brown-eyedblues · 9 days
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new uquiz omg. what kind of warmth are you? been working on this forever pls take it <3
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brown-eyedblues · 1 month
your first column of emojis describes your personality! what’s yours?
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brown-eyedblues · 1 month
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brown-eyedblues · 3 months
Omg hiii I hope you're well. I reaaally like your writing so here is my silly little ask.
You know the song 18 by Anarbor? Well that but with billy and 1870s version.
She's the daughter of some rich people who obviously disapprove of people like billy. They become friends, and soon become something... More. But billy is certain that she's only with him to piss off her parents and doesn't actually love him so he's a bit distressed (she is, obviously).
So, there's that! Thanks in advance xxx
I Know What You Want From Me
[fem reader] contains: slight manipulation, controlling parents, period pains pairing: billy the kid x fem reader summary: you get with billy as a way to get back at your parents author’s note: thank you anon <3 love this one Pinterest Board Spotify Playlist
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Billy's careless good looks drew you to him first.
When you saw him out mending a fence on your parents' ranch, all sweaty and tall and broad, you instantly rushed to ask who he was. One of the staff told you he was helping your father out with a few things on the ranch; that his name was Billy. She didn't know much else, though.
You made the connection once she said his name. Billy the Kid. An outlaw for whom you'd seen wanted posters in the papers. The picture didn't do him justice at all in your opinion.
Even though he'd been described as dangerous, the man you saw rustling cattle didn't seem that way. He was quiet, you observed, speaking with the other ranch hands and your father when he came out to inspect their work, but mostly keeping to himself. The only scary thing about him was the gun on his hip, but that was a commonality amongst almost every man around here. Besides, would your father have let him on your property if he was a threat?
From afar you observed him for a week. He was a diligent worker. Your father was begrudgingly impressed by his quality, even though he wasn't fond of the fact that Billy had a history with the law. He wouldn't hire him on as a permanent ranch hand due to this, but Billy was as good as one. Even though your father insisted he was just "helping around".
Billy, from what you could see, was just a man trying to make an honest living. And you enjoyed watching him make an honest living. When he'd roll up his sleeves on a hot day and you'd catch a glimpse of his forearms you nearly went weak at the knees.
He made his way into your daydreams, sweeping you off your feet and doing unspeakable things to you. You dreamt of him climbing through your window in the middle of the night and pulling the covers back on your bed and climbing on top of you.
Out of sheer curiosity, you approached him one day when he was taking a break leaning against the same fence where you'd first seen him. He'd tipped his hat politely at you. "Ma'am."
You nearly swooned but composed yourself enough to keep talking to him. He'd looked at you interestedly as you spoke, engaging with you and taking his hat off so he could really look at you. Even though you'd approached him because you found him compelling, you found that you liked talking to him. He listened to you, really listened to you, and you felt like he actually cared about what you had to say. It was invigorating.
As the weeks passed, you continued to talk to him, and he gradually became more open to you. Billy told you things about his life; stories his late mother and where he'd been riding the past few years. You'd been worried at first that he'd only been being cordial to the daughter of his boss until he did start to tell you things.
Your father was less than enthusiastic about this new friendship, but he hardly said anything. His displeasure was shown through the way he'd call you away from talking to Billy, and the little comments he'd make about how much time you were spending with him now. His feelings were noted, but you didn't act on it.
"You're to go to the party at the Hamilton's place tomorrow evening," your father said one evening at dinner. Next to him, your mother nodded enthusiastically.
"Is there a reason?" you inquired, pushing food around your plate.
"Their son has shown an interest in you," your father responded casually.
"Oh." The Hamilton's son your age was odious to say the least. He had wandering hands and below the bare minimum of manners. You sat up straighter. "I don't know that I'm interested in him."
"You will be," was your father's simple answer. He folded his newspaper. "You've yet to find a suitable match, so I've arranged this one for you."
Furrowing your brow, you looked at your mother, who smiled. "This will be a good thing. It's very advantageous."
Immediately you shook your head. "But I don't want him to court me. I'm..." you tried to think of something. "I just..."
"We're a little past what you want," your father commented sharply. "If you wanted to choose you should have found someone ages ago. You've had every opportunity to do so."
His words were like a slap in the face. You hadn't chosen anyone because you hadn't found anyone to your liking. But had you known this was going to happen you would have gone with the first good enough man.
Standing up, you looked incredulously at your parents. "You never told me I was going to be arranged."
"It was obvious," your mother said dryly. "You really thought your father would let you pass three years without finding anybody? It's unthinkable, even for here out west."
