brownada311 · 3 years
App Like Snagit For Mac
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Computer apps (or applications) are something we are used to having. When there’s something we want to do, we think of “Let me check if there’s an app for that”. Let’s face it–it makes our lives easier but not necessarily better. To-do lists? There are thousands of apps for that. Do you want to start to journal? Don’t worry–there are several to choose from.
However, not all apps are of the same quality. So, what is the best productivity app on the Mac?
What is the name of the web app that can snag a web page and allow you to edit it for testing (Not Snagit)? What is the best free screen capture tool to make a presentation? Is there an option on Snagit for Mac to output all screenshots to an image format rather than defaulting to the Snagit project format? Snagit 2018.2.3 - Screen capture utility. Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at safe and trusted MacUpdate Download, install, or update Snagit for Mac from MacUpdate.
We all have our opinions, and declaring the “best” app is almost impossible. What might be the best app for me may not be right for you, and an app you love may not be quite what I need.
One advantage that Asian Efficiency has is we have a team that lives and breathes productivity and we’ve been evaluating tools and productivity methods for years. We debate apps internally every day, and we all come at it from different angles, backgrounds, and age ranges. This same team has helped over 13 thousand of our customers and readers with their productivity journey and has helped thousands reach their goals.
In addition, we have a highly intelligent productivity community called The Dojo where tools and techniques are shared.
When I started to compile our annual list of the best Mac apps this year, I polled the growing AE team and members of the Dojo to see what the favorites are. Our guarantee is that we have personally tried, tested, and used all the apps that we included in this list.
Here’s our list of the top 10 productivity apps of 2018, and some more tools that didn’t quite make the top 10, but are still great.
(Just remember – you want to avoid Shiny Object Syndrome. Only start digging into a tool if it is something that you actually need! If you don’t need it, set it aside for now. It’ll still be available when you’re ready to put it to use.)
Top 10
Whenever we set up a new Mac, these are the first apps we install. While we can use a Mac without them, we’re not nearly as productive. A good productivity app should reduce friction and amplify good habits, and all of these meet those criteria.
#1: Dropbox – Dropbox is essential for how we work at Asian Efficiency. All of our shared files, blog posts, media, etc. are stored in Dropbox which makes it very easy to collaborate on projects as a team even though we are located all over the world. This is the very first thing I install when setting up a new Mac as it provides the sync and storage foundation for my workflow. iCloud Drive is getting better and better so maybe someday Dropbox won’t be necessary, but for our needs it is hard to beat.
#2: 1Password – The absolute best password manager for Mac. Essentially it works by having you creating one master password, which then grants access to all your other passwords. These passwords can be randomly generated inside of 1Password, which means that all your individual passwords are incredibly strong and near-impossible to hack. You don’t have to remember all of these passwords though as your single master password gives you (and only you) easy access to all your other passwords and can even be triggered when unlocked via a keyboard shortcut that autofills the information in your browser for you. 1Password also gives you the ability to store credit card information, secure notes, software serial numbers, and other important (but sensitive) information like passport numbers, your SSN and bank account details securely. See an example of how Thanh uses it in his life.
If you need to securely share some passwords with others, there is 1Password Families and 1Password Teams. These let you have Personal Vaults and Shared Vaults so you can keep some passwords just for yourself and some passwords available to family members or co-workers. With 1Password Teams, you can make it so that some staff can launch and log in to websites without being able to see the password. My wife and I use the Family plan at home, and it is great to be able to share passwords for important sites.
#3: TextExpander – TextExpander does exactly what it says on the tin – expands text. It sounds really simple, but once you develop the mindset of watching for things you type repeatedly you’ll start to see hundreds of things that you can automate with TextExpander. You can even use the more advanced features like fill-in snippets, date/time math, and optional selections to create some very powerful and personal email templates. We have a video guide to using TextExpander if you need some help to get started with it. Some members of the Dojo prefer Typinator which is not subscription-based, but members of the AE team like TextExpander.
#4: Alfred/Launchbar – Alfred and Launchbar are both classified as application launchers, but that’s just scratching the service of what these apps can do. They allow you to find and open files quickly, perform quick calculations, search your clipboard history, control iTunes media playback, create custom searches, and so much more. There are even custom workflows you can create or install to expand their functionality and control your Mac with the keyboard. Think of them as Spotlight on steroids. Both of these applications are excellent, and which one you decide to use will be determined by personal taste (Mike and I use Alfred, Thanh uses Launchbar). Just make sure you pick one!
#5: OmniFocus – The absolute best task manager for Mac and my digital brain. OmniFocus is a powerful task manager with a very nice user interface which makes it a joy to use on Mac, iOS, and Apple Watch. OmniFocus has a lot of features and is very powerful so it can be a bit intimidating to get up and running with it, but if you invest the time to learn how to use it, it will be time well spent. We have a whole library of free OmniFocus tutorials here or if you want our step-by-step system you can join our course here. We’re really excited about OmniFocus 3 that is coming out in 2018 – among other features there’ll be tags, more flexible scheduling, and a limited web interface.
#6: Keyboard Maestro – Keyboard Maestro is an application to launch macros on your Mac, which can be used to automate just about any repetitive task. Basically, Keyboard Maestro automatically performs certain actions whenever a particular trigger is activated, which could be something like a hotkey combination, connecting to a wireless network, or even connecting a specific USB device to your Mac. Once you start applying these macros, it will change how you use your computer. Mike wrote an article about Keyboard Maestro awhile back that includes some video examples to help you get started. A recent Keyboard Maestro use case for me: when I start up my Twitter app on my Mac, it will automatically kill it after 5 minutes. This stops me from getting lost into reading about whatever the outrage of the day is.
#7: Hazel – Hazel is an automated file organization utility that can watch whatever folders you tell it to and organize your files according to whatever rules you create. For example, I have a Hazel rule that watches my Download folder and if anything is over 1 week old it labels it “Red” and moves it to my “Action Items” folder on my desktop, which I clean up at the end of the day. Hazel is also an essential part of pretty much any paperless workflow, and we have an article that takes you through a simple setup. For more Hazel tips, check out this article. Inside the Dojo we have even more workflows that are shared by our members.
#8: nvALT – nvALT is in desperate need of an update, but it’s still an essential part of our capture workflow. Forked by Brett Terpstra, nvALT is a quick way to take notes using just your keyboard. Just hit a keyboard combination and nvALT opens, ready to capture whatever you throw at it. As you type, it will search your existing notes and if you want to create a new note just hit “Enter”. It’s a very simple, lightweight program and best of all it’s free so there’s no reason not to try it. Rumor has it that Brett is working on a commercial replacement, but we’ve used it so much over the years that we will gladly pay whatever he decides to charge for it.
#9: PopClip – PopClip is a menu bar application that opens up an iOS-style interface whenever you highlight text on your Mac. It includes the standard commands like cut, copy and paste, but also has extensions that let you do a lot of different things (like formatting text or sending to OmniFocus). You can send emails, post tweets, apply Markdown rules, etc.
#10: Bartender – One of the great things about the Mac is that there are a ton of awesome Menu bar applications (like the aforementioned PopClip & nvALT), but if you have a lot of them your Menu bar will quickly become cluttered. Bartender keeps you menu bar clean by controlling which application appear in the main menu bar, which ones appear only in the Bartender menu bar (a sub-menu for your menu bar), and which ones are hidden completely.
Best of the Rest
There are a lot of other applications that we use on a daily/weekly basis that play a very important part in our workflows.
“Netflix for Apps”
There are a lot of great apps in this list. Before you pull out your credit card, we want to point you to a service that many AE community members love: SetApp. With SetApp, you pay a monthly subscription and get access to a large list of Mac apps, including many in this article. The subscription includes upgrades too.
As we mentioned last year, expect more productivity apps go the subscription route. SetApp is a great way to get some of the best apps for one price.
Communications & Calendar
Airmail, Postbox, MailPlane, MailMate – There are a lot of great email clients available for Mac, but Apple Mail (or Mail.app) isn’t one of them. Apple Mail seems to always have Gmail-related bugs, and it doesn’t support Gmail keyboard shortcuts which can save you a lot of time processing email. Fortunately, there are several great alternatives. Airmail is an absolutely beautiful email client that integrates with just about every productivity app out there. Postbox is a powerful email client with some unique features (like domain fencing, which prevents you from sending email from the wrong account accidentally). MailPlane is great if you like the Gmail web interface but prefer a native app, and MailMate is an incredibly powerful keyboard-centric email client if you like writing in Markdown. Inside our Escape Your Email course we go in more detail how to setup an email workflow with these apps for maximum efficiency.
BusyCal – BusyCal is an incredibly powerful calendaring application that has a lot of advanced features (like Mike’s personal favorite, the ability to set a custom week length view). It supports pretty much every calendar type available and is rock solid.
Zoom – ”That’s it, we need a replacement for Skype!” said Thanh when our Daily Huddle went off the rails due to connectivity issues one time too many. We settled on Zoom, and it has been rock-solid every since. All of our team meetings, both voice and video, are done with Zoom and we’re happy with it.
Slack/Hipchat – We have virtually no internal email here at Asian Efficiency, and much of that is due to Hipchat which we use as an internal communication tool. If you need an answer to something right away or need to have a discussion about a certain topic, a tool like Hipchat or Slack will allow you to reach a resolution much faster than an email thread. Atlassian, the maker of Hipchat, is releasing Stride, which we plan to test out this year. Tile app for mac desktop.
Tweetbot – There aren’t many great third-party Twitter clients, but Tweetbot is one of them. It’s a beautiful and full-featured Twitter client that has fantastic support for multiple accounts and lists, and also has powerful mute filters to block out the noise and show you only what you want to see. Now that Twitter has announced the end of their Mac app, it is even more useful.
Safety & Security
Backblaze – If you don’t have an online backup of your hard drive, sign up for Backblaze right now. There are several online backup solutions available, but the AE team likes Backblaze because the Mac client is much more polished and easy to use than some of the other alternatives.
Encrypt.me – Most people don’t think twice about using public wi-fi (but they should). Encrypt.me (formerly known as Cloak) is the easiest way to automatically secure your connection on public networks and keep your sensitive data safe from prying eyes.
Little Snitch – A firewall program for the Mac. It’s a little annoying in the beginning when every program starts calling home to check for updates, but once it’s up and running it runs just fine and will tell you when someone is trying to access your computer (or when an app is trying to connect out without your knowledge).
Graphics & Information Sharing
Graphic – If you are a designer or someone who works heavily with vector drawing and illustrations, you are probably subscribed to Creative Cloud and using Illustrator and Photoshop. If you don’t need that much power (or don’t want to pay for that subscription), Graphic is a well-designed and surprisingly feature-rich vector application that is inexpensive.
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PDFpen – PDFpen is the swiss army knife of PDF editors. Developed by Smile Software (makers of TextExpander), PDFpen allows you to do things to PDFs you didn’t think were possible like edit text & images, and includes OCR to make your PDF documents searchable (which makes it an essential part of any paperless workflow). Asana for mac.
