bruxariadiaria · 4 years
Dear baby witches
You do not have to be wiccan to practice witchcraft. You do not have to be religious at all to practice witchcraft. Witchcraft is just that: a craft, a practice.
Witchcraft can be anything YOU want it to be! It can be complex spells and curses or something as simple as wind chimes in your window and spices in the your cabinet.
Do not let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do with your practice. No one single person can dictate how we practice.
If you want to curse, then curse. If you don’t, then don’t! If you want to work with stones, plants, animals, fire, or even technology then go for it! There is no reason why you can’t!
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bruxariadiaria · 4 years
✨🌿 Green Witch’s Comfort Spell Jar 🌲
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In a small jar with a cork top, layer:
Lemongrass or Lemon Balm
Tree Bark (I used White Oak)
Fennel Seeds
Ginger Root
Pine Needles
Let it charge in the sun for an afternoon near your houseplants, in the garden, or even under a favorite tree in the woods. For an extra boost, charge it near a moss agate stone too! Later, seal it with green or white wax and recite:
“Support me and guide me, Spirits of Nature. As a Green Witch, I thank you for your many blessings. I take a little piece of the Forest with me as I walk my path. Blessed be, and so mote it be.” 🌿
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You can now take your little piece of the Forest inside your spell jar with you wherever you go as a reminder of your Green Witch oath and path. It’s great to keep in your bag, purse, or travel altar! Blessed be, lovelies! 💖🌿
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bruxariadiaria · 4 years
Protection/Warding Black Salt
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Not to be confused with volcanic salt/Himalayan black salt/kala namak. Black salt has strong protective properties, especially when combined with other protective/uncrossing herbs (herbs meant to undo a curse or hex). It’s used to absorb negative energy, create wards, and undo curses. It’s also good for banishing and binding. Here’s my recipe: 
What you’ll need: 
Cleansing items, such as palo santo, sage, bells, spray, whichever you personally use. 
Sea Salt 
Charcoal Disk (or charcoal powder) 
Black Candle
Garlic Powder
Chili Powder 
Crushed Red Pepper Flakes 
Black Pepper 
Black Candle 
Mortar & Pestle 
Black stones/crystals 
Any additional protective items you may have. (Here I gathered dried red peppers, dried chili peppers, lemon, sage, and ashed from a Litha bonfire.) These items are for You to draw some extra energy from, and won’t be directly added to the salt.
Frankincense and/or Dragon’s Blood incense. 
First, cleanse your space using whatever best works for you. 
After cleansing, start your frankincense and/or dragon’s blood incense, this will be going for the duration of the spell. 
Light your black candle. 
Gather your supplies as seen in the picture. 
As always, make sure your intention is strong, and continuously draw from it. Return to your intent no matter how often your mind wanders (which it will, that’s ok). 
In a bowl, mix the salt with the herbs first. 
Remember your other protective items are there for you to use. If needed, refocus on their protective energies and draw from that. 
Use a mortar and pestle to crush the charcoal disk separately. This takes a lot of physical energy, and it is very messy. If you prefer to use charcoal powder, that’s ok, though charcoal disks will be cheaper. I like charcoal disks because I feel more energetically involved in/connected to the process. 
Mixing counterclockwise, mix the very finely crushed charcoal into the salt. Mix. Use as many charcoal disks needed to get to the level of darkness you want. 
Mind wandering? Remember your intent! Refocus! 
When you’re done, transfer the black salt into a jar and set the crystals around it in a circle. Let it continue to build and charge this way, until you feel it is ready. If you’re not sure, it can also be until the candle or incense goes out. 
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Done! Sprinkle this around the parameter of your wards, such as along doorways and windows. It can also be used during unhexing/curse breaking spells, general protection spells, banishing, and binding. 
Even if you used edible activated charcoal, know that 1. charcoal interacts with many medications by basically absorbing them and rendering them useless, including birth control, diabetes medications, cancer drugs, and more. and 2. I’m not sure this would taste great? 
