I'm gonna sue you dead ass
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pairing: justin foley / reader
genre: smut… but like soft smut HAHAHA 
description: honestly i suck at descriptions pls read hahaha ALSO ITS ANGSTY AT THE START BUT EVERYTHING WORKS OUT :-)
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lol I'm dead goodbye world, hello hell
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pairing: jeff atkins / reader
genre: smut (lol someone needs to tape my hands in prayer form bc I NEED IT)
description: jeff wins the championship game and as the great girlfriend that u are… u know..u do some cool tricks…HAHAHAHA
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human anatomy
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pairing: zach dempsey / reader
genre: smut lmAO SRRY was bound to happen
description: study session with zach gone wrong- well actually study session gone right IF U ASK ME
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kiss me
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pairing: justin foley / reader
description: first kiss with this absolute cutie
Justin Foley. The simple thought of him got your heart racing.
What had started off as fleeting looks and shy smiles escalated to flirtatious whispers and soft touches. Even though it was evident to the both of you that there was something going on, neither of you had taken the initiative and acted upon it. You thought all of your flirting with Justin was leading you to a dead end, until one fateful friday night he came knocking at your door.
Dressed in too-long pajama pants and an over-sized hoodie, you were quite disgruntled at having to open the door when you had finally settled down to binge watch your favorite shows. But nothing could compare to the surprise of having Justin Foley standing on your doorstep holding up a small bouquet of ripped out daisies and looking entirely too cute in his usual letterman jacket. 
“Lets go on an adventure.”
You giggled, shaking your head at how much of an adventure you could possibly have in your small town. “Justin look at me, the only place i’m going is back to my bed.”
“I am looking at you and you look beautiful.” Your cheeks heated up at his sentiment and you began to sputter in denial. “Also, completely ready to go somewhere with me.”
You sighed in surrender, feigning disinterest in his offer when you were actually filled with such excitement to even be around him- much less go somewhere. “Ok fine, you win. Where are you taking me?” 
A mischievous boyish smile takes over his face as he points up. Perplexed, you look up and are just met with the starry expanse of the night sky. “The sky?”
He rolls his eyes at your answer and pulls you by the hand to where he was standing. “No Y/N, the roof!” 
You cross your arms and turn to face him, meeting his beautiful cerulean blue eyes with a cock of your brow. “Oh? How do you suggest we get there?” 
He offers you a sheepish shrug of his shoulders, “I was hoping you’d take care of that.”
You can’t help but laugh at how your spontaneous getaway finished before it even started. “I’m sorry, but my wall climbing spiderman abilities haven’t kicked in yet.” 
He chuckles at that and you notice how he inches closer to you until you can feel his breath on your face. “I’m sorry about my plan falling through. I had a whole roof top, star-gazing vision in my head ready for us.”
Distracted by his close proximity and entrancing eyes, you mutter a small “dont worry about it” before going back to flickering your eyes between the slant of his lips and his deep stare. You swallow thickly as the atmosphere between you seemingly changes, the once playful vibe replaced by a more intentful one. 
You wanted to kiss him so bad, weeks of back-and-forth teasing finally catching up to you. He wanted to kiss you too, the way he swiped his tongue over his lips while staring at yours gave him away. You were so close to his mouth, you could already taste him. 
With one final glance at his rose colored lips, you reach your hands up to his jacket collar and bring him down to end the final space between the two of you. He immediately responds, wrapping his arms around your waist in order to bring you closer. You relent under the delightful sensation of his tongue, letting out a sigh of content against the groove of his lips. You were completely entranced by the sensation of his mouth moving against your own, that the concept of oxygen is thrown out the window. He softly moans into you as you lightly nibble on the flesh of his bottom lip. You simply cannot get enough of his intoxicating kisses, each kiss turning more desperate than the last. 
He finally pulls away, catching his breath, his cheeks a bright flushed pink and his eyes glazed over. He’s never looked more gorgeous. 
“As much as I love making out with you on your doorstep-” He didn’t have to say anything more, you were already pulling him inside. 
dedicated to the lovely anon who requested this, hope it was what you wanted!
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limerence: clumsy → 1
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pairing: zach dempsey / reader
genre: part one in a drabble series called ‘limerence’ about boyfriend!zach 
about: not only did you literally stumble into zach, but into his heart as well. 
Your first day at a brand new school couldn’t be going better. You had single-handedly managed to rip your brand new silk dress, lose your class schedule, and make 0 friends in a span of less than 4 hours. 
“What kind of shit is this?” You thought to yourself as you searched the sea of students in the crowded hall for a friendly face, finding none. You needed to ask someone to show you where the science hall was and help you open your locker, but no one seemed to want to give you the time of day. 
