Let the future be us.
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This is me letting you go
Take a chance on me. Because the timing’s always going to be wrong and the stars are never going to align but I would break every clock in this city and I’d shut every star down from shining if it meant that for one afternoon we could cast all that aside and give in. Give in to the complete impossibility that something could work here, despite everything that stands in the way.
Because you're afraid of who you'll be once your wounds close up and you have to go on living in your new, unfamiliar skin. You want your old skin back.
I’d wait for decades or ages or centuries or lifetimes. I’d wait through wars and resolutions and tsunamis and ice ages and apocalypses. I’d wait indefinitely. I’d wait forever. But the brilliant thing is, I don’t have to do any of that. Because here we are, right now. At this time. In this Universe. And as long as you’re alive here and I’m alive too,
the timing is right enough for me.
The day we stop making mistakes is the day we stop living. We just have to give ourselves the room we need to make them.
Maybe anyone worth knowing is worth knowing for only a short while. Maybe anyone worth loving is worth loving inconclusively.
And when you look at it that way, it doesn’t seem quite so unbearable at all: to allow yourself to love someone with everything you’ve got – and then to fully and completely let them go.
Because some people simply are not meant to stay forever. Some people come into our lives for a season, for a reason, for the simple purpose of showing us the world in a way we would never have seen it otherwise.
This is me knowing that I have to let you go. That no matter how much I love you or how hard we work at this or how badly we both want each other to be happy, we are never going to be the right partners for each other. This is my acceptance that the best things are never straightforward and that I want you to take whatever crooked, twisted path you need to take if it will lead you towards your dreams. This is me knowing that I have to do what’s right. That sometimes the best thing you can do for someone you love is to let them go – to do more, feel more, be more than the person they ever could ever have become by your side.
At the end of your life, go out with a bruised-up, worn out heart that gave too much and loved too strongly and felt too fiercely.
Forgiveness means saying that you're not going to let what happened to you define you any longer.
Sometimes you're going to have to let one person go a thousand different times, a thousand different ways, and there's nothing pathetic or abnormal about that. You are human.
Forgiveness means giving up hope for a different past. It means knowing that the past is over, the dust has settled and the destruction left in its wake can never be reconstructed to resemble what it was. It’s accepting that there’s no magic solution to the damage that’s been caused. It’s the realization that as unfair as the hurricane was, you still have to live in its city of ruins. And no amount of anger is going to reconstruct that city. You have to do it yourself.
In a world full of dishonest people, you choose not to become one of them, even if that makes you lose a foolish game or two.
You need to be alone when you are growing into a new version of yourself. When you are shedding the layers of who you’ve been like snakeskin, you will need the time to bury who you’ve been.
The right people don’t make you hmm and haw about whether or not you want to be with them; you just know. You know that any adventure you had originally planned out for your future isn’t going to be half as incredible as the adventures you could have by their side. That no matter what you thought you wanted before, this is better. Everything is
Because growth and letting go are so complexly intertwined that we often only see one or the other. We forget that they can exist side by side – releasing the old while letting in the new.
When you’re tired, go slowly. Go quietly. Go timidly. But do not stop. You are tired for all the right reasons. You are tired because you’re supposed to be. You’re tired because you’re making a change. You are exhausted for all the right reasons and it’s only an indication to go on. You are tired because you’re growing.
You will not get over your ex all at once. You’ll get over them through a series of tiny, tender moments that bring you quietly back to yourself. And in some ways they’ll never really leave you. The people who change us in those big, irrevocable ways never do. To get over them we’d have to alter ourselves into people so unrecognizable that we’d lose who we are in the process. And so instead we learn to integrate the influence they had – the books you now read because of topics that they turned you on to. The music you now download because of the lyrics they loved. The ways you now look at the world that would never had occurred to you if they had not opened your eyes up to seeing and doing things differently. We don’t ever lose people we love in their entirety and perhaps we never should
we ourselves become bigger, more encompassing people because of it. You’ll get over your ex the day you realize that you damn well may never get over them. That pieces of them are going to live on inside you forever and that discarding them would mean discarding parts of yourself. But the day that you get to move on is the day you simply decide to do so in spite of it – in spite of the tired, restless ache that begs you not to take a chance. In spite of the fearful, self-conscious mind that tells you nobody will ever love you better. In spite of every careless part of you that wants to keep holding on but knows that it needs to let go. The day when you finally move on is the day you decide move forward
with all of your fear, all your pain and all your subtle hesitations. It’s the day you finally get over yourself.
