brooklynbred · 2 days
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Chris Evans for Jinx Dog Food
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brooklynbred · 5 days
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@agentxromanoffx : " are you okay? your heart rate is elevated. "
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steve  smirked  down  at  natalia  when  she  asks  her  question.  as  if  she  doesn't  already  know.  she  is  the  one  who's  been  teasing  him  the  whole  commute  back  from  the  mission.  a  much  needed  few  days  off  for  the  shield  agents.  a  whole  week  and  he  plans  to  use  it  relaxing , and  showing  the  red  head  he's  gazing  down  at  just  how  much  he  loves  her.  how  lucky  he  is , and  he  knows  it.    ❛  oh  i  dunno.  ❜    he  teases , before  leaning  down  to  kiss  her  now  that  they've  ducked  into  an  empty  hallway  of  headquarters.    ❛  i'm  sure  if  you  thought  about  the  last  few  hours  you  could  come  up  with  somethin.  ❜    there's  no  upset  there  in  his  voice.  nothing  but  love.    ❛  you've  been  teasin  me  all  day  nat.  ❜
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brooklynbred · 6 days
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the  way  bucky's  thumb  feels  against  his  knuckle , it  just  reminds  him  of  how  absolutely  unfair  life  is  for  him.  there's  nothing  he's  ever  wanted  more  than  the  man  standing  across  from  him.  begging  the  blonde  for  some  sort  of  explanation.  and  explanation  that  steve  simply  couldn't  give.  not  only  was  there  the  risk  to  bucky's  life  should  there  be  the  chance  that  he  return  the  feelings  he  had . . . but  the  idea  of  pouring  his   heart  out  to  bucky , and  having  that  somehow  ruin  what  what  had , that  was  enough  to  keep  the  blonde  from  taking  that  chance  at  all.
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but  when  he  looks  at  him  like  that.  when  he's  asking  him  with  so  much  care  for  the  other , that  it's  radiating  from  his  beautiful  hues . . . all  steve  can  do  is  stare  back , before  huffing , and  looking  down  to  avoid  those  eyes.    ❛  if  it  were  me  you  were  gettin  all  done  up  t'go  see. . .  ❜    his  voice  is  small.  like  he's  afraid  to  speak  too  loud.  and  maybe  he  is.  if  it's  a  bad  idea , maybe  the  universe  will  intervene  on  his  behalf , and  at  least  save  him  from  losing  his  friend.  but  when  the  blonde  looks  up  at  his  best  friend , at  the  man  he's  fallen  so  hard  for , there's  tears  in  his  eyes.
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𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 struggling with something, and for his part, bucky's ire dies out quick as he realizes it's something more important and serious than simple jealousy. other looks conflicted, a troubled expression on features and bucky's grip around other's wrist tightens subtly, concern blooming in gut for friend. he can't think of anything that would make steve wear that kind of expression, barring something life-altering; bucky opens his mouth to ask about it when steve speaks, insisting it doesn't matter.
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the brunet is immediately shaking his head, rejecting such a sentiment from other, grip on steve's wrist turning gentle and thumb even swipes over other's knuckles in an effort to comfort. whatever it is that steve's insisting doesn't matter, it clearly does to other ― and then he's explaining himself, albeit cryptically, and bucky's mind works hard as he tries to keep up with confession. ❝ what's that s'pposed to mean, steve ? what'd'you mean by 'if it were you' ? ❞ hand finally releases blond's, dropping to elder's side as he tries desperately to figure out what steve means. ❝ what'm'i not understanding, pal ? ❞
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brooklynbred · 6 days
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the lost photos of steve rogers and bucky barnes 3/?
[part 1] [part 2]
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brooklynbred · 6 days
non sexual intimacy!!!! bathing together, washing each other, playing with each other's hair, kissing every inch of their body, writing love letters on their back with your finger, connecting their moles and freckles to create constellations on their skin, running your hands up and down their thighs, ugh just expressing physical love without it having to be about sex!!!!
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brooklynbred · 6 days
Heartbeat Starters
"Why is your heart beating so fast?"
"Are you okay? Your heart rate is elevated."
"I can hear your heart. It's racing."
"I can hear your heart. It sounds nice."
"If you listen to my heart, it might help you fall asleep."
"Can I just listen to your heart for a little while?"
"Feel my heart, it's pounding so fast."
"Do you feel my heartbeat?"
"I can feel your heart."
"Cmere, I can't sleep without your heartbeat."
"I just felt your heart skip a beat."
"My heart is beating way too fast."
"Hey, does my heart feel weird to you?"
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brooklynbred · 6 days
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Captain America. Steve. I look at your handsome face… into your clear, azure eyes… And, as ever, I feel the same guilty envy. The man’s heart is vast and full of positive emotion, unlike mine. I feel like a snail or a tortoise, lumbering along in my shell, whenever I’m with Steve. So clumsy and so safe next to his grace and daring. —Tony Stark, Tales of Suspense Vol. 2 #1
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brooklynbred · 6 days
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welcome to steve and tony's masterclass on how to be a bitch
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brooklynbred · 6 days
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new dash icon for pride month! give a big round of applause for america's bi icon steve rogers!