There was a tedious familiarity of standing alone in a crowded space, watching people pass you by and feeling like you were merely an object strategically placed to display teenage normalcy. 
The end of lunch was fast approaching and standing feeling sorry for yourself was getting old. With newfound determination you bobby pinned the strap of your dress back on, put the loose tendrils of your hair behind your ear, and murmured a soft, “you got this, kid,” under your breath. 
You had spotted a girl dressed in a vivid daffodil colored sundress and you made a beeline straight towards her. Consumed by your sudden sense of purpose and thoughts of how she looked like a beacon of light in the cold murky waters that was the student body, you hadn’t noticed a certain tall basketball player was about to cross your path. 
With a small gasp of surprise you butted straight into his side, swaying backwards and tripping over your feet. A small groan of defeat left your lips as a small ache developed on the bridge of your nose. 
“Hey are you okay?” 
His voice was like deep, rich, smooth chocolate and laced with such genuine concern that it almost seemed to quell the dull twinge of pain on your face. Wanting to see if such an alluring voice had an equally alluring face you looked up and damn it did. 
You could feel your eyes involuntarily widening and the once leisure pace of your beating heart turn rapid. You swept over the gorgeous expanse of his face, committing the slope of his nose and the smooth flesh of his pout to memory in case you never had another chance to be at such close proximity to him. 
“Not trying to be rude, but i’m pretty sure we lost this staring contest a long time ago.” His words brought you back to reality and an uncontrollable blush coated your cheeks, you were sure he could feel the burning heat of them. 
“Actually you lost, i’ve been staring for how long?” Is all you could muster, trying to mask your embarrassment with humor. The beautiful stranger let out a small chuckle, a sound so lovely it brought a smile to your face.
“So long I think you broke a record just now,” he responds playing along. “The dudes from guinness world records should be here any minute now.” 
You pretend to look around the halls in search for them. “Good. They’re not here yet, I still have time to prepare my acceptance speech.” You both laugh at your comment and you can’t help the bubbling giddiness you feel from the silly exchange of words with him. “You’re funny, whats your name?” 
“Nice. I’m Zach.” You had never thought a name could be this hot until now. Wanting to prolong your time with him, get your stupid locker open, and get to at least one class without being late you asked, “Well Zach, besides helping me break world records would you mind helping me with the glorious task of opening my locker and taking me to the science hall? You will be rewarded generously.” 
His coffee brown eyes look off into the distance, pretending to ponder over your offer. “Lead the way.”
Your lips turn up in a content smile, walking over to your locker with a spring in your step. “My combination is 0-8-24.” 
You watch as his lithe fingers spin over the lock, opening it on the first time with a satisfying click. “There you go.”
You try not to gape at how quickly and simply he opened it, you had stood there before for a good 10 minutes without any luck. “I swear I know how to open lockers, this one just didn’t like me.” 
He smiles amused at how adorably your eyebrows furrowed, expressing your distaste at the rusty blue locker. “Well now that this is opened, whats my reward?”
He takes a flirtatious tone, insinuating that he has a certain something in mind. 
“Well that depends, what do you want?” Your words come out breathy as he steps closer to you. He laughs lightly at the sudden change in your tone, the once ringing voice now soft-spoken. 
“A date,” he responds in an indifferent tone that is more suited to say just buying some stuff or gonna go out for a walk. You raise your eyebrow at his request, faking your cool composure. 
“Take me to the science hall and submit a one page essay about why I should and I might just consider it.” 
hello! this is the first time i’ve ever put one of my works out there and i’d really appreciate any feedback anyone has :-) 
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limerence: clumsy → 1
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pairing: zach dempsey / reader
genre: part one in a drabble series called ‘limerence’ about boyfriend!zach 
about: not only did you literally stumble into zach, but into his heart as well. 
Your first day at a brand new school couldn’t be going better. You had single-handedly managed to rip your brand new silk dress, lose your class schedule, and make 0 friends in a span of less than 4 hours. 
“What kind of shit is this?” You thought to yourself as you searched the sea of students in the crowded hall for a friendly face, finding none. You needed to ask someone to show you where the science hall was and help you open your locker, but no one seemed to want to give you the time of day. 
There was a tedious familiarity of standing alone in a crowded space, watching people pass you by and feeling like you were merely an object strategically placed to display teenage normalcy. 
The end of lunch was fast approaching and standing feeling sorry for yourself was getting old. With newfound determination you bobby pinned the strap of your dress back on, put the loose tendrils of your hair behind your ear, and murmured a soft, “you got this, kid,” under your breath. 