You’re not pathetic for mourning while you grow.
Sometimes you’re going to have to let one person go a thousand different times, a thousand different ways, and there’s nothing pathetic or abnormal about that.
maybe doesn't mean, "This may happen." It means, "I am too fearful to go but not strong enough to stay." It means, "I'll miss you but not enough to be with you." It means, "I love you but not quite enough to stick around and fight.
When you are not ready to give someone your whole heart out of fear of what they’ll do with it, it is yourself that you must learn how to trust. It’s yourself you must come back to, piece by careful piece as you learn that your heart is an endless, refillable vessel that does not deplete and fall apart when it is given away. It is yourself that you must learn to be alone with.
We don’t ever lose people we love in their entirety and perhaps we never should – we ourselves become bigger, more encompassing people because of it.
It is hard to get over a cheater because when you leave the relationship, there are two people you must mourn. One is the asshole who cheated on you, in all their flawed, unfaithful glory...The other person you must get over is the person you thought they were. The relationship you thought you had.
It's hard to get over a cheater because the only person you hate more than them is yourself. You hate yourself for falling for them. For investing in them. For turning a blind eye to every red flag that was a clue along the way. You scorn yourself for believing every lie they told, and letting it all come to fruition. You hate yourself for not putting together the puzzle pieces that you were never actually holding.
person you’re going to fall in love with deserves all your beginnings and none of your endings and if you’re still torn up about the past and it is bleeding straight into the future, it might mean that you need more time to heal.
We’re allowed to let them in. We’re allowed to let them matter. We’re allowed to engage in the temporary foolishness of falling for someone who is not going to be left holding our crippled, wrinkled hand fifty years down the road. Because some people simply are not meant to stay forever. Some people come into our lives for a season, for a reason, for the simple purpose of showing us the world in a way we would never have seen it otherwise.
Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you are giving up all of your power. Forgiveness means you’re finally ready to take it back.
go are so complexly intertwined that we often only see one or the other. We forget that they can exist side by side – releasing the old while letting in the new.
Heidi Priebe, This Is Me Letting You Go
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if season 2 is cancelled, i say we petition jonathan stroud to write more lockwood & co books
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i actually would really like a lockwood and co season 2
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Holly: the floor is lava!
George: *climbs onto the sofa*
Lucy: *hops up on the banisters*
Kipps: *begrudgingly sits on a table*
Flo: *dangling from a curtain rail*
Lockwood: *lies down on the floor*
Lucy: are you ok?
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George: why is Lockwood rolling on the floor laughing?
Lucy: Kipps was about to hit his head on the doorframe, so I told him to duck and he quacked at me
Lucy: and then he hit his head
George: *wheezes*
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The funniest casting choice Lockwood and Co made was Jack Bandeira as Quill Kipps.
Someone looked at the short ginger man who according to Lucy has the most irritating voice in existence—the truest human embodiment of the ‘this might as well happen’ meme said listen what if he was really fucking hot…BUT just as pitiful?
Show!Quill looks like he should be all suave and cheekbones and yet he’s an absolute disaster. Jack Bandeira is so hot it is frankly unrealistic that he’s that bad at asking a girl out and yet perfectly realistic at the same time…because of course he is this is Quill Kipps.
