brujas-nyc · 4 years
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brujas-nyc · 5 years
Wages For Housework PREVIEW
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Kills 99.9% of targets  
Disinterested Bitch 
kills thosewhotellmanella,  sni(tch) virus1, ALCOPSRH_T_R_S, Miranda. Rightis
Keeps People Pressed Longer
Protects and Serves Skateboarders & Whores
Sterile Concentration 640Z Bl00D QNTmL
The second coming of Wages for Housework campaign has been cooking for two years now. It is especially timely that we announce the launch of this campaign in the current moment. Wages for Housework includes but is not limited to our Wages for Coursework seminar class and corresponding podcast, our own one of a kind cleaning products, an open apparel design forum, the world syndicate SS20 collection, and a video communique by BRUJAS and Silvia Federici directed by artist Sue De Beer. 
They say it is [COVID-19]. We say [there is no going back to business as usual].
They call it [social distancing]. We call it [human strike].
Every [viral transmission] is a work accident.
[Being outside] and [being inside] are both working conditions…but [being inside] is workers’ control of production, not the end of work.
More [hand sanitizer]? More [.0001% of germs]. Nothing will be so powerful in destroying the healing virtues of [public health].
Neuroses, [dry cough], [trouble breathing]: occupational diseases of the housewife.
Brujas are your vibes-maids during Quarantine, be in touch. 
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brujas-nyc · 5 years
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BRUJAS WORLD SYNDICATE Join Us. BRUJAS WORLD SYNDICATE is an experimental union for cultural producers. Since BRUJAS was established in 2014, we’ve been building a political program influenced by sobering experiences of reality and our wildest dreams. Three guiding principles we’ve built up, don’t sell out, don’t snitch, and together we build our own survival networks. We are starting by providing efficient access to all of our best tools. Our first ever public facing membership program is designed to build a collaboration with y’all in the defense and change of the world as we know it. In order to grow our public offerings and free programs, we need to both distinguish and defend what we do as bigger than streetwear. We’re only making as many hoodies as there are BRUJAS. Only the BRUJAS WORLD SYNDICATE will have access to ordering BRUJAS through our catalogue, making it more of a militant, sustainable style and allowing us to continue manufacturing in the USA. To be a card carrying member of BRUJAS means you’re WITH US.   This membership model gives you exclusive access to our ready-to-wear catalog, syllabus, monthly podcast, and a bi-annual publication. We are leaving the push for growth model behind and building more meaning into what BRUJAS means together. Defend, Build Power, then Win.
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FUCK A BRAND PARTNERSHIP - Call BRUJAS WORLD to schedule consultations today Who accepts more work as payment for work? Obviously we don’t accept exposure in exchange for our time or image, but it’s deeper than that. Exposure is code for extraction, compounded exponentially to the benefit of Empire. Exposure works against our interests, allowing us to get robbed and stolen from again and again by marketers and structures built on slave generated capital. Even if you are paid upfront, have a royalty clause, even if you are a partial owner, the truth remains that in order to win, WE, BRUJAS, demand 100% so that nothing remains for them to continue to destroy us and our planet with. We, the workers, produce the value. They need us, and we will never need them. BRUJAS WORLD SYNDICATE is a network that will prove this. When you are looking at a deal you are about to take, don’t hesitate to give us a call, don’t hesitate to say no. First we will really expose what these deals do, then we will ask for more, then, we will expropriate everything. DON’T SNITCH DON’T TELL Mob means: we look out for each other. Mob means: we don’t talk to cops and we don’t act like cops. Mob means: trust, but mob also means: we’ll take out anyone who fucks with our family. You’re family now. The more of us who are unified against the powers that be, the safer we ALL are. Imagine a world where the cops are scared of *us* and don’t EVEN TRY to come into our hoods for fear of having rocks thrown at them and getting surrounded from all sides? What a dream.
This here is the boys and girls club that wants you to DOWNLOAD SIGNAL, DELETE YOUR GRAM, and NEVER TALK TO THE OPS. You with it?  
Now that it’s clear that we don’t talk to feds, let’s talk about the federal system of value. In our experience, infighting occurs most when there’s an illusion of scarcity that comes from applying external measures of value onto our worth. However, we know that we cannot use Empire’s tools to quantify the love and care that goes into somebody’s work. Instead, we look to one another for value. We use mutual aid and communities of care to keep one another alive. We can not be bought or sold because we are the currency. We do not wade in the oceans of material prosperity because we raise the tides that shift culture. Shout out to all BRUJAS that have ever made shit happen. Join the Syndicate, make knowledge power again. 
