brokeco · 1 year
Hi Lavender,
It seems you want to play the victim and send "anonymous" hate into people's inboxes and I've tried really hard to be supportive and guide you in some pseudo-soft parent type of way, but I think I really just need to put my foot down here.
1.) What's the point of cutting off people who only ever helped you? Why take constructive criticism as an attack when you've recognized the pointed-out problems on your own and said that you need to stop those behaviours.
2.) You being a minor does not mean you cannot be held accountable for your words and actions. Your words will still reach ears and your actions will always be the flap of a butterfly's wings. And on this note, you are at an age where you are trusted on the road, with a vehicle, with serving people food, with being in charge of those younger than you. You will not be a minor for much longer and you have a lot of growing up to do.
3.) You're nowhere near as slick as you think you are. Posting some "I am God and people must repent" bullshit is so fucking stupid on so many levels. You posted that literally right after you blocked people as if no one would put two and two together. Also, this is really just a bullshit way of highlighting just how fucked up your self-perception is. You're not God, a deity, or some other perfect being; you're just a dude who pushes everyone who supports you away for the sake of dramatic self-isolationism.
4.) I know you've been faking DID/OSDD. We've known and I refused to believe it because I cared about you like you were my daughter. I've spent time and money trying to make sure that you had a safe place to be if things with your parents got any worse. Now I don't really know whether I should have believed anything you said at all. I trusted you with family losses and you just threw everything away for your own self-centred attention-seeking.
5.) Kungpowpenis.
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brokeco · 2 years
Question, when will you make dry ice chapter 2?
The answer is no clue.
Wish I did, but I guess I'm sort of self-defeating in my writing for a couple of reasons, and this is going to apply to all of my fics, not just Dry Ice.
The first is that I'm currently focusing on education right now, and while I've continued fics while in school, my grades have suffered for it. So as much as I love writing and it helps me to destress, I'm going to prioritize homework and general academics for the semester.
Secondly, and what I think is essential as a writer who openly shares, is that I also focus on the quality of writing. When I started writing, I used to focus so much on how many hits my fics would get, but now that's sort of evolved into a mindset of seeing how many people look at my work and wanting to provide more entertainment/better writing. If I don't think what I'm putting out is "good enough", I won't put it out. It's probably not a healthy mindset, but it has taught me to be more analytical with my writing. Of course, this comes with the downside of not giving myself a consistent posting schedule, as well as jumping from fic to fic as my mind comes up with better plots or better wording of one scene over another.
I want to thank you for asking though, since answering this ask has let me get a bit off my chest and I feel less guilty about not updating as much now that I've provided a bit of an explanation.
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brokeco · 2 years
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Deven Christian Mack is the new voice for Sonic the Hedgehog.
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brokeco · 2 years
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Original thread:
Note, I am finding these threads on the twitter feeds of ICU nurses who are now dreading the horrors that Roe falling will bring to their hospitals. This, on top of the horrors that they’ve seen and continue to see because of the pandemic. They were already exhausted and hanging by a thread.
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brokeco · 2 years
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brokeco · 2 years
a lot of pieces of media will show characters catching fireflies with just their bare hands. in some cases they will just land on the persons fingers. to gently be placed inside of a jar..
for people who live in areas who don’t have fireflies, i want you to know that is not made up or exaggerated for those scenes. fireflies are really like that. they are slow and not cautious at all. while camping i would just walk up to one flying in the air and grab it. and it would sit on my hands like “oh ok.” they are my friends.
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brokeco · 2 years
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being aware of the impact of things we can often not think about (like straws) is important if we’re to make strides on environmental preservation 
that does not eclipse the importance of being aware of how it impacts disabled people. they’re both conversations we need to have
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brokeco · 2 years
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Always Remember
Ghanaian artist Kwame Atoko-Bamfo created several sculptures in a lake to remember our ancestors who drowned as they were transported through the Atlantic Sea during slavery. 
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brokeco · 2 years
hey I wonder what happens if I put powdered milk into carbonated water
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brokeco · 2 years
Not only should abortions be legal, they should be free and we should encourage people of all genders to have one.
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brokeco · 2 years
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we really devolved as a society when we stopped using fully painted pictures on romance novels and started using cheap photoshop instead 
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brokeco · 2 years
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brokeco · 2 years
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brokeco · 2 years
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brokeco · 2 years
The combo tech in the new Lego Star Wars needs to be seen to be believed 
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brokeco · 2 years
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brokeco · 2 years
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last days of pride, just in time for Bill & Ted’s Most Genderous Adventure 🤘
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