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Snagit – There are many apps for capturing and marking up screenshots (including Tapes mentioned below), but if you want an app that does it all, Snagit is one of the most powerful. You can quickly capture images and video with a few keypresses, do all sorts of annotations, and quickly share them to the clipboard or the cloud. If you share it to the cloud, it will automatically put the link in your clipboard. You can even do scrolling and panoramic capture to capture more than what you see on the screen at any one time.
App for iphone on mac. The MacBook Air features a Retina display with slimmer bezels, two Thunderbolt 3/USB-C ports, 8th-generation Intel chips with Intel UHD graphics, up to 16GB RAM, and up to 1.5TB of SSD storage space. It is equipped with a T2 chip for security and it includes Touch ID along with an upgraded third-gen butterfly keyboard, louder speakers, and a Force Touch trackpad. Buy Now Just Updated • Apple in October 2018 introduced a new design for the MacBook Air, its most affordable notebook starting at $1,199.
Tapes/Loom – We are big on documentation here at Asian Efficiency, and we use Tapes often to record quick screencasts that are automatically uploaded to show others how to do certain tasks. This is also great for customer support as it allows us to demonstrate via video how to solve customer problems. Tapes hasn’t been updated in quite some time, but Loom is a more modern replacement.
Writing & Ideas
Byword – I tend to do most of my writing in Ulysses (see below), but Byword is a beautiful Markdown editor that is great for writing plain text that is not part of a larger project.
Day One – We’re big fans of daily journaling, and Day One is far and away the best app for this. The Mac app syncs with the iOS version, which is where this app really shines.
DEVONthink Pro Office – If you have a huge amount of information to keep track of, DEVONthink is hard to beat. You can capture research, documents, email, and web clipping to one place, and DEVONthink’s artificial intelligence can help you file and find the information you need. It’s a complex application, but many power users embrace it. Here is a quick guide we have written.
Evernote/OneNote – Evernote is a great tool for storing reference material. It’s free with a paid upgrade for additional features and more storage space, and allows you to quickly store information using the web clipper and access your information when you need it on any device. OneNote is free and has a huge fanbase, especially among Windows users. Its tight integration with MS Office makes it a compelling choice for people in that ecosystem, though the Mac app is more limited than the Windows version.
MindNode –MindNode is a great option for mind mapping software and has a beautiful user interface. There is iCloud sync between Mac and iOS, and it has a fantastic OmniFocus export feature. You can brainstorm project ideas and then have the project/tasks set up in OmniFocus with two clicks. Anytime I need to plan things out (including this article), I start in MindNode.
OmniGraffle – OmniGraffle is what we use to create most of our AE diagrams. It’s essentially the Mac equivalent of Microsoft’s Visio, except that it is much easier to use, and you can create some really powerful diagrams without having an extensive knowledge of modeling software. It also has an extensive built-in stencil function where you can search for extension stencils that other people have uploaded online to share.
Pages/Numbers/Keynote – Formerly known as the iWork suite, these three applications will meet the business/professional needs of almost anyone. And if you bought a new Mac recently, you probably got them for free. The real standout here is Keynote, which is both very powerful and easy to use. The animated transitions that are included with Keynote are top notch and allow you to make very professional looking presentations quickly and easily.
Reeder – If you still rely on RSS to keep up with your favorite websites (like this one) then Reeder is the best option available. Nothing else comes close in terms of design, and Reeder supports many different RSS aggregators like Feedbin, Feedly, Feed Wrangler, and many more.
Screenflow – Screenflow is an essential tool that we use when creating video course content (like the Dojo training videos). It allows you to record your screen easily and edit your screencasts with callouts, transitions, annotations, and much more.
Ulysses – Ulysses is an excellent pro writing app with a beautiful user interface that is designed to support your writing. It works well for writing blog posts, articles, and even longer-form content. You can export to HTML, Markdown, ePub, PDF, Word, or even straight to Medium or WordPress. These very words are being typed in Ulysses.
System Utilities
Amphetamine – Amphetamine is an updated version of the beloved Caffeine menu bar app. It has one main purpose: it keeps your computer (and more importantly your screen) from going to sleep. Very handy when on long Skype or webinar viewing sessions.
Chrome / Safari – macOS has a built-in web browser (Safari) that’s very good and very fast. I tend to use Chrome more as it is well-integrated with Google web apps and I like the way tabs work, but others on the Asian Efficiency team use Safari. One downside of Chrome is it tends to eat up your laptop battery a lot quicker than Safari. Which browser you use is personal preference.
Copied – This app allows you to copy and paste back and forth between your Mac and iOS devices. Think of it as Handoff for copy/paste commands. It isn’t as seamless as Universal Clipboard in iOS 10/macOS Sierra, but it gives you more control and flexibility.
CleanMyMac – Disk space can be scarce (especially on laptops), and CleanMyMac is a utility that shows you exactly what is eating up all your precious hard drive capacity and you can free up a lot of space with it. You can also keep an eye on your Mac’s health to make sure it is running at top performance.
Default Folder X – This could probably be in the Top 10 section, because when I use a Mac without it I miss it terribly. It adds a wrapper to the Finder’s Save window which gives you quick access to open, recent, or favorite files and folders. A real time saver.
Dropzone 3 – Dropzone is a menu bar application that does two things: 1) It allows you to execute common actions on a file by dragging over the appropriate “hotspot” (like uploading to FTP), and 2) it gives you a “Drop Bar” where you can collect files before doing something with them. Mike uses this all the time to collect a file from the Finder location before he drags and drops it into another application like a Keynote presentation.
Flux – Flux is useful for anyone who works at night and cares about their quality of sleep. The blue light from your computer actually messes with your body’s natural circadian rhythm and tricks it into thinking that it’s not as late as it really is so that your body stops producing melatonin (the chemical that helps you fall asleep naturally). Flux adjusts the color temperature of your screen to a “warmer” orangish shade that is easier on your eyes and doesn’t keep you up all night even if you have to work late. macOS now (thankfully!) has Night Shift built in, but many people find that Flux does a better job.
Moom – Apple has very basic version split-screen functionality, but Moom remains a very powerful window management app. Moom allows you to quickly move and/or resize windows by either hovering your mouse over the green “Maximize” icon or by setting your own keyboard commands. It allows you to resize windows according to pre-determined grid sizes, and has a ton of customization options.
Shush – Mike works from home a lot and has 5 kids, so his house can be a little noisy sometimes. This can be problematic for team meetings, but Shush allows him to mute his microphone except when he presses a hotkey to activate it. This way people on the other end of my Skype conversations aren’t distracted by the background noise. You can also set it as “push-to-silence” making this application an effective “cough button” for podcast recording.
Transmit – There are a lot of FTP clients out there that will get the job done, but Transmit is the best. It has a ton of features, a great user interface, and is the fastest FTP client out there. If you transfer files often, Transmit is great.
Webcam Settings – More and more of our time is spent on camera doing video conferencing, webinars, and recording video. Many times we don’t have professional lighting and camera gear to do this, so sometimes the video quality doesn’t look as good as it could. Webcam Settings is a little menu bar app that lets you adjust exposure time, contrast, saturation, and white balance for your built-in or external webcam. If you have an external USB camera that supports it, you can also adjust auto-exposure and focus, zoom, pan, tilt, and many other hardware-level controls. It’s not vain to want to look your best on camera!
VirtualBox – Are you a Mac user that needs to run Windows? One option is to buy a separate Windows computer, but I like to use virtualization software to run Windows on my Mac. There are paid utilities for this, but for my needs the free open-source VirtualBox works perfectly.
Everything Else
Deliveries – If you order a lot of things online, you’ll definitely want an easy way to keep track of your packages. Deliveries does this, and will even detect a tracking number on your clipboard and add it to the application for you. You can even get notifications when your packages are delivered if you’re so inclined.
Paprika – If you cook, you should check out Paprika as a recipe storage solution. Paprika syncs with your iOS devices for use in the kitchen, allows you keep your recipes organized, and can even tell you what ingredients you need to pick up at the store.
Soulver – This is one of those I-didn’t-know-I-needed-it-but-once-I-tried-it-I-love-having-it apps. The best way to describe it is a natural language calculator. It lets you work things out and do calculations, formulas, currency, unit conversions, and much more. These can all be done with calculators and spreadsheets of course, but there is something helpful about being able to work things out the way I think them. It’s one of those apps I leave running in the background and flip to to do a back-of-the-envelope calculation.
Be Focused Pro/Vitamin-R – We are big fans of the Pomodoro Technique for making progress on your most important task of the day. Be Focused Pro is a simple but nice pomodoro timer for the Mac, and if you need something with more power and flexibility, check out Vitamin-R.
Tooth Fairy – Do you use AirPods, and do you use them on multiple devices? Tooth Fairy is a small menu bar app that lets you quickly switch your AirPods to your Mac with the mouse or keyboard. No messing around in sound or Bluetooth settings required.
Timing – It’s difficult to know what changes you need to make unless you know how you are spending your time. Timing is a great Mac app that logs what you are working on (or are not working on, as the case may be) so that you can see how productive you really are. If you’re a Dojo member, there’s a discount code available for you inside the customer area (one of many perks being a Dojo member).
How can the answer be improved? Like Siri on your iOS devices, Siri on your Mac is your intelligent personal assistant that helps you multitask and get things done just by asking. For example, while you work on a document, you can ask Siri to send a message to your coworker saying that the document is on the way—without having to stop what you’re doing. Siri app for mac. May 27, 2016  Siri on iOS can launch an app, but that’s about the extent of its ability to control apps. With Siri for Mac though, I would want to be able to not only open apps, but also minimize them, close them, quit them, switch them, etc. “Hey Siri” is supported on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch with iOS 8 or later while plugged in. Not supported on first-generation iPad, iPad 2, and first-generation iPad mini. Siri Suggestions for Shortcuts are supported on iPhone 6s or later, iPad Pro, iPad (5th generation or later), iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 4. Apple Music subscription required.
See anything we missed?
Did your favorite Mac app not make our list? Let us know what Mac apps are an essential part of your workflow in the comments.
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brownada311 · 3 years
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You Need a Budget (YNAB)
Affectionately known as YNAB, You Need a Budget is an extremely popular personal finance app.
In addition to all of the free apps that Apple gives to every Mac owner, both the Mac App Store and independent developers provide tools that make using your computer easier — and a little more fun. It wipes out malicious cookies and malware from Mac to keep your Mac safe. It provides you with 10 useful tools like Duplicates Finder, Old & Large Files Finder, File Eraser, App Uninstaller, and Extension Manager etc. It works all Macs including MacBook, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, iMac, Mac mini, Mac Pro, etc.
The current version of YNAB packs in many features and improvements over earlier versions, and it intuitively teaches some solid budgeting practices. It runs on both Windows and Mac and it backs up data automatically. Budgets can be shared among multiple users.
It might be one of the easiest apps out there as it was designed for budgeting beginners. If you've tried to budget in the past and failed, this could be the app that you need.
If you need help, you can sign up for classes with a live instructor. Failure is less of an option because the app comes with an 'accountability partner' that will wave a red flag if you stray from the budget you've created.