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brujas-nyc · 5 years
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brujas-nyc · 5 years
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brujas-nyc · 6 years
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Roses are Red and Black is Black,
Typically, the voice of the marketplace ( culturally situated marketing) produces a moral argument as to why you should shop. We are familiar with moral arguments around shopping including accolades of environmentally conscious production, fundraising and charity, and even our own story as to why we make shit and you should buy it. We are youth cultural producers and innovators who have seen multi-billion dollar fascist corporations profit off of the images of “female skaters” while being nothing of the sort. Creating our own product ( experiences and parties, skateparks and more ) is how we as a collective attempt to harness some of the value our images and words have put into the world. Cultural workers, organizers and skateboarders are WORKERS, and connecting the worker to their value in the face of the commodification of NEARLY EVERYTHING is an experiment in building power at the root. If you wear BRUJAS you are wearing a symbol of the origin of a movement that has inspired hundreds of feminist skate collectives to form as well as other brands to experiment with moral marketing. Today we take a moment to blow the whistle on Black Friday by saying what we’ve always said, support young people with big ideas.
There is technically no ethical consumption under capitalism. At every point we’ve come across dilemmas and made decisions to the best of our abilities while understanding there is nothing pure left on earth. A recycled garment made by workers with a living wage in Los Angeles might have a white factory owner who stands in favor of apartheid Israel and has sexually assaulted his employees. Why are you all so afraid of talking about shit that isn’t marketable in this industry, to have conversations that are real and UNCOMFORTABLE ? Many people from the BRUJAS collective have left over the years, conscious of the power of their image and labor in search for more power over their ideas and a community less focused on building power through the market, getting more grassroots with it. We applaud these efforts, but the conflict has been uncomfortable and complicated to say the least. We have to keep supporting each other and using the system against itself.
BRUJAS has market power, AND tangible losses. Making bad quality shit makes $ making good quality shit is hard. We have only brought in collaborators whose business models and scale afford them significantly more flexible income when they are supporting our vision in its totality. We do not collab on someone else’s agenda, we don’t model other people’s products. Our most powerful play in this game has been stored in the brilliant ideas of the individuals that make BRUJAS a collaborative effort and true vision for a new world at the very end of it. Our wealth, our profit, lies in our ideas and our commitment to supporting each other, no matter how tough it gets.
The BLACK from BLACK Friday apparently comes from an old book keeping practice to signify profit. In contrast to Red, BLACK means that the net sales outweigh the net costs, IMPOSSIBLE FOR BRUJAS ATM. Our ideas are so expensive, brilliant, genius, new, fresh, all we can do is keep screaming louder than our dollar and dream up ways we can move into sustainability as a company to fulfill all the needs of each other’s projects and survival. The network of projects supported or created by BRUJAS members is significant. For us BLACK Friday is best defined as a day to celebrate the work of BLACK artists whose ancestors built the wealth that has been compounded and invested into many of the products flying around the Internet.
The Black Artist Party of Los Angeles, founded by Taj Williams, also a BRUJAS collaborator and designer, is an art collection and radical project that seeks to support Black artists in Los Angeles by purchasing, showing and selling their art. They also work to raise consciousness of the power of creative identification by distributing BLACK hats. We are supporting this project today through our BLACK Friday sales. Though the prices and quantities of this capsule are higher than our customer usually responds to, we would like to call attention to the fact that only $10 more cost added gets you a garment that will last forever. The quality and production standard are unmatched at this price point by other brands. So if your committed to supporting your friends and their dreams forever, or at least for the last 12 years we have on earth, hold one of these pieces as a symbol of mourning for all that we have lost at the expense of capitalism. An ode to understanding all that we are loosing to the other companies whose cheap products most of the market is supporting today. Red in Spirit, BLACK Friday in praxis, BRUJAS.
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brujas-nyc · 6 years
brujas training facility
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Why Pink ? Why Camouflage ? Pink is growing to be a tonal symbol of the new, gender-free punk-wave. Grey and industrial tones in skateparks are as hegemonic as the masculinity within them. Pink actually provides gender neutrality within our space in the way of stark contrast to the otherwise normalized male dominance in parks. By re-appropriating a previous infantilizing market scheme into a politically radical, anti-capitalist context, we not only reclaim the right to skate in our rapidly gentrifying neighborhood, but also the power of softness. BRUJAS activates the East Village Performance Space with an approach to skateboarding that emphasizes performance art, kindness & group learning. No Cops or Cool Guys allowed. We use desert camouflage in the exhibit as a metaphor for commodity feminism and capitalism. The desert, a landscape unsuitable for human life, is everywhere in Capitalism. The desert deepens through the mining of fringe communities of practice like BRUJAS by markets. By taking a trending skate apparel pattern, making it pink to match our ledges, and placing it within a radical context, we produce a conversation between popular culture and critical theory—true to our goals for this residency and beyond !