Heart pounding, your breathing sped up. They were going to make you marry someone as awful as the Hamilton's son? All just to follow the pointless rules of high society's marriage mart? The only people who cared about things like that were those who'd come from elsewhere and settled. And those numbers were dwindling at best.
In your head you were screaming. But you couldn't do that on the outside too. So, you folded your napkin neatly and excused yourself with a calm voice.
The second you were out of the room you were tearing at your hair, terrified of what your future held. You were rapidly losing control. The tablecloth was pulled from underneath you, sending your porcelain life tumbling to the ground and shattering there.
You took yourself outside, trying to calm down and think logically. Just because they wanted the Hamilton boy to court you, didn't mean you had to marry him. But deep down inside you knew their mindset combined with your lack of action didn't make that idea promising.
Pacing back and forth across the porch, you looked out over the land for a distraction of any kind, your eyes landing on Billy, who was hauling lumber inside the barn. You were transfixed by him for a moment, by his strength, his build...he was the most beautiful man you'd ever seen in your life.
Before you knew it, your feet were moving, propelling you towards him. You had barely a thought in your mind, only pure want. The door was propped open, and you caught him halfway out, nearly knocking into him.
Holding your arms to steady you, he chuckled. "Hey." Then he noticed your look of distress, and his face fell. "Everythin' alright?"
Your chest was heaving, your hair windswept, your eyes wild. There was a rush of adrenaline as you looked up at him, taking in his rolled-up sleeves, his hot and sweaty skin, his hair curling and poking out from under his hat. And he cared. He cared whether or not you were okay.
In a split-second decision, you leaned up and kissed him suddenly, his lips warm and slightly chapped against yours. The kiss ended as quickly as it started, and you pulled back, slightly embarrassed. "I'm sorry-"
Billy shook his head, looking dazed. "It's okay. I..." he lifted one hand to rest on your cheek. Looking back and forth between your eyes, he moved forward and kissed you, really kissed you this time. His lips moved against yours, and you'd never been kissed like this before. Not even close.
Your impulses still driving you, you reached down to the button of his pants, unhooking it and slipping your hand down inside. He let out a surprised noise at the movement, his own hand going to your wrist. Against your lips, he muttered, "Honey. What're ya-"
Breaking the kiss, you fell to your knees in front of him, pushing him against the open barn door. There was nobody else around- all the other ranch hands went home earlier. Billy's hand went to your hair, brushing it out of your face and holding you there. "You...you..."
His lips parted and the prettiest sound fell from them, spurring you on. Billy looked down at you in amazement, trying to keep quiet since you were out in the open. He gritted his teeth. "Oh...baby..."
When you were done, he pulled you back up, kissing you determinedly. You felt invigorated by the feel of it, by everything you'd just done and the fact that you'd done it to him.
Your lips broke from his, and he kept his eyes closed for just a moment. When he opened them and you saw the bright blue coupled with the desire reflected there, you wanted to get on your knees for him all over again.
"Walk me back up?" you whispered, and he nodded, bending his elbow so you could slip your hand into the crook. There were no words exchanged between the two of you during the journey back up to the house; neither of you felt the need.
Once he had you in front of the porch steps, he lifted his hand to tuck your hair behind your ear. "Is this...are we...?"
Aware your parents could be watching from the windows, you nodded enthusiastically. "Yes. If you want to be."
His eyes went hazy, and you knew he was thinking of you on your knees. "Yeah, honey, 'f course."
You heard a scuffle from behind the door of the house, and you pulled Billy by the handkerchief around his neck into you. Your lips met in a sloppy kiss, and he grunted against your mouth, but returned it. His hands found your waist, his big hands gripping you.
The front door swung open with a loud creak, and you looked up, pretending to be surprised when you saw your mother standing there, looking utterly shocked. You didn't pull away, not immediately anyways, kissing Billy on the cheek and softly whispering you'd see him tomorrow.
After he started to walk away, your mother grabbed you by the arm and pulled you up the steps, shutting the door behind you. Once you were inside the house, she hissed, "What are you playing at?"
Holding your chin high, you raised your eyebrows. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"That boy, that..." she searched for the right word. "That outlaw. This is unacceptable."
You pulled your arm away, tossing your head proudly. "He likes me. And I like him. What's the harm?"
"The harm is that he's trouble," she said harshly, folding her arms. "No respectable girl from a good family could ever be seen with the likes of him."
"But you'd rather me be seen with the Hamilton's son?" you gave her a betrayed look. "I'd rather die." Then you walked right past her, going up the stairs to your room and quietly shutting the door. What you'd said and done was childish, but you were past caring.
You had taken your control back.
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In Billy's life, he hadn't considered himself to be very lucky.