You had spotted a girl dressed in a vivid daffodil colored sundress and you made a beeline straight towards her. Consumed by your sudden sense of purpose and thoughts of how she looked like a beacon of light in the cold murky waters that was the student body, you hadn’t noticed a certain tall basketball player was about to cross your path. 
With a small gasp of surprise you butted straight into his side, swaying backwards and tripping over your feet. A small groan of defeat left your lips as a small ache developed on the bridge of your nose. 
“Hey are you okay?” 
His voice was like deep, rich, smooth chocolate and laced with such genuine concern that it almost seemed to quell the dull twinge of pain on your face. Wanting to see if such an alluring voice had an equally alluring face you looked up and damn it did. 
You could feel your eyes involuntarily widening and the once leisure pace of your beating heart turn rapid. You swept over the gorgeous expanse of his face, committing the slope of his nose and the smooth flesh of his pout to memory in case you never had another chance to be at such close proximity to him. 
“Not trying to be rude, but i’m pretty sure we lost this staring contest a long time ago.” His words brought you back to reality and an uncontrollable blush coated your cheeks, you were sure he could feel the burning heat of them. 
“Actually you lost, i’ve been staring for how long?” Is all you could muster, trying to mask your embarrassment with humor. The beautiful stranger let out a small chuckle, a sound so lovely it brought a smile to your face.
“So long I think you broke a record just now,” he responds playing along. “The dudes from guinness world records should be here any minute now.” 
You pretend to look around the halls in search for them. “Good. They’re not here yet, I still have time to prepare my acceptance speech.” You both laugh at your comment and you can’t help the bubbling giddiness you feel from the silly exchange of words with him. “You’re funny, whats your name?” 
“Nice. I’m Zach.” You had never thought a name could be this hot until now. Wanting to prolong your time with him, get your stupid locker open, and get to at least one class without being late you asked, “Well Zach, besides helping me break world records would you mind helping me with the glorious task of opening my locker and taking me to the science hall? You will be rewarded generously.” 
His coffee brown eyes look off into the distance, pretending to ponder over your offer. “Lead the way.”
Your lips turn up in a content smile, walking over to your locker with a spring in your step. “My combination is 0-8-24.” 
You watch as his lithe fingers spin over the lock, opening it on the first time with a satisfying click. “There you go.”
You try not to gape at how quickly and simply he opened it, you had stood there before for a good 10 minutes without any luck. “I swear I know how to open lockers, this one just didn’t like me.” 
He smiles amused at how adorably your eyebrows furrowed, expressing your distaste at the rusty blue locker. “Well now that this is opened, whats my reward?”
He takes a flirtatious tone, insinuating that he has a certain something in mind. 
“Well that depends, what do you want?” Your words come out breathy as he steps closer to you. He laughs lightly at the sudden change in your tone, the once ringing voice now soft-spoken. 
“A date,” he responds in an indifferent tone that is more suited to say just buying some stuff or gonna go out for a walk. You raise your eyebrow at his request, faking your cool composure. 
“Take me to the science hall and submit a one page essay about why I should and I might just consider it.” 
hello! this is the first time i’ve ever put one of my works out there and i’d really appreciate any feedback anyone has :-) 
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@bleunoia @bleunoia @bleunoia
 I usually don't advocate for blogs but it's a new one & i want them to write more zach dempsey + the beautiful boys of 13rw (u can request smut so there u go folks)
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don’t look ahead and be truthful, or else it won’t work!!!!  ~~On a blank sheet of paper, write numbers 1 through 11 in a column on the left.  ~~Next to the numbers 1 & 2, write down any two numbers you want.  ~~ Next to the numbers 3 & 7, write down the names of two members of the opposite gender. CAUTION: DO NOT LOOK AHEAD or IT WILL NOT TURN OUT RIGHT.  ~~Write anyone’s name (like friends or family…) next to 4, 5, & 6.  Remember, DON’T CHEAT OR YOU’LL BE UPSET THAT YOU DID! XP  ~~Write down four song titles in 8, 9, 10, & 11.  ~~Finally, MAKE A WISH!  READY?!  ~  ~~  ~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~~  ~~~~~~  wheeeee!  ~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~  The Key!  - The number of people that like you is found in number 2.  - The person in number 3 is the one you love.  - The person you like but your relationship cannot work is in number 7  - You care most about the person you put in number 4.  - The person you named in number 5 is the one who knows you very well.  - The person you named in 6 is your lucky star.  - The song in 8 is the song that matches with the person in number 3.  - The title in 9 is the song for the person in 7.  - The 10th number is the song that tells you most about your mind.  - 11 is the song telling how you feel about life.  - Number 1 is your lucky number.  ~  Repost this within an hour of reading this, and if you do, your wish will come true. Repost this with CHINESE HOROSCOPE (Freakishly Correct)
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