brokerfromhell-blog · 8 years
a formal announcement
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     the tl;dr: I’ve been focused in on my future && what I want to do with my life, && haven’t really had the energy to do much else. I don’t plan on abandoning this blog, && will probably try to pop in once && awhile to do quick ask memes && maybe a quck oneliner thread or two. hopefully I’l be back more permanently soon, && back to doing full threads, but as of now, I have no idea when that may be. thank you to everyone who’s stuck with me through my constant disappearances; y’all mean the world to me. <3
     really long, full update post under the cut
     surprise!! it’s been a good long while since I’ve been on here. I’d love to say I’m here to stay, that I’m going to be active && posting just as much as before! ......but, that’s sadly not the case. I’ve been thinking about this blog a lot; I think about it once a week, if not more. I’d love to return full force, && keep up the fun, goofy shit Izaya has done. but.... I just don’t have it in me to write anymore. I still want to write, && I’m sure still have the passion to do so, but every time I open up a new doc, or even pull out an actual piece of paper, my mind goes blank. all the ideas I had swirling around in my head just... vanish.
     maybe it’s bc I’m stressed about college && my future. I want to become a voice actor &&/or a professional artist of really any kind, && so I’ve really been focused in on that. I’m constantly drawing to improve my art, I’m studying anatomy && shading && how clothes work && all that jazz. I’m opening up more to my castmates in drama club so I can really put forth a lot of effort during the shows. I’m looking into colleges that’ll help me reach one or both of my goals.
     it’s exciting!!!! but.... also really draining. I enjoy drawing && acting, so under normal circumstances, I could do both && still have some juice in me left to spare. but now, it’s not about having fun anymore, && more about securing myself a future. I’m only a junior, but bc the fields i want to get into require so much skill && talent, && can be really competitive, I’m honestly starting too late. I have to criticize myself so strictly, && note every little tiny flaw in what I do, so I can improve before I fall too behind my peers. I know comparing myself to others is bad but, I really should in this case. in my graphics design class, each one of them is a possible rival for a position in the future. I have to strive to do better than others, to stick out amongst the crowd, or I’ll never make it.
     which (finally) leads me to my point; the future of this blog. I’m not going to abandon it, even if it already seems like I have. I’m going to keep this blog up, && keep everything in place, bc I honestly hope to come back to it someday. I’ve met some really cool people, && made some really awesome memories, bc of this blog. all the rp blogs I’ve had on tumblr have helped me with my anxiety, && I honestly can’t thank all of you enough for sticking with me through my many many breaks I took. I’ll probably pop in once && awhile to do some quick ask memes, or maybe a very brief oneliner thread, but I don’t know when I’ll be back permanently, or when I’ll start back up on longer threads. all I can do is hope that it’s sooner than later.
     thank you               -Jade <3
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brokerfromhell-blog · 8 years
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     ok yeah good night jugnhjjsd <3
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brokerfromhell-blog · 8 years
No lying! | ACCEPTING
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    「A guilty pleasure? Wh-why is that important; I mean, I’m not really guilty about much, but I mean, come on, I have an image to keep here...」For once, the informant was actually shifting somewhat nervously. Take a photo; this is a rare moment.「I, ah, have the occasional Netflix marathon, and I just watch a bunch of movies all day and see how many I can guess the ending of. I mean, I only do it on my days off when the weather is bad. It’s not such a guilty pleasure, more just...?」Totally sad.
     He purposely leaves off the fact that he does such in a huge pile of blankets, and finds himself wishing for company on a couple occasions. It’s not like he’s lying; just leaving off a few details.
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brokerfromhell-blog · 8 years
No lying! | ACCEPTING
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    「What kink have you not heard….」The fact he had to actually think about that was a little sad.「I don’t think I’ve mentioned that I’m into bloodplay? I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned that I’m into knifeplay, but really, any way of drawing blood is a nice little plus.」
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brokerfromhell-blog · 8 years
⇕ Reece
No lying! | ACCEPTING
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    「Well, she’s not bad on the eyes, and I’ve already roped her in a fair amount. Plus, she doesn’t seem like the kind to sleep around, so she’s likely clean. So, yeah, I probably would. Nothing serious, though.」
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brokerfromhell-blog · 8 years
"OOOH! Well, that might've been one of the worst tumbles I've had so far....." A shake of the head was given to try and clear the teen's spotty vision. Hitting the side of that fire escape was not a pleasant experience....
