brooksienewman · 1 hour
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Newman Family Farm at Creek Fest
The Newman family farm will be selling the last of the fresh and greenhouse blueberries for the year, so don't miss out on your chance to get a taste! There will also be an blueberry jams and compote and blueberry apple muffins for sale- while supplies last!
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brooksienewman · 1 day
I think I'm gonna do a mud pit on the farm for his bachelor party, actually. That's where I'm gonna take him out, and anyone else who dares to challenge me. Except he just might kick my ass in those circumstances. I think we need to change as people, honestly, who we were born as can be a good starting point, but there's always more to that. That's what I hear. I should tell Cordelia I said she can bring bugs to the wedding, see how she reacts.
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I'm going to take your word for it, on account of how I want to see you and Cage wrassle it out, I'm assuming before the wedding, so either at Creek Fest or some sort of bachelor party. I'll bring it up whenever I see you guys together, just to see how this turns out. No, it's true, otherwise you just stay in this sort of stagnant place of never really changing and chalking everything up to, 'well, it was how I was raised,' and what good does that do? I try to rise above that. Or else I'd be a real jerk. Oh, I absolutely do, she's a sweetheart. Her mom absolutely loves that I've taught her to love bugs, too.
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brooksienewman · 1 day
"Five or six?" he asked with a shake of his head. "I don't know, I'd be kinda an old dad now, wouldn't I?" He shook his head. "I mean, marriage isn't out of the question, but I don't want to be that dad who can't play catch, not that there's anything wrong with that, just that it's not me, you know?" Child Kellan wanted a gaggle of kids, but as an adult he was content with whatever life threw his way. "Please don't kick me in the ass." He flipped the pancake, pleased it wasn't too dark.
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Leaning back against the countertop, she crossed her arms and nodded. Rosalyn and Archie would be an adorable pair, but she'd had more than just that growing up. "So, were talking five years? Six? Have you sworn off dating or do you just need a good kick in the ass?" She watched the pancake batter beginning to bubble before placing a hand on his shoulder. "Because I can do that. I'm more than happy to do that."
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brooksienewman · 1 day
Kellan grabbed the frisbee one last time, tucking it aside when he caught it. "A draw works for me, honestly. Get something cold, maybe mostly made out of water. Then we can do a rematch," he answered with a laugh, gesturing for them to lead the way.
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"Something tells me that you'll survive," they paused, before breaking into a wide grin, "big baby." When Kellan shot the backhanded compliment -- or maybe just a full compliment, calling it their best game -- at their catch, Stelly couldn't help but to feel a little burst of pride, giving the frisbee one more toss towards Kellan before speaking. "Then how about we call it a draw and we go find something to snack on and a tasty drink? I think we've earned it, working up a sweat."
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brooksienewman · 1 day
Well, I didn't say I would kill you, just nearly. Yeah, I can't imagine you being the type to want to go out partying all night, and it'll be nice to have you crash in a comfy bed at the end of the night. Plus, if you want the boys to be around for a bit, it'll be a lot easier if it's at the house than a bar or something, right?
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Thank you for not potentially drowning me right before my wedding, I'm really sure that my wife and kids appreciate you keeping me alive. I like that idea, something a little more laidback, but still very me at the end of the day, you know? I don't even remember my last bachelor party, I was beyond shit faced drunk the entire time, so… this is a much better, safer option.
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brooksienewman · 1 day
Thanks, now I can die happy, because I have your pride. You are and then I remember you as a little kid and you're not so scary anymore, honestly. I'm doing my best to make sure he looks respectable at least until the end of the night, but I can't guarantee the state he'll be in when you go home. I never expected to win it, but I had to try, I thought your brother and I were closer than that now but... And I'll use her for free work around the farm, but that's part of being in the family. Hey, I'm a hermit who is out and about for Creek Fest, though!
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I just appreciate that you listened the first time and didn't need me to repeat it three or four time! I'm proud of you, Kellan! Since obviously I'm soooo intimidating! I've no doubt that you'll be good to your word and that he'll show up all fancied up. I did promise him that he can wear a cowboy hat from the station we're having at the wedding once it's made but that's after the ceremony and all that. I think at this point Jace might agree I'm an angel, just saying! Not going to win this one right now, Kel, good try though. Just accept it. She's definitely being raised under the Newman influence and I'm more than okay with that. Perfect, yes. With great people around her and knowing she's loved, really the best thing she can have. Are you comparing yourself to a hermit, really?