He'd lost so much and had a tough time of it for the most part, and so he hadn't had terribly high hopes for this new town. His employer wasn't terribly fond of him but he paid very well, giving Billy incentive to stick around.
Well, the pay wasn't the only reason.
You had sprung into his life like a flower in the spring, an unexpected, but welcome surprise. He'd been cautious at first, of course. After all, you were his boss's daughter, and a very pretty girl. If he wasn't careful, he could get in trouble.
He liked listening to you though. And the more time he spent with you, the more he wanted to kiss you. You found your way into his dreams, with your pretty eyes and soft tone.
And after that day in the barn...well, you were in more than just that.
Billy never had a girl before, not really. He'd had little flings every now and then, but you were something special. After your first meeting he knew you were the kind of girl someone kept around. You were the girl men rode miles for, the girl they showed off. You were the girl someone like him only met once in a lifetime, if at all.
So he knew he had to hold onto you while he could.
The only qualm he had with the nature of the relationship was the fact that he was certain you were only with him to upset your parents.
He was upset with himself for having any qualms at all, thinking he should be grateful he even had a chance. How many outlaws, present and former, got the chance to even look at a girl so perfect?
But the thought tainted every kiss, every touch, every word. Whenever you were visiting with him while he was working and one of your parents was nearby you would pull him in for a kiss or lean into him more than you were previously. He'd oblige of course- he liked both holding and kissing you. But it was an underlying thing that filled him with dread.
To your credit, you did all the same things with him when you were alone. And that was really what kept him going. Those intimate moments when nobody else was around.
You with your head in his lap under a tree. Whispering to him how handsome he looked. Kissing him softly and smiling into it.
He would twirl your soft hair between his fingers, studying you in the sunlight as you laid side by side in the soft grass. "You're a wildflower, y'know?"
That brought a smile to your face. "The only flower people ever said I was like is a rose."
Billy paused, then smoothed his hand over your hair again. "Nah. You're as pretty as one. But you're a wildflower through and through. Beautiful, found in unexpected places. It suits ya."
His words made your cheeks rosy, and he reveled in the sight. His pretty girl. You settled closer to him, your fingers lazily dragging up and down his arm. "You always say the loveliest things to me. I hate that I'm not nearly as good with words. I wanna say something pretty back."
Heart fluttering, he leaned in and kissed you softly, his thumb rubbing your cheek. When he pulled back, he met your eyes. "You give me lots already, honey."
"Oh, like when I suck-"
"You hush," Billy pinched your cheek and you giggled, your laugh like a swan song. "No. I mean ya spend time with me. Let me love on ya.”
Smiling softly, you leaned into him, burrowing into his arms. He pressed a long kiss to your hair, rubbing your back gently. You murmured, “You’re terribly good to me. I don’t deserve it one bit.”
Billy shook his head, staring up at the sky. “You deserve it more than you think.”
Despite his worries about whether or not this was real, he couldn’t help his feelings. And he knew it was hard, having family who wished to dictate things such as who you wanted to be with.
Angelic and lovely, you looked up at him with baby doll eyes. He knew right at that moment that he could be patient. If you were only in it to make your parents mad, all he could do was be good to you and hope someday you would develop real feelings.
Still, he tried to keep his own at bay. Why should he let himself fall hard if he might turn out to be a pawn in a bigger game?
He kept this mindset until one day when he knocked on your door, and you let him in, saying your parents weren’t home. It was off to a good start, that you wanted to spend time alone.
“Whatcha doin’ pretty?” Billy asked, following you into the kitchen.
“Baking a cake,” you said simply, turning to your mixing bowl. “Wanna help?”
He did indeed want to help. “Tell me what to do.”
You directed him to crack eggs and stir batter and measure flour. It was such a domestic thing to do, and he enjoyed every second of it
When you put the cake in the oven, you accidentally touched the rack and exclaimed in pain, snatching your hand back.
Billy rushed to you, taking your burnt hand in his and inspecting the wound. He clicked his tongue. “Oh, sweetheart…” Lifting his eyes, he expected to see you upset, maybe even about to cry, and he readied his arms to comfort you.
But instead you were giggling, your uninsured hand coming to cover your mouth. “I’m so clumsy.”
The way you laughed and brushed off something painful was so endearing to him that he couldn’t help but crack a grin too. He lifted your hand to his lips, kissing the affected area. “You okay, baby?”
“Yeah,” you laughed, leaning your face into his shoulder and squeezing his hand. His heart thumped a steady beat, and he looked at you in awe.
And that’s when it hit him.
The realization itself was like a thunderbolt, but the feeling was not. The feeling had crept through the nooks of his heart and quietly made itself at home without him knowing. And now that he did, he wasn’t about to let it go.
Now he was even more determined to wait for you.
