brutopia · 9 years
A little more about this blog
Thought I might try and explain a little about some of the themes in this blog.
And some of the things you won’t find here - anything anal - happy faces - bondage.  I prefer the subjects in my little fantasies to be free of any physical restraints.
Also, I should reiterate that the blog is pure 100% fantasy and that I would never in real life condone or advocate any of the abuse and cruelty so prevalent in Brutopia. All human beings - male or female - should be treated with kindness and respect.
Having said all that I have a thing about cp (caning and being caned in particular).   It all stems from my school days in an all-boys public boarding school in Kent. The cane was used extensively by prefects. One such prefect - my head of house - was a particularly ferocious user of the cane and most evenings there would be a queue of unfortunate miscreants waiting outside his study. Even the most minor infringements were seized upon as an excuse for a caning. For instance, only sixth-formers were allowed to go about with the buttons unfastened on their jackets. Lesser mortals had to fasten at least the middle button! I was caned more than once for breaking that ridiculous custom. During my early time at the school - I was there for five years - I was caned most weeks for something. And even in my later teens I was caned fairly regularly - once for being caught in a pub and another time for being seen with a girl from the town. Each evening, after supper, a list would be posted of the names of those boys who were to report to the head of house. The list included the offence for which we were being summoned and anyone on the list knew that he was to receive the cane. We had to be outside his study at 9.15pm, in our pyjamas. (Lights out was at 9.30pm.) When he was ready the head of house would call us in; together if there was more than one of us -as was usually the case. The reason we were being punished would be briefly re-stated and then we’d be told to strip in readiness. So there we would be standing naked and wondering which of us would go first. I think most of us much preferred to get it all over with as waiting was hard on the nerves. Either way we watched, or were ourselves watched, as the punishments were meted out to us. Aside from the caning itself I think that for most boys one of the things foremost in his mind was the fear of crying and losing face in front of others. So we all tried hard to keep that typical British ‘stiff upper lip’. Though I do remember occasions when that was simply not possible. Whatever the offence the punishment was always six strokes; and there was no holding back. The strokes were as hard as the prefects could make them - and they hurt. They also left livid bruises which lasted several days and made sitting uncomfortable. The strangest thing is, however, that after a time I found that I became aroused by it all; which added another dimension to things. I certainly didn’t want anyone to see how it excited me but, being naked for most of the proceedings, it wasn’t always easy to hide. Most times, as soon as I was back in the dormitory and in my bed I would masturbate. And here I am, all of 50 years later, still aroused by the idea of being caned or caning someone. In fact many of my best fantasies revolve around caning - usually with me caning women (though at heart I am a very gentle individual). Recurrent themes in my blog are the waiting, the feeling of fear before being punished, the degradation, being naked in front of others, being touched without one’s consent, and being punished for no good reason.