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     Izaya glanced at the teen, his expression blank. (Well, it could also come across as screaming ‘you’re a dumbass’ but I digress--)「You should really be more careful; with that sort of grace, you’re sure to land a spot in the hospital. Or morgue.」His words could easily come off as harsh, if not cruel, but he really had no malicious intent. In fact, he was actually showing a bit of worry.
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brokerfromhell-blog · 8 years
     Had she blushed? It was hard to tell, considering ‘she’ was wearing both a mask and makeup, but he swore her face might have gotten slightly more color to it... Whatever, at the moment, he wasn’t interested in making the girl a flushed mess; really, complementing girls until they’d stutter was stale after a couple times. He wasn’t that bored.
     Izaya’s eyes lit up slightly; hearing ‘her’ say that it’s watching isn’t completely boring, and then ‘her’ also asking if he’d be willing to join back in with the rest of the guests? It was a better result than he expected.
    「I’d be honored to accompany you.」He crossed an arm over his chest and bowed, looking back up at her with a grin.「That is, if you don’t mind? I’ve been told I can be quite... bold.」Though, of course he of all people would seem bold in this sort of crowd. Izaya wasn’t the kind to censor himself for the sake of others. (As well as having no line to cross; really, practically nothing was off limits for the informant. In fact, there were numerous times he purposefully crossed other people’s lines.)
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     He straightens his posture, holding out a hand to ‘Miku’ with a grin, a hint of mischief in the smile.「If you’re willing to overlook that, I truly would enjoy your company.」
An Adrenaline Addict and Anonymity
Okay, so… This guy didn’t notice. He was safe. Mikado let out a breath of relief at that. He didn’t know what he’d do if the other caught onto his real identity.
Mikado felt his face flush slightly at the other’s comment of calling him ‘pretty’. It was the last thing he’d expected to hear, but it was definitely flattering. At least he knew that all of his hard work had paid off; he’d truly fallen into a completely new identity just because of a party, some makeup, and a new outfit.
“The Prince of Ravens, huh? That is a little silly… But I’ll go with it. You’ve got the look of one, at least.” The feathered mask and the other’s black hair matched the part, so he supposed that it was only fair to take that name when Mikado himself had just given out a false one.
“I don’t think it’s boring to watch everyone else; it’s a little interesting to see how different people react to different things, but my main goal was to observe how people tend to act at a party like this.” It was essentially like getting a word of advice from a friend; by watching everyone, Mikado knew what was acceptable and what wasn’t.
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“It does get a little old after a while though. I think I’m about ready to go out there myself, if you’d like to join me?” He was still too nervous to go out completely on his own, but if he was with this ‘Prince of Ravens’, Mikado felt as though he wouldn’t make a complete fool out of himself.
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brokerfromhell-blog · 8 years
Anonymously send my muse what yours really thinks of them
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brokerfromhell-blog · 8 years
My muse cannot lie ! Send :
( feel free specify a context for each symbol )
💓  - And a name to ask if they would start a relationship with them. ⇕ - And a name to ask if they would sleep with them. ✮- And a name to hear their real feelings for them.< ☠ - And a name/ topic to hear what they hate the most about it/them. ✂-  For  one of the wrost mischief they did. ₪ -  For a kink. 回 - For a phobia they have. ✦ - For a guilty pleasure. ◎  - Next to any question to have it answered sincerely, no matter how personal or embarassing.
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brokerfromhell-blog · 8 years
     Even if ‘she’ hadn’t verbally confirmed it, only a fool would have missed the signs in ‘her’ voice, and the attempts at hiding such signs. Which, Izaya had to admit, if he wasn’t so in tune to such things, he would’ve easily fallen for the shift. Of course, he’d act as if he had fallen for it; things usually went smoother that way.
