brxdshaw · 10 months
I don't do Tumblr RP anymore, if anyone wants to do Saints Row RP, I have roleplaying channels in my Discord server you can feel free to pop in and roleplay with me and some other people 💜
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brxdshaw · 10 months
Troy Bradshaw from Saints Row Icons
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Here are 72 icons I made for Troy Bradshaw from Saints Row series.
These were originally made by me to be used for this blog, but since I retired from RPing here, why let these icons go to waste when I can give it to people that might actually be interested in roleplaying as Troy?
They come in 300x300px and 100x100px, depending on your formatting preferences.
Reblog if using. ⚜
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brxdshaw · 6 years
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I commissioned Sonyaishi-Nai to draw a picture of my Boss Zackery and Troy Bradshaw
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brxdshaw · 6 years
more misc memes
“  change isn’t easy.  ” “  i just wanted to say i’m sorry.  ” “  i guess being angry was/is just easier than being sad.  ”  “  what did you want to tell me?  ” “  it was supposed to be simple.  ” “  you’ve got blood on your shirt.  ” “  you can stay with me.  ” “  what did you want to show me?  ” “  i miss ____ more than i thought i would.  ” “  i don’t like to talk about it, but i wanted you to know.  ” “  shut up. please.  ” “  fuck off.  ” “  hush, i’m trying to kiss you.  ” “  you’re lucky you’re cute.  ” “  i fucked up.  ” “  i just want to take it all back.  ” “  i can’t sleep.  ”  /  “  can’t sleep?  ” “  we should get a pet.  ” “  if you have something to say, spit it out.  ” “  i’m allowed to be angry.  ” “  she/he aint even that cute.  ” “  just hold me.  ” “  do you want me to go?  ”   “  i just need time.  ” “  i already made my decision, you’re not going to change that.  ”   “  nothing you can say will surprise me.  ” “  everyone leaves, eventually. either they move on or they die. they leave and i’m left behind.  ” “  death is a part of life. i accepted that a long time ago.  ” “  i don’t fear death. i fear anonymity.  ” “  listen to me, please.  ” “  i’m not even sure what to say to that.  ” “  that should probably shock me, but honestly it doesn’t.  ” “  am i supposed to care?  ” “  i do care.  ”   “  you make me happy.  ” “  you look beautiful like this.  ”   “  if this is your idea of fun, i don’t know what to say to you.  ” “  it terrifies me.  ”   “  just let me show you how i feel.  ”
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brxdshaw · 6 years
Of course, Emiline had only heard Johnny’s side of the story but she still didn’t agree with what had happened, no matter how stubborn Johnny was. She also didn’t know what he was talking about when he spoke of keeping her alive. What was that shit? She knew she’d been in a coma but no real idea that he was the one who had been keeping her alive all this time. She looked a bit taken back with his words. She looked down and took a cigarette from him with a nod of thanks, taking out her neon purple lighter and lighting his cigarette before lighting her own. This was all really strange… 
“You… kept me alive? It was you?” she asked took the cigarette from her mouth, exhaling as she held the cancer stick between her fingers. 
“Yeah, playa.” He took a hit of his cigarette and exhaled the smoke out of his mouth. “The medical staff wanted to pull the switch and pronounce you dead as a payback to all the terror you cause.” Troy replied, and proceeded to take another hit.
“I didn’t want to sign the papers for it. You were just a kid, you deserved better than to get killed in action.” The Chief of Police stated, and then checked his watch for the time.
Out Of Touch | Troy & Emiline
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brxdshaw · 6 years
She gave Troy a dry laugh.
“You don’t need to explain things to me like I’m a newcomer”, she said in a stern voice and looked him in the eye. “I know how this shit works, been at this since I was, what, ten? And no, I don’t have any.”
She leaned back on the bench she was sitting on, mindful of the various bruises and aches about her body.
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Troy inspected her wounds, wounds of someone who has dedicated their life to a gang life style. He had to wonder. “Why?” He said, and then paused for couple of seconds, but before she could reply, he continued. “Why didn’t you ever find something better to do with your life?”
"You know, you got some good moves, kid."
Tina looked up from where she was nursing a black eye under a bag of ice. She stared at him for a second before giving a sneering smile.
“Darling, I’m thirty-something, I’m likely older than all of these baby faces around. But thanks, you made me feel young”, she mocked him, and winced when she moved the bag of ice. Good moves… she was rusty as hell. Those boys had had no finesse, only brute force and numbers. Just dig in and punch until something connects. All of them had been so readable, but she just… couldn’t move to match them anymore.
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brxdshaw · 6 years
“The same as everyone: don’t got no choice. The Saints seemed like the lesser evil of the bunch, what with the Boss’ optimistic view. Dunno if he’ll pull it off, but I hope so.”