YNAB is a browser-based program, but it also offers Android and iPhone apps that sync data to your desktop. As of November 2018, it is $6.99 a month.
Man, it’s a great time to be a note-taker.
For a couple of decades—first as a student, then as a professional journalist—I filled notebook after notebook with notes, covering classes, press conferences, interviews, and more. When I was done, I’d have to find someplace to store them until (most likely) I’d throw them out. The notes I did keep? Useless. My on-the-fly handwriting is a horrible thing.
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The result: A lot of personal and professional history gone to waste.
The process got better when laptop adoption became widespread and I could start typing my notes in real time as a speech or lecture was being delivered. It improved yet again when Google Docs came along, and storage ceased to be a worry.
Mobile devices, though, transformed everything. The productivity charts in the app stores are awash in great note-taking apps, ranging from the complicated—Evernote would let you describe every part of your life with enough detail to satisfy three of the five senses—to the useful-but-relatively-one-dimensional (think of the naive Notes app on iOS). For the first time in decades, I don’t have to carry pen and paper everywhere I go. All I need is my smartphone, and I’m ready to go to class, conduct an interview, or cover a fire as a breaking news story.
So which app is the best?
To determine that, TechHive picked a number of note-taking apps, popular either with the public—as determined by the iOS and Android app store charts—or which have received sterling notices in the tech press. And to test them, I used each in my everyday life—for reporting and writing news stories, as well as everyday tasks like making grocery lists, or to store away a great thought or quote.
I had three criteria for judging these note-taking apps: They had to be versatile. They had to help me get organized, easily and intuitively. And they had to be accessible—a note that will live on my iPhone and my iPhone only is not a note that’s ultimately useful to me: I might take the notes on a mobile device, but I might write a paper or a story on a laptop or desktop— so I want quick, easy access to the notes in both locations.
Oh, and while I used Apple gear in the testing of these apps, I didn’t want to preclude the idea that someday soon I might switch to a Nexus tablet instead: The apps had to be available on both major mobile platforms, to give users maximum flexibility.
The winner: Evernote
The Best App For Mac
Um, surprise?
There’s a reason Evernote (free; iOS and Android) is generally thought of as a best-in-class note-taker: It’s the best in class, and it easily surpassed my desires in each of the three criteria I was judging by:
Versatility: I took my iPad to a morning breaking-news conference and fired up the app. I typed in notes during the question-and-answer portion of the presser, used the app to take pictures of charts displayed during the event, and after it was over used the microphone to record a quick on-the-spot interview with one of the participants. Shifting between functions was seamless: I just clicked the “Add Attachment” button in the upper right-hand corner, chose which medium to operate in, and moved on from there. Easy as pie.
Great organization: This didn’t matter so much at the press conference, but Evernote is easily—and endlessly—organizable. You can create notebooks to cover broad topics, and then create individual notes in each. Plus, you can tag the notes, to further refine your searches and your overall ability to find your information later.
Accessibility: When the press conference was over, I put my iPad away, rushed back to the office, fired up my computer, and immediately opened Evernote on the Web: Everything was right there—and would’ve been if I’d tried accessing it on Android or a Windows computer, too. (I could also have downloaded Evernote for Mac, but I hadn’t done that. In any case, I’d rather shift back and forth between browser tabs than shift between apps; your own mileage may vary.) The story was finished within about 30 minutes. That’s efficiency, folks.
If there’s a drawback, it’s that the free account limits you to 60 MB of uploads per month: Power users beware. But upgrading to a premium account—and up to 1 GB of data uploads per month—costs just $45 a year.
The runner-up: Simplenote
No, this app isn’t nearly as versatile as Evernote. Mysewnet app for mac. Simplenote(free; iOS and Android)—as the name implies—is simple. You write stuff down, and that’s it.
Then again, the vast majority of the note taking I do is just writing stuff down. And one person’s versatility can be another person’s clutter can be another person’s app overstuffed with features.
When it comes down to it, Simplenote isn’t that stripped down—and it’s certainly an improvement in several ways over the native iOS Notes app: For one thing, cut-and-paste quotes are stripped of coding, so everything you paste and type has the same, simple text-style font and format. And you can tag each note as much as you want, making organization a snap.
What’s more, Simplenote is easily accessible: It’s available as a Web app, and as a download for iOS, Mac, Android, and Kindle devices. But don’t be fooled by this name: In this case simplicity is a virtue, in the cause of simply getting stuff done.
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Best for Microsoft users: Microsoft OneNote
While I found Evernote and Simplenote to be the best overall note-taking apps, others stood out for specific features, which you might want to consider depending on your needs.
Microsoft OneNote (free; iOS and Android) is a lot like Evernote—and yet not quite enough like Evernote.
Like Evernote, it’s versatile: It’s easy to add pictures, tables, and hyperlinks to your notes. Like Evernote, you can organize your notes into broad notebooks and narrower note entries. And like Evernote, it’s accessible via a broad array of devices, including for Mac and iOS. So that’s good!
Unlike Evernote, it lacks an audio recording capability, and thus there’s no opportunity to review a lecture or interview to make sure you wrote down everything correctly. Also unlike Evernote, accessing notes on other devices is not a seamless transition. OneNote.com (the app’s Web version) offered me ads for related Microsoft products, but it never showed a way to get past the ads and simply make notes when using Safari. (It performed better in Firefox.)
The app does offer lots of formatting options, but that almost seems like a distraction: It’s as if Microsoft Word had been grafted onto a note-taking app. That’ll be fine for some users, but I prefer the focus of a task-focused app.
So why use it? The prime audience will, of course, be current Microsoft customers, especially users of its OneDrive cloud-based system for creating documents and presentations. If you’re not already a Microsoft fan, this app won’t be quite as alluring.
Best stylus companion: Penultimate
This is a specialty note-taker worth mentioning, because some people just like the feel of a stylus in their hand when taking notes. Penultimate (free; iPad) rewards them with a responsive user interface that allows for both taking notes and sketching. And it’s part of the Evernote ecosystem, making it easy to access your hand-written notes and drawings on other devices aside from your iPad.
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Others of note
This is a good time to mention that there aren’t really any bad note-taking apps out there. It’s just that some aren’t superlative as others. The following apps all have their strengths, save one: All of them are built primarily for iOS. If you’re an Android user, you might want to turn to well-regarded offerings like Papryus (free), Note Everything (free), or Google Keep (free).
Notability ($3) remains among my favorite note-takers: It’s like a mix of Evernote and Penultimate, letting users create notes using a range of techniques—handwriting, typing, taking pictures, capturing audio, and more. Its best feature? If you’ve recorded a lecture and taken notes simultaneously, Notability syncs the two—just tap a word in the middle of your notes, and the app will find that same spot in the audio, helping you rediscover and remember the context of your half-formed thought.
App developer Ginger Labs recently launched a companion app for the Mac ($10; OS X 10.9 or later), where you can sync your notes via iCloud across devices. If you're not a Mac user, you can still access your notes on a computer, but only by syncing your account with Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, or webDAV. Students may find its audio sync feature especially helpful for taking notes during long lectures.
Super Note (free) shares a lot of Notability’s features, but with a simpler and perhaps more intuitive user interface: It only incorporates typed notes, pictures, and recordings. It may also go a little further in helping you get organized, with color-coded arrows to guide the way. You’ve got one option for syncing to your desktop computer: Dropbox.
NoteMaster ($4) has separate apps for the iPhone and iPad. They both feature plenty of formatting options, easy organizing rules, and the ability to insert photos. You can sync the notes using Google Docs or Dropbox. (However, if you’re thinking about using the Google Docs app to take notes on a mobile device: Don’t. Get this app, and you’ll have a more pleasant visual experience, at the very least.)
Vesper ($3) isn’t really a classroom app: It’s an iPhone-only offering (though that may change soon) that’s built more for an individual’s on-the-fly thinking. Got an idea for that song you’re writing? Jot it down quickly. Want to make a poem about that pretty flower? Take a picture and jot down your thoughts. The app has limited syncing options—basically, unless you send the notes in an SMS message or an email, will only be able to access it from… your other iPhones also equipped with the Vesper app. But stay tuned: This app may have a different story to tell next semester.
There is no shortage of good note-taking apps out there, and your criteria may differ from mine. Though Evernote will likely be the best choice for most users, you should feel free to try several of these options—most of them have free versions—and see what works for you.
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Editor's note: This article was updated on 09/03/2014 at 4:45 PM PST to highlight Notability's new app for the Mac and to correct a typo. Telnet app for mac.
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A storyboard is a series of drawings or photographs usually printed on paper showing a representation of each scene in a video.
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Storyboard is an application that will allow us to convert into comic any video that we have in the memory of our Android terminal. The procedure for this could not be simpler. We just have to choose the video that we want to transform into comics and wait a few seconds.
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Once Storyboard has finished processing the video in question, we will get a nice comic page based on the video that we just inserted. The best? Sliding up we’ll get another comic page, with different panels, different style, different layout. Each time we slide up we will have a new page different from the previous one. Of course, we just have to click on the page in question to save the image in the memory of the terminal.
Storyboard is an excellent photo editing application, thanks to which we can create spectacular compositions in just a few seconds. The only thing we will need, of course, will be a video from which to create our comic. More from Us: Diary With Lock – Secret Diary For Girls With Lock For PC (Windows & MAC). Here we will show you today How can you Download and Install Photography App Storyboard on PC running any OS including Windows and MAC variants, however, if you are interested in other apps, visit our site about Android Apps on PC and locate your favorite ones, without further ado, let us continue.
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Storyboard on PC (Windows / MAC)
Download and install BlueStacks or Remix OS Player.
Open the installed BlueStacks or Remix OS Player and open the Google Play Store in it.
Now search for “Storyboard” using the Play Store.
Install the game and open the app drawer or all apps in the emulator.
Click Storyboard icon to open it, follow the on-screen instructions to play it.
You can also download Storyboard APK and installs via APK in the BlueStacks Android emulator.
You can also use Andy OS to install Storyboard for PC.
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brownada311 · 3 years
Siri App For Mac
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Siri is the voice assistant on Apple devices, equivalent to Amazon's Alexa, Microsoft's Cortana, and Google's Google Assistant. Siri is available across most of Apple's devices, including iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, Apple TV, and HomePod.
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WatchOS4: 'Hey Siri, I'm going for a run' -> Started the Workout app and the run workout, straight to the 3 second timer. WatchOS5: 'Hey Siri, I'm going for a run' -> Starts the Workout app and then nothing. “With Siri, Apple basically created a smart operating system. While Siri is still limited, it shows the direction for the future of operating systems beyond mobile. It more closely resembles something we'd find via Cydia on a jailbroken iOS device, but she talks like Siri and acts like Siri, so let's just call her Siri. Admit it, you wish Siri was on your Mac, and so do I. “Hey Siri” is supported on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch with iOS 8 or later while plugged in. Not supported on first-generation iPad, iPad 2, and first-generation iPad mini. Siri Suggestions for Shortcuts are supported on iPhone 6s or later, iPad Pro, iPad (5th generation or later), iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 4. Apple Music subscription required.
