’s blood and sweat everywhere, and that will make it hard to hold your weapon or get a good grip on someone. 
A serious battle also smells horrible. There’s lots of sweat, but also the smell of urine and feces. After someone dies, their bowels and bladder empty. There might also be some questionable things on the ground which can be very psychologically traumatizing. Remember to think about all of the character’s senses when they’re in a fight. Everything WILL affect them in some way. 
If your sword is sharpened down to a fine edge, the rest of the blade can’t go through the cut you make. You’ll just end up putting a tiny, shallow scratch in the surface of whatever you strike, and you could probably break your sword. 
ARCHERS ARE STRONG TOO. Have you ever drawn a bow? It takes a lot of strength, especially when you’re shooting a bow with a higher draw weight. Draw weight basically means “the amount of force you have to use to pull this sucker back enough to fire it.” To give you an idea of how that works, here’s a helpful link to tell you about finding bow sizes and draw weights for your characters.  (CLICK ME)
If an archer has to use a bow they’re not used to, it will probably throw them off a little until they’ve done a few practice shots with it and figured out its draw weight and stability. 
People bleed. If they get punched in the face, they’ll probably get a bloody nose. If they get stabbed or cut somehow, they’ll bleed accordingly. And if they’ve been fighting for a while, they’ve got a LOT of blood rushing around to provide them with oxygen. They’re going to bleed a lot. 
Here’s a link to a chart to show you how much blood a person can lose without dying. (CLICK ME) 
If you want a more in-depth medical chart, try this one. (CLICK ME)
Hopefully this helps someone out there. If you reblog, feel free to add more tips for writers or correct anything I’ve gotten wrong here. 
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thibault is my fourth character template for GIMP. It features one massive sidebar image, as well as three small icons and one big icon. It also has space for an bio/blurb/quote. Go buck wild, my guys. DOWNLOAD HERE. 
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The only reason Layla hated these things was boredom. Having an IQ miles higher than the rest of her peers meant that sometimes conversations grew a little boring and did little to sustain her. She guessed it was a blessing and a curse. Smiling softly her eyes dart around before she nods. “I promise i can at least last that long before killing someone out of boredom” she teases with a small smirk.
Taylor kissed her forehead with a smile, it was the only response he would expect from his brilliant murderer. “If you’re getting antsy before the two hours are up, tap me and we’ll go.” He expressed, relieved that she was going to co-operate for the time being though the given window of time wasn’t wide enough. He was thought of himself a pretty convincing talker. 
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“Don’t tempt me” Rebekah scowls, she still has half a mind to rip his throat out for that tone. “I do have business actually, now are you through being an ass?” 
Taylor rolled his eyes and arched his eyebrow. “I don’t know, are done being a bitch?” He shot back. 
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   Her eyes fell to his mouth before she could stop herself, her throat bobbing slightly as she swallowed. “With your brother passed out on the bed next to us?” She kept her voice soft, a small smile curving up her mouth as she looked back up at him. “Real classy Mikaelson.” She slowly moved her books to the side, giving him one of the smirks he always gave her.  “So what does this mean?” Caroline shifted a bit closer to him, head tilting to the side as she considered him. “You and Aurora…I mean…where do I fit into all that?”
“Oh please, Kol is a heavy sleeper. He won’t even hear you. I could always roll him into the hallway.” He dropped his head and smiled at her. “’Class’ is my middle name” he teased her, wetting his lips slowly. “It means, after I’m finished with Aurora, I want you to pull out the most beautiful dress you have because you and I are going to go out for a night on the town.” 
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Iconic 2016 Moments For Black People and Non-Black PoC
Let’s agree this year has been a total mess full of tragic events that got us all thinking “Can we have a damn break?”. Sadly all the bad stuff tends to bring us all so down that we forget about the good stuff. However, I want to remind you all of the incredible things that happened this year.
Diversity was the night’s winner at SAG Awards in pointed counter to Oscars.
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The US Justice Department sued Ferguson to force the city to adopt police reforms negotiated with the federal government.
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Beyoncé told us to get in Formation.
“Formation” is more than just a music video, it’s a siren call, a hymn that addresses discrimination and racism. 
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Jay Z’s Tidal donated $1.5 million to Black Lives Matter and other non-profit organizations.
The funds were raised during the October 2015 Tidal X concert at the Barclay’s Center in Brooklyn. Performers included Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj and Usher.
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Beyoncé killed it at the Super Bowl 50 Halftime Show…
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…and then blessed us with Lemonade…
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…which introduced Leah Chase who is also the prototype of Tiana from “The Princess and The Frog”.
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Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther stole the show in ‘Captain America: Civil War’ and his character got his own movie that will be coming out in 2018.
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Rihanna announced the launch of the Clara Lionel Foundation which will provide scholarship to international students that plan to continue their education in the US.
She said: “To be able to give the gift of an education is actually an honor. Higher education will help provide perspective, opportunities and learning to a group of kids who really deserve it. I am thrilled to be able to do this.”
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Actress and playwright Danai Gurira won the Black Girls Rock Star Power Award.
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Jesse Williams was presented a Humanitarian award at the BET Awards and delivered the most powerful speech.
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Dark skin beauty pageant titleholder and lieutenant in the United States Army Reserve Deshauna Barber became Miss USA 2016.
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Black teens continuously made us proud!
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As well as Black women 👑
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Imran Yousuf saved dozens of lives at the Pulse night club.
