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Join it. It’s been awhile guys.  NO OOC DRAMA.  Keep the IC drama to a minimum.  Don’t take these personally. Characters are assholes sometimes.  Be respectful.  Message me for pw, reblog when you join.  Game link @thieveshavehxnxr @jordanthesheriffsdeputy @alphaincxntrol @psychxmxtric @norightorwrongway
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The boy gave a tight smile, eyebrow arched as he tried to hold back to urge to snap at the male. First of all, for being so damn disrespectful, but most importantly, because the look he was giving Luka, well...He knew it well. “Hm.” Luka wrapped slender fingers around his drink, bringing it to his lips, while the hand that was already rested on his thigh under the booth, made quick work of sending a text to the twins. It wasn’t like they broke out without precautions, plans and escape routes thought out. The hand on the cell, slid the device back into his pocket and switched it out for the gun he kept on him, though he only rested his hand on it, nothing else. “Well then, who are you? Cop? News station?”
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Okay rules this time cause the last few games were shitty. NO OOC DRAMA AT ALL. Do not take things to heart when said by a character IC.  Very limited IC Drama, keep it chill guys.  Don’t attack characters without cause, verbally or physically. Even if your muse doesn’t like that muse.  Be fucking cool.  I will ask you to leave if you guys are being obnoxious.  PM me for password, reblog when you join.  Game link here
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< Continued from xXx | @humcne >
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“Are you insane?” Coming from someone who was legally claimed as mentally insane. The male shook his head back and forth. “Mustard is disgusting. Even ranch is better. Besides, seven is a great number. If you hit three seven’s at the casino, big money and I’m just saying, I need at least seven or I’ll run out. I use like an entire packed for maybe two nuggets.”
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He finished another drink, a small wince as Ben remarked about leaving and he had to cull himself from the anger that boiled up. No. None of that. One snap and he’d draw to much attention to himself and the others. He can’t have that, the party was already a bit of a stretch. Finally, Luka nodded. “Alright, that’s understandable.” Luka raised his hand above Ben, his fingers beckoning someone over. “I’m guessing you can’t take Akasia’s car? Godric can drive, I’ll go with you so we make sure you get home safe.”
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He shook his head with a small laugh. “I don’t think anyone could measure up to Cross when she gets drunk. She certainly makes a statement.” 
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“You worry too much.” Luka replied with a shake of his head. “Godric doesn’t drink, he can give you both a ride home if needed. Otherwise, she might just pass out upstairs when she’s done with whatever.” He took a swig from his drink. “Not that I should be trying to pressure you into drinking, but hey, what do you got to loose?”
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“If I’m anything like Kasia when I drink, my dignity.” Only hesitantly did he take a sip of the shake, pleased that it didn’t taste as alcoholic as it probably was.
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“You worry too much.” Luka replied with a shake of his head. “Godric doesn’t drink, he can give you both a ride home if needed. Otherwise, she might just pass out upstairs when she’s done with whatever.” He took a swig from his drink. “Not that I should be trying to pressure you into drinking, but hey, what do you got to loose?”
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“No you certainly don’t strike me as the type.” Luka answered, reaching out to brush Ben’s bangs from his face. “Come on, drink up. Forget them, have fun. It’s the rule of the house.”
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“No you certainly don’t strike me as the type.” Luka answered, reaching out to brush Ben’s bangs from his face. “Come on, drink up. Forget them, have fun. It’s the rule of the house.”
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The boy nodded, lips pursed as he looked over at Ben. “Ah...I get it.” Luka shrugged. “No need to go then, if she ran off with someone you might like, then...Let me help you have fun, huh?” He reached over the male, taking the milkshake that Maria had made and handed it too him. “Here, you won’t even know it’s full of alcohol. You might not be a party guy, but you can still have fun, right?”