By the 1990s, the area around the Astor Place Cube was an epicenter of skateboarding culture. Arianna Gil of the feminist art collective BRUJAS, whose founding members were born and raised on the Lower East Side, remembers her first skateboarding adventures in the neighborhood’s many empty lots, most of which have now been developed. To compensate for Manhattan’s limited skateboarding opportunities in 2018, BRUJAS (Robin Giordani, Antonia Perez, Tabby Wakes, Sarah Snider, Ripley Soprano, Myles Sales, Taj Williams, Orlando Gil, Miles Giordani) invited industrial designer Jonathan Olivares to build a skate park in Performance Space New York’s new theater. People with a passion for skateboarding and radical politics are invited to join open skate sessions and sign up for collaborative peer-based workshops. Organized by Arianna Gil 
Fri, May 25: Anti-Prom Sun, May 27: Open Skate and Direct Action Workshop with LJ Amsterdam Wed, May 30: Open Skate Thu, May 31: Open Skate Fri, June 1: Open Skate Sat, June 2: Zhe Zhe Performance Mon, June 4: Open Skate and DJ Workshop with A-Trak Wed, June 6: Open Skate Thu, June 7: Open Skate Fri, June 8: Open Skate and Herban Cura Workshop with Ana Ratner Sat, June 9: Open Skate and a workshop with BRUJAS  
Thank You: Jenny Schlenzka, Jonathan Olivares, RedBull Music Festival, RedBull, Zumiez, Performance Space New York [ Ben & Aaliyah ], United Factory Productions
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brujas-nyc · 6 years
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ICE was established in 2003 as part of the Homeland Security Act to “protect public safety and national security” post 9/11. This aim has been used as copy to fund the criminalization and incarceration of racialized people. Specifically, ICE restricts movement into and within the US, reifying colonial borders in the U.S., Mexico, and Central America as enforcement is pushed south.  
We refuse to abide by the logic of borders, and commit ourselves to freedom of movement for all.
BRUJAS stands against the separation of families with the explicit qualification of ending carceral capitalism. The separation of families will continue so long as the militarized border and the class of citizenship restrict our travel. The current administration has authorized the immediate detention of migrant families at the border, and ICE raids leading to mass arrests, detention, and deportation. As a result, detention facilities have increased in number and capacity across the country, with Wall Street’s investment in detention increasing more than 900 percent.*
The state has material interest in restricting our movements to only those useful to the reproduction of capital and alienation of labor.
BRUJAS may represent self-determination, but our resistance is often reduced to the aleatory transit of the skateboard, or to style as a method of self-representation. We refuse to limit our politics to aesthetic production, and demand rigorous political action and attention to enact systemic change. Our demand for the abolition of police and prisons is alive in our demand for the abolition of ICE and the immediate closure of immigrant detention facilities.
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brujas-nyc · 6 years
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Seize Bellevue BRUJAS SS18 [ Full Contents PDF] is available exclusively here for download and through Cabbage Magazine Print. 
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brujas-nyc · 7 years
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We BRUJAS believe the government is employing their police force alongside their newest technologies in administrative automation to continue warfare on the working class and their children. We believe there should be no fine for public transit fare evasion WHATSOEVER. Public transportation, like education, is a human right that should be free. A case in Detroit recently emerged where citizens were automatically charged with “fraud” by the government for applying for assistance & unemployment. Over $100 million dollars raised through these fines were transferred into the state budget, working to balance their deficit. 96% of people charged with “fraud” were later found not-guilty by a private investigation led by lawyers, but no action was possible due to the fact it was generated by computer automation*. The government will not keep its robots accountable for their scam-violence because they are unregulated tools that solve mistakes by creating them.
Austerity policies and tax cuts for the rich are creating budgetary burdens within the state that are falling violently on our people. Whether you are hopping the train or stuck in traffic on a busy street on your way to work, the government is using its cameras and police force to squeeze you for your last dollar while denying you basic social services like health care, unemployment, quality education, and foodstamps. The state of Michigan effectively used their algorithm to extract over $100 million dollars from people who they already knew were unemployed by charging them with fraud. Is it so hard to imagine that all the people who were denied health care coverage this year because their identities were “unconfirmed” in the computer system were in fact participating in a budget cut dressed up as a computer error?
BRUJAS is no mistake & we believe Gang Corp is the future. We emerged 3 years ago as a media favorite by embodying “feminine” hope for the deteriorating cultural and environmental landscape we all inhabit. We do not accept this role and the way it fetishizes our image & polices our affect and behavior. We especially do not accept this role because it creates false hope in the spectacle of the capitalist empire. Empowering the next generation with knowledge on how to organize events for their peers without corporate sponsorship and before they are cannibalized into the industry of self mutilation and commodification is one of many important services to our community. We have and will continue to pay transit fines on behalf of BRUJAS 1971 legal fund. We will be paying transit fines for all youth with outstanding charges who attend the BRUJAS x Gangcorp Winter Informal: Double Up.
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Double Up, grab a date because the youth of NYC resist austerity. Double up because we are stronger together.
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brujas-nyc · 7 years
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Myles Sales submission Unit 1
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brujas-nyc · 7 years
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brujas-nyc · 7 years
Each One Teach One F/W 2017
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SHOP Photos: Robin Giordani 
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brujas-nyc · 7 years
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prisons are for burning 
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brujas-nyc · 7 years
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brujas-nyc · 7 years
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brujas-nyc · 7 years
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