browngingerothstein · 24 days
Job Train
I pray that everyone who likes/reblogs this gets the job they’re looking for. 🙏🙏🙏🙏Good vibes sent 💸💸💸💸💸
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browngingerothstein · 2 years
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Favourite Designs: Joyce Spakman ‘Mermaid Sea’ Porcelain Corset [x]
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browngingerothstein · 2 years
I just wanna go to the beach at night and listen to the waves with you next to me
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browngingerothstein · 2 years
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browngingerothstein · 3 years
I’m the type of person who knows I want to accomplish a lot, however I do not take the time out to draft it out, let alone a thorough plan.
Correction, I was that kind of person. Now, I’m so focused and ambitious that I cannot imagine being unprepared if an opportunity falls upon my lap.
In ten years, I want to have accomplished a few things. Obtain a few skills, maybe a degree. I’m debating on law or only focus on software engineering. I want to have traveled to at least 50 countries, and the interesting parts of the U.S. My checking account sends me an alert when I’ve hit under $2M, with 5x the amount in my savings.
Big money, from developing and selling apps, businesses. Writing, directing, and producing scripts. My individuality is appreciated, and my talent comes with a price tag.
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I own property in (you know 🧿) locations. Property that earns me an immense profit. I travel across the globe, either privately or first class, to handle business, fulfill or propose million dollar contracts.
I own luxury items solely out of curiosity. With the amount of money I earn and possess, I shop selectively with the intent of passing down products to my future children.
Graduated from my spoiled gf era, now in my trophy wife aura. My favorite memories include being flown out the country spontaneously, meeting celebrities (and being invited to elite after parties) at events, having men of substance invest in my brand, appearance and businesses. I age like fine wine, and I’m ready for my next journey of grown womanhood.
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In ten years, I am scheduled to embody this much beauty:
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In ten years, my achievements include:
Award winning screenwriter/producer
Being booked globally
Three magazine covers/features, minimum
A career in tech
Multiple legacy businesses, also multiple sold
New York Times Record Breaking Bestselling Author
CEO of award winning alcohol company
In ten years, my wellness routine must include:
Waking up at 5AM
Lighting white candle and speaking affirmations over it
Daily vitamins
More matcha
Goddess energy yoga
Meditation before rising/as you doze off
Infused water more regularly
Use weights at the gym
Read a chapter a day
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I conclude this post with a promise of commitment to self. To proceed to plan a plan for my ten year plan, to strategize the most efficient way to the finish line. My daily commitments to my ten year plan. Weekly. So on and so forth.
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browngingerothstein · 3 years
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browngingerothstein · 3 years
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browngingerothstein · 3 years
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browngingerothstein · 3 years
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browngingerothstein · 3 years
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browngingerothstein · 3 years
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御手洗龍建築設計事務所 // stir // 東京都
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browngingerothstein · 3 years
its “thighs rubbing together under ya sundress” season
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browngingerothstein · 3 years
𝐎𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧...
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A few days ago, I got an anon request asking me
To share tips on how to be elegant as a black woman, so here’s my take on being elegant as a black woman.
𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤
Have and maintain your boundaries. Over extending yourself isn’t self satisfying, and rarely if ever, you’re able to actually be there for others. Saying no isn’t a bad thing and it is t rude. Don’t feel bad or guilty to where you add a bunch of excuses after respectfully declining.
Become more self aware. Know what your likes and dislikes are, what your boundaries are, what you’re passionate about, your style, all the things that make you who you are. Nobody should be able to know you better than you know yourself. Self awareness comes with a confidence and ease that makes moving through life easier, and love the person you are to the fullest.
Be kind. Being firm and self aware is a necessity, but it should always be coupled with kindness. Be a listening ear or a helping hand to those who need it, but remember your boundaries. Be warm towards all. Elegance ≠ being a snob, being catty, being mean, or being rude.
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𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤
Identify your own personal style. Clothes should never look like they’re wearing you, you should always look like you’re wearing the clothes. Not only should you be concerned about your clothes, but accessorizing in a way that’s almost natural. Once you find your style, you’ll find that any outfit you put on will feel right on you, and you’ll be able to move with much ease.
Find your signature scent. I think nothing is more beautiful than a well dressed woman with a beautifully paired fragrance. Go to Sephora, Macy’s , or Saks and have an associate help you. Think about what scents you like, such as like edible scents, florals, fruity, woody, etc. Once you discover it, wear it all the time. This scent is what people will remember of you whenever they smell it. It’s powerful!
Keep in my mind your body language. The way you walk, talk, smile, and move are all indicative of an elegant woman. When you walk, keep your chest up, shoulders back, and chin slightly lifted. Smile genuinely. There’s nothing more beautiful than an authentic, warm smile. When you speak, speak clearly so you can be understood. Listen actively.
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browngingerothstein · 3 years
The High Value Woman Mindset ✨
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browngingerothstein · 3 years
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browngingerothstein · 3 years
At least the trees will listen
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@iridessence ♡
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browngingerothstein · 4 years
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Your home should be your sanctuary
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