brothers-dawnblaze · 8 years
Anons or questions! Feel free to send em over. My box is hungry. OM NOM NOM.
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As always, you ask me a question you get one in return!
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brothers-dawnblaze · 8 years
2017 Predictions
Inbox me anon or not and leave me a prediction about my character that you foresee happening in 2017. Keep it IC please and my character will respond with their reaction.
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brothers-dawnblaze · 8 years
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Dami & Vel
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brothers-dawnblaze · 8 years
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A soft chuckle escaped the large elf as he watched the priestess quickly move to the ladder and climb down to begin her cleaning. With a light shake of his head he followed her down the ladder, stopping at a nearby shelf in his workshop to grab a strip of leather to use as a hair tie before continuing out of the cabin to kick dirt on the fire and clean up the broken pieces of his first plate.
“Why was my first reflex to break the damn plate..” He muttered, taking him a moment to find all the bits and pieces before taking it and the food that was now being consumed by tiny bugs over to an empty charred oil drum he used to burn his garbage. “Falling over would have been better.. unless I landed on the plate.” He perks a brow at the thought before shaking his head and moving back inside the cabin to wash his hands.
After changing his shirt he moved to sit in his favorite chair, re-wrapping his already bandaged hand with clean bandages before taking a moment to relax with a small smirk tugging at his lips. “I'm ready when you are. I'll take a couple of the treats you made to sate my hunger.” He said with a playful grin. “We can walk or take my war-hog. Up to you.”
Dawn of Their First Day (Cont.)
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Vel’s sobs continued as he spoke words of comfort to her. She didn’t want to be comforted, she wanted to go back and take away what she had said. “I shouldn’t have said that, I forgot… Dami I forgot… I’m so stupid.” Her wails continued to be muffled by the pillow. 
She felt his hand trail up and down her back softly as he tried to shush her tears. Her entire heart was shattered. How could she have forgotten one of the things that was most important to them, or that had been at the time. How could she say that she loved him and yet cause him pain; whether he wanted to admit it or not. She saw the look on his face and she saw the pain in his eyes. She caused that. No one else but her.
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Eventually when a few moments passed, she sat up on the bed and tried to brush her wild hair out of her reddened, tear streaked face. “It’s not alright..” She said as she avoided his gaze. She crisscrossed her legs and sat fumbling with the shirttail; anything to keep from looking at him. “It’s not alright to hurt someone you love, to poke at something that’s already been damaged..” She sniffed and wiped her nose on the back of her hand. “I can understand if you don’t want me and my sass mouth anymore… It’s probably why you stayed gone from me so long in the first place.” She finally looked up at him with tears welling up in her eyes; ready to spill at a moments notice.
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brothers-dawnblaze · 8 years
“I've always wanted you and your sass mouth..” He stated as he slid off the bed and onto his knees in front of her. “It slipped your mind, that's all.. We haven't seen each other in a long time. Probably because of the same reason.. we didn't think the other wanted to see.. the other..” He sighs with his poor wording but he knew she still understood him. “I missed you like crazy Vel.. just because something slipped your mind doesn't mean I'm going to instantly send you away..”
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Reaching to take her hands in his he lifts just enough to press his lips to her forehead. “Your sass mouth is part of the reason I love you.. it makes you, you.” He said softly as he looked up at her or rather more eye level in his current position. “It surprised me, it was unexpected.. I wont lie to you and say it didn't hurt any but.. I know you didn't mean for that. That's why I'm not angry with you.. that's why I'm not going to send you away. You were in the moment trying to tease me and it slipped your mind. You weren't intentionally trying to take a jab.”
He lifts his hand to gently brush his thumb against her cheeks to wipe away her tears, offering her a small smile. “No more tears.. It's a new start remember? We have stuff to do today, and things to catch up on. And you have work for me to do.” He snickers, giving her hands a gentle tug as he pulled her into a tight embrace.
Dawn of Their First Day (Cont.)