     His smile grew ever-so slightly, and Izaya made a mental note to come back to the comment about observing; there was no way he could pass up such an opening.「It’s nice to meet you, Miku,」Izaya winked, his smile turning slightly playful. Already, he had a goal; find out ‘her’ real name. While, yes, there was a chance that it was simply Mika, Izaya couldn’t ignore how ‘her’ voice had cut off; it was almost as if ‘she’ was going to say more.
    「I apologize for my lack of manners; it was rather rude of me to start up a conversation with such a pretty lady, and not even introduce myself. Most of the frequent visitors call me the 『Prince of Ravens;』it’s a bit tacky, but seeings as though a host had given me the name, who am I to reject it?」Izaya rubbed the back of his neck in a sheepish manner, letting his eyes drift to the side as he let out an awkward chuckle.
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     He cleared his throat, turning his gaze back to ‘Miku’.「Pardon me if it’s rude of me to ask, but I noticed that you said you were just observing; surely, that can’t be much fun? I mean, doesn’t it get lonely, or even boring, just watching everyone else?」It was ironic, coming from Izaya of all people, which might have been part of the reason he said it at all.
     However, that was exactly what made it such a perfect opening. If ‘she’ were to agree, then Izaya could segue into asking ‘her’ if she’d like to stick with him. Even if she were to disagree, Izaya would easily be able to continue on a conversation; after all, observing was his specialty, so it’d make an effortless topic to discuss.
     Really, it was a win-win situation.
An Adrenaline Addict and Anonymity
Mikado was sipping at his punch and watching the crowd. No one in particular stood out to him at the moment.. Until he noticed a figure approaching him. He had no idea that this man was Izaya Orihara, or that he was infamous at these masquerade parties with a title of his own, but the only thing that caught Mikado’s eye was the smile that quickly grew, his features appearing warm and welcoming, but..
He wasn’t sure that he trusted him.
The man’s gaze was calculating, and the way his eyes snapped onto Mikado made him feel vulnerable and defenseless, even though his face was hidden behind a mask. The getup he was wearing combined with the makeup and the wig would surely disguise him well enough, but somehow he felt that this man could see through false pretenses.
Those eyes were so red. Where had he seen eyes like those before?
Before he could answer the question, the mystery man had sidled up next to him, leaning up against the wall nonchalantly. 
Mikado cleared his voice before he spoke, careful to keep it at a pitch that was comfortable to uphold, yet wasn’t too masculine. “Y-Yeah, I’ve never been to a masquerade before.” He gulped, swallowing his nervous energy and stood up a bit straighter, trying to exude more confidence and quell the shaking in his voice. “But I thought it’d be interesting to try to come to one. I didn’t bring any of my friends though…. So I’m just.. observing from afar. Learning the terrain.”
He gave the other a smile, still hiding the anxiety in his expression. “Is there.. a name I could call you? You haven’t exactly introduced yourself.. And if I’m planning to continue our conversation, a name of sorts would be nice. You can call me Mika–… Miku.”
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That was close; he’d almost given away his real identity to the first person he’d talked to… Hopefully he’d only think that his real name was ‘Mika’ itself and not add a ‘do’ onto the end. 
Not a lot of people knew Mikado anyway, so what were the chances that this guy did?
For now though, Mikado thought it would be best to stick with the mystery man. From what he could tell, this man was comfortable in these surroundings, and perhaps he could show him a good time. Or better than that, something that would make him want to come back. A new experience, something crazy.. Even if it was just dancing his heart out, that might be enough. He wanted to bring out a side of himself that the world had never seen before, not the Dollars, the Blue Squares, or his friends. A exotic, rare side of him that only this man standing next to him right now would be able to see.
He had a feeling that if he could do that, he would definitely come back for more.
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brokerfromhell-blog · 8 years
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    「Coming right up~」He shot her one last grin before making his way to the line, taking the time to come up with some outline of a plan.