I am always interested in hearing from others about their experiences and feelings - do please write to me - Brutopia
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brutopia · 9 years
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BRUTOPIA Brutopia is a self-governing Region of Depravia. Brutopia's infamous Civic and Domestic Rights and Responsibilities Act gives men absolute dominion over women. For a young girl in Brutopia childhood ends abruptly at 18, when she becomes a Ward of Court and has to undergo Statutory Consummation. She is then taken to the Ecole de Service where, for three months, she will be instructed in the duties (mainly sexual in nature) of a good wife. After her training is complete she is offered at auction for marriage, the proceeds of sale going into the State coffers. Thereafter she is the property of her husband. Every girl dreads her 18th birthday. That is the day when she must submit to the process known as Statutory Consummation before leaving her home and parents. Exactly one week before the dreaded day her father will be issued with the papers notifying him of the impending event and of his daughter's Wardship. With the papers there w ill be a sheet of instructions for the day, including instructions on how a room must be prepared for Consummation by a duly appointed Bailiff. In Brutopia a Bailiff is an important man. Bailiffs each have a Bailiwick (District) for which they are responsible. They are Officers of the Legislature and the Courts; responsible for serving documents, carrying out some of the sentences imposed, maintaining discipline, and supervising some of the long-established institutions (such as Brutopia's much-feared Women's Reformatory and the Ecole de Service). A woman's Civic duties span her whole life, from the age of 18. Once married she is her husband's property and must do his bidding, sexually and in all other respects. He may sell her on to be married to another man any time he chooses. Widows revert to the State and may be auctioned and married a second time; but if there are no bidders a widow must register with Brutopia's Department for Women, and be issued with a Sexual Se rvices Record (SSR). Thereafter, until she reaches the age of 80, she must 'take service' - have full sexual intercourse - at least once a week. Every such occasion must be documented on her SSR with the name, address and signature of her sexual partner. In the event that she is unable to find a partner she must attend the Women's Reformatory where service will be given, usually in private, by one of the Reformatory's staff. Failure to maintain the SSR properly is a Statutory Offence carrying a minimum punishment of 6 strokes of the cane followed by three hours service in the Reformatory's Public Salon. The Courts in Brutopia have absolute power to punish offenders in whatever way they consider appropriate. Many sentences involve a high degree of public humiliation. Once a woman is found guilty of the offence for which she has been prosecuted she is taken to a cell in the Court building and all her clothes are taken from her. She is then returned to the dock, stark naked, f or sentencing. Most canings are administered in the town's main square, to which she must walk, naked, along some of Brutopia's busiest streets. The canings are brutal affairs, carried out by a Bailiff using a heavy metre-long rattan cane that cuts the skin on every stroke. Canings are always carried out at 6.00pm, after most men leave work, so as to attract the maximum audience. Men are encouraged to bring their wives and daughters so that the canings act as a deterrent to them. For each woman he brings a man may claim 'special rights' in the Public Salon where women are sent by the Courts and made to take service from queues of eager men. The Women's Reformatory is greatly feared. Every woman knows that even relatively minor offences may result in them being sent there for punishment. Part of the training at the Ecole de Service includes an educational visit to the Reformatory in order that girls can witness the punishments awaiting them if they step out of line. Altho ugh the Bailiff has overall responsibility for the Reformatory it is managed on a daily basis by The Master, assisted by a dozen or so Charge Hands. Women admitted to the Reformatory have to undergo an intimate and degrading medical examination to confirm their fitness to take service. Then they are taken to the Public Salon and paraded before the multitude of men waiting to enjoy their favours. The Charge Hands force the women over specially constructed cheval-de-service - similar to the leather-upholstered exercise horses used by gymnasts - and fuck them. Many of the Charge Hands are strongly built black men, with enormous penises. Seeing women being violated in that way brings the male spectators to such a pitch of sexual excitement that as soon as the Charge Hand has had his pleasure the men immediately take their turn, until the unfortunate victim is brought to a state of collapse; any resistance or show of modesty renders her liable to a severe caning from The Maste r. Very few women risk that so restraints of any kind are rarely needed; though they are available and may be employed by those men who like to use such devices. In addition to the Public Salon there are several well-equipped smaller rooms for the use of men who prefer to indulge their sexual preferences in private. And because some sentences cannot be administered in just one day there are a number of dormitories with facilities for the women to cleanse themselves. The women are inspected before each session and any found still to have traces of semen inside them are immediately put on report to be taken to The Master at the end of the day for caning. As well as being a place for the correction and punishment of female offenders, the Women's Reformatory has an important preventative and educational role. And it is also, of course, a much-used recreational facility open to all the male inhabitants of Brutopia. Some men like to take their wives as a warning of what awaits t hem if they neglect their duties; some take their sons; and daughters have to attend as part of their education after they are admitted to the Ecole de Service. The Reformatory also accepts voluntary referrals from husbands whose wives are troublesome. BLOG
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brutopia · 9 years
could there perhaps be a weekly (or monthly) community activity, where the men in Brutopia can, throughout the week or month, nominate various young women for a ceremony....every week, the nominated women are gathered together, and one of their names is drawn by lot. The chosen woman is led to a platform, where she is branded in front of a large audience....
