brookedotjpg · 6 years
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brookedotjpg · 6 years
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brookedotjpg · 6 years
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Credits: {http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48596913}
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brookedotjpg · 6 years
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brookedotjpg · 6 years
Twilight may be trash but at least they cast actual native americans to play natives
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brookedotjpg · 6 years
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Robert Irwin is the 14-year-old son of Steve Irwin. He has taken up his father’s passion for animals and it has manifested as wildlife photography. I feel like I am qualified enough to say he is remarkably good. And not just “for a 14-year-old.” His pictures often stand up to seasoned professionals in the field. 
He has a mastery of both the technical and artistic aspects of photography. He has great instincts for composition. While he does have amazing access to professional equipment and exotic animals, he does not waste those opportunities. He works hard to get consistently amazing images. 
Beyond that, he often uses his photography to help bring awareness to his family’s conservation efforts. 
I think his father would be enormously proud of “Baby Bob.”
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Robert Irwin [ website | twitter | instagram ]
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brookedotjpg · 6 years
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Happy pride demon!
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brookedotjpg · 6 years
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brookedotjpg · 6 years
Original handcrafted wood music box. Just turn the handle and it will play this well-known tune from Star Wars. This music box makes a great gift for any music lover.  Check them out HERE 
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brookedotjpg · 6 years
once i was babysitting my neighbor’s 6 year old and she asked me why i was so ugly and without thinking i said “i’m you from the future” and she cried for like 30 minutes
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brookedotjpg · 6 years
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brookedotjpg · 6 years
“No one saw that, right?”
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brookedotjpg · 6 years
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What I assume Demyx is up to these days until proven otherwise. (Hey KH3 please bring him back tho..) 
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brookedotjpg · 6 years
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2013—>2018 🖤
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brookedotjpg · 6 years
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i love them ♡
(i’ve also posted this on the twitter!)
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brookedotjpg · 6 years
You, an intellectual: 9+7=16
Me, with ADHD: if you take 1 from 9 and give it to 7 thats 8+8 and 8x2 is 16
Someone, usually a Teacher: NOT LIKE THAT YOU HEATHEN
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brookedotjpg · 6 years
Josh Brolin Tries Out Different Voices for Thanos, From Valley Girl to Mickey Mouse
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