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Vel’s sobs continued as he spoke words of comfort to her. She didn’t want to be comforted, she wanted to go back and take away what she had said. “I shouldn’t have said that, I forgot… Dami I forgot… I’m so stupid.” Her wails continued to be muffled by the pillow. 
She felt his hand trail up and down her back softly as he tried to shush her tears. Her entire heart was shattered. How could she have forgotten one of the things that was most important to them, or that had been at the time. How could she say that she loved him and yet cause him pain; whether he wanted to admit it or not. She saw the look on his face and she saw the pain in his eyes. She caused that. No one else but her.
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Eventually when a few moments passed, she sat up on the bed and tried to brush her wild hair out of her reddened, tear streaked face. “It’s not alright..” She said as she avoided his gaze. She crisscrossed her legs and sat fumbling with the shirttail; anything to keep from looking at him. “It’s not alright to hurt someone you love, to poke at something that’s already been damaged..” She sniffed and wiped her nose on the back of her hand. “I can understand if you don’t want me and my sass mouth anymore… It’s probably why you stayed gone from me so long in the first place.” She finally looked up at him with tears welling up in her eyes; ready to spill at a moments notice.
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brothers-dawnblaze · 8 years
Closing his eyes, he let out a long sigh before setting his plate to the side and lifting from the log to follow her into the house. He knew she didn't mean anything with what she said, it was just her trying to be playful, even if it took him by surprise. “Vel..” He said softly from the bottom of the ladder as he wrapped his hand with a piece of cloth. “Vel it's alright..”
His ears wilt at the tips as he listened to her muffled sobs. “Vel..” He repeats as he ascended the ladder and moved to sit next to her on the bed. “Hey.. there's no need for you to be upset like this. I'm not mad.. I was just surprised.” He reached to place his hand lightly on her back. “Talk to me..”
Dawn Of Their First Day
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The sun was still lifting into the sky though a soft light came through the small window of the loft. The pair was still asleep after a night of showing one another the affection they had been missing.. but soon a muffled groan escaped the large elf who had fallen asleep with his face buried in Velonia’s chest and though he was reluctant to leave his current position he had things to do this morning. Trying not to disturb Vel’s slumber Damien moved as carefully and as quietly as a man of his size could from the bed and down the ladder, grabbing his pants and boots along the way. After taking a moment to slip on his trousers and boots he moved silently through the cabin to grab a large bow from the wall and a quiver half full of arrows. Living away from the city he had gotten used to hunting down his own food when he couldn’t afford it, or when he ran out of what Vel would send him, though he wasn’t much of a tracker stags were pretty common in the woods around his cabin.
Leaving the cabin he swiftly took off through the trees to find their breakfast, taking him nearly an hour to find and take down the beast and another half hour to carry it back. With his kitchen being mostly out of order.. and is inability to even use the stove he had properly he decided to instead use the fire pit outside to cook their meal instead. He really didn’t want their first morning together in years to involve burning his cabin down completely.
After getting the pit ready and sneaking in and out of the house for tools to carve up the stag, pots and pans that weren’t destroyed and to get what food that wasn’t charred by the cookie incident he finally had their meal cooking. By the time he was done with everything he was covered in blood and dirt which in that moment wouldn’t be a sight Vel wouldn’t enjoy seeing when she woke, so before going back inside he quickly ran to the nearby river to get clean. He also didn’t think to bring clean clothes with him so it was a brisk walk back with only his boots on.
Sneaking back into the house a final time he tossed his dirty bloody clothes into the barrel he would toss his dirty rags in he used while working before climbing the ladder to get dressed a second time. Taking in a deep breath he stretched, nearly hitting his head on the ceiling before quickly crouching down and moving to sit on the side of the bed. “Vel.. it’s almost noon. Food is nearly done.. time to wake up.” He said in a slightly quieter tone as he leaned to place a soft kiss over her lips.
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brothers-dawnblaze · 8 years
He rolled his eyes and smirked at her comment. “Funny, you have jokes this morning.” He snickers though his brows rose and his expression was priceless when she took the largest piece and started damn near devouring the contents of her plate. He shook his head with a soft chuckle before turning to make his own plate to join her only to brake it with her mention of being 'knocked up' causing his meal and drops of blood to fall to the ground.