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You can ask Siri all kinds of questions, from simple queries about the weather to more complex questions about everything from sports scores to the number of calories in food. Siri can also enable or disable settings, find content, set alarms and reminders, place calls and texts, and so much more. This guide covers the basics of Siri, including some of the commands you can use to activate Siri, devices that have Siri included, and devices that support more advanced hands-free 'Hey Siri' commands.
Activating Siri
On an iPhone or iPad, Siri can be activated by holding the Home button on compatible models or holding the Side button on devices without a Home button. On the Mac, you can click on the Siri app icon on the dock or the menu bar, or press and hold the command key and the space bar. On a Mac with a Touch Bar, you can press the Siri icon on the Touch Bar. On 2018 MacBook Air and Pro models or the iMac Pro, you can activate Siri with a 'Hey Siri' command. On the Apple Watch, you can say 'Hey Siri' to activate Siri. On Apple Watch Series 3 or later with the latest version of Apple Watch, there's a Raise to Speak feature that lets Siri respond to commands even without the Hey Siri trigger word. Just hold the watch near your mouth and speak. Siri can also be activated by holding down on the Digital Crown. On first-generation AirPods, a double tap activates Siri, and on second-generation AirPods, Siri can be activated with the 'Hey Siri' command. On HomePod, say 'Hey Siri' or press on the top of the HomePod to activate Siri. On Apple TV, hold down the Siri button on the remote (the button with the microphone) to activate Siri.
Devices Compatible With Siri
Siri is on almost every Apple device, and it's built into macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS. You can activate Siri on Macs running macOS Sierra or later, all Apple Watch models, the fourth and fifth-generation Apple TV, all modern iPhones, the AirPods, and the HomePod.
Devices That Support 'Hey Siri' Without Power
Most Apple devices have support for the 'Hey Siri' activation command, but more recent iPads, iPhones, Macs, and Apple Watches offer hands-free 'Hey Siri' Siri support even when not connected to power. That means you can use the 'Hey Siri' trigger phrase at any time to activate Siri. Compatible devices are listed below:
iPhone 6s and later
Second-generation AirPods (iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch connection required)
5th-generation iPad and later
All iPad Pro models except the first-generation 12.9-inch model
5th-generation iPad mini
3rd-generation iPad Air
All Apple Watch models
2018 MacBook Pro
2018 MacBook Air
iMac Pro
When multiple devices that can respond to 'Hey Siri' commands are available, the devices will use Bluetooth to determine which one should respond to the request so not all of them answer at once. According to Apple, the device that heard you best or the device that was most recently raised or used will respond. If you have a HomePod, the HomePod will often take precedent and respond to 'Hey Siri' requests even when other devices that support the feature are nearby.
Countries Where Siri Support is Available
Siri is available in more than 35 countries around the world, including the U.S., UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and many countries in Asia and Europe. A full list of countries where Siri is available can be found on Apple's Feature Availability website. Certain Siri features like translations, sports info, restaurant information and reservations, movie information and showtimes, dictionary, calculations, and conversions are limited to a smaller number of countries.
What Siri Can Do
Below is a list of some of the commands and questions Siri is able to respond to, and some of the actions Siri is able to take.
Make calls/Initiate FaceTime
Send/read texts
Send messages on third-party messaging apps
Set alarms/timers
Set reminders/check calendar
Split a check or calculate a tip
Play music (specific songs, artists, genres, playlists)
Identify songs, provide song info like artist and release date
Control HomeKit products
Play TV shows and movies, answer questions about them
Do translations and conversions
Solve math equations
Offer up sports scores
Check stocks
Surface photos based on person, location, object, and time
Apple Maps navigation and directions
Make reservations
Open and interact with apps
Find files (on Mac)
Send money via Apple Pay
Check movie times and ratings
Search for nearby restaurants and businesses
Activate Siri Shortcuts
Search and create Notes
Search Twitter and other apps
Open up the Camera and take a photo
Increase/decrease brightness
Control settings
Tell jokes, roll dice, flip a coin
Play voicemails
Check the weather
Siri How Tos
Passive Siri
Siri is an active assistant that you can interact with, but Apple has also integrated Siri into other aspects of iOS and watchOS, allowing Siri to make proactive suggestions that you can act on. On the iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch, Siri can make various kinds of recommendations. When you're running late for a scheduled meeting, for example, Siri might suggest that you call your boss either on the Home screen or when you swipe down to search and access the Siri Suggestions options. In Messages and Mail, Siri can suggest things like phone numbers or addresses based on what you've typed, and in Safari, Siri can offer up search suggestions. Siri can do other things like suggest HomeKit scenes to activate, suggest a time to leave when you have an event scheduled, suggest events to add to your calendar from your email, and more. Siri suggestions are all based on your personal device usage habits, so what you see will vary. There's also a feature in iOS called 'Siri Shortcuts,' which are shortcuts and automations that let you complete multi-step tasks on your iPhone. Siri Shortcuts are so named because Siri will suggest them to you and because you can activate Shortcuts with a Siri trigger word.
Siri Videos
We've done several videos highlighting different Siri features, and our most recent can be found below.
Siri Privacy
Siri does send data back to Apple, but searches and requests are not associated with your identity to keep your personal information safe. Apple does not sell your data to advertisers or other organizations, and end-to-end encryption is used for all data syncing between your devices and the cloud.
Guide Feedback
Have questions about Siri, know a feature we left out, or want to offer feedback on this guide? Send us an email here.
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For many Mac users, one of the top features of macOS 10.14 Mojave will be the new Home app and support for controlling HomeKit devices with Siri on the Mac. Both of these have been sorely missed in previous versions of macOS, but Mojave is finally changes things…
Home app
First and foremost, macOS 10.14 features a new Home app. As Apple explained on stage at WWDC, this is one of the applications it brought from iOS to macOS using new cross-platform frameworks.
On the surface, it’s not necessarily clear that the Home app was brought directly from iOS to macOS. It looks and operates like a Mac app for the most part, though there are some instances where things feel a bit wonky.
For instances, when you would 3D Touch in iOS app, you have to right-click on macOS. This isn’t explicitly clear and causes some funky windowing to occur. However, what’s important to remember here is that this is only the first beta of macOS 10.14 Mojave, and we can expect Apple to refine things as the testing continues over the coming months.
In terms of features, the Home app on macOS works just as you would expect it to. App for google photos mac download.
Along the top of the app, you have tabs for Home, Rooms, and Automation, as well as a “+” icon for creating a new scene or automation. At this time, it appears that scene creation is broken in the Home app for iOS and macOS, but that’ll be fixed in future betas.
Do you also know that the User Guides installed with them if you did a download/install and didn’t get a box with books in it? Note that if you already have a MyFonts folder on this Mac, you will want to add the content of the one you have copied from the first computer rather than simply pasting it into the Fonts folder, so that you do not lose any fonts already on this second computer. Do you know that there are reference guides for your PREMIER+ 2 embroidery software that are much more extensive than the User Guides you got in the box with your program installed on your computer? Gopro app for mac.
In the Home tab, you see all of your favorite accessories and scenes, just like on iOS. Right-clicking allows you to choose between Quick Controls, such as changing the brightness or color, as well as a “Settings” menu for changing the icon, name, and more.
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In the Rooms tab, you can filter between your various rooms and see each accessory there. To switch between Rooms, you have to use the “View” tab in the menu bar or swipe left/right with two-fingers on your Mac’s trackpad. Using the “Edit” option in the menu bar, you can view your list of existing rooms and create new ones.
Finally, in the Automation tab, you can view and edit your existing automations, while the “+” button lets you create new automatons. Tile app for mac desktop.
Siri Control
At long last, you can now use Siri on your Mac to control HomeKit accessories, as well. This works exactly how you would expect it to. Simply tap the Siri icon in the upper-right corner of your display and you can instantly start issuing commands.
Use Siri On Mac
Wrap up
It’s nice to finally have support for controlling HomeKit accessories from macOS, whether it be from the Home app or Siri.
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While the Home app on macOS still has its quirks, it’s incredibly useful for times when you don’t have your iPhone or iPad near you. Of course, we can also expect Apple to continue making improvements as the macOS 10.14 beta testing period continues.
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Have you tried HomeKit on macOS 10.14? What do you think? Let us know down in the comments!
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For related 'What's New' information, see:
August 2019
Secured access with Azure Active Directory (AD) Application Proxy
We partnered with Azure Active Directory team to integrate Power BI mobile applications with Azure Active Directory (AAD) Application Proxy. With this configuration you can connect to Report Server hosted inside the enterprise boundaries from Power BI Mobile app, without the need to set up complex on-premise configuration. Read more on Power BI mobile and Azure AD Application Proxy integration. Learn how to configure Azure AD Application Proxy and Power BI.
July 2019
Dec 10, 2012  Mixtiles are beautiful photo tiles that stick to walls. They’re made from your photo memories -- just choose your favorite photos in the app, select your style, and they’ll be delivered to your door, ready to transform your walls. Thankfully, it’s now possible to create your own Modern UI tiles for any desktop app, folder, or file. Here’s how: To create custom Modern UI icons or tiles, first download OblyTile. Desktop Tiles is a simple screensaver that takes a screenshot of the entire screen and turns into a puzzle, randomly moving the tiles. There are 3 types of animation you can choose from: Puzzle, Flip and Switch.
Report page tooltips
Report page tooltips are now supported when viewing reports in your mobile app. Simply press and hold on a visual that has a report tooltip tied to it and it will be shown.
Report tooltips are supported for devices greater than 640 pixel size and 320 viewport. Smaller devices use default tooltips.
June 2019
Barcode scanning is now available in Android
Now you can use your Power BI app on Android (phone and tablet) to scan barcodes printed on products or shelves at your store to display related Power BI reports filtered by the scanned value. More about filtering your data with barcodes.
Supporting PBIX reports hosted in PBI-RS over ADFS configuration (iOS, Android)
Power BI Reports (PBIX) hosted in PBI-RS over ADFS configuration can now be accessed also from Power BI mobile apps.
May 2019
Siri Shortcuts support (iOS)
Users can create Siri Shortcuts to their Power BI reports and dashboards, and then open them directly from Siri voice interface. Read how to use Siri Shortcuts in Power BI iOS app.
Device search (iOS)
Integrating Power BI with iOS device search (Spotlight). Searching for content in iPhone or iPad will now include Power BI items as well. Google photos login. When users use device native search, Power BI reports, dashboards, apps, workspaces and people matching the search criteria, will be listed in the results as well. Visit the blog post to learn more.
Single tap report interaction - GA
Single tap is now GA, and will become the default touch interaction for new users. Users will still be able to turn it off and have double tap in the app settings.
Enhanced conditional access protection (iOS, Android)
We integrated with AAD new app protection-based conditional access capability to increase security by limiting access to Power BI before app policy is applied.
