Cut this out you two! I recommend taking this to the battlefield or I'll take it there for you!! I don't feel like dealing with two crazy people fighting about crap like this!
I want to throw rocks at you ngl (@freelance-reaper)
I will clip your wings if you do.
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I will chop off your heads and put them on pikes until you have no more blood to bleed if you don't stop this pointless madness!
I want to throw rocks at you ngl (@freelance-reaper)
I will clip your wings if you do.
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Yes isn't a very appropriate answer to that question Orion... I asked which one.
Do you regret bringing in any of the legends?
Hmmm... I don't really regret bringing any of them, as I love most of them. But there's a few troublemakers I've gone through a lot of stress trying to contain. Such as Caspian and Lucien, getting into thieves wars. It's a strange rivalry they have, they were once close, very close. But then... it got weird? Now one's always claiming the other took something, nd then the other countering that with an explosive of sorts. Then there's Thatch, he's not like Sidra, she's fine, and we don't fight really, but Thatch is constantly taking things from people, and doing the worst and most agonizing "pranks" possible. Azoth, Koji and Hattori are always arguing, sometimes devolving into fights, so I'm always breaking them up. Same with Jaeyun and Jiro. Speaking of Jiro, he's constantly sending out his shadows to play awful tricks. Petra and Thor are always destroying everything in their brawls. I wish they'd take it to the battlefield when it gets so hectic... Everyone has their "little" annoying things they do. Since I brought them in, it's mostly my job to handle it.
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Is that an insult to me? Or a claim of your pride towards yourself?
Do you regret bringing in any of the legends?
Hmmm... I don't really regret bringing any of them, as I love most of them. But there's a few troublemakers I've gone through a lot of stress trying to contain. Such as Caspian and Lucien, getting into thieves wars. It's a strange rivalry they have, they were once close, very close. But then... it got weird? Now one's always claiming the other took something, nd then the other countering that with an explosive of sorts. Then there's Thatch, he's not like Sidra, she's fine, and we don't fight really, but Thatch is constantly taking things from people, and doing the worst and most agonizing "pranks" possible. Azoth, Koji and Hattori are always arguing, sometimes devolving into fights, so I'm always breaking them up. Same with Jaeyun and Jiro. Speaking of Jiro, he's constantly sending out his shadows to play awful tricks. Petra and Thor are always destroying everything in their brawls. I wish they'd take it to the battlefield when it gets so hectic... Everyone has their "little" annoying things they do. Since I brought them in, it's mostly my job to handle it.
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Do you regret bringing in any of the legends?
Hmmm... I don't really regret bringing any of them, as I love most of them. But there's a few troublemakers I've gone through a lot of stress trying to contain. Such as Caspian and Lucien, getting into thieves wars. It's a strange rivalry they have, they were once close, very close. But then... it got weird? Now one's always claiming the other took something, nd then the other countering that with an explosive of sorts. Then there's Thatch, he's not like Sidra, she's fine, and we don't fight really, but Thatch is constantly taking things from people, and doing the worst and most agonizing "pranks" possible. Azoth, Koji and Hattori are always arguing, sometimes devolving into fights, so I'm always breaking them up. Same with Jaeyun and Jiro. Speaking of Jiro, he's constantly sending out his shadows to play awful tricks. Petra and Thor are always destroying everything in their brawls. I wish they'd take it to the battlefield when it gets so hectic... Everyone has their "little" annoying things they do. Since I brought them in, it's mostly my job to handle it.
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Ah, tragic romance... tsk. I'm not into those kind of books. But it's nice you kept it. Sad I can't read your language though. I know a lot of them, but I'm mostly illiterate when it comes to very foreign languages, and I don't know too much of your universe.
How did you manage to escape from your universe... and why did you have to leave?
I left because it was on the brink of death and I cant go back, but how I left is an easy question I used the bifrost of my universe since all realms were destroyed it sent me to a void between universes I did bring a book to read.
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. Stories tend to be good for a while, then get... less good. But i sounds interesting! What is it about?
How did you manage to escape from your universe... and why did you have to leave?
I left because it was on the brink of death and I cant go back, but how I left is an easy question I used the bifrost of my universe since all realms were destroyed it sent me to a void between universes I did bring a book to read.
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Lovely to hear from you as well! Yes, we really should speak more! I'd love that! And don't worry about it! Honestly I've met much worse vampires than you, you're really rather good for one. They've tried to suck my blood (I wouldn't recommend it) kill me, sacrifice me to demons, kill me some more, and one even tried to sneak into Valhalla with me. Oh I smote them like they were insects.
Hello, I’m Brynn
I’m going to be answering asks soon! But feel free to ask away for now! 
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Heh, I meant the book, but I'm glad the journey was nice!
How did you manage to escape from your universe... and why did you have to leave?
I left because it was on the brink of death and I cant go back, but how I left is an easy question I used the bifrost of my universe since all realms were destroyed it sent me to a void between universes I did bring a book to read.
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Ah Brynn, wonderful to hear from you as well...I know you save many souls from the pits of death, but I hope you still remember me as I do you- Volkov @the-upyri-king
Same with you Volkov. Always lovely to hear from you. And of course I do. I always remember the people I bring in (mostly because they won't let me FORGET). Everyone's death experience was different, and bringing them in is always different too. You especially. Your death was grim, watching everything you love either get destroyed by the Order, or ruined by your son. I will never forget you as long as I still stand. And you're worthy of your place here.
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Was it a good one? A long one? That journey must've taken a while.
How did you manage to escape from your universe... and why did you have to leave?
I left because it was on the brink of death and I cant go back, but how I left is an easy question I used the bifrost of my universe since all realms were destroyed it sent me to a void between universes I did bring a book to read.
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Damn, well they should know better to shoot someone who has armor from beyond their world. It's their own fault. Can't help but feel bad though.
Some shumks kicked down my door last night.
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I have been wondering for a while how in the bloody hell did you and Val become friends?
Oh? Well when I was bringing her to Valhalla, she was convinced that it was connected to her, I mean, it was called VALhalla, heh, had to mean SOMETHING. Her confidence in her abilities and in that just radiated from her, and she was "fascinated" by how much I knew about something she knew so little about. We spoke for a while after that, and it just went off from there. We became friends, got close and now we're dating. I mean- we have been for a while... :v
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I'm accepting asks!
Hello! I'm currently accepting asks, I'll be answering any ask I receive! (That follows my guidelines) I'll accept roleplay requests from non-anons I'll accept asks from anyone I'll accept art from anyone I'll accept sexual innuendos I'll accept asks as the owner of the blog too! Please respect: No NSFW asks, gifts or roleplay requests No Bloody/gorey roleplay or gifts I MIGHT UPDATE EVENTUALLY: PENDING
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Oh, alright. Let me know if anyone tortures you, I get into trouble if I leave it.
Some shumks kicked down my door last night.
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Who was it. Someone here?
Some shumks kicked down my door last night.
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Hello, I’m Brynn
I’m going to be answering asks soon! But feel free to ask away for now! 
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