Like that idea - will incorporate- thanks
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brutopia · 9 years
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Katy’s father has just told her that she is to have her Statutory Consummation later that morning.’ The Bailiff will be here at 10.00′ her father said. ‘ Your mother will tell you what to do. When he arrives you must ready for him - completely naked; he will examine you first and then you will have to bend over for him to fuck you. You must do exactly what he says’.
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brutopia · 10 years
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The worst part is the anticipation!
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brutopia · 10 years
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The worst part is the anticipation!
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brutopia · 10 years
And fear
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brutopia · 10 years
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brutopia · 10 years
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brutopia · 10 years
So happy for stumbling on to your blog (;
Thanks for letting me know - glad you like it.
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brutopia · 10 years
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Sara is thrown back into her cell where two of the guards are ready for her.
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brutopia · 10 years
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Hans wears a mask for Public Executions. Maria, his next victim, is made to remove all her clothing before he places the noose around her neck.
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brutopia · 10 years
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Maria has been sentenced to death, after deserting her husband no less than six times. The sight of the noose is terrifying. Poor Maria.
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brutopia · 10 years
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Hans is responsible for all Public Executions and Canings.
Public Executions are relatively rare; only about a dozen a year, and mostly women who have deserted their husband repeatedly. A husband may petition the Court for a death sentence if his wife deserts him five or more times.
Judicial canings are for more numerous. Last year Hans administered over 2500. Today, there are eight women on his list. The lists are posted though out the town so as to encourage spectators. 
Hans wears a heavy leather apron as the fear of what is about to happen to them renders many of his victims incontinent; especially after they witness others being punished before them. 
Hans has a formidable reputation. The rattan cane he uses for all judicial canings is over three feet long, and a fraction under 1 centimetre thick, with a lead core. The minimum sentence is six strokes, but the average is 10. Strokes are delivered with long intervals between, so as to maximise pain, and to help avoid victims falling unconscious. To add to the humiliation factor victims are always naked.
Hans enjoys his job!
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brutopia · 10 years
Thought I might try and explain a little about some of the themes in this blog.
And some of the things you won’t find here - anything anal - happy faces - bondage. I prefer the subjects in my little fantasies to be free of any physical restraints.
Also, I should reiterate that the blog is pure...
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brutopia · 10 years
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Ffion has been married just three weeks. At 48 Jorge is 30 years older than she is. As Ffion quickly discovered Jorge has an insatiable appetite for sex. What he likes most is to ask a group of his friends round for dinner, and, afterwards, for them have sex with Ffion, while he watches.
Ffion has been waiting at the dinner table all evening. Jorge insists on her being naked. All through dinner the men talked about her and touched her. Some of their observations were intensely personal, causing Ffion to blush with embarrassment. She’d never had such things said about her before - they’d talked about her breasts and nipples, her pale white skin, her bottom, and of course her cunt. They’d asked Jorge questions like, is she nice and tight, how often are you fucking her, can she do oral, and many more things that Ffion had tried not to listen to. As if all that wasn’t degrading enough Jorge made her stand with her legs apart, and spread open her cunny so the men could see everything.
When dinner was over Jorge told her to wait in their bedroom while he and his friends sorted out the order they would come to her. As Ffion sat waiting she could hear their loud voices, and her husband laughing. It was so humiliating and she knew that as soon as the guests were finished Jorge himself would fuck her and do disgusting things; the last time he’d made her squat over a dish so he could watch as the semen leaked from her vagina. ‘Squeeze’ he kept telling her. Then he’d insisted she lick the dish clean before fucking her himself. Poor Ffion!
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brutopia · 10 years
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Hilda will appear in Court tomorrow, accused of desertion. Until then she Carlos and Andrei can do as they like with her. Carlos can feel his cock growing bigger in anticipation of all the fun he will have. Poor Hilda!
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