Device protection (iOS)
Users can use device built-in protection to secure Power BI, by asking for Face ID, Touch ID or passcode for accessing Power BI. This can be control by the user using the app settings, but also by admins using Intune and any other MDM tool. Learn more.
One page report Slideshow (Windows)
Supporting auto refresh also for one-page reports in slideshow. So, if the report's underline data source is updated, we will pick it up and update the data in the page.
April 2019
Key Influencers visual
Key Influencers visual is now available on your mobile app. This visual lets you perform analysis of key drivers over your data with just a few taps.
Add comments to report content (Android and iOS)
Now you can use comments to collaborate and share your feedback on report pages and visuals. Read more about report commenting in Power BI Service and Mobile in this blog.
Maximize the view with full screen mode (Android and iOS)
We added new button that let you control when to focus on your data by removing report headers and footers and giving you maximum space for viewing your reports.
March 2019
Supporting external guest users in Power BI apps (iOS, Android)
You can access Power BI content shared with you from other organization directly from the app (also known as B2B). Read more on Power BI mobile apps B2B here.
Enhancing Windows presentation mode with slideshow (Windows)
With slideshow you can use public displays located in your office to run Power BI reports in full screen that will auto rotate between report pages.
Supporting PBI-RS reports over ADFS and WAP configuration (iOS only)
Power BI Reports (PBIX) hosted in PBI-RS over ADFS configuration can now be accessed from Power BI iOS app.
Enabling single tap interaction with report visuals
We changed report interaction so it will require only one tap on a visual, button, or slicer to interact with its data right away. Users will no longer need to tap on a visual to select it and to tap again to interact with it, a single tap will do them both.
Existing users will need to turn on this behavior in the app setting. For more information, see the How to configure single tap report interaction article.
January - February 2019
Visio visuals
Enabling Single sign on (SSO) in Visio visuals, so no additional sign-in steps are required when viewing report with Visio visual in the app.
Dashboard commenting is coming to Power BI Mobile Windows app
You can add comments directly to dashboards and specific tiles to discuss your data, and anyone viewing the dashboard will see your comments.
December 2018
Filter is now available for landscape reports
Report's filter pane is now available for landscape reports (in addition to phone report).
November 2018
Modern visual header
Reports using the new ‘modern visual header’ will no longer allocate space for headers, resulting in less empty space and more room for your visualizations.
Enhance presentation mode (Windows)
Enhanced presentation mode for Surface Hub and Windows 10 devices. Enjoy an enhanced Surface Hub meeting room experience, with improved presentation and collaboration tools, and a chromeless, large-screen optimized view, so you can focus on your data. Presentation mode also provides tools such inking to help you effectively present and have discussions about your data. Read more about presentation mode here.
Portrait report layout in tablets (iOS and Android)
We now use phone report layout, when it exists, for displaying reports on tablet in portrait mode orientation. Read more on how to create phone layout in Power BI Service or Desktop.
Supporting report query string
Opening report link that includes query string will now be opened in the mobile app and be pre-filtered based on the conditions defined in the query string. Learn more on how to create report url with query string.
Shared credentials (now in Android)
Signing in to Power BI from your mobile app has never been easier. With shared credentials, we simplified the sign-in process by using other Office 365 app credentials on the device to authenticate you in the Power BI service.
In-app URLs (now in Android)
Links in reports that point to other Power BI artifacts now open directly inside the app. This enables you to build custom navigation flows, for example, linking from a report into a dashboard.
Show data and copy values
Report visual action menu (..) now has the option to show the underlying data in table format. Once in the table, you can long-tap to select and copy values from that table (assuming that there is no Intune policy restricting copying).
October 2018
Paginated report preview (all devices)
Paginated reports are now available on Power BI service. Users with access to paginated reports in Power BI Service can also access these reports from their mobile app.
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Read the Power BI blog post about paginated reports in mobile.
Shared credentials (iOS)
Signing in to Power BI from your mobile app has never been easier. With shared credentials, we simplified the sign-in process by using other Office 365 app credentials on the device to authenticate you in the Power BI service.
In-app URLs (iOS)
Links in reports that point to other Power BI artifacts now open directly inside the app. This enables you to build custom navigation flows, for example, linking from a report into a dashboard.
iOS12 and watchOS 5 support
We have updated Power BI app for iOS to work seamlessly with the new OS on mobile devices and watch.
September 2018
Phone report editing in the browser (all devices)
Now you can create a phone report layout for a report that is already published in the Power BI service, and not just in Power BI Desktop. You create it in Edit mode in your browser.
Dashboard commenting (iOS and Android)
You can add comments directly to dashboards and specific tiles to discuss your data, and anyone viewing the dashboard will see your comments. You can also pull others in your organization into the conversation by @mentioning them. Those you’ve @mentioned receive a push notification with your message to their mobile phone.
Currently available for iOS and Android devices. Windows support coming soon.
Read the Power BI blog post about dashboard comments.
Single Sign-On (Windows)
Single Sign-On (SSO) is one of the most requested capabilities for Power BI mobile for Windows.Now you can use your primary organizational account not only to sign in to your domain-joined Windows mobile devices, but also to sign in seamlessly to the Power BI service. Read more about SSO and the Windows mobile apps.
Previous months
July 2018
iOS and Android only
Shared filters
You can now receive reports with shared filters and slicers.
Background image support
When you view a report in landscape mode on your mobile device, you see the same background images that you see in Power BI on the web.
June 2018
Full-canvas reports
Top and bottom action bars now disappear shortly after your report loads, so you can see more of your report at once.
Increased phone report canvas size
We increased phone report canvas size to have room for more visuals than before.
May 2018
Mobile drill-through: all mobile apps
You can drill through from a selected data point to another report page in the mobile apps, if the report author has defined that action.
Back button: all mobile apps
Now when you navigate through a report by swiping, choosing a report page on the action bar, or using drill-through, the back button takes you back to the previous page you were looking at.
Dashboard themes: all mobile apps
When report authors customize dashboard themes in the Power BI service, the look and feel of the dashboard will change in the mobile app, too. However, you won't see background images.
iOS: Configure Power BI iOS mobile app access to a report server remotely
Your IT admin can now use an MDM tool to configure Power BI iOS mobile app access to a report server. See Configure Power BI iOS mobile app access to a report server remotely for details.
Power BI for Mixed Reality app (Preview)
The Power BI for Mixed Reality app is now in the Microsoft Store. View your dashboards and reports while immersed in the virtual world, or place them and view them in specific locations in the context of your environment. See the new Introducing Power BI on Hololens video for context, or read the article about the new Power BI for Mixed Reality app.
April 2018
Mobile drill-down and drill-up
You can now drill down and drill up to dive into report visuals on your mobile device. To access this new feature, tap and hold to open the tooltip menu on a report visual, and then tap the drill buttons to explore your data in depth. More about drilling up and down in the mobile apps.
Persistent filters
We recently updated report filters and slicers, so they are automatically saved from Power BI on the web to the Power BI mobile app. Now, filters and slicers you set in the mobile app are automatically saved to Power BI on the web.
March 2018
Power BI for Mixed Reality app (Preview)
In the latest move to bring data where you are, we've created the Power BI for Mixed Reality app. View your dashboards and reports while immersed in the virtual world, or place them and view them in specific locations in the context of your environment. Read more about the new Power BI for Mixed Reality app.
Share reports and dashboards externally
Share dashboards and reports with users outside of your organization, directly from the app. External sharing in enabled for both organizational and social accounts.
Persistent filters
When you set filters and slicers in Power BI on the web, your filter choices are saved to your mobile app as well, so you can pick up where you left off.
Refresh reports on the iPad
Power BI reports now have a refresh button in the iPad app.
February 2018
Share reports
Now you can share a report directly from the mobile apps. Read more about sharing dashboards and reports from the mobile apps
Improved tooltips
When you tap and hold on a report visual to access tooltips, you can now drag your finger across the visual to explore details about each data point along the way.
January 2018
Report favorites
Tag reports as favorites so they appear on the Favorites page. Read more about favorites in the Power BI mobile apps.
View shared reports
Now when someone shares a report with you, it's listed on the Shared with me page along with dashboards.
Improved hyperlink support
You can now tap links in custom visuals to open them in your mobile browser.
Intune integration (Android)
Support for conditional access using Intune mobile device management.
December 2017
Improved security management
We’ve added support for conditional access (CA) and Microsoft Intune mobile device management (MDM) on Android devices, to better secure your organization’s data. It's already available on iOS.
Improved permission management
We’ve made some changes that allow for more precise management of user permissions for datasets, dashboards, and reports.
Auto-installed apps
You don't need to install some of the apps in Power BI at all. Power BI app creators in your organization can create apps that contain a collection of dashboards and reports. Then they can publish the app and set it to install automatically in the Power BI service and the Power BI mobile apps. When an app is set to install for you, it automatically appears in your Apps menu:
November 2017
iPhone X optimization
We’ve optimized the app layout for iPhone X, so you can explore your data in style on every device.
October 2017
Filters for phone reports in Android
If you create a report with phone-optimized pages in Power BI Desktop, and the report has filters, you can now apply those filters in the phone report on your Android. Read more about filters for Power BI reports on Android.
Show data in reports
You can now switch visuals in your reports to a table view to see the numbers behind the data. To access this feature, tap 'Show data' from the visual's .. menu on your report or the new icon on the expanded visual's action menu.
September 2017
Filters for phone reports in iPhones
If you create a report with phone-optimized pages in Power BI Desktop, and the report has filters, you can now apply those filters in the phone report on your iPhone. Read more about filters for Power BI reports on iPhones.
August 2017
iOS proxy settings support
You can now set proxy settings in the Power BI iOS mobile app. This means that Power BI will now work with VPN connections on your mobile device, allowing more users and organizations to securely leverage the power of Power BI on the go.
July 2017
Read the mobile apps feature summary for July 2017
iOS devices
New Q&A experience on iOS (Preview)Instead of just receiving an answer to your question, you can now use natural language to get scoped insights. IEven if you're not sure what you're looking for, Q&A proactively surfaces insights relevant to your data. The new Q&A experience on mobile, developed in collaboration with the Microsoft Research team, showcases powerful technologies within our product. Try the tutorial, Ask questions about your data in the iOS mobile apps.
Responsive visuals
Responsive visual for phone reports and dashboardsYou can set the visuals in your dashboard or report to be responsive, to change dynamically to display the maximum amount of data and insight, no matter the screen size. Read the blog about responsive visuals.
June 2107
All devices
Make apps favoritesYou can already make a dashboard a favorite. Recently, Power BI added apps, and now you can make apps favorites, too.
May 2017
All devices
New menu: Shared with meGo to Shared with me in the mobile app menu to see all the content that's been shared with you.
New menu: AppsAn app is a collection of dashboards and reports built by your organization to deliver key metrics for faster and easier refers to Hebrew and Arabic writing systems, which are written from right to left and require contextual shaping. See the list of Supported languages in the Power BI mobile apps.
Android devices
Connect to more than one SSRS server
Now you can have connections to up to five SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) servers at the same time.
Request access to dashboards
If you scan a QR code for a dashboard that you don't have access to, now you can submit a request for access right from the mobile app.