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He laughed again, shaking his head as he stepped a bit closer to Ben. “Who Maria? She’s not talking to you.” The boy put a finger to his head, motioning it in a circle as he rolled his eyes. “She’s a bit out of it.” Actually, she was crazy. Well, they all were. Though Luka and Amira were the best at trying to act normal. Godric and Maria were a different story. “No trouble caused. Besides, it looks like your friend ran off. I thought I saw her heading up the stairs with that nerdy, skinny boy...Stiles, I think his name is.” 
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“Ah, Akasia Cross.” He nodded, pressing the bottle to his lips as he took another swig. “She’s the one who ends up topless and on the table by the end of the night, yeah?” Luka grinned, brow raising. “Well, I have a friend myself that could make you a drink that doesn’t taste like alcohol. Do you like oreos?” The male motioned to a girl across the way. “Maria, can you make us one of your special shakes.”
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The girl looked from Luka to the new boy before smiling, an over dramatic roll of her eyes. “Oh, I suppose.” She responded, head turning swiftly to the side as if someone had tapped her shoulder, though there wasn’t anyone there. “No! Not for you.” Maria whispered harshly before hurrying off to go get the ingredients. 
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< Continued from xXx | @psychxmxtric >
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He laughed, taking a swig of his drink as he glanced around. “You’re all alone, yeah?” His brow raised. “Didn’t you come here with that pretty blonde? I was gonna ask to get you a drink, but it doesn’t seem like that’s what you’re interested in.” Luka offered his hand, grinning some. “Name’s Luka, I’m the one throwing this party.”
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❣ ——— Breakfast Club Sentence Starters.
’ Don’t you want to hear my excuse? ’ ’ I’m thinkin’ of tryin’ out for a scholarship. ’ ’ Eat… My… Shorts. ’ ’ You just bought yourself another Saturday. ’ ’ I’m going to have to check my calendar. ’ ’ We’ll keep going. You want another one? ’ ’ Instead of going to prison you’ll come here. ’ ’ I’m doing society a favor. ’ ’ You got it! You got another one right there! That’s another one pal! ’ ’ You really think I give a shit? ’ ’ You ask me one more question and I’m beating the shit out of you. ’ ’ That the last time you ever make me look bad in front of those kids, you hear me? ’ ’ I have a home and I’m not about to throw it all away on some punk. ’ ’ I’m gonna knock your dick in the dirt. ’ ’ You threatening me? ’ ’ What are you gonna do about it? You think anyone’s gonna believe you? ’ ’ You think anyone is gonna take your word over mine? ’ ’ You’re a lying sack of shit and everybody knows it. ’ ’ Let’s find out how tough you are. ’ ’ I wanna know right now how tough you are. ’ ’ Just take the first shot. I’m begging you, take a shot. ’ ’ That’s what I thought. You’re a gutless turd. ’ ’ Why do you have to insult everybody? ’ ’ I’m being honest, asshole. ’ ’ I would expect you to know the difference. ’ ‘ I don’t think either one of them gives a shit about me. ’ ’ It’s like they use me just to get back at each other. ’ ’ Do you know how popular I am? I am so popular. ’ ’ Why’d you do that? ’ ’ Were you truly disgusted with what I did with my lipstick? ’ ’ Some of us are just better at hiding it, that’s all. ’ ’ You’re a big coward. ’ ’ I’m in the math club. ’ ’ Well, you wouldn’t know, you don’t even know any of us. ’ ’ Hey! Let’s watch the mouth, huh? ’ ’ Excuse me a sec. What are you babbling about? ’ ’ What do you guys do in your club? ’ ’ You do everything everyone tells you to do and that is a problem. ’ ’ Do you think I’d speak for you? I don’t even know your language. ’ ’ Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place. ’ ’ Why are you being so nice to me? ’ ’ Well, would you mind telling me how you know all this about me? ’ ’ You couldn’t ignore me if you tried. ’ ’ If I lose my temper you’re totaled, man. ’ ’ I hate having to go along with everything my friends say. ’ ’ I want to congratulate you for being on time. ’ ’ Excuse me, sir. I think there’s been a mistake. ’ ’ I know it’s detention but I don’t think I belong in here. ’ ’ I don’t have to run away and live in the street. ’ ’ I’m a fucking idiot because I can’t make a lamp? ’ ’ I’ll do anything sexual. I don’t need a million dollars to do it either. ’ ’ I’m a nymphomaniac. ’ ’ The only person I told was my shrink. ’ ’ Do you have any idea how completely gross that is? ’ ’ The first few times? You mean you did it more than once? ’ ’ I’m not going to discuss my private life with total strangers. ’ ’ Well, if you say you haven’t, you’re a prude. If you say you have, you’re a slut. ’ ’ It’s kind of a double edged sword isn’t it? ’ ’ I mean, don’t you want any respect? ’ ’ Why don’t you just answer the question? ’ ’ I’m not a nymphomaniac. I’m a compulsive liar. ’ ’ Being bad feels pretty good, huh? ’ ’ When you grow up, your heart dies. ’ ’ It’s wrong to destroy literature. It’s such fun to read. ’ ’ Hey, you’re not urinating in here, man. ’ ’ Why didn’t you want me to know that you are a virgin? ’ ’ Oh, obscene finger gestures from such a pristine girl. ’ ’ What do you care what I think anyway? ’ ’ My God, are we gonna be like our parents? ’ ’ Ah, you’d never make it. You don’t have any goals. ’ ’ Are you a virgin? I’ll bet you a million dollars that you are. ’ ’ Have you ever kissed a boy/girl on the mouth? ’ ’ By the way, that clock’s 20 minutes fast. ’ ’ You whip it out and you’re dead before the first drop hits the floor. ’ ’ You’re pretty sexy when you get angry. ’
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Sleepy Sex Meme
Send one for…
😍 - My muse to roll on top of your muse and start to kiss them
😊 - Your muse to suck on my muse’s neck while they cuddle 😨 - My muse to sneak under the cover and pleasure with your muse with their mouth
😈 - My muse crawling on your muse and pressing their hips against your muse’s crotch
😱 - My muse suddenly reaching down and grabbing your muse between the legs 💤 - Your muse spooning mine from behind and starting to rub their crotch against my muse’s hind
👂 - Your muse nibbling on my muse’s ear
❤️ - WILD CARD!!
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fuck sentence starters.
’ i dont know if i need a hug or to fuck. ’ ’ you know what? fuck this shit. ’ ’ are you out of your fucking mind? ’ ’ do i look like i give a fuck? ’ ’ i wish i had a fuck to spare but i don’t. ’ ’ you’re fucking stupid, honestly. ’ ’ you know what, fuck you dude. ’ ’ fuck you right back. ’ ’ you did not just say that, you fucker. ’ ’ what do you think i am, just a fuck? ’ ’ i’m just another fuck to you, huh? ’ ’ i really just want to fuck right now. ’ ’ please stop using fuck in every sentence. ’ ’ you use the word ‘fuck’ a lot, you know. ’ ’ you are a fucktard but a cute fucktard. ’ ’ you have lost every bit of my fucking respect. ’ ’ if you say ‘fuck’ one more time, i swear. ’ ’ do you wanna fuck or what? ’ ’ someone else wanted to fuck you? ’ ’ please stop telling me about your fucks. ’ ’ do you ever not go around and fuck? ’ ’ all you do is eat, sleep and fuck. ’ ’ seriously, how to you stand to fuck that much? ’ ’ did you fuck anyone last night? ’ ’ i know i’m a good fuck, so whatever. ’ ’ i will fuck you up, don’t even try. ’ ’ don’t get fucked up today. ’ ’ you will get fucked up if you don’t shut up. ’ ’ what did you just fucking say to me? ’ ’ why don’t you fuck off? ’ ’ seriously, fuck you. ’ ’ fuck you, fuck you and fuck you. ’
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