They both yassified Quill Kipps and yet still maintained the pathetic (affectionate and derogatory) essence of the character…it’s a marvel truly
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I am from the future actually and I'm here to tell you that Lockwood and Co gets a season 2 Lockwood and Co gets a season 2 Lockwood and Co gets a season 2 Lockwood-
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absolutely awesome lnco and bts photos that i want to reshare with yall cause yall deserve to enjoy them too
and my commentary too of course cause yall aint never getting rid of that
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closest we’ll ever get to seeing the ot3 bbys cuddling after a case 
look at them and tell me they arent one adorable polycule, i DARE u
yasssss queen cheer for us 
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new fave reaction pic, needs to be a whatsapp sticker
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closest thing we’ll ever get to seeing lockwood on vacay
also are those PURPLE SOCKS?!
the boi aint got no sock chill
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‘never forget to massage ur eyes before u leave for work’
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totally canon moment of the bbys hiding from the rain on a job, the fuck u mean this is a bts pic? aint no such thing its CANON
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the face u make when ur told u burnt down a client’s house but u still sealed the source so u technically did ur job right
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girl aint got no idea what the fUCK is going on
dick measuring contests bby, dont worry ur pretty head with it
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when u hear u now owe 60000000000∞ money
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dont talk to her she angy
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load of bullshit bby boi thats what
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the siblings are fightinggggg
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what the ever hell
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why does cameron look like jim carrie in this photo
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alexa activate my ‘charm lucy into never leaving me’ smile
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and we love him for it
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come at me, bitch
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i just love how the skull sits over her shoulder in most interviews, is that an intentional thing?
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*insert that weird laugh that sounds in like the very 1 second of spice girl’s wannabe here*
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george about to commit a crime
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look at the way he looks at them, if thats not what being in love with a pair of idiots looks like then who the fuck knows what is
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Friends. If you do nothing else this week, please. Please stream Lockwood and Co as much as you can. The completed viewing hours matter so much and this story deserves a season two. The fandom has grown exponentially in the last three weeks, people are loving the show and finding the books. It has more than earned that renewal but Netflix needs the numbers to authorize it.
Let’s give them no choice.
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Some of the Gotham boys and text posts.
Ed Nygma ❓
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Oswald Cobblepot
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Jim Gordon
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Harvey Bullock
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Jerome Valeska
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all of james acaster’s scenes in cinderella :)
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“Positivity, confidence, and persistence are key in life, so never give up on yourself.”
— Khalid, born February 11, 1998
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cancer and aquarius
(cancer and aquarius are like moonlight glistening in your window at night. they are diligent, fiercely loyal and loving if nothing else. they captivate and encapsulate, escalating toward a balance that is almost unattainable, reaching for the unnamable devotion that only these two can know.) 
this couple is a very strange one to look at from the outside, as both signs are so different. however, when these signs work together they make a truly incredible team in my opinion. there is an interesting balance here between home and community, head and heart. cancer and aquarius can blend beautifully, forming a bond that’s honestly unbreakable, a never-ending story written with two pairs of hands. cancer stabilises aquarius, who in turn has an invigorating and enlightening affect on cancer. they are very different people, but since both of these signs need their own space there isn’t much risk of overcrowding one another. 
the biggest pressure point with this pairing is also their biggest strength; difference. while cancer tends to the emotional and the homely sides of the relationship, aquarius takes it upon themselves to go out into the world and make things right. when out of balance, aquarius can leave cancer in the metaphorical dust, which brings out cancer’s clingy, defensive and sharp sides. in turn, this emotional hailstorm raining down on aquarius activates their airy escape method, the lightswitch of love. turning off their emotions is second nature, but if you have been close enough to an aquarius to hear their feelings, their secrets, their inner thoughts, know how much pain they are in to have to go back to being a mystery. the key to keeping this relationship light and loving is all about the balance of differences. learn to trust each other, make time to be together in a way that means a lot to you both, love with all your hearts and be honest with each other, and you’ll be golden. this is kind of couple that can change the world, one kiss at a time. 
main qualities - loving, protective, emotional, meaningful, defensive 
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“The other day she said to me ‘sometimes I just feel like a gas station’ and I laughed at the statement before she explained ‘people stop by to get what they need, whether it’s sex, laughter, or someone to suffocate the loneliness, until they’re full again and the last thing you ever see is them driving away’ and now I’m wondering if a gas station is all I’ll ever be”
— 02/02/2020
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“I want very badly to be in love again, which is why I’m in no position to look for it.”
— Jonathan Tropper
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