There was no way you didn’t at least feel a little bit of something. Not with the way you looked at him sometimes, the way your body naturally folded into his, the way you told him certain things like you’d never said them to anyone else.
So with that in mind he sat back and hoped it would grow.
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Your parents were getting fed up, you could tell.
For the most part you tried to ignore it, reveling in their dissatisfaction. You were doing what you wanted for the first time in your life and they hated it.
It was a fun perk that Billy turned out to be the way he was.
The guilt you’d felt at first couldn’t be ignored. You’d tried to convince yourself that you were doing it for the right reasons, but every way around you came to the same conclusion: what you were doing was wrong.
He was so kind, so considerate and caring toward you. Every day you spent with him it was proved even more. Billy made you feel special. He made you feel…
You didn’t want to say it yet. A deep, dark monster inside you said you didn’t deserve that. And you believed it.
Then there was one evening when he came over and your parents were at a gathering in town. They’d originally planned to bring you, but a bad bout of monthly cramps had left you curled up in your bed.
You heard a knock and shakily stood up, smoothing your hair and trying to look presentable. Thinking it was one of the staff, you were disarmed when you saw Billy standing in your doorframe.
“Hey baby,” he smiled in a jaunty way that made you swoon. “They told me I could come up.”
A little smile came to your face. “Hi.” Another pain rippled through your body, and you were reminded of why you were home. “Now’s not the best time for me to go out.”
He looked concerned. “Everything okay? Ya feelin’ alright?”
Hesitant to tell him, you blushed. You hated even telling your mother about your monthly.
Noting your embarrassment, Billy took your hand, squeezing it lightly. “It’s okay, pretty. You can tell me if ya want.”
His eyes were so kind. You’d always found comfort in the deep blue of them. And so surprisingly, you found what you hadn't wanted to tell him spilling out of you.
“I’m…I’m on my monthly and it hurts,” you said softly, looking down. Expecting him to be disgusted and recoil, you bit the side of your cheek.
Instead, Billy cooed sympathetically, holding out his arms and bringing you into him. Your head fell against his chest, the warmth of it easing your pained mind. He pulled you in so naturally, wholly unaware of how much it meant to you.
“Oh, my girl,” he murmured, kissing your hair. “‘M sorry, honey.”
His big arms were so comforting around you, and you murmured, “It hurts.” You’d already said that, but it was all your mind could focus on.
“I know, I know, sweet girl,” he rubbed your back and rested his chin on your head. “You wanna lie down? I can go-“
“No!” you shook your head, holding onto him tighter. “I mean…would you stay?” Holding your breath in anticipation, you were stunned by how easily he answered.
“‘f course, sweetie,” he guided you over to the bed, helping you lay down, and kicking off his boots before settling next to you. “D’ya want me to ask if someone can make ya some tea? Somethin’ nice?”
It sounded wonderful in the moment. “Please.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back,” he murmured, kissing your forehead before standing up. He was only gone for a few minutes, and when he came back he got right back in with you.
Billy held you so comfortably that you nearly cried. He reached a hand around your body, settling his gentle palm on your lower belly. “This feel alright?”
It felt wonderful. The warmth of him against you eased the ache of your back and abdomen. “Yes. Oh yes.” You squeezed his arm. “Thank you.”
“‘s no problem. Can’t have m’ baby hurtin’,” Billy brushed the fingers of his other hand through your hair soothingly. “You relax, honey. Lemme help ya feel better.”
You nearly burst into tears at how nice he was being. There wasn’t a time in your life when you could remember feeling this cared for, this…
That familiar guilt overwhelmed you as your own feeling consumed you. Love. You loved him. And you didn’t know how you’d ever felt anything other than that toward him.
Billy had shown you how it was supposed to be. Love did not take sides or favors. Love was a strange thing. It gave you wings, made you feel more alive than ever. Even here lying in your bed in pain it invigorated you.
Suddenly you wanted to tell him everything. You wanted to apologize over and over for how you’d used him at first, but then tell him you loved him. As many times as he needed to hear to believe you.
For now you tried to focus on getting over your cramps. You would gather your bearings and then find some way to confess. To bare your soul to someone you selfishly never expected to feel this way towards.
It was at the forefront of your mind for the next while. You were nervous about your feelings. There had never been a time in your life when you’d felt this way.
Normally while he was working on the ranch you’d go down and kiss him or make a big show of throwing your arms around him where one of your parents could see. But now you didn’t feel motivated to display yourself like that.
Instead you’d pull him in the barn, or behind the house and kiss him shyly. Even though you’d done a whole lot more than that, now that you’d realized certain feelings.