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It took him nearly two minutes for him to turn around and stare at her, he had gone pale and his expression was a mix of blank and confused. “I'm sorry.. you what? I've what?..... What?” He finally asked, shifting his gaze between her face and her stomach several times before letting out a soft huff and rolling his eyes yet again once he remembered the one thing that kept them from having that happening so long ago. He wasn't able to get her pregnant. Or anyone. His swimmers didn't work properly thanks to the torture his father's goons put him through.
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“Right.. Jokes.” He said with a light shake of his head, offering her a small smirk as he turned to make a second plate with what was left on the fire. “You're full of jokes and sass today it seems.” He smiled slightly as he moved to sit next to her on the log, though he mostly picked at his food.
Dawn Of Their First Day
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The sun was still lifting into the sky though a soft light came through the small window of the loft. The pair was still asleep after a night of showing one another the affection they had been missing.. but soon a muffled groan escaped the large elf who had fallen asleep with his face buried in Velonia’s chest and though he was reluctant to leave his current position he had things to do this morning. Trying not to disturb Vel’s slumber Damien moved as carefully and as quietly as a man of his size could from the bed and down the ladder, grabbing his pants and boots along the way. After taking a moment to slip on his trousers and boots he moved silently through the cabin to grab a large bow from the wall and a quiver half full of arrows. Living away from the city he had gotten used to hunting down his own food when he couldn’t afford it, or when he ran out of what Vel would send him, though he wasn’t much of a tracker stags were pretty common in the woods around his cabin.
Leaving the cabin he swiftly took off through the trees to find their breakfast, taking him nearly an hour to find and take down the beast and another half hour to carry it back. With his kitchen being mostly out of order.. and is inability to even use the stove he had properly he decided to instead use the fire pit outside to cook their meal instead. He really didn’t want their first morning together in years to involve burning his cabin down completely.
After getting the pit ready and sneaking in and out of the house for tools to carve up the stag, pots and pans that weren’t destroyed and to get what food that wasn’t charred by the cookie incident he finally had their meal cooking. By the time he was done with everything he was covered in blood and dirt which in that moment wouldn’t be a sight Vel wouldn’t enjoy seeing when she woke, so before going back inside he quickly ran to the nearby river to get clean. He also didn’t think to bring clean clothes with him so it was a brisk walk back with only his boots on.
Sneaking back into the house a final time he tossed his dirty bloody clothes into the barrel he would toss his dirty rags in he used while working before climbing the ladder to get dressed a second time. Taking in a deep breath he stretched, nearly hitting his head on the ceiling before quickly crouching down and moving to sit on the side of the bed. “Vel.. it’s almost noon. Food is nearly done.. time to wake up.” He said in a slightly quieter tone as he leaned to place a soft kiss over her lips.
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brothers-dawnblaze · 8 years
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Damien whistled as she modeled the makeshift dress she made with his shirt. “I didn't hear any complaining last night. I still don't.” He teased and offered her a playful grin. “My shirt looks better on you anyway.. probably because your showing leg and you're naked underneath.” He snickered before shifting his gaze to the log with a slightly perked brow. “That works too.. Saves me from having to make another table.. if I end up throwing that one out the window.. and saves my window.”
Rolling his shoulders he made his way over to the log, looking it over to make sure it wasn't infested with bugs before crouching down to slide his metal hand underneath so he had a decent grip. Taking in a deep breath he let out a soft grunt as he began lifting the log from the ground to rest it on his shoulder. Though he didn't have feeling in his mechanical limb he could still feel the pressure where it connected in his shoulder.
“So are you the only doctor in the clinic or is it more of a they can't run it without you thing?” He asked loudly, or at least loud enough for her to hear him as he walked back to the fire with the log. “You don't work with one of those creepy kind of doctors do you? The one that's all smiles and has a really eerie calm voice?” He snickers before shuddering at the thought. 