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bruxariadiaria · 4 years
Some witchy things I do every day
just a little list of witchy things you can do every day
morning stretches, sun salutation
bless my morning cup of coffee, stirring three times anti clockwise (to banish the bad) and three times clockwise (to bring in the good)
add cinnamon to coffee for an energy boost
tend to my plants, either watering, pruning, repotting, or just talking to them
give thanks to my deities for the food and drink I have
I like to do a little protective blessing on my cat every day
cleanse the bedroom
check the wards and protective enchantments on my house
check my bird feeders and place protection on them, and if they need refilling, I bless the seeds or nuts for health and longevity
I take my meds, because self care is important for witches
write at least one page in my journal
check my crystals for dust and if they need recharging
check my offerings to any spirits or deities and refill them if needs be
these are all acts that don't take up much energy! as many of you know, I'm disabled and it's very hard finding the spoons to do witchcraft. these are all small, low spoon things I like to do to incorporate witchcraft into my every day life.
I'll be making another post soon of low spoon witchery!
hope you're all okay loves, staying safe and healthy. 💖
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bruxariadiaria · 4 years
Anti-Depression Self Love Candle Recipe🌱🌷💓✨🍃🌙💐
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ok luvlies here is my Anti-Depression Self Love Candle recipe for all my fellow mentally ill witches on my blog💗
Things you need (all precharged and cleansed where needed)
a white or pink (love) candlestick
blue dripping wax (health and healing)
black dripping wax (protection)
dried eucalyptus leaves (healing)
dried rose petals (self love)
4 cloves (healing and naturally painkilling)
salt (protection and purifying)
coffee grounds (magic amplifying)
rose eo (self love)
eucalyptus eo (healing)
left over herbs and two sprigs of fresh eucalyptus
a small basin to hold the candle
(i know this seems like a lot of ingredients but u can tailor this to what you have and need)
throw the dried eucalyptus leaves, rose petals, cloves, salt, and coffee in a motar and powder them as fine as you can with a pestle. focus on the intention behind each ingredient as you do this, what will these herbs help you with? (i guess you can also food process these? but since i don’t have a food processor i did this by hand and this step took me a little while lol)
leave your powdered herb mix to the side, if you want to draw sigils on your candlestick, now is the time to do so. i used my ‘i am loving’ sigil on mine.
now annoint your precleansed candle with the eucalyptus and rose essential oils. i used 2 drops of eucalyptus and 4 of rose because the eucalyptus is such a strong scent i didn’t want the rose to be overpowered. you want the candle super oily so your herbs will stick to it’s sides.
over some parchment or newspaper, begin pressing your powders onto your anointed candle. if some falls off that’s ok, you can sprinkle it over the candle when the candles almost finished and your not handling it so much.
melt the wax on the base of your candle using a lighter or match and, working quickly, press the candle to your basin to secure it. doing this now instead of as the last step makes it so much easier to drip the wax over your candles without rubbing off the herbs.
now it’s time to drip the wax over your candle, just do this until you feel satisfied that you can see the colour and it looks cute.
after you’ve finished step 6 the candle itself is finished! just fill the basin with leftover herbs and herb powder. i threw some salt and rose buds on top of mine too.
stick the eucalyptus sprigs in the herb bath and you’re completely done!
to finish i just lit mine and left it near my windowsill to charge under the sunlight with two rose quartz and a tree agate.
i hope you guys are feeling better soon and if you like these posts lmk and i’ll make more!
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bruxariadiaria · 4 years
🧄 Garlic For Protection⁣
🌙Garlic has been thought to possess magical properties for centuries, and is widely used in charms and spells. ⁣
⚔️Eating and carrying garlic is believed to enhance speed, strength, courage and endurance, and soldiers throughout history have used it for these properties when going into battle. ⁣
🧄Garlic was also given to slaves in the past to protect them from disease and enhance their strength. ⁣
🕊 It is believed if you have a garlic clove, when you pass over water, you are safe from drowning.⁣
🌕 Peeled garlic cloves can be placed in doorways and around the house for protection from illness and to keep evil at bay - especially in new homes. ⁣
💀 Putting a garlic clove under a child’s pillow while it sleeps is believed to protect it from evil.⁣
🧹 Braids of garlic are believed repel thieves from a home and keep away envious people.⁣
🧙 Sailors and pirates carried garlic when at sea because they believed it protected them from sinking.⁣
🍀 Knights during the middle ages wore garlic for self-defence against their enemies.⁣
🐉 Roman centurions and soldiers believed that eating garlic gave them super human courage in battle.⁣
🌿 Ancient brides in various cultures kept cloves of garlic in their pocket for good luck and to ward off evil on their wedding day. The tradition still continues in some cultures.🌙⁣
👑 We sell tea and other witch accessories, link is in the bio! 👑⁣ ⁣
video credit by @worldslimit
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bruxariadiaria · 4 years
Jar Spell for Good Outcomes
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This jar spell will help if you have a test coming up you aren’t sure about or you need some extra luck for something you’re not sure how it’ll turn out. I love this one because it’s short, simple, easy, cheap, and can be customized! 