Your guilt held you back. You shouldn’t have dragged him into this. But you also knew that initially going in, you couldn’t honestly say that you had no feelings for him.
This was on your mind at dinner one night, when something your mother said cause you to snap out of your daze.
“You’re not to see that boy again.”
Brow furrowing, you looked between your parents, trying to determine if it was real. “What?”
“You’ve had your fun,” she said firmly. “But this little phase is over.”
“It’s not a phase,” you said quietly, and it empowered you that it was true. “I care about him.”
“Our image has suffered enough from your recklessness,” your father cut in as he cut his steak. “You denied the perfectly good match we made for you all to parade around town with an outlaw.”
He said the word as if it were dirty, and your mother agreed. “Unthinkable. The Hamilton’s boy was well connected, had a good inheritance-“
“Please stop.” Your lip was nearly bleeding from biting on it. “I don’t want to stop seeing Billy. He’s not what you think.”
“A man who’s wanted in several counties,” your father scoffed and you felt annoyance simmer. “I highly doubt it.”
“Daddy, you hired him,” you protested in disbelief. “He’s a good worker. You’ve said he’s a good worker.”
“Just because he can haul a few hay bales he’s a good person?” your mother laughed. “That doesn’t make him appropriate for you.”
“I’m not going to stop seeing Billy,” you shook your head, your heart beating faster in fear as you saw your words take in your parents’ minds.
They both stared at you, and you shrunk under their eyes. You folded your arms over yourself. “I-“
“Unacceptable,” your father said sharply. “After all we’ve done for you, I can’t understand how you could be so ungrateful.”
“Daddy-" you tried, your voice choking.
“End it.” His words were final. He promptly got up from the dinner table, and you heard the door to his office slam a few minutes later. Your mother gave you a cold look and left as well.
Sitting in the dining room, all you felt was panic. Your chest was constricting, and you were desperately trying to fill your lungs with air. Hot tears pricked at your eyes, and you put a shaky hand on your heart as if that would steady the rapid beating.
Knees wobbling, you stood, nearly knocking your chair backwards. Your feet somehow carried you to the front porch, where you stumbled forward and grasped the pole by the steps. It was like a lifeline in a storm. There, you dissolved into tears, your body shaking as you gripped the pole like it was your savior.
The very idea of ending things with Billy just when you were realizing how much you cared about him, how much you needed him...it made you hysterical. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to stop your tears and failing miserably.
You looked up, eyes widening. Billy was standing in front of you looking concerned. He took a step towards you and instantly you were running to him, collapsing into his arms.
"Baby, baby," he breathed, trying to steady you. "Hey, why don't you take some deep breaths f' me? C'mon, just follow mine. Count 'em. In, out. You can do it." His chest rose and fell against your body, and you matched him the best you could through your unsteady breaths. You loved him all the more for not trying to fix it right away.
"There ya go...that's m' girl," he praised, smoothing your hair as you became steadier. "Good... keep breathin', honey. You're doin' so good."
Pulling your face away from his chest, you grasped at the collar of his shirt. "I...I need...to tell you something..."
"You can tell me anythin' ya want," he promised, rubbing your back. "But I don't want ya to be all worked up when ya do. We got all night, sweet girl. Just breathe."
Billy's words worked wonders on you, and you started to gradually calm down. He guided you through it, easing you into steady breathing before he let you tell him what was on your mind.
"My parents want me to end it with you," you said softly, tugging on his shirt collar. "They told me tonight...I..."
His face was solemn, but he nodded. "I understand."
"But I don't want to," you breathed, a fresh wave of tears falling down your face.
Billy's brow was knitted. "Why not?" It was almost like he was expecting you to break it off; like he'd been anticipating it.
You took in a deep breath. "Billy...I did a bad thing when I first kissed you. I was angry at my parents for trying to control me and I knew it would make them angry too. But..." you took his face in your hands. "It would be wrong of me to say I never cared about you. I've wanted to tell you for weeks. I...I love you."
Frozen for a second, Billy stared at you. Then he bowed his head slightly. "Ya love me?"
"How could I not?" you breathed.
There was hardly half a second between his words and him scooping you up into his arms and holding you close, one arm under your bottom to hold you up and the other at the back of your head. Your legs wrapped around his waist, and he kissed the spot where his face was buried in your neck. "I love you. I love you, I love you, my wildflower. Been waitin' on ya but it was all worth it."
"You love me," you murmured, testing it out. Of course, it felt wonderful on your tongue.
"I love you." Billy pulled back and kissed you tenderly, then pressed equally soft kisses to your nose and your cheeks.
"You're not angry with me?" you asked in disbelief. Based on your past experiences with wrongdoing you thought he'd leave, hold a grudge, curse you out. But he'd instead held you the way you needed and told you he loved you.