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brooksienewman · 1 day
"At least half of my siblings won't even eat food I make, so there's not even a chance I can poison them," he defended, fully aware it was not a defense at all. "Sounds kinda like an allergy to me," Kellan said lightly. "But I believe it, and at least that means you can eat some without dying. It's one of those things that sneaks into everything." He grimaced, thinking of the unpleasant texture of coconut in some of the best foods. "Please, I'll talk to strangers about irrigation systems and the different varieties of blueberries, we all have our things." He shrugged as he spoke. All forty plus years of life experience went into making Kellan not leave the room as she spoke, still feeling every bit the shy boy who was afraid of praise from pretty girls he once was. "Well, that's very sweet of you to say, I still kick a ball around now and then, but it's not so impressive." He turned to her, extending his hand for a shake. "It's a deal."
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Tilting her head, eyebrows furrowing like she was cautiously looking at him, "Are you sure you've never poisoned anyone? Like positive?" It really was a joke, "I think I'm going to have to get your siblings together and ask to be sure, collect all the data." Smirking at the sandy blonde haired man in front of her, knocking her hip against him. A laugh left her lips, "Actually, did you know allergies to coconut is really rare? Like severe allergies? It's not an actual nut, what I have, according to an allergist while I was at medical school is a sensitivity to coconut. So I try not to eat it, I could but it's not worth the itchy tongue." Giving a shrug, "And should I ever have children someday it's something I could pass onto them especially if I keep pushing my luck to an actual allergy and while I've got no plans, I'm not really about taking the odds." Giving a shrug before blushing. "Sorry my medical knowledge jumped out way too much ignore me." Sometimes she forgot she wasn't always talking to another medical professional. "Of course I did, how could I not? We had one of the best on the team? I've always loved soccer, just wasn't my sport. I told you, everyone wanted to watch you, myself..." Clearing her throat, "My friends included." Volleyball was her thing, "But I definitely loved watching you play." Which was true, every girl loved watching him play, she hadn't been blind. Once everything was on her own pan she shifted, "Alright then, it's you and me, Creek Fest, having some fun and getting you into a little 'trouble'."
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brooksienewman · 4 days
"I've not food poisoned a single person before," he said, clutching his hand to his chest, even as a bit of flour landed on his chest. "So when you say that the coconut makes your tongue tingle, what you're describing is an allergy," he explained, matter of factly. "Well, on the field, yeah," he admitted bashfully. "At least when I was here and in college. I didn't realize you were watching the games," he admitted, which was probably admitting a bit too much. Should he have said that he observed her in high school? Was that the cool thing to say? "Dad insisted that we all have a glass of something high quality after a week of hard work- didn't have to be alcohol, but he liked bourbon too." He shook his pan gently, worried the balls of dough would stay a bit too ball-y. "I think I can spare some time during Creek Fest for you, I've got those college interns set up to sell the stuff at the farm stand, after all."
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"Okay, okay, I think that's fair, but if you give me food poisoning we're going to have words." Devious eyes glancing up through her thick dark lashes before laughing. It wasn't like these cookies she was making were going to be something wonderful, but she would try them, so she was sure she could manage whatever he made. "Yeah, minus the coconut for me." Glancing over at him, "I'm not allergic but it makes my tongue itch and -- " she shook her head. "That is far too much information, but yeah, those kind of bowls. They're delicious and a staple for me before work." she admitted. Raising her brows, "Oh please, you were the hot shot, I mean maybe you're too kind to say it now but while I was playing college volleyball I read articles about how amazing you were doing." At least until his career had sadly come to an end. "You sell yourself short, Newman. I used to come out with all my girlfriends and watch the games. Gosh you were all so good but I don't think you knew how good you were." A sincere smile tugged to her lips, "Good, I'm glad you're happy, that's all that really matters these days right? Finding the thing or things that make us happy. It's far too hard some days so we have to appreciate when we have those things." Licking her lips as she started to make her own cookies into dough balls on the sheet in front of her. "Bourbon huh? Well then I won't ask you to buy me a drink but I do have a few ideas of some fun we can have." A shy smile tugging to her lips as she dropped her head down. "You should trust me, but I'll take that as a compliment, Newman. How about Creek Fest? I will come up with something fun to get you out adventuring, and you can show me the things that have changed. It's a win-win all around."