Small glass jar or bottle
Orange or yellow candle
Peppermint oil
☾   Light your candle, and fill bottle with ingredients.  ☾   While filling bottle, state your intention for each ingredient ☾   Seal bottle and pour wax over it or inside of it while saying: 
“Good luck come to me, guide me through this test, so mote it be.” 
☾  Let candle burn out by itself next to spell jar if possible, if not maybe charge it in the sun or with crystals of your choosing 
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bruxariadiaria · 4 years
M A G I C _ C O F F E E
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As much as I love tea, I have got to have my morning cup of coffee. I notice that not a lot of witches talk about the benefits of coffee and all the things you could add to your coffee to help aid you in your magical workings.
Maybe this will inspire your next cup of coffee and make it a more magical experience.
Can help get rid of nightmares and negative thoughts and overcome internal blockages. Provides peace of mind and grounding.
For love, garden magick, immortality, friendship and healing.
For protection
For protection, and purification
For spirituality, success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength, and prosperity. As well as raise spiritual and protective vibrations, draw money, and stimulate psychic powers.
For energy, communication and vitality.
To attract money/prosperity, bringing luck, protection, and breaking hexes.
To help with matters involving work or employment.
To increase the vibrations of a space or to promote healing & purification.
To help aid you when doing any kind of lunar magick. 
To help attracts success, good fortune, and favorable circumstances.
For love, lust, passion, and restoring lost energy as well as increase energy & strengthen mental abilities.
To access divine energy, bringing the blessing of the Gods and wishes.
For healing, protection, luck, clairvoyance, divination, inspiration, wisdom, defense, fertility and wishes.
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To learn more about herbs and their magical properties go here
This is just a helpful guide, feel free to use whatever feels right for you. Make sure to check that whatever herbs you’re using isn’t poisonous.
Have a magical day! 
Extra Witch Tip: I like to have a yummy cup of cinnamon apple coffee in the morning when doing my daily devotionals and meditation to help manifest love and raise spiritual vibrations (or energy) and to help ground me <3 
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bruxariadiaria · 4 years
🌙 Moon Water for Every Phase 🌙
🌑New Moon Water
Charge your water under the New Moon and use this water as a booster for spells of new beginnings. If you are looking to:
Start a new job or business
Open your heart to a new relationship
Move into a new place
Sprinkle your altar, your home or workspace with some New Moon Water! If you are planting seeds, water them with some of this moon water to promote a healthy start.
🌒Waxing Moon Water
The benefits of this lunar phase are associated to growth, evolution and development in both the spiritual and material realms. If you are casting:
Spells for Money and Success
Good Luck Rituals and Spells
This phase is all about manifestation, attraction and moving forward. Invite the power of Water to your life by placing a cup of Moon Water on your altar.
🌕Full Moon Water
The energy of the full moon can help you reinforce any kind of Witchcraft spells: 
Love and Beauty Spells
Spiritual and Psychic Protection Spells
Meditations for Growth and Wisdom
Divinations and any ritual practice in which you need to strengthen your spiritual powers will see benefits. Just place a cup of Moon Water on your altar as you cast it.
🌘Waning Moon Water
Enhance the power of banishing spells by using this blessed water in your ritual.
If you want to get rid of a problem, a person or a situation, cast a banishing or a freezing spell and add a cup of Waning Moon Water to the list of ingredients
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bruxariadiaria · 4 years
Like a Comet (Steven Universe Inspired)
A cosmic spell to motivate yourself into achieving and reaching for your goals.
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You Will Need:
🌠 Small Jar/Bottle 🌠 Orange Glitter (motivation, energy) 🌠 Yellow Glitter (inspiration, action, confidence) 🌠 Red Pepper Flakes (energy, motivation, passion) 🌠 Powdered Cinnamon (motivation, strength) 🌠 Comet Imagery (energy, put things in motion) 🌠 Yellow Candle (energy, action, confidence)
Perform at Night after dark
🌠 Light your candle placing it before you. In front of the candle lay down your comet imagery (picture, drawing, the word, etc) and place your jar on top of it so it can begin absorbing the energy of the comet.