     He had expected her behavior to an extent; he was an attractive, and had offered to help her out of the quote un-quote, kindness of his heart. However, he hadn’t quite expected her to completely forget about his earlier offer. Really, it was a stroke of good luck for the informant; here was an opportunity to possibly play someone however he pleased, all with minimal effort!
     Christmas must have come early this year!
     A quiet chuckle escaped his lips as he made his way back to the table, drinks in hand.
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“I-I guess I’ll just have…pink lemonade…”  She made sure to avoid eye contact again, and her voice was quite soft.  She had hoped he had heard her, because she felt it was kind of embarrassing to repeat again.
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brokerfromhell-blog · 8 years
| Opinion on... | ACCEPTING |
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    「Love at first sight is a concept for the inexperienced and naive. First sight means before they open their mouth, yes? Then you’ve fallen in love with nothing more than their outward appearance.」
    「And before someone tries to jump in; no, you can’t tell precisely who a person is just by looking at them. A trained eye can pick up on a lot, but some things can only be learned through time and conversation.」
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brokerfromhell-blog · 8 years
| Opinion on... | ACCEPTING |
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「My favorite weather? Well, I suppose that depends on my plans for the day.」
「If I have a lot of work to do, I prefer it to be somewhat stormy; cliché as it may be, the sound of rain truly is a relaxing sound. However, if my schedule is more open, I much prefer a clear, mild sort of weather. It raises the chances of running into all sorts of people.」
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brokerfromhell-blog · 8 years
Random starters
“I just got fired.”
“We have two options here - run, or give up. Which will it be?”
“I see no problem in using every food we have as a pizza topping.”
“Green isn’t really your color …”
“Truth be told, I’d rather get stomped on by a herd of cows than meet your parents.”
“I don’t care how it’s been before, but there are people depending on you now, so you need to get your shit together!”
“Hey, our outfits match!”
“Wanna hear a joke?”
“I always knew I couldn’t trust you.”
“Can you come to my place at 9 p.m. dressed as a mailman? I’ll explain later. Oh - and bring a shovel!”
“Let me braid your hair.”
“I warned you, didn’t I? Said you should be careful. Why didn’t you listen?”
“I gotta say, I’m really jealous of your eyes. Like they’re so pretty it looks like you have make up on even when you don’t.”
“Any reason you have 12 sixpacks of Red Bull in your fridge?”
“I’ve never seen you dressed like that before. You look … really pretty.”
“We need to get out of here quickly! There are people after us!”
“Ever since I met you, I’ve been having very shitty luck.”
“How can you come here after everything you did to me?”
“You ruined me.”
“My offer still stands.”
“I can stop if I want, I just don’t want to.”
“So … what’s someone like you doing in a place like this?”
“I can fit like 16 strawberries in my mouth!”
“Why do you always do exactly the opposite of what you should?!”
“Can you please stop interrupting me with your puns? I have something important to tell you.”
“I think you’d look really good on my bed, or the sofa. Seriously, you’re exhausted, go take a nap.”
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brokerfromhell-blog · 8 years
Send me symbol for my muse’s opinion:
☠ : Opinion on death ➶ : Opinion on killing ☮: Opinion on peace ☯: Do they believe in karma? ✤ : Do they believe in luck? ✟ : Religious beliefs ♂ : Sexuality ☿: Opinion on gender ❤: Opinion on love ❥ :Opinion on love from the first sight ♞: Favorite animal(s) ☕: Favorite food(s) ♛ : Opinion on outer beauty ☀ : Favorite season(s) ☽ : Favorite time of day ☂ : Favorite weather ◎ : Opinion on lying
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brokerfromhell-blog · 8 years
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     *double pistols and a wink*
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brokerfromhell-blog · 8 years
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     Well, he had to admit, Walker seemed to have a comeback for everything.「Oh, of course. How embarrassing of me to forget. Maybe you should be the informant; honestly, I’m a little worried for my job security now.」
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“Despite their name, Australian Drop Bears are, in fact, native to Japan. They were so named because they were first discovered by an Australian tourist whose pizza was stolen by one.”
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