February 2017
All devices
Scrolling made easier
Now you can scroll in bar and column charts in a report by touching the chart itself, rather than touching the scroll bar on the side.
iOS devices
Ask questions of your data with a preview of Q&A
With Q&A, you ask questions about your data in your own words, and Power BI provides the answers. Q&A is already in the Power BI service on http://powerbi.com. Now it's also available in the mobile app on your iPhone or iPad.
Connect to more than one SSRS server
Now you can have connections to up to five SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) servers at the same time.
Android tablets
The Power BI mobile app for Android tablets is now available globally. Get started with the Power BI on your Android tablet.
iOS and Android devices
New menu for dashboard tiles Navigate to the underlying report, expand the tile, or manage an alert, all directly from a menu on the tile on a dashboard.
This menu is new for iOS, Android phones in landscape mode, and Android tablets. It was already in Windows and Android phones in portrait modes.
January 2017
Read the January 2017 mobile apps blog feature summary.
All devices
Load more than 100 rows in tables and matricesNow, if you have a large table or matrix on your dashboard or report, we show as much data as possible in the tile. Then in focus mode, you can scroll down to load additional rows.
Phone report - general availabilityPower BI phone reports are now generally available. In Power BI Desktop, you can tailor a portrait view of an existing report for mobile viewers. Learn more about authoring phone reports in Power BI Desktop and the report experience on phones.
SSRS Authentication using Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) PreviewNow you can sign in to on-premises SQL Server Reporting Services servers from your mobile device with your organizational account. Read more about using OAuth to connect to SSRS servers.
SSRS Authentication using Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) PreviewNow you can sign in to on-premises SQL Server Reporting Services servers from your mobile device with your organizational account. Read more about using OAuth to connect to SSRS servers.
New and improved: Annotate and share insights quicklySharing and annotating are now fully functional on Android devices. The improved menu makes it easier and quicker to annotate and share insights, and you can also share an annotated report or directly from the Power BI app.
December 2016
Read the December 2016 mobile apps blog feature summary.
All devices
Offline background refresh
To make sure you can access your latest data while offline, we perform a refresh in the background of the app so your business information is up to date, even if you haven’t accessed it for a while. To make sure certain dashboards are always up to date, just mark them as favorites. Learn more about offline capabilities in the Power BI mobile apps.
iOS devices
Annotate and share
Now you can annotate and share a tile, report, or visualization from the Power BI mobile app for iOS.
Request access to dashboards
If you scan a QR code for a dashboard that you don't have access to, now you can submit a request for access right from the mobile app.
Custom URL on image tile
If an image tile has a custom URL defined by the dashboard owner, when you tap the tile you go directly to that URL without opening the tile in focus mode.
Apple watch improvements
You can now refresh Apple Watch data directly from the Watch app. In the dashboard index page, deep press to refresh your data. (The Power BI mobile app must be running in the background on your iPhone for this to work).
Custom URL on image tile
If an image tile has a custom URL defined by the dashboard owner, when you tap the tile you go directly to that URL without opening the tile in focus mode. Also, dashboard tiles containing predefined custom URLs can now redirect readers to reports within the app.
November 2016
Read the November 2016 Power BI mobile apps feature summary.
Android tablets
Power BI mobile app for Android tablets Yes, the preview is here.
Experience Power BI on your Android tablet
Explore Reporting Services mobile reports and KPIs on your Android tablet
Android devices
Preview: Intune Mobile Application Management Power BI support for Microsoft Intune Mobile Application Manager (MAM) is now in preview for Power BI Pro users on Android devices.
Favorites Tag your favorite dashboards on your Android device, and see all your favorite Power BI dashboards and Reporting Services mobile reports and KPIs collected in one convenient location.
iOS devices
Links URLs in tiles and visualizations are now clickable, and open in a browser.
Windows devices
Center a map to focus on data near you in your location
September/October 2016
Read the October 2016 Power BI mobile apps feature summary.
All devices
Favorites as landing pageIf you’ve marked any of your dashboards as favorites, then your landing page will be your Favorites entry.
Improved navigationThe main navigation has a new look, and groups navigation has moved to the groups catalog.
Report and dashboard performance improvementsImproved the experience of loading reports and dashboards in the Power BI mobile apps
Enhanced alert notificationsNotifications for yourre offline.
Power BI app for Windows 10 devices
Quick access Access your dashboards, reports, and groups quickly with a new “recently viewed” list and global search so you can find the data you need.
Bing and R tiles Open Bing and R tiles in focus mode.​
More live tiles on your Start screenPin KPIs and row cards to your Start screen as live tiles, so you can see all of your critical metrics at a glance.
Pinch to zoom Use pinch-to-zoom on your tablet to examine dashboards in greater detail.
Notifications Get notified when your datasets, reports, and dashboards update with new data.
Report gallery Open your reports directly in the report gallery.​
February 2016
View dashboards in landscape mode on Android phones.
Power BI app for Windows 10 devices
View reports on your Windows 10 phone.
Faster time to insights on your Windows 10 mobile dashboards: Share a tile snapshot or open a report directly from the dashboard.
January 2016
All of the January improvements are already in the new Power BI app for Windows 10 phones, released in December 2015. Now they're rolling out to the other Power BI apps for mobile devices. Read the blog post about these improvements.
Real-time data support Dashboards refresh in real time, so you don't need to refresh them manually.
Offline indicators When you don't have signal, you see an offline indicator at the top of your dashboard.
Access cached data Cached data no longer expires, so you have access to your cached data indefinitely while offline.
R tiles and web widgets View these new tile types in dashboards on your mobile device.
Bing dashboards In the Power BI service, you can now create dashboards with Bing search results, and view them on your mobile device.
Report pages pinned as tiles to dashboards Now that you can pin a whole report page to a dashboard in the Power BI service, you can view report pages in the Power BI app on your iPhone or on your Android phone.
December 2015
The Power BI team ended 2015 strong, with several major additions and updates.
SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services mobile reports in iOS
Now you can view your SQL Server mobile reports in the Power BI app on your iOS device, be it iPad or iPhone. Read more:
SQL 16 SSRS on Power BI app for iOS blog post
View SQL Server mobile reports and KPIs in the iPhone and iPad apps documentation
Power BI app for Windows 10 phones
The new Power BI app for Windows 10 phones is optimized for touch and mobile productivity. Explore dashboards and reports, invite colleagues to view data, and share insights over email to engage your team. Plus you can pin Power BI dashboards to your Windows phone Start screen.
Read the Power BI app for Windows 10 phones blog post.
Get started with the Power BI app for Windows 10 phones.
Other additions
Read the Power BI mobile apps December blog post for more details.
Receive notifications when a colleague shares a dashboard with you. (iOS)
View entire pinned report pages in your dashboards. (iOS and Android)
Scan a QR code and go directly to a relevant tile on your Android phone.
November 2015
Read the November 2015 Power BI mobile blog post.
All Power BI mobile apps
A new welcome experience.
Improved chart data capacity.
iOS and Android mobile apps
Enterprises can now configure Power BI mobile apps for iOS and Android with Microsoft Intune to manage devices and applications.
iPhone mobile app
Add a picture tile to a dashboard directly from your iPhone.
Create QR codes in the Power BI service, then scan them from your iPhone to open the Power BI app to a specific tile.
The Power BI app for Windows devices
Link directly from a tile to a specific URL.
October 2015
Read the mid-October Power BI mobile blog post.
All Power BI mobile apps
Line charts with a percentage-based Y-axis now calculate the visual range according to your actual data. The graph now starts from the lowest data point in the chart, instead of from a default value.
Line, column, and bar charts can now have data labels.
Stay up to date with your groups' newest dashboards -- receive notifications on your iPhone each time a team member adds a dashboard to one of your groups.
You can now view dashboards horizontally, just by turning your phone. Read more about landscape mode in the iPhone app.
September 2015
Improvements in the Power BI mobile apps -- Android, iOS (iPhone and iPad), and Windows. Read the mid-September Power BI mobile blog post.
Support for group workspaces: Collaborate with colleagues in group workspaces.
Support for non-authenticated users: For the few scenarios when users fail or can’t sign in to the app, we added a fast, convenient way to contact support and send feedback.
Improved user experience when accessing dashboards using role-based security.
Improved data formatting of charts and alignment of all dashboard tiles.
iOS (iPhone and iPad)
New & improved navigation: New drawer navigation maximizes screen real estate and improves navigation throughout the app.
Group workspaces: Collaborate with colleagues in group workspaces.
Authentication process upgrade Quality, performance, and functionality improvements enhance the app authentication process, including support for SSO (Single Sign-On).
Improved data representation of line chart tiles to better compress the x-axis.
Improved user experience when using with role-based security.
Touch-optimized improvements for matrix chart tiles: Now you can easily scroll through your matrix data and view all its data easily and intuitively.
Improved data formatting of charts and alignments of dashboard tiles.
Removal of iOS 7 support: To maintain highest security standards for Power BI, we will no longer support iOS 7 installed devices. iOS 8 and above is required.
Send feedback and rating added in app: Added in-app capability to send feedback and provide ratings so that we can increase the community’s influence on our roadmap and promote issues easily and directly from the app.
Improved map tile rendering in in-focus mode to maximize screen real estate.
Improved user experience when accessing dashboards using role-based security.
A new capability allows you to browse back and forth through dashboard tiles exploring them directly in in-focus mode without the need to return to the dashboard to select the next tile.
Additional stability and performance improvements.
What are you doing! I won many times, but keep on continuing. You are wasting my time. Mother! Time is gold!
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Now you can use Hong Kong Style Mahjong – Free on your PC or MAC.
Buggy, but fun Really enjoy the game, but the bugs are annoying. Periodically the game treats the tiles differently from how they appear. It will give you the option to pong tiles that don't match, or will not let you win when you should. You can have a pong and a pair, and still be forced to discard.
Finally A HK Style Mahjong Game A good HK style mahjong game and the best thing about it is that it has an English GUI. I wish it also had the ability to switch the GUI to Chinese too.
Potentially a great game but right now it has many bugs. It often shows 5 of the same tile. And I did email you, but no response. And other people here are also saying it's buggy. Don't be defensive. We're all trying to help you make a great game!
Bugs won't let me win a lot of time, so frustrating Won't let me win on a winning hand, makes me throw card instead of winning.
Fun, but bugs are frustrating So many times I should have won, but game does not recognize.
Finally an actual mahjong game and not 'solitaire'. Only been playing for half a day. It's good BUT sometimes glitchy when you have winning tiles but game doesn't let you win, noticed it happening more frequently after first round. Needed one tile to complete the final pair and picked it myself but no option came up, had to throw it out and the game came to a draw soon after (this has happened at least twice)
Best game of four winds but needs improvement Just needs some graphical improvement and some bug fixes. I can't pick up a discarded tile to form a pair even though it's a winning move since I already have 4 sets. Improve this and it would be the best game of four winds.
How come there are totally 6 same tiles? And it happens all the time!