🌠 “At the moment I hit the stage I hear the universe calling my name, and I know deep down in my heart I have nothing to fear”
🌠 To your bottle add your red pepper flakes and cinnamon
🌠 “And Solar Winds blow through my hair”
🌠 Add your yellow glitter
🌠 “Knowing I have so much more left to share”
🌠 Add your orange glitter
🌠 “A wandering spirit who’s tearing its way through the cold atmosphere”
🌠 Cork your bottle/put on its lid, give it a good shake to mix all of the elements together and then seal it in using the wax from your yellow candle. 
🌠 “I’ll fly like a comet, Soar like a comet!”
🌠 Put jar where you can see it every day. When you need an extra boost of motivation from it, take it in hand and shake it well chanting the last line of the song/incantation above.
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bruxariadiaria · 4 years
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🌸Each flower and flower part has a magic correspondence
🌼you use bouquets to focus your intent, like some use charm bags
🌸you curse with rotted flowers
🌼you can protect or help someone prosper without being noticed
🌸every customer received a bit of positive energy with their plant or bouquet
🌼charging your plants with crystals
🌸burying your hands in dirt every day
🌼secretly blessing people by charging with luck or prosperity energy the plants/flowers you sell or give
*** Don’t hesitate to add your own ideas***
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bruxariadiaria · 4 years
Gentle Witchcraft
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Just a collection of witchy things that give off a gentle, loving energy without being focused on self love or romantic love specifically <3
It’s the little things:
Gentle little witch things to do
Witchy blessings
I AM… spells
Witch’s morning routine
Glow like the moon
Shine like the sun
To radiate a loving aura
To attract kindness
Soft shores bath spell
Quartz wellness bath
Here comes the sun
My love soothes you pet spell
Dandelion wish spell
Restful sleep and sweet dreams
Rose water spells
Room healing spell
Ease the pain
Tarot spreads:
Good morning!
Reduce anxiety 
The new you
Let go and grow
Shimmer and shine
Radical softness
To promote peaceful feelings
Inner peace
I will make it through this
I am comfortable in my own skin
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bruxariadiaria · 4 years
Living Spell Jar:
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I came up with this the other day after seeing some spell jar recipes, so I thought why not combine my love of indoor gardening with witchcraft? This is a living spell jar! I used this for a continual self love + growth spell but you can adapt this to your own needs <3
You will need:
- a clean jar (can be sealed or unsealed
- cleansed non-water-soluble stones / crystals
- charged water (moon/sun/river etc.)
- moss (and terrarium plants like ferns, Fittonia etc if you have them!)
- bit of regular potting soil
1. Moss can be collected pretty much from anywhere outside (make sure it’s not from protected areas of course). I use the really common green fluffy moss (ordinary moss) you can find growing on brick/ forest floors etc, I just remove a bit with a knife and leave the rest.
2. Draw a sigil on the bottom of the jar with the intention you want for the spell jar (I’m using one for personal growth and self love)
3. Layer a couple cm of potting soil on top
4. Add the moss by pressing it down lightly onto the soil- it should establish itself in a couple of weeks! You can also add any small terrarium plants you have!
5. Decorate with the stones / crystals! make sure you charge them with the intention for you jar. (I used clear quartz, rose quartz and moss agate)
6. Spray charged water into the jar (and seal if you have a lid- if not just mist more regularly)
7. Voila! Feel free to charge the jar itself with your intentions (I like to leave it in moonlight overnight) as well for an extra boost!
Check on the jar once a week or so to mist / check the health of the moss! Keep away from direct sunlight- a desk or north-facing windowsill would do well!
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bruxariadiaria · 4 years
Red’s Powerful Women Inspired Spell Masterpost!
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My Masterpost of spells I wrote that are inspired by epic, genuine, badass, and powerful women from pop culture! 42 Spells inspired by 40 Amazing Women! Find this list on my main page! Or Reblog this one! Avatar: The Last Airbender:  Kyoshi Warriors - to help you find a group of amazing female friends whom you will bond with closely. 
Charmed:  Prue -  to help you relax when you’ve been overworking yourself. Piper - to slow time so you can get more stuff done.  Pheobe -  to bring dreams of the future.  Paige - to help accept the truth, especially when its difficult. 