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“Yeah, but a street gang can be dangerous.” Troy replied to her. “Don’t ya have a family, or anyone in particular, to look out for?”
"You know, you got some good moves, kid."
Tina looked up from where she was nursing a black eye under a bag of ice. She stared at him for a second before giving a sneering smile.
“Darling, I’m thirty-something, I’m likely older than all of these baby faces around. But thanks, you made me feel young”, she mocked him, and winced when she moved the bag of ice. Good moves… she was rusty as hell. Those boys had had no finesse, only brute force and numbers. Just dig in and punch until something connects. All of them had been so readable, but she just… couldn’t move to match them anymore.
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brxdshaw · 6 years
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“Thirty something?” The types of people that join the Saints were usually young, barely even adults. Yet, she is over thirty and still decided to throw her life away at a gang crap. Still, if she is over thirty and has moves like that, she sure does have good moves. “How did you get yourself into this mess?”
"You know, you got some good moves, kid."
Tina looked up from where she was nursing a black eye under a bag of ice. She stared at him for a second before giving a sneering smile.
“Darling, I’m thirty-something, I’m likely older than all of these baby faces around. But thanks, you made me feel young”, she mocked him, and winced when she moved the bag of ice. Good moves… she was rusty as hell. Those boys had had no finesse, only brute force and numbers. Just dig in and punch until something connects. All of them had been so readable, but she just… couldn’t move to match them anymore.
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brxdshaw · 6 years
Emiline couldn’t believe his words. Not after all he did. If he never wanted to hurt her then surely he would of done something about what Julius did to her. Either way, even if he meant no harm to her, he had to Johnny. He was going to let him get the chair and that shit was not a-okay. She supposed she could hear him out. She didn’t particularly want to but she believed that everyone deserved a chance at the very least. She’d not spoken to him or known much of what he had said other than the voice clips she had heard at the station or what she had seen on TV. 
“You wanna talk, man?” she watched him as he still aimed his gun at her. She stepped closer to him, knowing that if he was serious about not wanting to hurt her and wanted to talk things out that he wouldn’t shoot. Placing her hand on gun, her fingers lightly tracing over his, she stared him dead in the eyes. “ Put it away. Then we’ll talk. “ she paused and looked to his pocket for a second. “ And if you got a radio, shut that thing off. 
The Chief of Police lowered his weapon and placed it in the holster. Good, at least playa trust him enough just to have a talk. She doesn’t completely trust him yet, but there is at least something inside her that wants to give him a chance, and he is well aware of it.
Troy then proceeded to get up from the trash cans. His shoulder blade hurt, but luckily there weren’t any hard injuries. “Listen, playa, I never really wanted to hurt any of you. I’ve been working my ass off to keep you alive, and Johnny got his sentence because he was too stubborn to listen.” He replied to her. The cop reached for this pocket and pulled out the pack of cigarettes. He took one and put it in his mouth, then offered one to the fearsome leader of the Saints.
Out Of Touch | Troy & Emiline
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brxdshaw · 6 years
* hurt prompts
‘ are you bleeding? ’
‘ take it easy. you hit your head. ’
‘ where does it hurt? ’ 
‘ sit still and let me take a look! ’
‘ how did you get that black eye? ’ 
‘ you should see the other guy. ’ 
‘ did i say you could get out of bed? ’
‘ that’s going to leave a bruise. ’
‘ i’ll get some ice. ’ 
‘ that’s what you get for picking fights. ’
‘ are you trying to give me a heart attack? ’
‘ what’s wrong with you? ’
‘ you can barely stand. ’
‘ did you throw the first punch? ’
‘ that’s a nasty bump. ’
‘ get in the car. you’re going to the hospital. ’
‘ at least bandage it. ’ 
‘ no, you’ll get an infection. ’ 
‘ wet floor signs are there for a reason, you know. ’
‘ you’re lucky. that icicle could’ve killed you. ’
‘ where’s your gratitude? i rescued you! ’
‘ i’m calling the nurse. ’
‘ was that stupid dare worth it? ’
‘ what happened to you? ’
‘ sit down. i’ll make some hot chocolate and fix you right up. ’
‘ are those bandages? ’
‘ you need stitches. ’
‘ look out for that tree branch. ’
‘ i’ve got you. just stay awake. can you do that for me? ’
‘ lean on me. ’
‘ you got two choices: let me carry you, or die out here. take your pick. ’
‘ shit, you’re burning up. ’  
‘ you’re not dying. it’s only a sprained ankle. ’
‘ lie down. ’
‘ i’m sorry. i know it hurts. here, hold my hand. ’
‘ you’re in no condition to be walking around. ’
‘ wake up! wake up! ’
‘ i don’t feel sorry for you. ’
‘ look at your face! ’
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brxdshaw · 6 years
     “Not much…” The younger man admitted with a slight glare towards Troy. If there was anything he hated it was being belittled for being inexperienced. “I thought it was as simple as people forming a group and breaking the law.”