Now this is still making my heart ache, I don’t think anyone will ever get over what happened that night. But I think we need to honor Imran again, he is a true hero.
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Treasury Secretary Jack Lew announced that Harriet Tubman will appear on face of the $20 bill.
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We witnessed the blackening of CNN’s Don Lemon.
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Colin Kaepernick took a knee during national anthem…
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…and reminded us of our rights at the Know Your Rights Camp.
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Ben & Jerry’s declared support for Black Lives Matter.
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Solange blessed us with ‘A Seat At The Table’
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8-year-old Jalen Bailey set up his own baking company to buy a house for his mother.
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Black athletes made US history at the summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
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Ava DuVernay has become the first African American woman to ever direct a film with a budget over $100 million.
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The US Army Corps of Engineers announced it won’t grant easement to cross Lake Oahe for DAPL.
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Three Victoria’s Secret models of color went short and natural for the fashion show.
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Honey Bun Baby.
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Cicely Tyson, Diana Ross, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Michael Jordan were awarded a Presidential Medal of Freedom.
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The confirmed cast of the upcoming Black Panther is lit.
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And lastly just a huge shout out to Black Twitter and just Black people everywhere for coming up with the funniest jokes and memes even though you are not credited enough!
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I’m not even sorry this turned out to be such a long post. I just wanna say that Black people, we’re gonna keep on rocking next year and every year after.  Stay real, stay strong and feel free to add whatever made you proud in 2016 🙌🏾
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This has probably been answered before, but it's deep in the blog, so I hope you don't mind me asking where you guys find your images for the aesthetics and picspams??
of course! here’s a few links to some previous answered questions about this: one, two, three, & four ! i hope there aren’t too many repeated blogs and please feel free to send another ask if you want more suggestions !!
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Daddy, I’m here for you!
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Send me a ☺ to meet another member of my muses’s family
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nsfw starters; fifty reasons to have sex
send a number for a starter. they are sorted into categories ;
 CATEGORY ONE; general
‘i can’t sleep’ sex
‘make up’ sex
‘break up’ sex
‘revenge’ sex
‘rebound’ sex
‘i’m bored’ sex
‘curiosity’ sex
‘first time’ sex
‘homecoming/prom night’ sex
‘hotel room’ sex
‘distraction’ sex
‘the condoms are about to expire’ sex
‘anniversary’ sex
‘snuck out of the house to hook-up’ sex
‘post-argument’ sex
‘we’re drunk and horny’ sex
‘comfort’ sex
‘walked in on while naked’ sex
‘to change the subject’ sex
CATEGORY TWO; risky/kinky/strangers
‘i need a place to crash’ sex
‘your friend just told you about a new position’ sex
‘the elevator broke down’ sex
‘end of the world/the world is in chaos’ sex
‘i can’t believe we survived’ sex
‘i caught you masturbating’ sex
‘you caught me masturbating’ sex
‘crotchless underwear is a thing’ sex
‘i’m/your pregnant and horny’ sex
‘we’re in a public place and i just spent the last half hour making you ridiculously aroused’ sex
‘you’re my teacher and i finally seduced you’ sex
‘i’m your teacher and i can’t believe your my student’ sex
‘best friend’s younger sibling who suddenly got hot’ sex
‘i saw a cool scene in a porno and i want to reenact it’ sex
CATEGORY THREE; cheating/assumed cheating
‘everyone thinks we’re banging, so we might as well just do it’ sex
‘we’ve been friends-with-benefits for a long time, and now that one of us is in a relationship, are we going to stop?’ sex
‘randomly hooked up one night and the next monday you walk into my work and i discover that my favourite colleague is actually your husband/wife’ sex
‘one or both of us is in a relationship, but we can’t help it’ sex
‘we’ve both been cheated on by our respective partners, so fuck it’ sex
CATEGORY FOUR; established relationships
‘we just got engaged’ sex
‘i thought you were dead, but you’re not and i can’t believe it’ sex
‘we were childhood sweethearts, and we haven’t seen each other in years’ sex
‘i need to lose my virginity and you’re the only person i want to lose it to’ sex
‘you just walked into my office for a job as my secretary/assistant and we haven’t seen each other in years, but sexual tension is a thing’ sex
‘our families hate each other for (insert reason here) but that doesn’t matter to us’ sex
‘we’re in a dysfunctional, toxic relationship but i still love you more than anything in this world’ sex
‘my girlfriend left me with blue balls, and you’re her brother and i’m pretty sure i’m not gay but lets go for it’ sex
‘we pretended to be lesbian lovers to get a creepy guy to stop hitting on us, so we kissed to complete the charade and we both kind of liked it, so…?’ sex
‘you’re my room mate and you’re really hot, but we’re both guys/girls and this is new to me’ sex
‘i’m gay and you’re curious and you asked me to show you what it’s like’ sex
‘you’re gay and i’m curious and i asked you to show me what it’s like’ sex
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❝ Are you cheating on me with them? ❞ ( Rebekah to Mitch )
(meme | ALWAYS ACCEPTING | @brokcnroyalty)
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A sigh leaves the males lips as the blondes words settle in her mind. “Okay that my darling is my other sister Shanice, so cheating is not what I am doing” he sighs trying not to take offense to her words as after all he’d failed to introduce the ‘other’ sister.
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Forget about prince charming. Go for the wolf. He can see you better, hear you better and eat you better.
Wolf’s angel (via clairewords)
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