"Baby, everything you told me," he breathed a laugh, nudging his nose against his. "I knew."
"You-" you closed your eyes for a second. "That must have been awful, I'm so sorry-"
"All forgiven a long, long time ago," Billy assured you, his lips on your forehead now. "I love you. Ain't nothin' or no one gonna change that. You're wonderful in every possible way. I'd be a fool to let go of ya."
Laughing once in disbelief, shock, and delight, you threw your arms around his neck, kissing him sweetly.
The two of you were right back on the porch of your parents' house, but this time you weren't kissing him so someone would see. No, you thought. I'm kissing him for me.
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brown-eyedblues · 3 months
can someone edit that s2pt2 billy to brutal by Olivia Rodrigo where it starts with the scene where he kills buckshot and then after he shoots him it goes the “I want it to be like messy” then edit commences
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brown-eyedblues · 6 months
any scene in justified where tim wears a baseball hat backwards reblog if you agree
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brown-eyedblues · 6 months
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I've seen this post floating around many Facebook groups for the last few months, and I cannot stress how angry it makes me. Because it is 100% bullshit.
The topic of owners who don't feel able to stay with their pets at the end of their lives for whatever reason is a hot one, and some people will insist there is no excuse for not being present - but there are many reason, not least trauma, phobia, PTSD from previous losses, etc. It is no one's place to judge someone's personal capabilities. And I absolutely reject the suggestion that 90% of owners do not stay with their pet - that is absolutely false.
What upsets me most about this post is the suggestion that animals are "frantic" during their last moments, and that us as veterinary staff would allow this to be the case. Yes, some animals are distressed to be apart from their owners. But those animals are never briskly put down in a state of panic. My colleagues and I go to great lengths to make all of our patients as comfortable and peaceful as possible at the end. Animals without owners are given as many hugs, treats, kind words, love and care as any other. I cannot count how many dogs and cats I have held in my arms and spoken calming words to as they passed. I have had a dog collapse on me because I held him up so he could bury his nose in a treat jar as the drugs were injected. To suggest that we would EVER allow an animal to pass whilst "frantically looking around" is deeply insulting.
Please, if you read any posts like this, do not believe them. Veterinary staff have enough problems with mental health and abuse without this untrue bullshit being floated around.
I just really needed to get this off my chest.
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brown-eyedblues · 7 months
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tom blyth photographed by mathias goldstein (2021)
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brown-eyedblues · 7 months
I want to see how many people actually are willing to say this and not just act like it
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brown-eyedblues · 7 months
Hey, if you're a minor and you're following my blog, I just need you to be aware:
You have been on this earth for fewer years than my cat has.
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She turns 20 this week, everyone please say happy birthday 🥳💖
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brown-eyedblues · 7 months
i will die for any of the winchesters. except mary and john. or adam. or henry. so basically just sam and dean
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brown-eyedblues · 8 months
if henning may sang primarily in english he would be every where on every radio station. he is one of the best vocalists of our generation he should've been a household name years ago, it's criminal that he isn't
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brown-eyedblues · 8 months
being a 13 year old girl and suddenly having an obsession with the outsiders and 80s coming of age films like the breakfast club or ferris bueller is such a canon event that must not be interfered with.
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brown-eyedblues · 9 months
Just to be abundantly clear,
This Account Stands With Palestine.
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brown-eyedblues · 9 months
Meanwhile, in Arkansas...
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brown-eyedblues · 9 months
Long Lost Friends. Part 1
Billy the Kid x fem reader
A/N: Hey friends! This is the first time I’m writing for Billy! Actually, this is my first time writing in ages… I would really love to get back into it. This is going to be part one in this little universe, hopefully. I want to continue the current story, and also elaborate on y/n and Billy’s time as best friends back in Santa Fe. I just wanted to write a little intro to this story first. Please let me know what ya’ll think of this piece and give me some ideas for what else to write about next!
Warnings: None, really. Some kissing, some fluff. Light editing done.
Billy had arrived at Lincoln county, riding up to the gang’s camp earlier in the day. The hot sun was starting to set as Billy stood by the small fire, occasionally kicking loose twigs on the ground into the flames. His thoughts jolted to a stop when Jesse came up behind him, clapping him hard on the shoulder. They both ignored the cloud of dust and dirt that floated from the point of impact- Billy’s clothes desperately needed to be washed after riding on horseback from Chihuahua to Lincoln.
“Some of us are rollin’ out shortly to head to town, if you would like to join us.” Jesse said, taking a swig from a rusting flask.