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brooklynbred · 6 days
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all steve had ever wanted to do was be a protector. it was clear from the moment he became captain america , he wanted to help people , in whatever form that took. for wanda , it had been giving her a home. a place where she could belong , and a family. he was thrilled the avengers ended up working out as that place for her. lord only knew she needed it after everything she had been through.
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❛ well thanks , but you don't gotta thank me. ❜ steve shrugged his shoulders. to him , there was no other choice but to be there for her. she was family , and that was just simply how steve was. ❛ you're family. and i'll always look after my family. ❜ history itself was enough proof the lengths he would go for the people he cared about. ❛ you always have a place here. plain and simple. ❜
A small smile formed on Wanda's lips as she looked at Steve for a moment. Then she shook her head. "I never felt so safe with people like I feel safe with you." She said softly while her Sokovia accent faded in and out. "When my brother and I were younger and our parents were dead all we had were each other." Her eyes lowered as she thought of Pietro.
" I thought that when he died, I'd never get back up. " Wanda said softly. "But you helped with that and I just wanted to thank you is all." Her voice was soft as she spoke. "You never gave up on me and that speaks more to me than you'll ever know."
----> @brooklynbred X
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brooklynbred · 6 days
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steve knew better than anyone that natasha could handle herself. he'd seen her in action enough times working together over the years , and plenty of those times , were nat saving his ass when he got in a little to over his head. he knew she could handle herself. this wasn't about that. this was about him being there to support her , because they were a team. and the thought of her shouldering this alone , whether she could handle it or not . . . just didn't sit well with him. he nodded , smirking and scoffing slightly when she told him to be careful. ❛ do my best. ❜ he promised. ❛ you do the same okay? ❜ his voice was a little quieter then. ❛ there's people who care about you. ❜
"I know I'm not.." She looked up at him. She knew that no matter what she said, it wouldn't change his mind. He would do exactly as he said, not let her go alone. She looked down at his hand over hers. "Alright if you want to go with me, then come with me. I wont stop you." She took a deep breath. "Just.. please be careful." Her green eyes looked into those ocean blue eyes.
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brooklynbred · 6 days
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@americanedpsycho : ❛ are you bleeding? ❜
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the comment causes him to deadpan slightly at the wall , before looking back to pat. he's still getting used to someone not just , already knowing this about him. and from this specific person , he's even more surprised. ❛ wait , you're surprised? ❜
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brooklynbred · 6 days
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@youxmove : ” stay , please. ”
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he should probably not stay. he's managed this long without any relationships with agents. there's a worry that it would all be too close to work and home. then again , he's never been able to find someone who really understands this life. so what's he to do about it really? his jaw flexes slightly. giving away that thoughts are running through his head. next he sighs , before letting out a breath , and nodding. ❛ alright. i'll stay. ❜
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brooklynbred · 6 days
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@vvolfstare : i love you , and i will love you until i die , and if there's a life after that , i'll love you then.
steve paused for a moment , his strong arms wrapped securely around the brunette. he's not surprised that he heard them , but more wondering what had prompted the words of adoration , and declaration of love. he's not complaining though. he never needs an excused to hear bucky talk to him like that. it made his heart sore the same as it had before everything they had been through.
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❛ if i didn't know any better , ❜ he mused as he looked down to bucky with an adoring smile to match the words the brunette just said. ❛ i'd think you were either about t'pop th'question , ❜ he leans down to place a kiss upon his lips. the action slow and loving. ❛ or you were about t'run int' some sort of danger. ❜ there was a pause. ❛ really hopin it's not the latter. ❜
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brooklynbred · 6 days
If sexual activity between same-gender people became illegal, the police would be the ones enforcing those laws.
That's why police are not welcome at Pride. Pride is for unconditional supporters, not for those who would become enemies as soon as they're ordered to.
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brooklynbred · 6 days
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could you find a way to LET ME DOWN SLOWLY. a little sympathy i hope you can show me. if you wanna go then I'LL BE SO LONELY. if you're leavin baby LET ME DOWN SLOWLY.
BROOKLYNBRED is a private , mutuals only roleplay blog for STEVE ROGERS / CAPTAIN AMERICA , originally based on marvel comics / mcu , and reimagined based on headcanons and custom lore. this blog contains extremely triggering content , and is for muns 21+. protected by the lovely jj.
the serum amplifies everything on the inside. GOOD , BECOMES GREAT. BAD , BECOMES WORSE.
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brooklynbred · 6 days
here working on stuff until i leave for the night and day tomorrow. i'll be on discord if you have it after i leave but if not i'll be back sometime tomorrow night. in the meantime . . . come plot with me. i'm here and over on my bucky blog doin stuff.
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