brorando · 4 months
The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End…
Would you like to be a Survivor of the Last Days? “But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.” (2 Timothy 3:1) The Last Days (pangs of distress) do not last for an exhaustive period of time but do have an ending to them. It’s an allotment period of time of 120 years, like the Days of Noah. This allotment is a Conclusion of a System of things. As Christ…
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brorando · 4 months
Bible Prophecy and 2034. Will you gain Spiritual Discernment to Become a Survivor of the Last Days?
Is not wisdom calling out? Is not discernment raising its voice? (Proverbs 8:1) The Last Days at (2 Peter 3:3) and (2 Timothy 3:1) as far as timing goes, have different beginnings and lengths of time that will culminate into a simultaneous ending on 2034. The timing of the last days in Second Peter are expained in the entire third chapter. However, allow me to show you the specific scripture…
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brorando · 6 months
The Last Days... When?
“But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.  For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal,  having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness,  betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of…
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brorando · 7 months
The End of Wickedness is now at hand!
Imagine a time when people no longer treat one another like animals, I know, it’s hard to fathom. After all, religion herself is the cause for many wars, causing strife and hatred that permeates mankind, but not for much longer. These manifestations will soon reveal themselves all over the world and is also known as the revealing of the Son of Man. This phase is the third and final phase known as…
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brorando · 7 months
2034 and its significance...
2034 has a dual significance of several Bible Prophecies that will begin to unfold in the near future. One of those prophecies are in response to the ‘short period of time’ Satan has, known as the Last Days. “Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.” (Rev 12:12) 2034 doesn’t represent the beginning…
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brorando · 9 months
How does the Hebrew Tetragrammaton יהוה read in Your Translator?
The Answer May Suprise You! The screen shots below give you some very strong evidence that is undeniable. Even when you use various languages for Jehovah, all language transliterations go back to the Hebrew Tetragrammation יהוה – as you can SEE. The ‘truth’ is so simple isn’t it? Will they repent to keep on living or will their pride bring them down to the valley of hinnom of everlasting…
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brorando · 10 months
Scriptures that trinitarians Don't Want You to Know About
After these things I heard something like the loud sound of a great crowd in heaven saying, “Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God,” (Rev 19:1 LEB) Trinitarians falsely proclaim that God has No Name Trinitarians falsely proclaim that God’s Name cannot be found in the Greek or NT Jesus’ Name when translated means ‘Jehovah is Salvation’ John’s Name when translated means…
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brorando · 10 months
Are You Prepared to Lose Your Social Benefits?
Many Countries offer Social Benefits to their citizens to give them a helping hand. These Benefits were meant to be given for a limited time. Those precious benefits will come to an abrupt end as the Political Kings of the earth turn against the World of False Religion to confiscate and plunder her Wealth. Look! I am about to throw her into a sickbed, and those committing adultery with her into…
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brorando · 11 months
What is so special about the decade of the 2030’s? The Ruler of this World will have reached his Pinnacle to have his Nations united in cause to spew mankind’s Biggest Lie of Propaganda that the world has ever heard. Satan has offered these nations of his kingdom/governments to Jesus Christ some 2,000 years ago, if only Jesus would simply do an act of worship towards him. What was Jesus’…
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brorando · 11 months
Do not treat prophecies with contempt. (1 Thess 5:20)
Prophecies are promises of truth that are revealed at a future date. Therefore, the fulfillment of a prophecy is a ‘timed event’ that covers a period of time. The Bible tells us, “For the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing Unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7) The Prophet Daniel first learned about ‘the fulfillment of a prophecy’ in…
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brorando · 1 year
Do you understand Matthew 24:3?
If you haven’t gained understanding of Matthew 24:3, you are not alone. Jesus Christ response to the question of ‘when’ was, “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matthew24:36) This Greek Word parousia literally means ‘being alongside’ and alludes to Christ’s Presence covering a period of time as to “the Days of Noah…
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brorando · 1 year
Would you like to know the truth?
For almost two thousand years, false religion have kept ‘the truth’ hidden from the many and now are losing their battle against the Lamb! True Christians are on the march in this dark world, allowing ‘the truth’ to shine forth. Jesus Christ shared with his followers, “People light a lamp and set it, not under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it shines on all those in the house.” (Matthew…
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brorando · 1 year
Will the Real Scripture Please Stand Up.
Finding this information greatly disturbed and agitated the spirit within me. But then, I heard others referring to the spurious text over and over, I realized that Jehovah reveals his “Divine Will” to whomever he pleases. It is not necessarily to the wise and intellectual and I was thinking it’s not for me to judge. With that, I knew the truth that the Great Commission was a hoax set by the…
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brorando · 1 year
Do You Believe?
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brorando · 2 years
The 144,000... when are they chosen and sealed?
Brother Rando is a student of Prophecy and one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. His interests are directed towards how the time of the end would come about. His Goal is to educate the public that Jehovah Witnesses have accepted the Sacrifice in Christ, whose Blood was shed for many as a ransom and exercise faith in ‘Jesus Christ’ for salvation. (Romans 10:9) As a student of Prophecy, the passing of time…
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brorando · 2 years
Are you experiencing great tribulation?
Are you experiencing great tribulation?
Have you ever experienced a tribulation that was so great and horrendous, that you thought you were just going to die? Well, you’re not the only one. The whole world is going through some sort of tribulation in one way or another, and I am sure that you can attest to that. There is good news, this time period doesn’t last forever, it does and will come to an end. Charles Taze Russell was a youth…
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brorando · 2 years
Imagine if John 1:1 was rendered correctly...
Imagine if John 1:1 was rendered correctly…
There were times when Jesus answered his enemies and they left him without a response because they recognized his answer was ‘the truth’. Who could argue against him? Those who recognized his teachings as truth had a choice to make. Do I humble myself and become a follower of Jesus Christ or do I choose to become an enemy of Christ and scatter his followers? Many are the latter! Imagine if John…
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