Lousy I won many times but it did say I won and the game continues
Bugs cause wrong tiles are displayed. You have no idea what you hand really is. Very frustrating.
Does Not Understand All Tile Combinations I play mahjong regularly. With family. At parties. Good game, but when I know I won and the game doesn't recognize the combination because it can't differentiate chows and pong, it means you need to fix it.
Waiting for multiplayer support, otherwise would 5 star it. Best mahjong interface with HK style I've tried thus far. Waiting for multiplayer support, otherwise would 5 star it. Best mahjong interface with HK style I've tried thus far.
Lacking in polish and variety The gameplay is acceptable (minus some jarring graphical flaws and the bugs that cause the wrong tiles to be discarded sometimes) but the other players have become predictable always trying to get all the characters for for their particular sign and favoring chows over anything else.. Is it too much to ask for some variety?
Minimum levels to win 1 to 6 great With minimum levels to win from 1 to 6, it adds realism to the real played game. Thank you.
Very good A very good game. It uses the score that are mostly used internationally. There are few combinations that we used in national championship in my country not recognized here. It doesn't include richi in the combinations. Only one little problem, sometimes it won't let me go out. Other players discard what I need and it won't let me win. When it shows the summery in the hand my hand had 1 or 2 different tiles from my hand of when I was playing. Very addictive game.
C+ Glitches! Sometimes a tile is missing. It just disappears. Sometimes I get the kong/chow/or win. Sometimes I dont, :(
hong kong style - Great This it's great it really works
Overall alot of bugs. Had alot of malfunctions in the command and the reading of all the tiles
There was one game when there were 5 tiles of four marbles on the table, impossible!!!! I have a screenshot of it ..
o g Kong Style Mahjong - Free True! Best magic app ever
Real Mahjong The rules are slightly different than what I play at home, and the scoring eludes me, but a great game.
Fast Paced Mahjong action Incorporating traditional Hong kong rules, it has many options
New game app. trying to learn it. also enjoying it a lot.
Very good game =p Hy . Im new but im really enjoyed this game. I recommended this game . really friendly user
Hongkong mahjong Light game good for teaching rules of play enjoyable game, :p
mahjong was my childhood games. this really remembering me about my childhood. thanks 100%works for me
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Mahjong is a game that originated in China. It is commonly played by four players. The game and its regional variants are widely played throughout Eastern and South Eastern Asia and have a small following in Western countries. Mahjong is similar to the Western card games like rummy, mahjong is a game of skill, strategy, (…)
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AppSana is a smart app that integrates with Asana. Designed to be the perfect client for Asana with native notifications, app icon badge, smart tabs, screen lock option, dark mode support, and mobile view option.
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SoTasks provides a native Asana experience even while you are up in the air. Maximize your productivity and create more space in your life.
TMetric is a great time tracking app for Windows, Mac, and Linux that allows you to control your time and stay productive throughout the day. TMetric mobile app on Android or IoS is the most convenient way to track your time whether in the office or away on customer meetings. Zenkit is now available on your desktop. Apps for Mac, Windows and Linux mean you can work in a dedicated Zenkit window away from distraction. Quickly add items with the new quick-add feature, bring Zenkit up to the front with a shortcut, and stay productive, even when you're offline.
Organise Your Tasks - Mark your inbox by Today, Upcoming, and Later. List them easily.
All Workspaces Together - SoTasks presents a unique feature for Asana which combines all workspaces and projects in a single menu.
Smart Task List - Starred Tasks, All Tasks, and All Your Tasks Due Today.
'Star' Your Tasks - You can 'Star' your critical tasks and see all More..
What's New in SoTasks
Version 1.3:
Note: Currently available for $9.99
Full-featured comments section added
Migrated to Swift 3
Bug fixes, and performance and stability improvements
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Flexible, fast, and modern design. Capable free version. Feature-rich. New Timeline view makes it easier to manage dependencies.
Not ideal for graphics-intensive work. Can't switch between Task and Kanban project views after creation.
Bottom Line
Asana is a top-notch collaboration tool that helps teams manage all kinds of tasks. Although it may be confusing at first, its flexibility and vast capabilities are well worth the initial effort it takes to get started.
Productivity enthusiasts love Asana—and for good reason. This online team collaboration tool specializes in workflow management, but it also handles the nitty-gritty of task management with aplomb. That said, Asana should not be confused with full-on project management software, despite its new Timeline feature. It includes neither native time tracking nor other advanced tools we expect to see for full-scale project management. But for managing tasks and workflows, it's a flexible and elegant tool that you can bend to your will. Asana is one of the best collaboration and productivity apps for teams and an Editors' Choice.
Pricing and Plans
If you want to see what Asana is all about, the service offers a free account tier for teams of 15 members and fewer. The only other major restrictions are that you can't use Asana's Timeline view, advanced Dashboards, or advanced search tools. We discuss all these features in detail later on. Free account users get all other task management features, however, including the ability to create tasks, assign people to them, add due dates, write comments, and attach files. There are also no limits on the number of tasks or projects you can create. We recommend using the free account for at least a few weeks with a small test group before upgrading to a paid tier of service.
App for google photod mac. Screenshot by Jason Cipriani/CNET • You'll notice the 'Add to Chrome' button is grayed out. Right-click on it and select 'Inspect Element' from the drop-down menu.
Asana Premium costs $119.88 per person per year or $11.99 per person if you pay monthly. The Premium account includes everything in the free account and removes the limits on team sizes, dashboards, and search tools. Premium accounts come with a few additional perks, including Asana's Timeline feature, private teams and projects, custom fields, task dependencies, administrative controls, and priority support. Private projects are only accessible to invited members, while projects that are not private are accessible to everyone on the team.
Very small teams of 15 people or fewer who want Premium features pay a lower rate: $75 per person per year, or $7.50 per person per month. Student groups can also contact the company for a free six-month trial of Asana Premium. The price has increased in the last few years, but people who have existing and active Asana agreements can continue at the lower rates.
Microsoft Remote Desktop App For Mac
For comparison, Todoist Premium costs $29 per year for personal use or $29 per person per year for teams. On the high end, Podio starts at $9 per person per month or roughly $86 per year if paid annually. So Asana is a lot more expensive than Todoist, but is close in price to Podio's Basic and Plus plans.
Asana has kanban board features, too, so other popular kanban apps, such as Trello, Wrike, and Volerro, are also fair game for comparison. Trello charges $119.88 per person per year, the same as Asana. Volerro charges just $7.99 per person per month. Wrike charges nearly the same amount as Asana Premium for its Professional tier of service ($117.60 per person per year) and a much higher rate for its Business grade service ($297.60 per person per year)
What Is Asana?
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Asana is a workflow management tool that you primarily use to manage tasks. It differs from traditional project management apps namely due to its lack of structure. Asana is like a deck of cards, whereas project management software is like a board game. Board games are designed to be played with a series of preset rules. It's unusual for players to stray too far from these set instructions, although everyone might agree to some modifications from time to time.
With a deck of cards, you have more options. For example, you could play a well-known game with established rules, such as five-card draw, or invent your own game. Let's say you decide to play rummy. Everyone at the table must first agree on which version of rummy to play (straight rummy, 500 rummy, gin rummy, and so on). There's a template for the game, but the exact rules need to be established by all players beforehand.
In the case of Asana, there are just as many predefined ways you can use it as there are custom ways. One more point of distinction is that Asana is better suited for ongoing work, whereas project management apps are typically better for projects with clear beginning and end dates, as well as a deliverable. Building and launching a news website is a project. Writing daily content for a news website is ongoing work.
In more specific terms, Asana keeps track of who is responsible for what task, the information related to each task, and all other information related to that task's progress. If this still sounds confusing, know that setting Asana up for your needs is the hardest part. After that initial period, Asana's open-ended nature is also one of its best aspects. Check out Asana's Guide on how to get started with, and eventually master all of, its features.
Asana's Structure
Before opening up Asana to everyone in the organization, a group of administrators needs to make a final decision on how Asana will be implemented and used. While some collaboration tools tout simplicity, that's really not the case with Asana. Asana is intuitive, but once you get going, its complete lack of structure may make it difficult to dive in without a good amount of forethought. Asana does offer some help with structure with Project Templates, which we discuss later, but the prospect of translating an organizational structure in a way that makes sense could be intimidating.
As for the basic workflow hierarchy, each team is responsible for a series of projects with individual task lists. Each task can have subtasks, as well as an assignee, due date, attachments, comments, tags, and followers. You use these tasks and subtasks to track work. The comments and other data help you understand what's happening with the task so that you don't need to discuss matters over email or some other way. As tasks and subtasks are completed, all of their history and everything that occurred ends up being attached to the task itself. Thus, every work action has meaningful context.
In addition to its ability to keep track of minutia, Asana is also useful for getting a broader perspective on the responsibilities of each team member. Custom searches, which we discuss in more detail later, or even just looking at someone else's task list is an effective way to figure out whether someone is overbooked or underperforming. You can use these insights to make effective changes.
Privacy and Security
Asana secures connections to its site using at least the TLS 1.1 protocol and hosts its data in 'secure SSAE 16 audited data centers via Amazon in the US.' Asana also offers a bug bounty program for disclosing vulnerabilities with the service. Asana recently earned SOC 2 Type 1 certification. Soc 2 Audits are run by the American Institute of CPAs and according to that organization, concern 'the controls at a service organization relevant to security, availability, and processing integrity of the systems the service organization uses to process users' data and the confidentiality and privacy of the information processed by these systems.' As with Slack, you can also check the Asana's status via an online dashboard.
At the usage level, Asana embraces collaboration among all team members. You can certainly keep projects and tasks private in Asana, but the nature of the tool is to allow all team members equal access to see, edit, and interact with information in the app. That said, Asana does allow you to mark projects as Comment-Only or assign this permission level to individual members.
For teams who do use Asana as an open platform, it's very important to maintain dialogue about the rules of engagement to ensure everyone agrees to use the app in the same way, not overwrite one another's work, and so forth. Recently, Asana added new enterprise security options, including the ability to control which apps are usable across the integration and restrict who can add guests.
Look and Feel
Asana is available on the web and via the App Store and Google Play Store, but it does not offer a desktop app. Some collaboration apps, such as Slack, offer desktop variants, but it's not a deal breaker.
Asana's web interface is efficient and responsive, with enough color and design flair to keep it interesting and useful without looking too cluttered. It has some surprises as well, like celebratory animations that appear on screen from time to time, although you can disable these extra effects if they don't appeal to you. Asana also includes a series of keyboard shortcuts called Hacks in its settings section, which add various kinds of functionality and personality. For example, hit TAB+B for a bit of feline fun after enabling the related hack.
The web dashboard is divided into three main areas: a left rail; a main window that changes based on what you select from the left; and a right information box that drills down into whatever you're viewing in the main window. The main window also includes a button for quickly adding items such as tasks or projects, a search bar, and a profile icon. In your profile settings, you can add basic account information, set notification preferences, adjust display preferences and the aforementioned visual effects, and configure integrations with other apps such as Harvest and Zapier. Asana maintains a full list of supported apps and integrations.