“I don’t know, Jesse. I might just turn in early tonight, the ride from Chihuahua was a long one.” Billy sighed, twisting where he stood while his spine popped, as if punctuating what he had just said.
“That’s up to you, man, but I think you should come with us. There is someone at that saloon that I think you will want to see.” Jesse said, before shrugging his shoulders and shuffling over to the men that were already mounting their horses.
Billy’s interest was peaked, as much as he hated to admit it. He kicked over a pail of water that sat next to the fire, effectively snuffing it out. He jogged over to his horse, throwing one leg over its back and adjusting himself onto the saddle. Jesse tossed him a smirk before snapping his reins and kicking his horse into motion. Billy followed suit and shortly the group of men was cresting one of the green rolling hills on the outskirts of town. When the town came into view the group slowed down, and Jesse fell back until his horse was trotting alongside Billy’s.
“Jesse, who is at the saloon you want me to see so damn bad that it couldn’t wait until tomorrow?” Billy asked.
“You remember y/n? Back in Santa Fe?” Jesse asked, shooting Billy another knowing smirk. Of course Billy remembered y/n. She had been his best friend throughout the years he lived in Santa Fe. The last time he had seen her was a little over three years ago when his step-father had packed them up and moved them to Silver City. He thought of her often; wondering where she ended up, and if she was healthy and doing well. He frequently wondered if she had happened across his wanted posters, and recognized his likeness in the prints. “Looks like her family moved to Lincoln about a year after you left. Her parents have a farm just north of town. She works some nights at the saloon for some extra money,” Jesse continued. “And let me tell you something, Kid. She ain’t nothing like I remember her bein’. She sure has a fire in her.” He chuckled to himself, shaking his head.
Billy let the conversation fade after that. As the gang neared the town and the sound of laughter and music drifted through the hoof-worn dirt roads, Billy’s thoughts were racing. The last time he had seen y/n, she was standing on the bottom step of his home in Santa Fe, next to a horse drawn wagon that was packed with all of his family’s belongings. Tears streaked down her face as they said their final goodbyes. Standing on the step put her at eye level with him, and she sniffled softly as he looked down and kicked at that dirt at his feet. Without warning she had thrown her arms around his neck and kissed him hard on the lips, as if trying to meld herself to him. He held her against him for a moment, before easing her to a standing position in front of him. Without another word he had turned and hopped onto the back of the wagon, smacking the side of to tell his step-father he was ready. Billy had watched the girl he loved fade into the distance as the horses brought them further and further from Santa Fe.
At that point they had been sixteen, and y/n was just beginning to show signs of becoming a woman. Billy had been suppressing growing feelings for her, afraid that if he admitted to them, she wouldn’t reciprocate. Instead, he spent the hot days lounging in the sun with her, splashing in the local water hole, and running around the city together. Y/n often sat with him at poker tables, watching the game play out and chewing her nails- she never opted to play, claiming that the other players would be able to read her too easily. When Billy won (which only happened once in a blue moon), he would save half of his winnings for his family, and spend the other half at the local bookstore. He would spend his evenings sitting on the roof of y/n’s house. She would lay with her head in his lap, gazing at the stars and playing absentmindedly with Billy’s free hand, while he read softly to her. Billy often thinks that that is the last time he was truly happy.
Billy’s memories were interrupted when his horse halted suddenly. He looked around, and noticed the group had stopped outside of the saloon. The men dismounted and made for the door eagerly. Billy trailed behind, adjusting the hat on his head, tipping it so his eyes were hidden by shadows. He pushed through the swinging door, finding a wooden beam to lean against. His eyes swung slowly through the saloon, scanning faces as quickly as possible. He watched as Jesse strode up to a woman whose back was turned to him. She was wearing what appeared to be riding pants and a cream colored blouse, and a black apron tied around her waist. Billy held his breath as Jesse slapped both of his hands on the table she was currently wiping down. He leaned in towards her, a predatory smile on his face.
“Darlin’, I am about to make your night!” Jesse announced loudly, effectively quieting the room. Y/n propped her small fists on her hips, turning to Jesse with an exasperated look.
“Jess, the only way you could possibly make my night would be if you marched your cowboy ass out of this saloon and never came back.” Y/n sneered, causing the men gathering around to let out low whistles and laugh at her remark. Billy could see what Jesse was talking about when he mentioned y/n’s fire. He was a wellknown gang leader and gunslinger, not to mention he stood about eight inches taller than her, yet she stood with a straight back, and didn’t back down.
“What did I tell you Billy? See what I mean?” Jesse asked, turning his gaze to the outlaw who still leaned casually against the beam a few strides away. Y/n froze and the saloon was so quiet Billy could hear her sharp intake of breath.