DC: Black Canary - to help your words make an impact on people.  Felicity - to help you remains friends with someone after a breakup. Harley Quinn - to banish someone harmful from your life, and gain courage to keep them away.  Poison Ivy - to keep out negativity. Raven - to help control negative or destructive emotions. Starfire - to help make friends easily. Wonder Woman - to help you find the truth of the situation.  Wonder Woman 2 - to create a charm ward that protects you from unfriendly forces.
Disney:  Go-Go - to pass time faster.  Honey Lemon - To sweeten your relationships and interactions with others.  Maleficent - to make those who harm you feel like they are sleep walking through life.  Megara - to help you feel like you have that “I’ve got this” attitude. Queen Grimhilde - to cause temporary bad luck with the goal of teaching a lesson. 
Doctor Who:  Rose Tyler - to help display your inner strength on the outside.
Game Of Thrones:  Arya - to cause and abuser emotional strife and misfortune. Daenerys -  to help you prepare for a transition.  Sansa - to help you survive through hard times.  Ygritte -  to make yourself appear more fearsome.
Harry Potter: Hermione - to help you get motivated to read and to help you remember what you read.  Minerva McGonagall - to let people know that you’re not gonna take any of their shit.  How to Train your Dragon:  Astrid - a spell to deter those close to you from doing something stupid. 
Magicians: Alice - a study charm for memory and focus.  Kady - to help you handle annoying people when you can’t get rid of them.  Julia - to help you find your way when you are lost. Margo - to return to someone what they did to you and promptly remove them from your life. 
Marvel:  Black Widow - to clear the “red in your ledger” and get a new beginning.  Jessica Jones - to channel that “leave me alone” vibe. Okoye - to help you see and do what is right, regardless of what may hinder you. Peggy Carter - to change doubters perception of you.  Princess Shuri - for silent feet and stealth. Princess Shuri 2- a spell to invite creativity and new ideas. Nakia - to help others slip through unnoticed in hard situations. Valkyrie - to help you be seen as someone to be respected. 
Maximum Ride: Maximum Ride - To help you protect your family. 
Shadowhunters: Izzy - to create a charm that tells you when things aren’t right.
Stardust:  Yvaine - to help you shine bright and burn negativity out of your life.  Supernatural: Charlie - For Strength and bravery to try new things.
Find these spells and more of my spells here!
- Aesa <3 These are my original spells. Do Not Repost On Any Platform Without My Explicit Permission.
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bruxariadiaria · 4 years
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A young innovator!
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bruxariadiaria · 4 years
Almost There - a Jar spell to help you accomplish your goals.
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*inspired by Tiana’s determination to accomplish her dreams* Needed: - A device to play Tiana’s “Almost there” - Jar - Cinnamon - Oregano - Thyme - Bay Leaves - Clear Quartz - Paper and Pen - An image of a bee! (this can be printed or drawn) - A Gold Candle.  Steps: - Set up your candle and light it - Start up the song on your device of choice! Don’t be afraid to hum or sing along! - Lay down a layer of Cinnamon in the bottom of your jar.  - Add a layer of Oregano - Write on paper what your goals and dreams are! Fold the paper up and put it in the jar.  - Cover the paper with a layer of bay leaves.  - Add your image of a bee (for hardwork!) - Top it off with your Quartz!  - Seal your jar and set it aside where it wont be disturbed.  - Finish the song, and blow out your candle to close and activate the jar spell! - Aesa <3 This is my original spell, do not repost on any platform without my explicit permission. Reblogging is okay, Reposting is not.  Do not advertise on this post. 
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bruxariadiaria · 4 years
Feitiço para atrair dinheiro.
Faça esse feitiço na lua nova.
-9 Moedas.
-Um pote de vidro.
-Uma folha de louro.
-Sal grosso.
Modo de fazer:
-Escreva na folha de louro com uma caneta ou lápis verde: “Dinheiro sempre vem para mim.”
-Ponha a folha de louro com a frase escrita no fundo do pote.
-Encha o pote com sal grosso, cobrindo a folha de louro.
-Coloque as moedas e quando for colocando diga: “Eu estou plantando dinheiro e ele cresce para mim.”
-Pronto!Agora deixe o pote em um local que sempre possa ver.
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