Per the latest design update, you navigate the interface via the left rail menu, which can also be completely hidden if you want to focus on the main page. From top to bottom, your main options are Home, My Tasks, Inbox, and Dashboard. These options might differ based on your organization's global settings. Home is a new section that shows your favorite and recent projects, while My Tasks shows everything assigned to you or that you are following. If you see a New banner over any project in the Home tab, you can mouse over it to view the latest activity. Inbox is just a feed of Asana activities. You can add specific projects to the Dashboards section to keep track of updates and get an overview of task completion. A yellow dot appears next to Inbox when you have unread notifications.
Thoughtful design makes the main window in Asana bend to your needs. For example, when you click on a project on the left, the main window pops up a contextual menu under the project name, with Timeline, Calendar, Conversations, Progress, and Files. You can also sort items by Assignee or Due Date under any Task View, for example, or choose to only show either completed or incomplete tasks. Tasks glide across the screen when you click and drag them to change their order, which makes reprioritizing really simple. If you want, you can also organize tasks into Sections, but note that these sections don't affect any task classifications elsewhere.
Additional Features and In Use
Asana doesn't skimp on features. When you create a task, you can assign it to a team member, schedule a due date or add a recurring date, upload or link to associated documents, write comments, add tags, and even subscribe or unsubscribe yourself and others to receive notifications whenever changes occur on the task. The Comments section is particularly useful since it supports rich text formatting, comment editing, and direct mentions via the @ symbol among other things.
Tags help make tasks more searchable, and the advanced search function, which we dive into later, is quite good. Interactive checkboxes let you tick off tasks as you complete them—and just as easily untick them if you or another Asana member strikes something off in error. Asana also gives you the ability to create a custom field. You might add a field that indicates a task's priority (low, medium, high), or you could use custom fields to indicate the state of a task (pending, in progress, awaiting final approval).
Asana also integrates a calendar that you can use to keep track of due dates. On a positive note, Asana seems to take user feedback seriously. After receiving overwhelmingly negative feedback about changes to the calendar, Asana reverted the update and is working on making sure that legacy features are maintained in addition to the performance improvements.
Asana does not offer chat features, which is disappointing, though it does integrate with Slack and Microsoft Teams. Asana does provide a space called Conversations, a message board on which team members can discuss issues with one another that aren't directly related to any one particular task. For example, members could discuss the scope of future projects, creative ideas, or procedure. Still, this is not effective for direct messaging or casual conversations.
Asana isn't the most adept tool for graphics-intensive projects either, but it has improved over the years. The kanban view, which we discuss later, is one such improvement. You can upload images to tasks, but you can't mark them up in the app itself. You can preview attached images, however, form the app.
Templates and Views
If you aren't sure how to set up a project, Asana provides a series of templates you can use. To get started, hit the Plus button > Project. Templates is the middle tab. Examples of predesigned templates include Meeting Agenda, Product Roadmap, and Employee Onboarding. Of course, you can create your own template as well aren't stuck to these structures either. Think of them as a starting point.
Another useful feature is Asana's ability to create dependencies between tasks. Let's say we have task A, task B, and task C logged in Asana. If task C cannot get done until tasks A, and then B are complete, we can add dependencies between those three.
Naturally, then, you might expect Asana to have some sort of Gantt chart functionality. Enter the relatively recent Timeline View. Here, users can see every one of their tasks laid out in a Gantt style format. Dependencies are represented by lines between tasks and you can make changes at will. Gantt charts are particularly helpful for seeing how a delay in one task or an extended absence of a team member can affect target dates down the line. Asana also rolled out the ability to organize tasks in the view into sections. Teamwork Projects offers a Gantt chart view, but it's not nearly as well-designed.
Asana Desktop App For Mac Download
Kanban Boards in Asana
Asana now includes a Board view, designed to give teams a way to manage work using kanban. Kanban apps specialize in helping you visualizing all the work that needs to be done and all the work in progress, with an emphasis on making sure teams don't get overloaded with so many tasks that they lose focus and become less productive. Kanban does this by limiting the number of tasks that can be assigned to a person or department at a given time.
Trello is another productivity app that uses the kanban style. One method is to set up several columns that correlate to a state of completion. It might make sense, to have columns for DEV, QA, and Production for example. To move a task from one stage to another, simply drag it over to the next one.
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Note that using this Board View requires you to create projects specifically in this style. In other words, you can't simply switch from the default task view to this style at the time of this review. To change your view, during the Project creation phase, just look under the layout section and select the Board option.
As previously mentioned, Board views can be more useful for teams who work with visual materials, since you can set cover images for each task in a column. Just as with Asana's other views, you can create custom fields when in the Board view and flag comments directly to people with the @ symbol, a useful but less common feature among dedicated kanban apps. Asana doesn't have every desirable kanban feature, however. It's missing swim lanes and work-in-progress limits. KanbanFlow has all these features.
Advanced Search and Reports
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Asana includes excellent advanced search functionality. At the top level, when querying for a term, you can specify if you are looking for a task or conversation. Other default fields include: Assigned to, In projects; and Followed By. Further, you can specify whether a task has an attachment, if it is completed, as well as its due date. To drill down even further, you can add Filters for custom fields, People, Tags, Dependencies, and even Subtasks. If you can't find what you are looking for with these tools, it likely did not exist in the first place.
Asana makes it easy to save any of these complex searches as interactive Reports, which live in the left-hand menu for quick access. These reports update as new items match the terms and you can edit the terms of the search at any point. We appreciate this feature as it can be invaluable for managers who are looking to figure out who is being productive. Even for individuals, it's a good way to track individual progress over time.
Asana's Mobile Apps
Asana offers free mobile apps for Android and for iOS. For testing, we installed Asana on a Google Pixel running Android 9.0. We had no trouble downloading the app and singing into an account.
The app is set up slightly differently than on the web, but the interface retains its clean look. For example, most of the navigation links and structures are on the right-hand side of the screen, instead of the left. Once you sign in, Asana takes you directly to your Task List, which is likely where you will spend most of your time. Although all the core functionality, including the ability to create, track, and complete tasks, is in the app, Asana tends to work best on a big screen where you can see a lot of information at once, so the small screen size isn't ideal.
That said, it is definitely possible to be productive from your phone and we appreciate that you can access Asana from anywhere you have an Internet connection. Notably, the apps have a good deal of offline capabilities, too. When you work offline in the mobile apps, you see gray clouds indicating that the content hasn't synced yet, so none of your collaborators will be able to see it until your device reconnects and syncs.
A Deck of Cards
Asana's thoughtful design, fluid interactive elements, and generous member allotment in its free version make it a powerful task-management app for personal projects and teamwork. Its flexibility, extensive feature set, and variety of workflow views are also commendable. For all those reasons, Asana earns an Editors' Choice for collaboration apps. Although it's not cheap and its lack of structure may initially cause some anxiety, we promise that it is a tool well worth using.
Bottom Line: Asana is a top-notch collaboration tool that helps teams manage all kinds of tasks. Although it may be confusing at first, its flexibility and vast capabilities are well worth the initial effort it takes to get started.
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Asana App For Windows
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brownada311 · 3 years
Telnet App For Mac
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SecureCRT client for Windows, Mac, and Linux provides rock-solid terminal emulation for computing professionals, raising productivity with advanced session management and a host of ways to save time and streamline repetitive tasks. Mac users interested in Free os x telnet app generally download: PCMan X 0.1 Free PCMan X is a newly developed GPL'd version of PCMan, a full-featured famous BBS client formly designed for MS Windows only. But SSH and Telnet are built in to Mac. EDIT: Doh, IOS. Remoter VNC I think does Telnet for free, but SSH is a small surcharge. I'll have to look at the apps mentioned in the thread to see if any of them are free and work better. Downvoting myself for not reading. Jan 28, 2015  this is a question mainly regarding to all those, who are telling likely 'you don't need a telnet app for Mac OS, it's already integrated': I know about the telnet feature in the Terminal, but i got the following question.
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While most network connections can be made via a Web browser on your Mac, other connection protocols that require different interfaces can be useful. If your business uses an internal network through which you access and remotely run computers, you might find the telnet protocol to be useful. You can invoke the telnet command from the Mac OSX command prompt to connect to a computer on the network and execute commands at your own workstation.
Open the command terminal by clicking 'Go,' 'Utilities' and 'Terminal.app.'
Enter the following command to open a direct telnet connection to an IP address, where '' represents an example IP address and will vary depending on your network configuration:
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Type the 'telnet' command to open the telnet prompt and then use the prompt to run telnet commands. The following example shows how to run the 'help' command and the resulting help output:
telnet telnet>help
Telnet commands may be abbreviated. Commands are:
(You may have to turn that feature on in the Android app.) Is Google then using it to know everyone in the world and make it easy to find them? My tinfoil-hat-covered Magic 8-Ball says 'signs point to yes.' Images taken with almost any device these days, especially smartphones, have lots of location data. Instagram.
close - close current connection logout - forcibly logout remote user and close the connection display - display operating parameters mode - try to enter line or character mode ('mode ?' for more) telnet - connect to a site open - connect to a site quit - exit telnet send - transmit special characters ('send ?' for more) set - set operating parameters ('set ?' for more) unset - unset operating parameters ('unset ?' for more) status - print status information toggle - toggle operating parameters ('toggle ?' for more) slc - change state of special characters ('slc ?' for more) auth - turn on (off) authentication ('auth ?' for more) z - suspend telnet ! - invoke a subshell environ - change environment variables ('environ ?' for more) ? - print help information
References (1)
About the Author
Best Telnet App For Ipad
G.S. Jackson specializes in topics related to literature, computers and technology. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and computer science from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.
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Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
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Jackson, G.S. 'How to Telnet on an Apple.' Small Business - Chron.com, http://smallbusiness.chron.com/telnet-apple-51172.html. Accessed 26 August 2019.
Jackson, G.S. (n.d.). How to Telnet on an Apple. Small Business - Chron.com. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/telnet-apple-51172.html
Jackson, G.S. 'How to Telnet on an Apple' accessed August 26, 2019. http://smallbusiness.chron.com/telnet-apple-51172.html
Mac Install Telnet
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Java App For Macbook Pro
Note: Depending on which text editor you're pasting into, you might have to add the italics to the site name.
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brownada311 · 3 years
App For Google Photod Mac
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Enable Google+ Photos app in Chrome for Mac, Windows. Trick Chrome into letting you install the Google+ Photos app on your computer.
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Google Photos Backup (was Google Photos Uploader) auto uploads photos from your computer, camera, or storage cards. Then view all of your photos from the app or the website.
Mar 04, 2016  Download My Photos for Google Photos for macOS 10.11 or later and enjoy it on your Mac. ‎My Photos allows you to access Google Photos anywhere. Just click the icon in the Menu Bar or in the dock and get started.
Search your photos. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Photos app.; Sign in to your Google Account. In the box at the top, type what you want to find, for example.
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What's New in Google Photos Backup
Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
Requirements for Google Photos Backup
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OS X 10.1.5 or later
App For Google Photos On Mac
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