Having gave himself many unwanted images of creepy doctors, Damien shifts to set the log on the ground near the fire before moving to grab a few smaller logs he was going to use for firewood and positioned them in a square so they could have a small table.
Dawn Of Their First Day
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The sun was still lifting into the sky though a soft light came through the small window of the loft. The pair was still asleep after a night of showing one another the affection they had been missing.. but soon a muffled groan escaped the large elf who had fallen asleep with his face buried in Velonia’s chest and though he was reluctant to leave his current position he had things to do this morning. Trying not to disturb Vel’s slumber Damien moved as carefully and as quietly as a man of his size could from the bed and down the ladder, grabbing his pants and boots along the way. After taking a moment to slip on his trousers and boots he moved silently through the cabin to grab a large bow from the wall and a quiver half full of arrows. Living away from the city he had gotten used to hunting down his own food when he couldn’t afford it, or when he ran out of what Vel would send him, though he wasn’t much of a tracker stags were pretty common in the woods around his cabin.
Leaving the cabin he swiftly took off through the trees to find their breakfast, taking him nearly an hour to find and take down the beast and another half hour to carry it back. With his kitchen being mostly out of order.. and is inability to even use the stove he had properly he decided to instead use the fire pit outside to cook their meal instead. He really didn’t want their first morning together in years to involve burning his cabin down completely.
After getting the pit ready and sneaking in and out of the house for tools to carve up the stag, pots and pans that weren’t destroyed and to get what food that wasn’t charred by the cookie incident he finally had their meal cooking. By the time he was done with everything he was covered in blood and dirt which in that moment wouldn’t be a sight Vel wouldn’t enjoy seeing when she woke, so before going back inside he quickly ran to the nearby river to get clean. He also didn’t think to bring clean clothes with him so it was a brisk walk back with only his boots on.
Sneaking back into the house a final time he tossed his dirty bloody clothes into the barrel he would toss his dirty rags in he used while working before climbing the ladder to get dressed a second time. Taking in a deep breath he stretched, nearly hitting his head on the ceiling before quickly crouching down and moving to sit on the side of the bed. “Vel.. it’s almost noon. Food is nearly done.. time to wake up.” He said in a slightly quieter tone as he leaned to place a soft kiss over her lips.
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brothers-dawnblaze · 8 years
A soft hum escaped him when he felt her arms go around him causing a smile to form on his lips. “Best sleep I've had in a long time.” He grinned slightly as he turned from the fire to lean down at press a soft kiss to her lips. “I hope you rested well. Especially since I let you sleep in.” He teased before turning his attention back to the food cooking on the pit. 
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“I didn't have much in the kitchen but I found some potatoes and a couple eggs to go with the stag I brought home this morning. I suppose we'll probably need more food if we're going to stay here. Unless you want to take me to your place.” He tilts his head slightly before glancing over his shoulder to her with a smirk. “You did say you had work for me there anyway.” 
Taking some of the food off and setting it on a nearby plate he glanced to the sky before turning to look at her. “Nice enough day, so I'll let you pick where we eat. We can go inside or I can bring out the table and we can eat here.” He shrugged lightly. “Shouldn't be too hard to bring out the table.. I don't think..” He chuckles softly, shaking his head as he looked back to the fire. “You're choice, I don't mind either way.”
Dawn Of Their First Day
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The sun was still lifting into the sky though a soft light came through the small window of the loft. The pair was still asleep after a night of showing one another the affection they had been missing.. but soon a muffled groan escaped the large elf who had fallen asleep with his face buried in Velonia’s chest and though he was reluctant to leave his current position he had things to do this morning. Trying not to disturb Vel’s slumber Damien moved as carefully and as quietly as a man of his size could from the bed and down the ladder, grabbing his pants and boots along the way. After taking a moment to slip on his trousers and boots he moved silently through the cabin to grab a large bow from the wall and a quiver half full of arrows. Living away from the city he had gotten used to hunting down his own food when he couldn’t afford it, or when he ran out of what Vel would send him, though he wasn’t much of a tracker stags were pretty common in the woods around his cabin.