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“You gotta learn some basics first before you run head on into field.” Troy replied. He truly didn’t want this kid to get hurt “It’s all about the respect. You gotta do buncha tasks before they trust you.”
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brxdshaw · 6 years
 Troy was never really proud of his betrayal act, Saints might have been a band of criminals, but in the end, they were still his friends. But being friends wasn’t enough for Troy to ignore his true self, a policeman, and not disband the gang. Even if he did try to make their sentences as low as possible, that clearly wasn’t enough for the Saints to just forgive it.
But despite being depressed all the time from that, the Chief’s entire day has been Hell in general. Being a Chief of Police, and a good one, in a city like Stilwater was a hard job. Every morning he would get to his workplace, his desk would be filled with a lot of paper work, and next to that, there was also everyday crime fighting to be done.
All of a sudden, he felt someone grab his shoulder and throw him towards the alleyway. Luckily, Troy always keeps his gun in his reach, and he managed to draw his weapon as he was falling. As the Chief of Police hit the trashcan, he aimed his police issued NR4 at the attacker. “You’re assault a police officer, punk!” He yelled out at the attacker, only to see a striking resemblance in his attacker. “Playa…?”
“You seem shocked to see me, Chief.” she stared down coldly at her old friend, refusing at this point to not call him by his name. She wondered if he’d been aiming towards this position the whole time or if it was more of a reward for fucking the Saints over as he had done. When she had come across those voice messages it had been hard hitting indeed. Knowing that Dex kept such a vital source of information from her, Johnny and everyone else just to cover his own back was a fucking shitty move as it was but learning that Julius was the reason she was in a coma was the fucking icing on the cake. Though this was no longer an issue for her. 
Emiline may of understood that Troy had intentions to end the Saints due to his career, but this did not mean she agreed with it. Neither did she agree with the shit that Johnny went through. He’d fucked things up enough in trying to wager with Julius for freedom, when that spiralled out of control. It was not something she was willing to let side. Johnny was her best friend after all. “I dunno… Maybe you were secretly hoping Julius’s solution would have finished me off, eh?”
Troy kept his gun pointed at Emiline. He really wanted to lower it and trust his old friend, but playa wasn’t the same old kid he helped save in the streets, she changed. Now, she was filled with hate and seeking vengeance for what has been done to her.
“Listen, playa, I never wanted to hurt you.” He replied, still holding out his gun. He guessed peaceful negotiation was always an option. “Can’t we just peacefully talk this though?”
Out Of Touch | Troy & Emiline
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brxdshaw · 6 years
Happy Mun-day! OOC Photo?
Hah, I am glad someone’s interested in that, but I kinda stopped with munday thingies when I started being less and less active on my blog, and the only type of interactions I got were munday memes. People started getting more interested in my than my actual character.
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brxdshaw · 6 years
     “I guess that’s true, yeah. I’m just saying to be careful.” With a shrug he took a drag off of his own cigarette. “Is there anything I need to know before doing this? I only really know what’s been on the reports for the Saints but I feel like anything personal would be able to help.”
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“Heh.” The undercover cop chuckled. He then proceeded to extinguish the butt of his cigarette, and immediately after lit another one. “Listen, kid. How much do you know about gangs in general?”
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brxdshaw · 6 years
continued from here | @brxdshaw
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     “Can’t really go around being undercover and blowing it so easily, now can we?”
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“Look, you’re new here, being undercover in a gang is about drawing attention to yourself.” He took a draw of his cigarette, then took it out of his mouth, keeping it in his hand. “If we don’t draw attention to ourselves, they’ll be suspicious.”
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brxdshaw · 6 years
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brxdshaw · 6 years
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Boss scoffed flicking his cigarette to the ground before grinding it out with the heel on his scuffed up and ripped high tops. “I call bullshit, Troy. Johnny was going to get the chair if I didn’t escape prison with Carlos.” Boss tugged at his light purple tips before dropping his hand. “I’ll tell you what, T. I’ll give you one chance to prove to me that you really do want to start over.”
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“Look,” Troy started explaining himself. “Johnny was going to get a chair because he was too stubborn to cooperate with me.” He paused. “If I really had intention to kill any of the Saints, I wouldn’t have worked my ass off to try and keep you alive.” 
“Can we start over?”
❤ ▬▬ emotional starters to kick you in the feelings. | Accepting
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His bruised lips curl around the cigarette in his mouth. A soft laugh escapes him as his hand comes up to remove the cigarette from his mouth. “Start over..” He repeated, lifting his eyes to look at Troy. “Depends you got any other secrets you hiding from me?”
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