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brooksienewman · 4 days
I am the superior brother. I'm not overly confident about much, but this is one thing I know for sure. We have to be accountable as human beings if we want to grow, I guess. Sounds like bullshit, but there's truth to it. We need to keep egos in check, for sure. Yeah, yeah, and you're still a wee boy in my eyes. Colton thinks I'm pretty cool, for sure, Archer is still in the throwing up on me stage but Rosalyn has had me wrapped around her little finger since day one, but I'm sure you know how that is.
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That's exactly what a big brother would say, sounding just a little bit full of yourself and like you know for a fact that you're the superior brother, just saying. But yeah, exactly that. You can't blame everything on them, eventually you gotta take a step back and realize that you are responsible for your own behavior and decisions, I've always tried to hold myself accountable for that. Don't worry, I won't. I don't want him to get too big of a head, after all. Well, yeah, but I was just a wee boy! You can't hold that against me. Okay, that's fair. I've got to keep up with you, I'm sure that Colton and Archer think you're a great uncle. Plus Rosalyn now, too.
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brooksienewman · 4 days
"Can't wait to get the call from the Las Vegas airport to wire you some money for a flight back," he joked, plopping the first pancake into the pan. Inevitably, this one would burn. First pancakes always did. "Well, he's got Rosalyn and she won't bully him too much, because he's younger," Kellan said with a laugh, though he knew what she was implying. "Well, I was a professional athlete last time I dated, so."
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"Yes, plenty of time and space for me to realize what a horrible idea it is to run off and get married." She leaned her forearms against the counter as she shrugged, "I want more cousins for Archie. Little ones his age that he can get all rough and tumble with." She had many fond memories of doing just that in her own childhood. She raised an eyebrow at Kellan, "And really, you don't think you need help. When was the last time you went on a date big brother?"
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brooksienewman · 4 days
"Yeah, I'm a poor, poor baby and you're being sarcastic, which I don't appreciate." He shook his head. He could never actually be stern with Stelly, feeling the way towards them he often did his younger siblings. "Damn, and now you're actually bringing out your best game?" Kellan asked, giving a dramatic sigh. "I only like to play when I can kick someone's ass."
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"Oh no… you poor, poor baby," Stelly did their best to hold back a laugh, pulling a face at Kellan's obvious plot for pity. Which didn't work, because he was probably one of the most-liked people that Stelly had ever had the pleasure to know, so they didn't think he had so much to worry about. "Well, well, well, those are pretty tough words, coming from a big man baby," but then when Kellan took his next throw, aiming it up in the air, they knew that they couldn't miss, stepping back a few steps and jumping up into the air to grip the edge of the frisbee, dropping back down into the sand with a grin. "Ha!"
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brooksienewman · 4 days
My original plan was to kidnap you in the night and dunk you in the lake, but I guess we can do something else. Just going on a boat and fishing isn't so fun, maybe I'll get the farm all set up and do a party with some beers and Merrock's manliest doing manly things like throwing horse shoes.
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So... how do you feel about helping me plan some sort of bachelor night? I don't really want to do anything too high key, good drinks, invite some friends and family, but I'm also open for suggestions.
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brooksienewman · 10 days
Sure you don't, just keep going on and on about how younger brothers are better, but I will always know the truth. It's the whole nature vs nurture thing, right? The person we are will always come through, but sometimes the surroundings really want to keep us down. Yeah, yeah, don't give him too much credit, Jace, you don't have to, obviously. That's part of being family. High school you, though? Tormenting me, as per usual. Well, I said a good uncle, not the best uncle.
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Yes, we are! But you know what? We own the fact that we're horrible and we don't try to refute it when our big brothers remind us over and over again about it being a thing. Just saying. You're probably right. I think our parents did some damage, but I also think that using them as an excuse for the kind of adults that we become is weak. But maybe that's just me talking as someone who got out. I think he officially fixed it long before that, and I'm grateful for it. I would never do such a thing! Now… that we've graduated high school, of course. Back then, well. Yeah, fair. They'd think that I was funny until the whole thing deflated. It's less funny, then.
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brooksienewman · 10 days
"Vegas is so far away, though, like the other side of the country," he stated, defending his choice. Atlantic City was, for whatever reason, tackier in a way that was delightful. "It's because you want more nieces and nephews, right?" he said, trying to deflect from the sentimental nature of the comment. "Thank you, though. I don't think I need it, but I'll remember."