After several heartbeats, y/n turned slowly, eyes scanning every person in the saloon. When her eyes settled on the man leaning against the beam near the front door, they lingered. The man wore a ragged hat, the brim of it shadowing most of his face. Her eyes trailed down to the gun belt that hung loosely around his hips. As her gaze rose again, the man lifted his arm, slowly removing the hat on his head and resting it against his chest. His sky blue eyes peered back at her. She wasn’t really sure how long they stood like that, silently watching each other. But when his lips pulled back to reveal a familiar smile, y/n felt her feet carrying her forward before she could even comprehend what she was doing.
Without a word, y/n quickly moved towards Billy. Choking back a sob, she leapt at him, throwing her harms around his neck. He caught her easily, dropping his hat to the floor. He guided her thighs to wrap around his waist, the same way he had the last time he saw her. After a few moments, she loosened her grasp around his neck, just enough to look into his eyes. This time, Billy was the one who leaned forward, his lips crashing into hers with a desperation that caused both of their cheeks to heat. Y/n was the first to pull away, but only after the hooting and hollering around them began to chisel through the bliss she felt. Billy carefully lowered her back down to the floor, his hands still caged around her waist.
“Billy Antrim, what are you doing here?” Y/n whispered, so only he could hear. It had been a long time since Billy had heard that name. He loved the sound of it on her tongue.
“Well, I came to Lincoln to help Jesse and the boys with a job,” He started, looking over her shoulder and scanning the saloon. “Would you like to take a walk with me?” He asked softly, swooping to pick up his hat and stepped away from y/n to swing the saloon door open, gesturing for her to walk through it to the cooling night ear.
Untying the apron and draping it on a hook by the door, y/n drifted past Billy, her hand coming up to ghost over his flushed cheek as she did so. He smiled to himself as he followed after her, letting the door slam behind him. He offered her his arm as they strolled down the road slowly, walking in such a way that their hips brushed each others gently. Billy looked down at y/n, and when she looked up at him, the soft moonlight reflecting in her gentle eyes, he vowed to himself he would never leave her again.
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brown-eyedblues · 9 months
Songs (or specific lyrics) that are Billy-coded with some elaboration:
>Doubting Thomas by Nickel Creek
“Can I be used to help others find truth/ When I’m scared I’ll find proof that it’s a lie/ Can I be led down a trail dropping bread crumbs/ That prove I’m not ready to die/ Please give me time to decipher the signs/ Please forgive me for time that I’ve wasted.”
I actually can’t really elaborate that much on this one- just know that every time I hear it, I think about Billy being at war with himself over whether he should stay with Murphy’s men or join Tunstall’s forces. The way he just continues to make tough decisions, hoping they are the right ones.
>Work Song by Hozier
“When my time comes around/ Lay me gently in the cold dark earth/ No grave can hold my body down/ I’ll crawl home to her” AND “My baby never fret none/ About what my hands and my body done/ If the lord don’t forgive me/ I’d still have my baby and my babe would have me.”
Ok, ok… this one really reflects the romantic in me. Billy would be the type to not let anything between him and the woman he loves. He also knows that his girl loves him unconditionally- no matter the trouble he finds himself in the middle of. He might not be a saint in the Lord’s eyes, but none of that matters because he knows his girl looks at him like he hung the moon and all of the stars.
>Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door by Bob Dylan (This version specifically)
“Mama, put my guns in the ground/ I can’t shoot them anymore/ That long black cloud is comin’ down/ I feel I’m knockin’ on heaven’s door.”
So I found out recently that this song was actually written for the movie “Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid” in 1973… BUT I thought it was Billy-coded before I even knew that. Also- I feel like this one is a little obvious… While I hope the show takes the conspiracy theory route…. We all know how Billy’s story is suppose to end.
>Candy by Paolo Nutini
“Although not the most honest means of travel/ It gets me there nonetheless/ I’m a heartless man at worst, babe/ And a helpless one at best.”
This is another daydreamy romantic one. But this particular line really gives me Billy vibes. Billy knows that this lifestyle is not the most honest and safe. He knows that there is a cruelty to his outlaw ways, but his girl could always bring out the innocent, kind side of his personality. He is at her mercy, and he couldn’t be happier.
>Soul For Every Cowboy by Big Head Todd and the Monsters
“When hell falls cold and wet/ His heart soon forgets/ That ever he was loved or wanted to be loved/ And a soul for every cowboy/ And a star to guide him home/ And an angel to bring him/ A song to sing when he’s alone.”
Listen, I KNOW this one is a little obvious. I don’t think I need to elaborate more
Guys- I wanna hear other songs you guys think are Billy-coded. I have a whole arsenal of songs where these ones came from. Let me know if you want to hear more!
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