Leaving the cabin he swiftly took off through the trees to find their breakfast, taking him nearly an hour to find and take down the beast and another half hour to carry it back. With his kitchen being mostly out of order.. and is inability to even use the stove he had properly he decided to instead use the fire pit outside to cook their meal instead. He really didn’t want their first morning together in years to involve burning his cabin down completely.
After getting the pit ready and sneaking in and out of the house for tools to carve up the stag, pots and pans that weren’t destroyed and to get what food that wasn’t charred by the cookie incident he finally had their meal cooking. By the time he was done with everything he was covered in blood and dirt which in that moment wouldn’t be a sight Vel wouldn’t enjoy seeing when she woke, so before going back inside he quickly ran to the nearby river to get clean. He also didn’t think to bring clean clothes with him so it was a brisk walk back with only his boots on.
Sneaking back into the house a final time he tossed his dirty bloody clothes into the barrel he would toss his dirty rags in he used while working before climbing the ladder to get dressed a second time. Taking in a deep breath he stretched, nearly hitting his head on the ceiling before quickly crouching down and moving to sit on the side of the bed. “Vel.. it’s almost noon. Food is nearly done.. time to wake up.” He said in a slightly quieter tone as he leaned to place a soft kiss over her lips.
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brothers-dawnblaze · 8 years
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His study if he so choses.
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brothers-dawnblaze · 8 years
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Surely he knows that I had his workshop built, awaiting his return…
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brothers-dawnblaze · 8 years
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Into the courtyard..
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brothers-dawnblaze · 8 years
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Coming from the gardens back towards the Manor..
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brothers-dawnblaze · 8 years
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The gardens are one of my most favorite places….
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brothers-dawnblaze · 8 years
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Picture worth a thousand words.
Via ( @rusticstyle) reblog
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brothers-dawnblaze · 8 years
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Autumn at Swan House, Atlanta
Seasons of Winterberry
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brothers-dawnblaze · 8 years
Dawn Of Their First Day
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The sun was still lifting into the sky though a soft light came through the small window of the loft. The pair was still asleep after a night of showing one another the affection they had been missing.. but soon a muffled groan escaped the large elf who had fallen asleep with his face buried in Velonia's chest and though he was reluctant to leave his current position he had things to do this morning. Trying not to disturb Vel's slumber Damien moved as carefully and as quietly as a man of his size could from the bed and down the ladder, grabbing his pants and boots along the way. After taking a moment to slip on his trousers and boots he moved silently through the cabin to grab a large bow from the wall and a quiver half full of arrows. Living away from the city he had gotten used to hunting down his own food when he couldn't afford it, or when he ran out of what Vel would send him, though he wasn't much of a tracker stags were pretty common in the woods around his cabin.
Leaving the cabin he swiftly took off through the trees to find their breakfast, taking him nearly an hour to find and take down the beast and another half hour to carry it back. With his kitchen being mostly out of order.. and is inability to even use the stove he had properly he decided to instead use the fire pit outside to cook their meal instead. He really didn't want their first morning together in years to involve burning his cabin down completely.
After getting the pit ready and sneaking in and out of the house for tools to carve up the stag, pots and pans that weren't destroyed and to get what food that wasn't charred by the cookie incident he finally had their meal cooking. By the time he was done with everything he was covered in blood and dirt which in that moment wouldn't be a sight Vel wouldn't enjoy seeing when she woke, so before going back inside he quickly ran to the nearby river to get clean. He also didn't think to bring clean clothes with him so it was a brisk walk back with only his boots on.
Sneaking back into the house a final time he tossed his dirty bloody clothes into the barrel he would toss his dirty rags in he used while working before climbing the ladder to get dressed a second time. Taking in a deep breath he stretched, nearly hitting his head on the ceiling before quickly crouching down and moving to sit on the side of the bed. “Vel.. it’s almost noon. Food is nearly done.. time to wake up.” He said in a slightly quieter tone as he leaned to place a soft kiss over her lips.
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