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"Vegas, Kellan. It's got to be Vegas." Go big or go home in her mind, though the idea of such a thing happening now seemed almost laughable. She shook her head at his distrust. "Of course I would help you. Mercilessly tease you, hold it over your head for life, but when it's truly game time you can count on me."
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brooksienewman · 10 days
"People bully me, everyone is so mean to me and terrible to me." He gave a dejected look. "WIth fangs? The only thing that you seem to have is butter fingers, or paws, in this case." He reached up, catching this frisbee with ease. "Watch out, if you miss this time, I'm going to be disappointed." He tossed it back their way, aiming over Stelly's head.
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"Oh, is that what it is?" they asked, trying their best not to laugh as they looked over at Kellan, "it's not that you're not good at frisbee or anything, it's that people bully you?" Although boys would be boys, maybe his friends did bully him, in the most playful way ever, at least. "Hey, I'm basically a kitten!" they missed the catch as Kellan tossed it, letting out an 'oops' and running after it, grabbing and sending a wobbly, but well-aimed toss his way. "But a kitten with fangs."
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brooksienewman · 10 days
"Honestly, it's like she doesn't even care about your culture," Kellan said, with a very obvious roll of his eyes. "Rude that she wants to make sure you have a sophisticated wedding, honestly." He knew that would never work, even if Cordelia loved him. He'd be too afraid of any stern looks from his sister-in-law. "Maybe we'll leave that to Lou, that feels like the best course of action." Kellan paused for a moment as Cage reached for him. "Don't be getting all sappy on me, or else we're going non-alcoholic for the next beer."
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"Maybe," he laughed, shaking his head. But Cordelia did have style and class and a desire to make sure that he didn't look like a total slob in wedding photos, which meant that they would have been diving in and out of a Target, no doubt. "I… got voted down on that," he sighed. "I also got told no pigs in the blanket, which feels very unfair, like my culture is being ignored or something," his tone was light and airy, clearly joking, but he knew that his brother of all people would still find it at least a little bit funny. "I'll let you be the one to put the hat on her head, how's that?" he asked, grinning. If anything, Cordelia would probably be more forgiving of his brother than she would him. She did have a soft spot for Kellan. "Yeah," he laughed, nodding his head, reaching to squeeze his brother's arm as he walked by. "Thanks, Kellan." Not just for the beer, but his brother knew that.
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brooksienewman · 10 days
"I want you to have the reasonable expectations that it won't be good," he explained with a smile. His batter looked good and done, if not a bit overmixed, so he stepped aside. "So it's like one of those bowls where they've got the coconut and stuff on it?" he asked, starting on making the little balls of dough, plopping them onto the cookie sheet. "Hot shot? Hardly." He ducked his head down. Kellan was good, he'd admit that, but he never had the attitude to carry any real talent. "It wasn't easy, but I feel like I'm where I need to be now, you know? Like I'm good, I'm happy, I understand what my dad said all those years about working hard and reaping the benefits." He could hear his father's voice clear as day sometimes. "Yeah, we're both too old, obviously," he answered with a laugh. "Nah, I have a beer or some bourbon now and then." Kellan narrowed his eyes at her, skeptical at first. "I think I do trust you."
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"Are you saying that it won't be good, or is this one of those 'I want you to have reasonable expectations?' kind of thing." Another bit of laughter, because he never understood why he was determined to seem like he was underestimating himself. "But fine, I won't pay, you insisted." Clapping her hands together to get the flour off and watching it disperse into the air a tiny bit. "Blueberry acai, think of it like.. a really strong tasting blueberry super food smoothie. But in a bowl, it's delicious." she had consumed far too many of them in her days playing volleyball for college. "It fits, you running the farm." A more sincere, less joking smile tugging to her lips. "Like I said, I didn't expect it, you were always this big, hot shot soccer player, all the girls wanted him, all the boys wanted to be him." she said, she knew he had gotten injured, she had heard through the grapevine while in school. "I'm sorry by the way, it couldn't have been easy." She knew how passionate she had been in college playing volleyball. "See I can't tell you, that gives you chance to protest or disappear." Not that she couldn't find him, with all the Newman's in town, it wouldn't be hard. "Too old? You realize I'm only a bit younger than you, and you're essentially saying I'm too old then right?" Raising her brow in his direction. "Now if you don't drink because you don't want to drink, I respect that and that's not the only thing to do around town." Giving him a second before turning to face him a little more. "Trust me?"
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