bruce182 · 3 years
Happy Birthday you fucking moron.
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bruce182 · 3 years
Me: I'm not a dramatic person
Also me:
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bruce182 · 3 years
Rest in Peace, Hollywood.
Hollywood is not going anywhere, do not take my click bait title seriously.
According to boxofficemojo.com, the top 3 movies in theaters at the moment, Old, Snake Eyes and Black Widow, stand to make a little over 1.5 million dollars a day just this week. No one should think Hollywood is going to go bankrupt.
While institutions try to feed us the "returning to normal" line, and knowing that is horse excrement, we ARE looking for something that will give us a hint of "normal."  The theater offers an escape from the hell that is Texas weather and the crushing weight of life. There is something magical about going to the movies. Seeing explosions, a romantic kiss or otherworldly beings brought to life on a giant screen, there is no substitute for this. Hearing the rumble of the surround sound system and feeling it in your core is fantastic!
Before the pandemic, I was going to the movies several times a month. Usually I go by myself as there is no discussion on what to watch or what time to go. I'd get up, drive to my Alamo Drafthouse, order a few beers and enjoy. With the variety of streaming services available at a moments notice and now with HBO MAX or Disney+ offering new releases on the same day they are in theaters, we can now try to recreate the experience at home. It is very fun as I have seen a few movies the day they are out, but it is not the same. The movies that I did not have to pay an extra fee to watch at home, I watched. For the release of Marvel's Black Widow, I decided not to pay the $30 to view it at home when I could pay $5 for a matinee and enjoy a frozen drink as well.
I think it will take a good while for Hollywood to get productions back on a semi consistent schedule and release them to audiences. They will take a financial hit in this initial run, but overall the movies are not going anywhere. There is too much magic in the experience and when top blockbusters like the newest Marvel adventure or latest James Bond rendezvous are created, ultimately there is much money to be made.
*Editor’s note* I wrote this for class and wanted to preserve it somewhere so I can come back and read it later. I love going to the movies and I want to save this snippet for the future.
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bruce182 · 3 years
Tumblr used to have this phone in feature where you could leave a voice note as a post. I’d usually call when I was drunk or the morning after.
I’d leave my sultry voice for y’all but they don’t do that anymore.
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bruce182 · 4 years
Some of you may know I’m mushy.
Others, I don’t want you to know. I do have a persona to keep after all.
A year ago, 3-7-2020, I went out on a day long date. It was fun and I won’t elaborate too much.
Lunch, bar, movies, apt.
I do this just to keep track of time, it doesn’t mean I’m sentimental.
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bruce182 · 4 years
Hey if u like the ocean look at this its rly cool I think
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bruce182 · 4 years
I can’t feel you anymore.
And I’m glad.
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bruce182 · 4 years
I feel like I’m getting farther away from the women that loved me and I’m afraid I won’t find that again. Time does not wait.
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bruce182 · 4 years
Balloon electrocution and Smiles
We met again, in what felt like Japan but I can’t be sure. It doesn’t matter, you were there.
I was going up a long ramp, like the ramps they have at stadiums to get to the upper levels. To my right was a city view, a street filled with people going about their daily lives, a forest that cut through a part of the city and power lines above.
A man walking with what seemed like hundreds of different types of balloons was transitioning from the sidewalk and bustle, to the forest and its tranquility. The trees were so tall that once the man entered them you could not see him, but you could still follow him by the balloons up above. He had to gather them up as best he could before he entered, as the power lines threatened to kill him, once inside, they rose back up and their lines were taut.
I followed his path as I walked along mine. I sensed you behind me, did a quick turn around and you were about 200 feet back. I heard you calling me but decided to concentrate on balloon man, I knew you would catch up eventually.
BBZZZTTT!!! A bright flash, loud pops, balloons escaping to the sky. The man was either careless or didn’t notice the danger lurking above, he was electrocuted and although we didn’t witness it, the balloons told the story of his end.
You caught up, we said our hellos. You looked beautiful. Somehow we found our way to a cafe, we sat at a small, round table, across from each other with our drinks placed in front of us. You smiled, my heart skipped a beat.
You got really shy at one point and buried your face in your hands, trying not to show the giddiness. Another loud noise, it somewhat masked your next sentence, “I really like being with you.” I pretended not to hear and replied with “What?”
“I really like being with you.”
I heard it the first time, I just wanted to hear it again.
I smiled, you smiled back.
I don’t remember how it ended but your face was the last thing I saw as I woke up.
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bruce182 · 4 years
What’s a test and what’s a lesson?
How do we discern it?
How long do we wait?
How long do *I* wait?
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bruce182 · 4 years
Drinking a daiquiri and thinking of you.
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bruce182 · 4 years
I don’t know what’s happening but I’m getting double teamed, bombarded if you will, in my dreams.
One night I’ll dream about Yen and the next night it’s about Susie Q. This doesn’t happen every night but it’s been happening now for about two/three weeks.
I’m not even going to try and interpret the dreams but they just keep coming. I just wanted to document that it’s been happening, for my sanity.
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bruce182 · 4 years
I wrote down what I wanted, and what I wanted to leave behind. I looked at the Moon and she looked back. Burned the letter, thanked her and The Universe.
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bruce182 · 4 years
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bruce182 · 4 years
I deleted the playlist I made you. I hope you liked it but it’s not for you anymore. You don’t get to enjoy something I made for you if you’re gone.
This is my way of saying you don’t deserve it and you don’t deserve me.
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bruce182 · 4 years
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wow can’t believe jupiter is actually trans <3
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bruce182 · 4 years
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WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS (2019) 2x06 - ‘On the Run’
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